Specification Editor

Use the Specification editor to configure properties for a specification. The specification tabs referenced below are used by most specification types and are the same or similar for each type. For information about tabs that are specific to a specification type, see the Help for that specification type.

When working with specification tabs, see the following topics:

Specification Editor Characteristics Tab

Use the Characteristics tab to create, select, edit, and remove characteristics. See "Creating Characteristics" and "Adding Characteristics to Specifications" for more information about adding characteristics to Specification editors.


The default data elements that appear in the Characteristics tab data tree are inherited from the extended entity, defined in the ora_uim_model project. These default data elements are read-only.

When working with the Specification editor Characteristics tab, see the following topics:

About the Characteristics Tab Context Menu

The Characteristics tab context menu contains actions specific to data elements tagged as characteristics. To access these actions, right-click in the left column of the tab. The context menu options that are available depend on the selection in the editor. For example, the list of context menu options that appear when you right-click in the white space is different than the list that appears when you right-click a characteristic.

Command Use
Delete Select to delete the characteristic from the specification.
Refactoring Select to access a menu of options for improving names and locations of the characteristics. See ”Managing Data Element Names and Locations” for more information.
Refresh Refreshes the view.
Add Characteristic Select to create a new data element (that is automatically tagged as a characteristic) to add to the specification. See "Creating Characteristics" for more information.
Select Characteristic Select to add an existing data element (tagged as a characteristic) to the specification. See ”Tags Tab” for more information about tagging data elements as characteristics.

Characteristics Tab Data Values Subtab

Use the Data Values subtab to define at the specification level values for a drop down list that do not change (static values).


See "Data Schema Editor Characteristics Tab" for information about defining parameters for drop down lists at the schema level.
Field Use
Included table Click the text inside the Code and Description columns to change the code name and description for the drop down value.

The value you enter in the Code field is stored in the database. The value you enter in the Description field is displayed in the run-time user interface.

Values that are inherited from a base type are read-only.

Click inside the Default column and select Yes to make the selected value the default value in the run-time environment.

Add Click to add a new value to the Included table.
Remove Click to remove a value from the Included table.
Excluded table Displays inherited values that you want to exclude from the list of values in the run-time environment. Move values between the Included and Excluded tables using the arrows to display a subset of the inherited values as valid values for the characteristic in the UIM.
Language Displays the language in which the selected value appears in UIM.

Specification Editor Specification Properties Tab

Use the Specification Properties tab to enter identifying information about a specification.

Field Use
Display Name Enter the name that appears in Design Studio editors and in UIM.

Design Studio supports multiple languages for this field. The field adjacent to Display Name displays your list of languages. You can define a display name for any language you select from the list.

If your preferences are set up to work in one language only, the system displays only the [default] option. See ”Defining Language Preferences” for more information.

Start Date Enter the first date on which this specification is valid.
End Date Enter the last date on which this specification is valid.
System Provided Indicates whether a specification is provided by Oracle. System-provided specifications enable you to define entity-level characteristics for IP Address Resource Extension, and Property Location Extension entities. Additionally, system-provided specifications can be selected as a specification option on an item in a configuration specification.

Note: You must import the ora_uim_basespecifications cartridge (which includes the specifications for extension entities) before you define characteristics for the extension entities. For information about the ora_uim_basespecifications cartridge, see UIM Cartridge Guide.

Can be assigned to multiple entities Select if the entity created using this specification can be assigned to more than one instance of a consumer entity at the same time.
Can assign entities that allow multiple assignments Select if an entity created using this specification can assign entities whose specifications allow them to be assigned to multiple instances of consumer entities at the same time.
Enter Id Manually Select if you do not want data instances using this specification to have an automatically-generated ID. This check box is displayed only for the entities that are enabled for auto-generation of ID.

The Entity Identification Specification field is not available when you select this option.

Entity Identification Specification Defines the format for an identifier generated for an instance of the entity created from the specification. This option appears only for the specification that is enabled for auto-generation of ID.

Click the Entity Identification Specification to create a new Entity Identification specification.

Select Click to select an existing Entity Identification specification.
Clear Click to deselect an Entity Identification specification.
Description Enter a description of the specification.

Related Topics

Defining Specification Properties

Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab

Use the Related Specifications tab to relate a specification to another specification or to change relationship properties.

The tab is divided into sections where you can define relationships to different entity types. Only the entity types listed in the tab have meaningful relationships by default in UIM. The Others section enables you to relate other specifications, but these relationships require rulesets to trigger behaviors and actions in UIM.

The fields and controls listed below appear in each section.

Field Use
Specification Displays the name of the specification.
Cartridge Displays the name of the cartridge project into which the specification is built.
Type Displays the type of the specification, such as Service specification or Place specification.
Relationship Indicates that the related entity is designated as either a parent or a child of the entity being edited. The normal relationship is defined as a child. You must specify a parent relationship only when the related entity is in a separate cartridge that exists independently.
Minimum Quantity and

Maximum Quantity

Displays the minimum number of instances that may be provided by the relationship and the maximum number of instances that may be provided by the relationship. Select the specification row and click Modify to change the values for these fields.

These fields are not valid for relationships with Role specifications.

Required (Role specifications only) Indicates whether the relationship is required in UIM for entities based on this specification.

Auto-Generated is selected automatically if you select Required.

Auto-Generated (Role specifications only) Indicates whether a Role entity based on the listed specification should be created automatically in UIM when you create an entity based on the current specification.

Auto-Generated is selected automatically if you select Required.

Select Click to select an existing specification to which you can relate the selected specification.
Modify Click to modify any of the following relationship properties:
  • Name

  • Status

  • Relationship

  • Required

  • Auto-Generated

  • Minimum Quantity.

  • Maximum Quantity

  • Description

See "Changing Specification Relationship Properties" for more information.

Remove Click to remove the related specification.

Related Topics

Defining Specification Relationships

Specification Editor Configuration Spec Usage Tab

Use the Configuration Spec Usage tab to define the configuration specifications and configuration items in which a specification is listed as an option.

You can use this tab to add specification options to configuration items without having to modify the configuration specification. This is useful for extending cartridge packs. See "Extending Cartridge Packs and Cartridges by Adding Content" for more information about extending cartridge packs.


If you are not extending a cartridge pack or an external cartridge, define configuration items and specification options from the configuration specification.
Field Use
Configuration Spec Displays the name of the configuration specification.
Cartridge Displays the name of the cartridge project into which the configuration specification is built.
Type Displays the type of the configuration specification, such as Service Configuration specification or Place Configuration specification.
Item Path Displays the path to the configuration specification item where the edited specification may be used as a specification option.
Select Click to select an existing configuration specification.
Remove Click to remove the configuration specification.

Related Topics

About Configuration Specification Usage

Defining Configuration Specification Usage

Specification Editor Rules Tab

Use the Rules tab to extend or customize any UIM specification by adding ruleset extension points. The ruleset extension point brings together a ruleset, which defines the customized behavior, and the extension point, which defines when the rule will be executed.

For information about extending specifications, see UIM Developer's Guide.

Field Use
Ruleset Extension Point Displays the ruleset extension points that are added to a UIM specification.
Cartridge Displays the name of the cartridge project into which the ruleset extension point is built.
Select Click to select a ruleset extension point that you want to add to a UIM specification.
Remove Click to remove a ruleset extension point that is already added to a UIM specification.
Add Click to add a new ruleset extension point to a UIM specification.

Related Topics

Associating Specification-Based Extension Points to Rulesets

Specification Editor Layouts Tab

Use the Layouts tab to define which elements appear in UIM for the entities created from the specification.

See ”Settings Tab” for information about the fields that appear in the UI Settings area.

Field Use
Display Name Enter the name that appears in Design Studio editors and in UIM.

Design Studio supports multiple languages for this field. The field adjacent to Display Name displays your list of languages. You can define a display name for any language you select from the list.

If your preferences are set up to work in one language only, the system displays only the [default] option. See ”Defining Language Preferences” for more information.

Page/Panels Select the UIM run-time application page layout type.

You can define different attributes for characteristics when they appear on different types of pages. For example, you can define an edit mask for a characteristic when it appears on an edit page, and a display mask for the same characteristic when it appears on a summary page.

The options available in this field are defined in the ora_uim_mds project. You must import and open this project and the ora_uim_model project in your workspace before modeling UIM entities in Design Studio.

Available column Displays the elements that are available to be displayed as fields in the run-time user interface, but which are not currently selected. Use the arrow keys to move the elements between the Available column and the Selected column.
Selected column Displays the elements that will appear as fields in the run-time UI, and includes the characteristics (defined on the Characteristics tab) and all derived data. The fields are displayed in the order in which they appear in the product. Use the up and down arrow keys to reposition the elements in this column.

Select a characteristic to view the user interface (UI) settings. See ”Settings Tab” for more information about the fields in the UI Settings area.

See UIM Help for information about how to use these fields in the UIM run-time environment.

Reset Click to revert the layout back to the most recently saved version.

Related Topics

About Specification Layouts

Specification Editor Media Tab

Use the Media tab to add a media file, such as a JPG or GIF file, to a specification. When adding media files, you can specify the media type to determine the orientation of the image and how the image is used in the application.

For example, a media file of type front is used to display an entity as a node in a network visualization, as a node in a service topology visualization, and as an equipment (if the equipment is of the type CARD) in an equipment visualization. A media type of right would indicated that the image be used when the right side of the object is displayed. A media of type icon is used when displaying the equipment in a tree view.


UIM uses the media types front and icon only.
Field Use
Media Type Click to select how the media is to be used in the application. Select:
  • front to represent the front view of the object.

  • back to represent the back view of the object.

  • top to represent the top view of the object.

  • bottom to represent the bottom view of the object.

  • right to represent the right side of the object.

  • left to represent the left side of the object.

  • tiny to use a small version of the object in tree views.

  • icon to use an icon to represent the object.

  • background to represent the background of a visualization display.

Media File Displays the path of the media file, such as JPG or GIF, which you have added to the specification.
Remove Click to remove a media file.
Add Click to add a new media file.

Related Topics

Adding Media to a Specification

Specification Editor Extends Tab

Use the Extends tab to inherit the data elements of the corresponding business model entity.

Field Use
Extends Click the link to open the selected entity in a Specification editor.

Click Clear to delete the selection and remove the association.

Click Select to select a business model entity. The specification inherits all characteristics and default data elements of the business model entity. Inherited data elements are read-only.

Realizes Appears only for specifications that realize conceptual model entities.

Click the link to open the associated conceptual model entity.

Click Clear to delete the selection and remove the association.

Click Select to associate the specification with a conceptual model entity from a list of available entities.

Related Topics

Reviewing Specification Extensions

Specification Editor Tags Tab

Use the Tags tab to view, add and remove tags for the entity specification.

Field Use
Add Click to select a tag to add to the specification.
Remove Click to remove the selected tag from the specification.

Related Topics

Working with Tags