Working with Network Edge Specifications

A Network Edge specification describes the behavior and attributes of the edges that connect nodes in a network. You create different Network Edge specifications for the different kinds of edges in your inventory.

You can associate a network edge to one or more pipes if the connectivity is known. You can leave the network edge unassociated if the connectivity is not known, or if the reachability is through a dynamic route in another network. A network edge can also be associated to one or more custom object instances that define a type of connectivity not available in the default model.

You create Network Edge specifications in the same manner as you create other types of specifications. See "Creating New Specifications" for more information.

When working with Network Edge specifications, see the following topics:

About Network Edge Entity Type Limitations

By relating Pipe specifications and Custom Object specifications to a Network Edge specification, you can restrict the types of pipes and custom objects that can be represented by a Network Edge specification.

If no relationship exists between the Network Edge specification and pipe or custom object specification, then UIM does not limit the entity a network edge may represent to any specification.

Related Topics

Working with Network Edge Specifications

Network Edge Specification Editor

Use Network Edge Specification editor to describe the behavior and attributes of the edges that connect nodes in a network.

When working with the Network Edge Specification editor, see the following topics:

Network Edge Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab

Use the Related Specifications tab to define and review specification relationships. Only relationships with the entity types listed in this tab are meaningful by default in UIM. If you add specifications to the Others section, you must define custom rulesets that trigger actions or behavior based on those relationships.

Section Use
Custom Objects Lists specifications of custom objects that network edges based on this specification can represent.
Networks Lists specifications of networks to which network nodes based on this specification can belong.
Pipes Lists specifications of pipes that network edges based on this specification can represent.
Others Lists specifications of entities that have a customized relationship with entities based on this specification.

Related Topics

Defining Specification Relationships

Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab