
Title and Copyright Information


1 Getting Started with UIM

2 Working with Specifications

3 Working with Characteristics

4 Working with Configurations

5 Working with Product and Service Specifications

6 Working with Specifications for Geographic Location

7 Working with Party and Role Specifications

8 Working with Business Interactions and Workflow-Related Specifications

9 Working with Logical Device, Physical Device, and Equipment Specifications

10 Working with Network Specifications

11 Working with Connectivity Specifications

12 Working with Pipe and Capacity Specifications

13 Working with Telephone Number, Custom Network Address, and Custom Object Specifications

14 Working with Inventory Group, and Involvement Specifications

15 Working with IP Address Resource Extension Specifications

16 Working with Network Address Domain Specifications

17 Working with Media Stream Specifications

18 Working with Sequence and Entity Identification Specifications

19 Working with Rulesets and Extension Points

20 Managing and Extending Cartridge Packs and Cartridges