About Configuration Specification Usage

You can define the configuration items in which a specification is listed as an option. These specification options define the type of entities that may be referenced or assigned to other entities on a configuration. For example, you can define that telephone numbers created from a certain specification can be assigned to entities that use a certain configuration specification.

You can add specification options to configuration items without having to modify the configuration specification. This is a useful way to extend a cartridge pack. See "Extending Cartridge Packs and Cartridges by Adding Content" for more information about extending cartridge packs.

If you are not extending a cartridge pack or an external cartridge, define configuration items and specification options from the configuration specification. See "Adding Configuration Items".

You can specify any configuration specification that is in the current workspace. If you specify a configuration specification that is in another project, you create a dependency between the cartridges. The cartridge containing the configuration specification must be deployed into UIM before the cartridge that contains the specification that refers to the configuration.

Related Topics

Defining Configuration Specification Usage

Specification Editor Configuration Spec Usage Tab