About Specification Relationships

You can relate a specification to other specifications to affect run-time behavior in UIM. For example, UIM uses a Physical Port specification relationship to an Equipment specification to automatically create ports on equipment. See UIM Information Model Reference for more information about specification relationships recognized and used in UIM.

Specification relationships can also be used in customized logic using rulesets and extension points. See "Working with Rulesets and Extension Points" for more information.

You can create child and parent relationships between any specifications in the current workspace, including specifications in other projects. For example, you can create a relationship between a specification you have created in a new project and another specification in a sealed cartridge pack. See "Extending Cartridge Packs and Cartridges by Adding Content" for more information.

Creating a relationship with a specification in another project creates a dependency between the cartridges built from the two projects. The required cartridge must be deployed into UIM before the cartridge that requires it.

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Defining Specification Relationships

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