Configuration Specification Editor

You use a Configuration Specification editor to model a hierarchically organized collection of configuration items, which can contain characteristics and resource allocations.

When working with a Configuration Specification editor, see the following topics:


Some types of configuration specifications also contain a Specs tab. See the Help topics specific to those editors for more information.

Configuration Specification Editor Details Tab

Use the Details tab to create, select, and remove characteristics and configuration items.

When working with the Details tab, see the following topics:

About the Configuration Specification Editor Context Menu

The Details tab context menu contains actions specific to characteristics. To access these actions, you right-click in the left column of the tab. The context menu options that are available depend on the selection in the editor. For example, the list of context menu options that appear when you right-click in the white space is different than the list that appears when you right-click a characteristic.

Command Use
Add Characteristic Select to create a new characteristic to add to the configuration specification. See "Creating Characteristics" for more information.
Select Characteristic Select to add an existing characteristic to the configuration specification.
Configuration Items Select to add a new configuration item to the configuration specification.
Delete Select to delete a characteristic or a configuration item from the configuration specification.
Move Up Repositions a characteristic or a configuration item in the view by moving it up in the list.
Move Down Repositions a characteristic or a configuration item in the view by moving it down in the list.
Refactoring Select to access a menu of options for improving names and locations of the characteristics. See ”Managing Data Element Names and Locations” for more information.
Refresh Refreshes the view.

Configuration Specification Editor Data Values Subtab

Use the Data Values subtab to define sets of valid enumeration values for elements. Enumerations (also referred to as look-up or drop-down values) represent actual values that characteristics can take as valid values.

Field Use
Included table Click the placeholder text inside the Code and Description columns to change the code name and description for the enumeration.

The value you enter in the Code field is stored in the database. The value you enter in the Description field is displayed to the user.

Enumerations that are inherited from a base type are read-only. Additionally, enumerations can be inherited from an ancestor if the base type does not specifically define its own value space but derives the enumerations from an ancestor.

Click inside the Default column and select Yes to make the selected value the default value in the run-time environment.

Add Click Add to add an enumeration for the characteristic you selected in the Included table.
Excluded table Displays inherited enumerations that you want to exclude from the list of values in the run-time environment. Move enumerations between the Included and Excluded tables using the arrow buttons. Use this capability to display a subset of the inherited enumerations as valid values for the element in the run-time application.
Language For some data elements, you can specify the language in which to display the selected enumeration value.

This field is not applicable to data elements tagged as characteristics.

Related Topics

Configuration Specification Editor Details Tab

Configuration Specification Editor Layouts Subtab

Use the Layouts subtab to define how the characteristics appear for a configuration item in an instance of a configuration specification.

See ”Settings Tab” for information about the fields that appear in the UI Settings area.

Field Use
Page/Panels Select the page type in the UIM run-time environment.

You can define different attributes for a characteristic when it appears on different types of pages. For example, you can define an edit mask for the characteristic when it appears on an edit page, and a display mask for the same characteristic when it appears on a summary page.

Note: The options available in this field are defined in the ora_uim_mds project. You must import and open this project and the ora_uim_model project in your workspace before modeling UIM entities in Design Studio.

Available column Displays the elements that are available to be displayed as fields in the run-time user interface, but which are not currently selected. Use the arrow keys to move the elements between the Available column and the Selected column.
Selected column Displays the elements that will appear as fields in the run-time user interface, and include the characteristics (defined on the Characteristics tab) and all derived data. The fields are displayed in the order in which they appear in the product. Use the up and down arrow keys to reposition characteristics in this column.

Select an element to view the user interface (UI) settings. See ”Settings Tab” for more information about the fields in the UI Settings area.

See UIM Help for information about how to use these fields in the UIM run-time environment.

Reset Click to revert the layout to the default version.

Related Topics

About Specification Layouts

Configuration Specification Editor Tags Subtab

Use the Tags subtab to associate a tag with a configuration item.

Field Use
Name Displays the list of tags associated with the selected configuration item.
Description Displays a description of the tag that will appear in the UIM run-time application.
Build Directives Indicates whether the user-defined tag is associated with the system-delivered Generate Inventory Runtime Tag tag.
Remove Click to remove the association of the selected tag.
Add Click to associate a user-defined tag with the configuration item.

Related Topics

Associating Tags with Configuration Items

Configuration Specification Editor Details Tab

Working with Tags

Configuration Specification Editor Specification Options Subtab

Use the Specification Options subtab to assign resources by associating instances of specifications with the configuration.

Field Use
Assignment Select to add a specification option as an assignment.
Reference Select to add a specification option as a reference.
None Select to indicate that the configuration item cannot consume or reference resources. The configuration item, however, can include child configuration items that consume or reference resources.
Specification Displays the selected specification.
Cartridge Displays the name of the cartridge project into which the specification option is built.
Add Click to add a specification option for an existing specification or for a new one. See "Adding Existing Specifications to Configuration Items" and "Adding New Specification Options to Configuration Items" for more information.
Modify Click to modify a specification option for an existing specification.
Remove Click to remove a specification option for an existing specification.

Related Topics

Adding Specification Options to Configuration Items

Specification Editor Configuration Spec Usage Tab

Configuration Specification Editor Layouts Tab

Use the Layouts tab to define how the characteristics appear for the configuration specification.

See ”Settings Tab” for information about the fields that appear in the UI Settings area.

Field Use
Page/Panels Select the page type in the UIM run-time environment.

You can define different attributes for a characteristic when it appears on different types of pages. For example, you can define an edit mask for a characteristic when it appears on an edit page, and a display mask for the same characteristic when it appears on a summary page.

Note: The options available in this field are defined in the ora_uim_mds project. You must import and open this project and the ora_uim_model project in your workspace before modeling UIM entities in Design Studio.

Available column Displays the elements that are available to be displayed as fields in the run-time user interface, but which are not currently selected. Use the arrow keys to move the elements between the Available column and the Selected column.
Selected column Displays the elements that will appear as fields in the run-time user interface, and includes the characteristics (defined on the Characteristics tab) and all derived data. The fields are displayed in the order in which they appear in the product. Use the up and down arrow keys to reposition characteristics in this column.

Select a characteristic to view the user interface (UI) settings. See ”Settings Tab” for more information about the fields in the UI Settings area.

See UIM Help for information about how to use these fields in the UIM run-time environment.

Reset Click to revert the layout to the default version.

Related Topics

About Specification Layouts

Configuration Specification Editor Rules Tab

Use the Rules tab to extend or customize a UIM specification by adding extension points and rulesets.

Field Use
Ruleset Extension Points Displays the ruleset extension points that are added to a UIM specification.
Cartridge Displays the name of the cartridge project into which the ruleset extension point is built.
Select Click to select a ruleset extension point that you want to add to a UIM specification.
Remove Click to remove a ruleset extension point that is already added to a UIM specification.
Add Click to add a new ruleset extension point to a UIM specification.

Related Topics

Adding Rules to Configurations

Working with Rulesets and Extension Points