17 Configuring Network Node Heartbeats

This chapter describes how to configure heartbeats for HTTP-based stateless network protocol plug-ins for Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.

Understanding Network Node Heartbeats

The heartbeat functionality performs heartbeat checks on HTTP-based network nodes on behalf of a Services Gatekeeper communication service plug-in. When a heartbeat fails, the plug-in is set to an INACTIVE state. The heartbeat functionality continues trying to connect to the node and, when a positive answer is received, the plug-in re-enters the ACTIVE state.

The following network protocol plug-ins use this functionality:

  • Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP

  • Extended Web Services WAP Push/PAP

  • Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7

  • Native MM7

Configuring and Managing Heatbeats

The heartbeat operation administration and management (OAM) WebLogic interface functionality is shared among the plug-ins. They all use the same MBean, com.bea.wlcp.wlng.heartbeat.management.HeartbeatMBean. But the result is rendered per plug-in (one instance is displayed per plug-in). It appears slightly differently depending on how to the MBean is accessed:

  • In the Administrative Console, expand the plug-in that uses heartbeat functionality, for example:

    • Plugin_px21_multimedia_messaging-HeartbeatConfiguration

    • Plugin_ews_push_message_papHeartbeatConfiguration

    • Plugin_px21_terminal_location_mlp-HeartbeatConfiguration

    • Plugin_multimedia_messaging_mm7-HeartbeatConfiguration

    Then click HeartBeat Configuration to display the attributes for the heartbeat module.

  • In an MBean browser, such as JConsole, one instance of the MBean is displayed using the same ObjectName (at the same hierarchical level) as the plug-in it is used by.


    You must configure heartbeat attributes for all of the above mentioned plug-ins that use this feature. Only the heartbeat attributes for the related plug-in are displayed in the console.

To configure heartbeat attributes:

  1. Specify if heartbeats should be enabled for the associated plug-in using the HeatBeatMbean Enabled field.

  2. If heartbeats are enabled, set values for these HeartBeatMBean fields:

    • ContentMatch

    • Interval

    • NetworkServiceUrl

HeartBeatMBean Reference

Set field values and use methods from the Administration Console (Container Services , the HeartbeatMBean) or a Java application. For information on the methods and fields, see the "All Classes" section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.