6 Services Gatekeeper Post-Installation Tasks

This chapter provides instructions for Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper post-installation tasks. You must install Services Gatekeeper before following these procedures. See "Installing Services Gatekeeper".

Overview of Services Gatekeeper Post-Installation Tasks

After installing Services Gatekeeper, you perform the following tasks:

  1. Set the WebLogic Server home path.

  2. Configure the Services Gatekeeper domain.

  3. Perform post-installation tasks for the Services Gatekeeper installation.

  4. Perform post-installation tasks for any optional components that you installed, which may include:

    • Services Gatekeeper Reports

    • Services Gatekeeper Platform Test Environment

    • Services Gatekeeper Application Test Environment

Setting the WebLogic Server Home Path

To set the WebLogic Server home path:

  1. Set the WL_HOME variable to the directory in which you installed the WebLogic Server software. For example:

  2. Export WL_HOME. For example:

    export WL_HOME

Configuring Your Services Gatekeeper Domain

In order to run Services Gatekeeper, its container (Oracle WebLogic Server) must be given basic information about the various parts of the system. This is called configuring the domain.

You configure the domain by running the WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard or by using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). For instructions, see "Configuring the Services Gatekeeper Domain".

Post-Installation Tasks for Services Gatekeeper

Perform these tasks on systems where you installed Services Gatekeeper.

Creating JMS Servers for Additional Network Tier Servers

If you added Network Tier servers in addition to the initial two provided by the default clustered domain templates, you must configure Services Gatekeeper to add support for the EDR Service on each server. Each server in the Network Tier requires its own JMS server in order for the EDR Service to work correctly.

For the following task, you must start the administrative server in your Services Gatekeeper installation so that you can use the Administration Console to make the necessary adjustments. Unless you are setting up an all in one domain, you also need to start at least one Network Tier server (this prevents a null pointer error when initializing the Administration Console). For more information about using the Administration Console, see Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide.

To create the required JMS servers:

  1. Start the Administration Server.

  2. In a command window, go to the domain/bin directory.

    In the default installation, this would be Middleware_home/user_projects/domains/base-domain/bin.

  3. Run the following command:

    • Linux/Solaris:

      sh startWebLogic.sh
    • Windows:


    The Administration Server starts and displays output in the command window. Wait until the prompt indicates that the server is in RUNNING state.


    This script works best with the Bash shell. If the server fails to start and returns this error:
    ./dbController.sh: 3: -/dbController.sh: Syntax Error: "(" unexpected

    edit the startWeblogic.sh script, changing the #!/bin/sh shebang to #!/bin/bash.

  4. If you are setting up an all-in-one domain, skip this step. Otherwise, do the following:

    1. (Solaris only) Add the following line to the Middleware_home/user_projects/domains/base-domain/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh script:

      JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dweblogic.ThreadPoolSize=100 -Dweblogic.ThreadPoolPercentSocketReaders=50"

    2. Save and close the file.

    3. Start a Network Tier server by doing one of the following:

      • Run the start script from the network tier server: Log in to the Network Tier server and run the startManagedWebLogic.sh script.

      • Run the start script from the domain/bin directory: In a separate command window, go to Middleware_home/user_projects/domains/base-domain/bin and enter the following command:

        sh startManagedWebLogic.sh network_node t3://admin_host:port

        where network_node is the name of the Network Tier server, and admin_host and port are the host name and port number of the Administration Server.

    Watch the command window as the Network Tier server loads. Wait until the prompt indicates that the server is in RUNNING state.

  5. When both servers are in RUNNING state, start the Administration Console.

    In your browser, enter the following address:


    where hostname is the host name of the Administration Server, and port is the port number used for the listen address assigned during domain configuration.

  6. Log in using your login credentials.

    If this is the first time you have logged in, you should use username: weblogic and a password that you create. There are instructions in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide on changing these values after your system is fully configured.

  7. Click Lock & Edit in Change Center.

  8. Create the new JMS server:

    1. In the Administration Console, select Home, then Services, then Messaging, and then JMS Servers.

    2. Click New.

    3. In the Name field, enter the name of the JMS Server.

    4. From the Target menu, select the Network Tier server on which to create the JMS server.

    5. Click Finish.

    6. Click Activate Changes.

(Optional) Adding a Custom Password Validator

You can add a custom password validator to Services Gatekeeper by using features available through Oracle WebLogic Server. To do so, you create and configure a Password Validation Provider. This allows you to enforce rules concerning the composition of passwords used with Services Gatekeeper. In general, the rules include:

  • Whether the password may contain the user's name, or the reverse of that name

  • A minimum or maximum password length (composition rules may specify both a minimum and maximum length)

  • Whether and how many of the following characters must be in the password:

    • Numeric characters

    • Lowercase alphabetic characters

    • Uppercase alphabetic characters

    • Non-alphanumeric characters (for example, parentheses or asterisks)

For more information about adding password validation to your Services Gatekeeper installation, see "Configuring the Password Validation Provider" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

(Optional) Adding Java Cryptography Extensions

Services Gatekeeper does not require Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE) features to run, but you can install them if your implementation requires them. For more information about adding JCE, see "Using JCE Providers with WebLogic Server" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Post-Installation Tasks for Reports

Perform these tasks if you installed Services Gatekeeper Reports as described in "Installing Services Gatekeeper Reports".

Configuring the Reports Data Source

Before you begin, make sure you have the following information for your reports database.

  • Database Name

  • Host Name

  • Database Server Port

  • Database User Name

  • Database User's Password

To configure the reports staging data source:

  1. Make sure that the Services Gatekeeper Administration Server is running.

  2. Start the Administration Console by entering the following URL in your web browser:


    Where hostname is the DNS name or IP address of the Services Gatekeeper Administration Server and port is the address of the port on which the Administration Server is listening for requests (8001 by default).

  3. When the login page appears, enter the user name and the password you used to start the Administration Server (you may have specified this user name and password during the Services Gatekeeper installation process), or enter a user name that has been granted one of the default global security roles.

  4. In the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit.

  5. In the Domain Structure tree, select your Services Gatekeeper domain and expand Services, then JDBC, and then select Data Sources.

  6. On the Summary of Data Sources page, click New and choose Generic Data Source from the list.

  7. On the JDBC Data Sources Properties page, specify the following information:

    • Name: Enter the following name for the JDBC data source: analytic.datasource

    • JNDI Name: Enter the following path to the JDBC data source: oracle.ocsg.edr.analytic

    • Database Type: Select the DBMS type of the database you're using as your reports staging database. If your DBMS is not listed, select Other.

    Click Next to continue.

  8. Select the JDBC driver you want to use to connect to the database.


    You must install JDBC drivers before you can use them to create database connections. Some JDBC drivers are installed with WebLogic Server, but many are not installed.

    Click Next to continue.

  9. On the Connection Properties page, enter values for the following properties:

    • Database Name: Enter the name of your reports database.

    • Host Name: Enter the DNS name or IP address of the server hosting the reports database.

    • Port: Enter the port on which the database server listens for connections requests.

    • Database User Name: Enter the reports database username.

    • Password/Confirm Password: Enter the password for the reports database user.

    Click Next to continue.

  10. On the Test Database Connection page, review the connection parameters and click Test Configuration.

    Services Gatekeeper attempts to create a connection from the Administration Server to the database. Results from the connection test are displayed at the top of the page. If the test is unsuccessful, you should correct any configuration errors and retry the test.

  11. Click Next to continue.

  12. On the Select Targets page, select all of your Services Gatekeeper Network Tier servers or clusters.

  13. Click Finish to save the JDBC data source configuration and deploy the data source to the targets that you selected.

  14. To activate your changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.

Configure EDR Types for Reports

This section explains how to configure event data records (EDRs) to capture report information using the Administration Console. You can also use the Platform Test Environment or another MBean browser, to make these changes in the EdrServiceMBean.

For more information on EDRs and how to configure them. see ”Managing and Configuring EDRs, CDRs, and Alarms” in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide

To enable EDR types for reports:

  1. Make sure that the Services Gatekeeper Administration Server is running.

  2. Start the Administration Console by entering the following URL in your web browser:


    Where hostname is the DNS name or IP address of the Services Gatekeeper Administration Server, and port is the address of the port on which the Administration Server is listening for requests (8001 by default).

  3. When the login page appears, enter the user name and the password you used to start the Administration Server (you may have specified this user name and password during the Services Gatekeeper installation process), or enter a user name that has been granted one of the default global security roles.

  4. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit.

  5. Navigate to OCSG, then servername, then Container Services, then edrService.

  6. Select setEdrTypes from the Operations menu.

  7. Set these EDR types to true:

    • Publish_facade_edr

    • Publish_enabler_ecr

    • Publish_protocolStack_edr

  8. Click Invoke.

  9. In the Change Center, select Release Configuration.

Deploying the Reports EAR File

To deploy the reports EAR file:

  1. Make sure that the Services Gatekeeper Administration Server is running.

  2. Start the Administration Console by entering the following URL in your web browser:


    Where hostname is the DNS name or IP address of the Services Gatekeeper Administration Server, and port is the address of the port on which the Administration Server is listening for requests (8001 by default).

  3. When the login page appears, enter the user name and the password you used to start the Administration Server (you may have specified this user name and password during the Services Gatekeeper installation process), or enter a user name that has been granted one of the default global security roles.

  4. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit.

  5. In the left pane of the console, select Deployments.

  6. In the right pane, click Install.

  7. On the Locate deployment to install and prepare for deployment page, enter the following path in the Current Location field and press Enter.

  8. Select one of the following EDR files and click Next:

    • For standalone, single server environments, select edr_to_analytic-single.ear.

    • For cluster environments, select edr_to_analytic.ear.

  9. On the Choose targeting style page, select Install this deployment as an application, and click Next.

  10. On the Select deployment targets page, select the Network Tier servers or clusters that comprise your Services Gatekeeper installation, and click Next.

  11. On the Optional Settings page, accept the defaults, and click Next.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Click Finish.

  14. In the Change Center click Activate Changes.

  15. Select your Services Gatekeeper domain and choose Deployments.

  16. In the Deployments table, select edr_to_analytic and then click Start and choose Servicing all requests.

  17. On the Start Deployments page, click Yes.

  18. For clustered environments, ensure that the deployed application is started on all of the Network Tier instances in your installation.

Connecting Services Gatekeeper to the Reports Data Source

To connect Services Gatekeeper to the reports data source:

  1. Make sure that the Services Gatekeeper Administration Server is running.

  2. Start the Administration Console by entering the following URL in your web browser:


    Where hostname is the DNS name or IP address of the Services Gatekeeper Administration Server and port is the address of the port on which the Administration Server is listening for requests (8001 by default).

  3. When the login page appears, enter the user name and the password you used to start the Administration Server (you may have specified this user name and password during the Services Gatekeeper installation process), or enter a user name that has been granted one of the default global security roles.

  4. In the Domain Structure tree, expand OCSG and select the Network Tier node with EdrToAnalytic deployed.

  5. On the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper page, expand Container Services and select EdrToAnalytic.

  6. In the lower panel, select the Operations tab and then choose connectToDatasource from the Select An Operation list box.

  7. Click Invoke.

  8. Ensure that the operation returns a successful connection.

Verifying the Services Gatekeeper Installation

You should now verify your Services Gatekeeper installation. You can do this by using the Services Gatekeeper Platform Test Environment to send messages through Services Gatekeeper and verify that components are communicating and processing traffic.

Where to Go from Here

See "Next Steps".