4 Viewing Orders

This chapter describes how to query and view orders, order history, and order report summaries in the Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) Task web client.

Finding Orders

When you log into the Task web client and click Query for the first time, the Query Preferences page is displayed with the system default settings. Similar to worklist preferences, you can define queries to search for orders based on specific criteria. You can query for any order in the system, including completed orders. You can also save your queries with names and reuse them later. Once you save a query, clicking Query brings you to the Query Results page. To see the Query Preferences page from the Query Results page, click Edit Query.

About the Query Preferences Page

Use the Query Preferences page to set the criteria for a search for orders. Orders can be queried regardless of whether they are in your worklist.

In addition to specifying order search criteria, you can also select the list of columns that you want to be displayed as well as the sort order and query filters. Queries that you save are available only to you.

The Query Preferences page has the following areas:

About the Query Preferences Area

The Query Preferences area is where you select the columns you want to display. You can also specify the sort order of the columns. See "Setting Query Preferences" for more information.

Table 4-1 describes the Query Preferences area. In lists that allow multiple selections, use the Ctrl key to select more than one value.

Table 4-1 Query Preferences Area

Column Description

Available Columns

This area shows the available query list columns.

Displayed Columns

This area shows the displayed query list columns.

Sort Order

This area lets you select up to five ascending or descending sort orders.

About the Query Filters Area

The Query Filters area lets you filter and search the orders by specifying a query criteria. The orders that match the query search criteria are then displayed in the Query Results page. In addition to the filters listed in the Query Filters area, a section of filters based on the cartridge-defined flexible headers is displayed under the Details heading. See "Setting Query Filters" for more information.


If you search using flexible headers, try to avoid using the "Contains" operator if possible. Using this operator on a flexible header field significantly decreases the performance of the query.

Table 4-2 describes the Query Filters area.

Table 4-2 Query Filters Area

Column Description

Order ID

Unique system-generated order identifier. In the from and to fields, enter a range of order IDs on which you want to query. Only integers and wildcards are valid.

Ref. #

The reference number of the order.


Namespace of the order.


Namespace and version of the order.


The order process.

Type Order

The action associate to the order, such as Add, Delete, and so on.

Order Type

The target order type, such as OsmCustomerOMExampleOrder, OsmServiceOMExampleOrder, and so on.


Source of the order (typically the same as the order type).

Task Name

The order task name.

Task States

All the built-in task states and the user-defined states are listed here. The built-in states are Accepted, Assigned, Suspended, and Received.


The name of the user.

Process Status

All the built-in and user-defined statuses are listed here. The built-in statuses are Back, Cancel, Delete, False, Finish, N/A, Next, Submit, and True.


The priority of the order. In the from and to fields, enter a range of values from 0 (minimum) to 9 (maximum).

Expected Duration

The amount of time the order is expected to take to complete processing. Use the following search string format for a query:


When specifying hours, minutes, or seconds, you must use the T as part of the value. For example:

  • PT8H - eight hours.

  • PT8H4M - eight hours, four minutes.

  • PT4M - four minutes.

  • PT8H6S - eight hours, six seconds.

  • P9DT8H - nine days, eight hours.

  • P9D - nine days (no hours/minutes/seconds, so no T is required).

  • PT0S, P0D, PT0H0M - zero duration.

The following are not valid:

  • P8H - intended to be eight hours, but T is missing.

  • P9D8H - intended to be nine days, eight hours, but T is missing.

In the from and to fields, enter a duration range on which you want to query

Expected Start Date

The date when the order is expected to start processing. In the from and to calendar fields, enter a date range on which you want to query.

Requested Delivery Date

The date by which the customer requests delivery of the order.

Order Creation Date

The date when the order was created. In the from and to calendar fields, enter a date range on which you want to query.


The date the task was started. In the from and to calendar fields, enter a date range on which you want to query.

Completed Date

The date when the order was completed. In the from and to calendar fields, enter a date range on which you want to query (only available in Query).

Expected Order Completion Date

The date when the order is expected to be completed. This is calculated as follows:

  • If OSM receives the order after the expected start date, the expected order completion date is the expected duration added to the order creation date.

  • If OSM receives the order before the expected start date, or if it has no expected start date because it is a process-based order, the expected order completion date is the expected duration added to the expected start date.

In the from and to calendar fields, enter a date range on which you want to query.

Expected Task Completion Date

The date when the task is expected to be completed. In the from and to calendar fields, enter a date range on which you want to query.

Order State

The state of the order. Available values are Aborted, Waiting for Revision, Waiting, Amending, Cancelled, Cancelling, Completed, Failed, In Progress, Not Started, and Suspended.

Target Order State

The target state of the order. Available values are Aborted, Waiting for Revision, Amending, Cancelled, Cancelling, Completed, Failed, In Progress, Not Started, and Suspended.

Execution Mode

The execution mode of the task. Available values are Do (In Amending), Do, Redo, Undo, Do in Fallout (In Amending), Do in Fallout, Redo in Fallout, and Undo in Fallout.

Expected Grace Period Completion

The date when the grace period is expected to be completed. In the from and to calendar fields, enter a date range on which you want to query.


The workgroups (roles) to which the user belongs.

Has Failure

Whether the order contains one or more tasks in a failed state. This may or may not be the current task.

Setting Query Preferences

The Query Preferences page lets you define, edit, save, run, and delete queries. When you log into the Task web client and click Query for the first time, the Query Preferences page is displayed with the system default settings. Once you save a query, clicking Query brings you to the Query Results page. To see the Query Preferences page from the Query Results page, click Edit Query.

The Query Preferences page contains both preference and filter settings.

Setting Preferences

You select the columns you want to display in your query results by selecting them from the Available Columns list and moving them into the Displayed Columns list. By default, all columns are selected. If you do not want to display a particular column in the query list, select it from the Displayed Columns list and move it to the Available Columns list. To change the order of the columns, use the up and down arrow buttons.

You can also change the way in which columns are sorted by specifying a primary and secondary sort order. By default, 1st Sort Order is set to Ascending and 2nd Sort Order is set to Descending.

Setting Query Filters

Query filters allow you to control the volume and type of orders that you see in the Query Results list. You can query on one or more filters, depending on how specific you want your query to be.

Depending on the query, you may have more than one match per order. To avoid multiple rows per order, Single Row Per Order is selected by default. If you select Single Row Per Task Instance, one row is shown for each task instance the order is on.

The remaining filters are based on order information contained in your orders. This includes order headers, which are the fixed default columns defined for any order, and order details, which are the customized columns (flexible headers) defined by your designer in Design Studio.


Flexible headers appear as lookup lists or as range fields. If flexible headers are enumerated by the designer, they appear as lookup lists. If they are not enumerated, they appear as range fields.

When entering data into range fields, either enter data only in the from field or enter data in both the from and to fields. Filling only the from field queries only that exact data; filling both the from and to fields queries the range entered.

See the Design Studio Help for more information about creating lookup lists and range fields.

Prompt for Value and Defaults

For each query filter, you have the option to enable the Prompt for Value check box and provide a default value. Any query defined with prompt-for-value filters will prompt the user who runs it to enter a value for those filters. If you provide a default with the prompt-for-value filter, the default is displayed in the prompt-for-value input field at run time. The user can override this value by entering another value or by clearing the input field.

Figure 4-1 shows a sample query, ”Prompt_for_value_1,” which prompts the user for the Order ID, Type, and Source. The query could also contain default values (for example, for type and source), which the user could override.

Figure 4-1 Sample Query Prompts

Surrounding text describes Figure 4-1 .

Creating a Query Definition

The first time you access the Query page, you are presented with either your last saved query (migrated from a previous release) or the system default. You can use either of these as a starting point when creating your first query.

To create a query:

  1. Log in to the Task web client and click Query.

    If your query from a previous release is available, you are directed to the Query Results page. Your query is displayed in the menu as MyQuery. Click the Edit Query link to continue.

    If no preference is available, you are directed to the Query Preferences page with the system default loaded.

  2. Set your preferences and filters as desired and click Save As.

    A dialog box is displayed, prompting for the query name.

  3. In the text box, enter a name (up to 50 characters) and click OK.

    The named query is displayed in the menu as the selected item.

  4. Click Search.

    The Query Results page opens.

    The Query list is based on the last executed query, which may or may not be the query you are working with on the Query Preferences page.

  5. Select the newly created query from the menu.

    The selected query is applied immediately to the query results.

Editing a Query

To edit a query:

  1. On the Query Results page, click Edit Query.

    The Query Preferences page displays the selected query definition.

  2. Change the settings as desired and do one of the following:

    • To update the currently selected definition (save your changes to the same query), click Save.

    • To save your changes to a new query, click Save As.

      A dialog box is displayed, prompting for the query name. Enter the query name and click OK.

  3. Click Search.

    The Query Results page opens.

    The Query list is based on the last executed query, which may or may not be the query you are working with on the Query Preferences page.

  4. Select the query from the menu.

    The selected query is applied immediately to the query results.

Running a Query

To run a named query, do one of the following:

  • Select the query from the menu on the Query Results page. The selected query definition is applied immediately to the results list. This is known as running a query from the database.

  • Select the query from the menu on the Query Preferences page and click Search. The query results are based on the last executed query. This is known as running a query from memory, or cache.

  • Click Refresh on the Query Results page. The results are based on the last executed query (from the database or from memory).

One-Time Query

You can also define and run a query without saving it. To do so, define your query on the Query Preferences page and then click Search. The results are shown on the Query Results page. When you run a one-time query, the menu selection defaults to <Please select a query>.

Deleting a Query

To delete a query:

  1. On the Query Preferences page, select the query from the menu and click Delete.

    A dialog box is displayed, asking if you want to delete the current query.

  2. Click OK.

    The query name is removed from the menu, and the list is repositioned to <Please select a query>.

  3. Click Search to return to the Query Results page.


    If all named queries are deleted, the definition is reset to the system default.

Viewing Histories

You view historical data related to processes and orders from the Process History page and the Data History page. The Process History page contains the dates, times, and all user information for an order as it goes through the process. The Data History page contains the history of each field in an particular order.

Viewing Data History

To view the data history:

  1. In the Worklist page, select Editor, then click the ellipsis button next to the order you wish to view.

  2. In the Task editor, click the name of the view link (for example, Initiate Order).

    All fields containing data history are displayed.

    You can also view the data history of each individual field by clicking the field link, if available.

Viewing Process History

To view the process history:

  1. In the Worklist page, select Editor, then click the ellipsis button next to the order you wish to view.

  2. In the Task editor, click Process History.

    The Process History page defaults to a summary table of the order you selected. You can also view a detailed table, a pie chart, and a Gantt chart. You can also print or save the process history.

Viewing Process History by Using Contextual URLs

You can view the Order Process History screen for a process history directly by using contextual URLs. By using contextual URLs, you can display any specific process history directly without navigating and searching for tasks in the Task web client. When you access contextual URLs, the Task web client does not prompt you to log into the application if you are already logged in to OSM. If you are not logged into OSM and try to access contextual URLs for process histories, the URL redirects you to the OSM login page.

The URL mapping for a process history is orderProcessHistory. The contextual URL for a process history must contain Order ID.

The URL format for a process history is as follows:



  • localhost is the server on which OSM is installed

  • OrderID is the Order ID of the order for which you want to view the process history

When you are on the Order Process History screen, and if you want to navigate to the Order Editor screen for a particular task by clicking the Edit Order button, you must also include Order History ID in the URL.

The URL format for navigating to the Order Editor screen from the Order Process History screen is as follows:


Viewing Reports

You use the Reporting page to get summarized information on all orders and tasks in the OSM system. You can view the number of overdue orders, the oldest orders, the most recent orders, and the completed tasks for each order. See OSM Reporting Interface Guide for more information on building customized reports.

The order viewing options include viewing pending orders, volume of orders, completed order statistics, and completed task statistics. You can access these viewing options by clicking the Reporting link.

You must be assigned the reporting privileges to view the reports. For more information, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.

The Reporting page has the following tabs:

  • Pending Orders

  • Order Volume

  • Completed Order Statistics

  • Completed Task Statistics

Viewing Pending Orders

The Pending Orders window lists orders waiting to be completed and are grouped by the following:

  • Responsibility: Used to classify the tasks for reporting purposes. For example, certain tasks may be the responsibility of Customer Billing, Accounting, Administration, etc.

  • State: The state of the task or tasks currently being executed. For example, Received, Completed, and Accepted.

  • Task: An activity defined in the context of a process.

It displays the total number of pending orders, the number of overdue orders, and the oldest or most recent pending orders in OSM.

To limit the orders displayed in the Pending Orders window, you can filter the orders by order type and source.

Table 4-3 describes the Pending Orders window.

Table 4-3 Pending Orders Window

Field Description


Namespace of the order


Namespace and version of the order

Order Type

Type of the order

Order Source

Source of the order

Summarized By

The option on which the report should be summarized: Responsibility, State, or Task

To view pending orders:

  1. Click Reporting.

    The Pending Orders window is displayed.

  2. If you are using namespaces, select the correct namespace from the Namespace list or from the Namespace/Version list.

    Namespace shows all orders containing the specified namespace. Namespace/Version displays all versions within a specific namespace.

  3. From the Order Type list, select the order type.

  4. From the Order Source list, select the order source.

  5. From the Summarized By list, select the level.

  6. Click Find.

Viewing Order Volume

The Order Volume window provides a table or chart displaying the number of orders received and completed for a specified time period (such as hour, day, week, or month).

You can filter orders by order type and source and by choosing a specific time period.

Table 4-4 describes the Order Volume window.

Table 4-4 Order Volume Window

Criteria Description


Namespace of the order


Namespace and version of the order

Order Type

Type of the order

Order Source

Source of the order


The date from which you want the order volume


The date until which you want the order volume


Specify the duration of the order volume: Hour, Day, Week, or Month

Result Format

Select the result format: Chart or Table

To view order volume:

  1. Click Reporting and then click Order Volume.

    The Order Volume window is displayed.

  2. If you are using namespaces, select the correct namespace from the Namespace list or from the Namespace/Version list.

    Namespace shows all orders containing the specified namespace. Namespace/Version displays all versions within a specific namespace.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • From the Order Type list, select the order type.

    • From the Order Source list, select the order source.

    • From the Unit list, select Hour, Week, Day, or Month.

    • From the Result Format list, select Table or Chart.

    • In the From and To fields, set the time period.

  4. Click Find.

Viewing Statistics for Completed Orders

The Completed Order Statistics window provides information on the duration of orders. You can filter completed orders by the order type and source and by choosing a specific time period.

Table 4-5 describes the Completed Order Statistics window.

Table 4-5 Completed Order Statistics Window

Criteria Description


Namespace of the order


Namespace and version of the order

Order Type

Type of the order

Order Source

Source of the order


The date from which you want the completed order statistics


The date until which you want the completed order statistics

To view completed order statistics:

  1. Click Reporting and then click Completed Order Statistics.

    The Completed Order Statistics window is displayed.

  2. If you are using namespaces, select the correct namespace from the Namespace list or from the Namespace/Version list.

    Namespace shows all orders containing the specified namespace. Namespace/Version displays all versions within a specific namespace.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • From the Order Type list, select the order type.

    • From the Order Source list, select the order source.

    • In the From and To fields, set the time period.

  4. Click Find.

Viewing Statistics for Completed Tasks

The Completed Task Statistics window provides information on the duration of a task. You can filter completed tasks by responsibility, by task, and by choosing a specific time period.

Table 4-6 describes the Completed Task Statistics window.

Table 4-6 Completed Task Statistics Window

Criteria Description


Namespace of the order


Namespace and version of the order


Select either All or System


The completed task for which you want the statistics


The date from which you want the completed task statistics


The date until which you want the completed task statistics

To view completed task statistics:

  1. Click Reporting and then click Completed Task Statistics.

    The Completed Task Statistics page is displayed.

  2. If you are using namespaces, select the correct namespace from the Namespace list or from the Namespace/Version list.

    Namespace shows all orders containing the specified namespace. Namespace/Version displays all versions within a specific namespace.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • From the Responsibility list, select the responsibility.

    • From the Task list, select the task.

    • In the From and To fields, set the time period.

  4. Click Find.