9 Installing Services Gatekeeper Reports

This chapter describes how to set up and install Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Reports.

For more information about reports, see ”Managing and Configuring Statistics and Transaction Licenses” in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide.

Overview of Installing Services Gatekeeper Reports

The procedure for installing Services Gatekeeper Reports follows these steps:

  1. Install Services Gatekeeper. See "Installing Services Gatekeeper".

  2. Perform pre-installation tasks for reports:

    • Install Oracle Business Intelligence.

    • Configure Oracle Business Intelligence for use with Services Gatekeeper.

  3. Install Services Gatekeeper Reports.

  4. Enable Oracle Business Intelligence Write-back and Iframe Support.

  5. Perform post-installation tasks, which include configuring the Services Gatekeeper domain and performing post-installation tasks for Reports. See "Post-Installation Tasks for Reports".

After installing and configuring Services Gatekeeper Reports, Services Gatekeeper reports and statistics can be found in your Oracle Business Intelligence dashboard in the EDR Analysis Home Page.

Reports System Requirements

Reports is supported on the following:

  • WebLogic Server 10.3.5 or higher

  • JDK 1.8 or higher, plus the latest security updates

Installing Services Gatekeeper Reports

The Reports installer runs in GUI mode only. You can create an installation log by using the -log=logfilename parameter on the command line when you run the installer. For more information about creating a log file, see "Creating an Installation Log".


  • Before continuing, make sure that all components of your Oracle Business Intelligence installation are running, including administration servers, database servers, and any associated domains.

  • Services Gatekeeper Reports requires administrator access if you are installing it on a Windows-based host system.

To install Reports, do the following on the system that is hosting Oracle Business Intelligence:

  1. If you are installing on a 64-bit system, ensure that a 64-bit JDK or a hybrid 32/64-bit JDK is installed on the target machine.

    If it is not installed, install one. See "Services Gatekeeper System Requirements" for information about supported JDK versions.

  2. Run the java -version command, or java -d64 -version command on platforms using a 32/64-bit hybrid JDK, to ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to a 64-bit JDK.

    If JAVA_HOME is not correctly set, set it to point to the correct JDK.

  3. Add the bin directory of the appropriate JDK to the beginning of the PATH variable definition. For example:

    export PATH
  4. Download the Services Gatekeeper Reports installer from the Oracle software delivery website:


  5. Change to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.

  6. To start the installer, do one of the following:

    • To start the installer on a system that uses a 32/64-bit hybrid JDK, enter:

      java -d64 -jar ocsg_analytics_generic.jar [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the installer on a 32-bit system, enter:

      java -jar ocsg_analytics_generic.jar [-log=logfilename]

    After the installer starts, the Welcome screen appears.

  7. Click Next.

    The Installation Location screen appears.

  8. In the Oracle Home field, enter the full path to your Middleware home directory or use the Browse button to locate the directory.

    The Middleware home directory is the central directory for all Oracle products installed on the target system, such as WebLogic Server, Services Gatekeeper, and Services Gatekeeper Reports.

    To see a list of Oracle products that are currently installed in the directory, click View.

  9. Click Next.

    The Installation Type screen appears.

  10. Click Next.

    The Analytics Parameters screen appears.

  11. In the OBIEE Admin Console area, enter the following information:

    • URL: The URL of the OBIEE Administration Console. For example, http://server.com:8001/console.

    • User Name: The Oracle Business Intelligence WebLogic domain administrator user name.

    • Password: The password for the Oracle Business Intelligence WebLogic domain administrator.

  12. In the Oracle Database for Analytics area, enter the following information:

    • Host Name: The host name of the database server to be used for reports data.

    • Port: The port number through which the database host listens.

    • DBMS/Service: The name of the database or service hosting the reports data.

    • User Name: The user name that will access the reports database.

    • Password: The password for the database user.

  13. In the OBIEE stuff for Analytics area, enter the following information:

    • RPD file Path: The local path to the updated Services Gatekeeper RPD file including the name of the RPD file. For example, /export/home/oracle/edr.rpd.

    • RPD file Password: The password used to access the reports repository.

    • OBIEE ORACLE_INSTANCE path: The Oracle instance location, defined when Oracle Business Intelligence was installed. For example, Middleware_home/instances/instance1.

  14. Click Next.

    The Prerequisite Checks screen appears.

  15. The screen automatically tests your system to ensure that it meets all operating system and JDK software requirements:

    • A green check mark indicates that your system passed the prerequisite check.

    • A red circle indicates a problem. The bottom of the screen shows a short error message to help you troubleshoot the problem. Fix the error and click Rerun to perform the prerequisite checks again. To continue the installation without fixing the problem, click Skip.

  16. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen appears.

  17. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen appears.

  18. Ensure that the listed installation location and feature sets to install are correct.

    If the list is not correct, you can use the Back button to make corrections.

    To save the information to a response file so you can install the component later, click Save Response File and specify the name and location of the response file.

  19. Click Install to start the installation.

    The Installation Progress screen appears, and a progress bar indicates the status of the installation process.

  20. Click Next.

  21. When the Installation Complete screen appears, click Finish.

    The installer exits.

  22. Check the WebLogic Server Administration Console log for errors.

  23. Restart your Oracle Business Intelligence instance for the changes to take effect.

  24. Complete the procedures in "Enabling Oracle Business Intelligence Write-Back and Iframe Support".

See "Uninstalling Services Gatekeeper Reports" if you need to uninstall Services Gatekeeper reports.

Troubleshooting Services Gatekeeper OBIEE Installation

If you see this error message during the installation process, check the OBI_home/tmp/log_xmf file for information:

oracle.as.install.engine.modules.util.installaction.InstallActionException:Initial database failed 

Enabling Oracle Business Intelligence Write-Back and Iframe Support

You must make the following modifications to your Oracle Business Intelligence installation:

  • Enable Oracle Business Intelligence write-back support for parameter/value-related reports.

  • Enable Oracle Business Intelligence Iframe support to support portal integration.


Make these configuration changes on every Oracle Business Intelligence server in a clustered environment.

To enable Oracle Business Intelligence write-back and Iframe support:

  1. Go to Middleware_home/ocsg/ext/analytics.

  2. Copy the write-back template file (write_back.xml) to the following location:


    where Oracle_instance is the Oracle Business Intelligence instance path and n is replaced by the Oracle Business Intelligence instance number.

  3. Open the instanceconfig.xml file located at Oracle_instance/config/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obipsn.

  4. Locate the ServerInstance element and add it to the LightWriteback element:

  5. Locate the Security element and add to it the InIFrameRenderingMode element:

       <!--This Configuration setting...-->
  6. Save your changes and close the file.

  7. Restart Oracle Business Intelligence.

  8. Access the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services console using a supported browser. The default address is http://OBI_host:9704, where OBI_host is the name of the Oracle Business Intelligence host system.

  9. In the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services console, go to Settings, then Administration, and then Manage Privileges.

  10. Grant the privilege Write Back to database to the appropriate group.

Configure OBIEE Caching For Improved Performance

Services Gatekeeper uses Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) for reporting. The OBIEE default behavior is to cache data in the BI server and presentation server caches before making it available to use. You can also use OBIEE data dynamically if your implementation requires it. However, the price is system performance. Dynamic data requires a significantly more bandwidth than cached data.

To turn these OBIEE caches off and use the data dynamically:

  • Disable the presentation server caching by adding these entries to the OBIEE_home/instances/instance1/config/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/instanceconfig.xml file:

  • Disable the BI server cache. You can find example instructions at the OBIEE training web site:


See the OBIEE documentation for information on these caches.

Uninstalling Services Gatekeeper Reports

This section explains how to remove the Services Gatekeeper extension for OBIEE analytics.

To remove the Services Gatekeeper for OBIEE Analytics:

  1. Log on to the system running OBIEE reports.

  2. Navigate to the OBI_home/oui/bin.

  3. Run the ./deinstall script.

  4. Delete all Services Gatekeeper OBIEE database tables from the staging database. Or you can remove all tables for the staging database user with this command.

    SQL> delete staging_username User cascade

    Where staging_username is the name of the staging database user using OBIEE reports.

  5. Delete the OBI_home/ocsg_analytics directory.

In order to reinstall reports, you need to create a staging database a user to run them.

Where to Go from Here

Perform the remaining post-installation tasks for Reports in "Post-Installation Tasks for Reports".