6 Managing Service Provider and Application Accounts

This chapter describes how service provider and application accounts are managed and provisioned in Oracle Communication Services Gatekeeper.

The management of accounts comprises the following:

Account information is described in the following sections:

Managing Application Accounts

Table 6-1 lists the tasks related to application accounts and the methods you use to perform those tasks. The methods belong to ApplicationAccountMBean. For detailed information on this MBean, see the "All Classes" section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.

Table 6-1 Tasks Related to Application Accounts

Task ApplicationAccount MBean Methods to Use

Get information about the number of application accounts


Add, remove and get information about an application account




List registered application accounts


Define additional properties for an application account





Managing Service Provider Accounts

Table 6-2 lists the tasks related to service provider accounts and the methods you use to perform those tasks. These methods belong to ApplicationAccountMBean. For detailed information on this MBean, see the "All Classes" section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.

Table 6-2 Tasks Related to Service Provider Accounts

Task ApplicationAccountMBean Operation to Use

Get information about the number of service provider accounts


Add, remove and get information about a service provider account




List registered service provider accounts


Define additional properties for a service provider account





About Account States

To provide an easy way to take an application out-of-service temporarily, service provider and application accounts have associated states. States are also used by the Partner Relationship Management module to enforce workflow management.

Accounts can be in either one of the states described in Table 6-3:

Table 6-3 Account State Indicators

Account State Restriction on Application Belonging to Account


An application belonging to such an account is allowed to send requests to the application-facing interfaces exposed by Services Gatekeeper.


An application belonging to such an account is not allowed to send requests to the application-facing interfaces exposed by Services Gatekeeper.

State transition is provided using these methods belonging to the ApplicationAccountMBean MBean:

  • setApplicationAccountState

  • setServiceProviderAccountState

You can filter on account state in these methods of the ApplicationAccountMBean MBean:

  • countApplicationAccounts

  • countServiceProviderAccounts

  • listApplicationAccounts

  • listServiceProviderAccounts

When you create an account using addApplicationAccount or addServiceProviderAccount methods, the state is always ACTIVATED.

Account Properties

An account can have a set of associated properties. These are generic key-value pairs.You cannot set these using the Administration Console, but you can use MBeans or the PRM Web Services.

The properties are displayed in these methods belonging to ApplicationInstanceMBean:

  • getApplicationInstance

  • getApplicationAccount

  • getApplicationGroup

  • getServiceProviderAccount

  • getServiceProviderGroup

For information on the ApplicationInstanceMBean methods and fields, see the ”All Classes” section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.

Account Reference

An account can have an associated reference. The reference is a form of alias or internal ID for the account. It correlates the account with an operator-internal ID.

The references are defined as parameters in these ApplicationInstanceMBean operations:

  • addApplicationInstance

  • setApplicationInstanceReference

  • setApplicationInstanceProperties

  • addApplicationAccount

  • setApplicationAccountReference

  • addServiceProviderAccount

  • setApplicationAccountReference

These references are retrieved as part of the result of:

  • getApplicationInstance

  • getApplicationAccount

  • getServiceProviderAccount

Set field values and use methods from the Administration Console by selecting Container then Services followed by ApplicationInstanceMBean. Or, use a Java application. For information on the methods and fields, see the ”All Classes” section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.