5 Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7 communication service in detail.

Overview of the Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7 Communication Service

The Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7 communication service exposes the Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging set of application interfaces.

The communication service acts as a Value Added Service (VAS) application connecting to an MMS relay server using the MM7 protocol.

For the exact version of the standards that the Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7communication service supports for the application-facing interfaces and the network protocols, see Services Gatekeeper Statement of Compliance.

Using a Multimedia Messaging communication service, an application can:

  • Send multimedia messages to one or many destination addresses. The payload in these multimedia messages can be any type that can be specified using MIME, including multipart messages.

  • Sign up to be notified that delivery receipts for sent multimedia messages have been received from the network.

  • Receive delivery receipts on sent multimedia messages that have arrived from the network.

  • Explicitly query Services Gatekeeper for delivery receipts on sent multimedia messages.

  • Sign up to be notified if specified multimedia messages for the application have been received from the network.

  • Receive notifications that specified multimedia messages for the application have arrived from the network. These notifications do not include the message payload, but they do provide a message ID.

  • Explicitly poll Services Gatekeeper for multimedia messages sent to the application that have arrived from the network and been stored in Services Gatekeeper.

Requests can flow in two directions. They can be application-initiated or network-triggered,

Processing Application-initiated Requests

After an application has sent a multimedia message to one or more destination addresses, two different types of response can be returned:

Send Receipts

Send receipts are acknowledgements that the network node has received the multimedia message from the application by means of Services Gatekeeper. Although a single multimedia message may be sent to multiple destination addresses, normally only one send receipt is returned to the application. The receipt is returned synchronously in the response message to the sendMessage operation.

Delivery Receipts

Delivery receipts contain the delivery status of the multimedia message. They report whether the multimedia message has actually been delivered to the mobile terminal by the network. There is one delivery receipt per destination address, with one of three possible outcomes:

  • Successful.

  • Unsuccessful: The multimedia message could not be delivered before it expired.

  • Unsupported: Delivery notification for this address is not supported. This can occur if the originating network supports delivery receipts but is unable to acquire the appropriate information for one or more destination addresses. This status is reported for each address for which this is the case.

Because actual delivery of the multimedia message may take several hours, or even days (if, for example, the mobile terminal is turned off at the time the multimedia message is sent), delivery receipts are returned asynchronously. Applications can either choose to have delivery receipts delivered to them automatically by supplying Services Gatekeeper with a callback interface or they can chose to poll Services Gatekeeper.

If the application supplies a callback interface, there are two possible outcomes:

  • Services Gatekeeper sends the delivery receipt and the application receives and acknowledges it.

  • Services Gatekeeper sends the delivery receipt but the application does not acknowledge reception. In this case, Services Gatekeeper stores the delivery receipt in temporary in-memory storage. The application can poll Services Gatekeeper for these receipts. Each stored delivery receipt is time stamped and, after a configurable time period, is removed.

If the application chooses not to supply a callback interface, Services Gatekeeper stores the delivery receipt in temporary in-memory storage. The application can poll Services Gatekeeper for these receipts. Each stored delivery receipt is time stamped and, after a configurable time period, removed.

Processing Network-triggered Requests

Two types of traffic destined for an application can arrive at Services Gatekeeper from the network:

  • Delivery receipts for application-initiated sent multimedia messages. See ”Delivery Receipts” for more information.

  • Mobile-originated multimedia messages destined for the application

For an application to receive multimedia messages from the network, it must indicate its interest in these messages by registering for online notification in Services Gatekeeper. A notification is defined by a service activation number, which is the destination address of the multimedia message. The service activation number may be translated by some mechanism, such as short codes, in the telecom network. Use the StartMessageNotification method of the MessagingManagementMBean to register for online notification of network-triggered MMS messages from the Administration console. See the "All Classes" section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference for details on the MessagingManagementMBean.

An application can also use the following operations to register for online notifications:

  • ParlayX 2.1 StartMessageNotification. See the 3GPP TS 29.199-05 Parlay X Web Services Part 5: Multimedia Messaging specification

  • REST Start Message Notification. See Services Gatekeeper Application Developer's Guide.

  • OneAPI Subscribe to MMS Delivery Notification. See Services Gatekeeper Application Developer's Guide.

An application can also register to receive multimedia messages offline. Services Gatekeeper stores the messages and delivers them when the application requests them. Use the enableReceiveMms method of MessagingManagementMBean to provision offline notification of network-triggered MMS messages.

Additional criteria can be tied to the service activation number, such as the start of the first plain/text part in the multimedia message payload or the subject of the multimedia message. For the message to be accepted by Services Gatekeeper, both the service activation number and any additional criteria must match the notification.

Mobile-originated messages to applications are routed based on the criteria that are specified when the notifications are created. The behavior for matching criteria is as follows:

  • If the subject of the message is not null, the subject is used for criteria matching the specified criteria.

  • If the subject of the message is null, the first word of first text attachment is used for matching the criteria.

  • If the criteria is not null, messages with no subject and no text attachment are not delivered to the application.

  • If the criteria is null, all messages are considered a match and delivered to the application.

Each registered notification must be unique, and notification attempts with overlapping criteria are rejected. The application can either retrieve received multimedia messages from Services Gatekeeper or include a callback interface when setting up the original notification.

Following are the possible scenarios for receipt and handling of multimedia messages.

  1. The application has registered for online notification. Services Gatekeeper sends the message to the application, and the application receives the message and acknowledges receiving it.

    If the MMS message is pure text, the text is included in the notification sent to the application.

    If the MMS message is not pure text, the notification sent to the application includes a reference to the multimedia attachments. The application uses that reference to retrieve the attachments.

  2. The application has registered for online notification. Services Gatekeeper sends the multimedia message to the application, but the application does not acknowledge receiving it.

    Offline notification has been provisioned.

    Services Gatekeeper stores the multimedia message. The application retrieves the message as described in "Retrieving Offline MMS Messages".

  3. The application has registered for online notification. Offline notification has not been provisioned.

    Services Gatekeeper sends the multimedia message to the application, but the application does not acknowledge receiving it. Services Gatekeeper returns an error to the network. It is the responsibility of the network to handle any further processing of the multimedia message.

  4. The application has not registered for online notification. Offline notification has been provisioned. Services Gatekeeper stores the multimedia message.

    The application retrieves the message as described in "Retrieving Offline MMS Messages".

  5. The application has not registered an online subscription, and offline notification has not been provisioned.

    Services Gatekeeper returns an error to the network. It is the responsibility of the network to handle any further processing of the multimedia message.

Retrieving Offline MMS Messages

A ParlayX application fetches newly-arrived MMS messages with the getReceivedMessages operation. The response from this method is an array of MessageReference objects, one for each newly-arrived MMS message.

If an MMS message is pure text, the text message is included in the MessageReference object. If an MMS message is not pure text, the MessageReference object includes the reference to the multimedia attachments. The application then uses the reference to retrieve the attachment using the getMessage operation. See the 3GPP TS 29.199-05 Parlay X Web Services Part 5: Multimedia Messaging specification for a description of this operation.

The process is similar for REST applications. For information about getting MMS messages from a REST application, see the descriptions of the Get Received Messages and Get Message operations in the multimedia messaging chapter of Services Gatekeeper Application Developer's Guide.

For information about getting MMS messages from a OneAPI application, see the description about "Retrieve Messages Sent to Web Application".

Table 5-1 shows the MessageReference structure defined by the 3GPP TS 29.199-05 Parlay X Web Services Part 5: Multimedia Messaging specification. Elements related to this discussion are shown in boldface in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 ParlayX Message Reference Structure

Element name Element type Optional Description




If present, contains a reference to a message stored in the ParlayX gateway. If the message is pure text, this parameter is not present.





Number associated with the invoked Message service, i.e. the destination address used by the terminal to send the message.




Indicates message sender address.




If present, indicates the subject of the received message. This parameter will not be used for SMS services.




The priority of the message: default is Normal.




If present, then the messageIdentifier is not present and this parameter contains the whole message. The type of the message is always pure ASCII text in this case. The message will not be stored in the Parlay X gateway.




Time when message was received by operator

Example 5-1 shows the message and messageIdentifer in the REST Notification Data Object.

Example 5-1 REST Notification Data Object

{"notifyMessageReception": {
  "correlator": "String",
  "message": {
    "messageServiceActivationNumber": "String",
    "priority": "Default|Low|Normal|High",
    "senderAddress": "URI",
    "dateTime": "Calendar",
    "message": "String" --> if message is pure text it can be found here
    "messageIdentifier": "String", --> if not pure text the reference is found here
    "subject": "String"

Each stored multimedia message is time stamped and, after a configurable time period, removed.

The OneAPI response to a request for the full MMS message including attachments is a multipart/form-data response in which the JSON message text and metadata are separated from the multimedia attachments by a separator that has the form


The resourceURL in the response is the link to the message. The application uses this value to retrieve the entire message, including the attachments. Example 5-2 shows the structure of a response.

Example 5-2 OneAPI Response Body for Retrieving Full MMS messages

"inboundMessage": [
{ "dateTime": "dateTime",
"destinationAddress": "String",
"messageId": "String", --> server-geenerated message identifier
"inboundMMSMessage": "String", --> subject of the message
"resourceURL": "URL", --> link to the full message and attachments
"senderAddress": "String"},

====Content Divider====


Polling Functionality

The polling capability for retrieving offline notifications must be provisioned in advance.

To configure the polling capability:

  • Set the RequestDeliveryReportFlag attribute to non-zero. See this attribute of the M for information about valid values.

  • Use the enableReceiveMms operation to allow applications to poll for mobile-originated messages. See the description of the enableReceiveMms method of MessagingManagementMBean in Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference for more information.

Short Code Translation

Messaging-capable networks use short codes and message prefixes to help route traffic and to make access to certain features easier for the end user. Instead of having to use the entire address, users can enter a short code that is mapped to the full address in the network. The Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7 communication service supports short codes and message prefixes, which allow the same short code to be mapped to multiple addresses based on the prefix to the enclosed message.

Application Interfaces

The SOAP-based interface for the Parlay X 2.1 MultiMedia Messaging/MM7 communication service are described in the discussion of Parlay X 2.1 Part 5: Multimedia Messaging in Services Gatekeeper Application Developer's Guide.

For information about the RESTful Call Notification interface, see the discussion of Multimedia Messaging in Services Gatekeeper Application Developer's Guide.

The RESTful Service Multimedia Messaging interfaces provide RESTful access to the same functionality as the SOAP-based interfaces. The internal representations are identical, and for the purposes of creating service level agreements (SLAs), reading (charging data records) CDRs, and so on, they are the same.

Events and Statistics

The Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7 communication service generates event data records (EDRs), CDRs, alarms, and statistics to assist system administrators and developers in monitoring the service.

See "Events, Alarms, and Charging" for general information.

Event Data Records

Table 5-2 lists the IDs of the EDRs created by the Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7 communication service.

Table 5-2 EDRs Generated by Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7

EDR ID Description


A (mobile-originated) MO message has arrived from the network.


An MO delivery receipt has arrived from the network.


The application has requested that a notification be started.


The application has requested that a notification be stopped.


The application has polled for a list of received messages.


The application has polled for actual messages, returned as attachments.

Charging Data Records

Multimedia Messaging/MM7-specific CDRs are generated under the following conditions:

  • After Services Gatekeeper successfully sends a sendMessage request to the network.

  • After Services Gatekeeper successfully receives and processes a delivery report sent from the network.

  • After Services Gatekeeper successfully receives and processes a mobile-originated message sent from the network.


Table 5-3 maps methods invoked from either the application or the network to the transaction types collected by the Services Gatekeeper statistics counters.

Table 5-3 Methods and Transaction Types for Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7

Method Transaction Type






For the list of alarms, see Services Gatekeeper Alarms Handling Guide.

Tunneled Parameters for Parlay X 2.1 MM7 Rel 6.8.0

This section lists, by parameter key, the parameters that can be tunneled or defined in the <requestContext> element of an SLA.



Specifies the party to be charged for a multimedia message submitted by the Value-Added Service Provider (VASP).

If defined, the ChargedParty xparameter is forwarded in the SOAP header in the north-bound interface.

Validated by the plug-in.




Valid values: Sender, Recipient, Both, Neither



Specifies the address of the third party expected to pay for the multimedia message.

If defined, the ChargedPartyID xparameter is forwarded in the SOAP header in the north-bound interface.





Specifies date and time that the multimedia message was submitted.





Specifies the desired time for the expiration of the multimedia message.





Specifies if VASP allows adaptation of the content.

Set to true to allow adaptation, false to prohibit it.





In the event of a single Delivery Condition, if the condition is met, the multimedia message is delivered to the recipient MMS User Agent. Otherwise the message is discarded.

Validated by the plug-in.


Positive Integer



Specifies the UserAgent Name or URL to the UAProfile (resource description framework) RDF.

Used for transferring user agent capabilities from R/S to value-added service provider (VASP).

If not null, this parameter is forwarded to the application.





Human-readable description of the numerical code that indicates the general type of an error.

If not null, this parameter is forwarded to the application.



Managing Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7

This section describes the properties and workflow for Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7 plug-in instances.

Properties for Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7

Table 5-4 lists the technical specifications for the communication service.

Table 5-4 Properties for Multimedia Messaging/MM7

Property Description

Managed object in Administration Console

To access the object, select domain_name, then OCSG, server_name, Communication Services, and then the plug-in_instance_id, in that order.




InstanceName=same as the network protocol instance_id assigned when the plug-in instance is created


Documentation: For information on MessagingManagementMBean, see the ”All Classes” section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.

Network protocol plug-in service ID


Network protocol plug-in instance ID

The ID is assigned when the plug-in instance is created. See the discussion on configuring and managing the plug-in manager in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide.

Supported Address Scheme

tel, mailto, short

Application-facing interfaces





Service type


Exposes to the service communication layer a Java representation of:

Parlay X 3.0 Part 5: Multimedia Messaging

Interfaces with the network nodes using:


Deployment artifact:



plugin_px21_multimedia_messaging_mm7.jar, px21_multimedia_messaging_service.jar, multimedia_messaging_mm7_rel5mm712.war, and multimedia_messaging_mm7_rel5mm715.war

Deployment artifact:

AT EAR: Normal


px21_multimedia_messaging_callback.jar, px21_multimedia_messaging.war, and rest_multimedia_messaging.war

Deployment artifact:



px21_multimedia_messaging_callback.jar and px21_multimedia_messaging.war

Configuration Workflow for Parlay X 2.1 MultiMedia Messaging/MM7

Following is an outline for configuring the plug-in using the Administration Console or an MBean browser.

  1. Create one or more instances of the plug-in service. See the discussion about configuring and managing the plug-in manager in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide. Use the plug-in service ID listed in "Properties for Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7".

  2. Select the MBean for the plug-in instance. The MBean display name is the same as the plug-in instance ID given when the plug-in instance was created.

  3. Configure the behavior of the plug-in instance using the following attributes in MessagingManagementMBean:

    • HTTPBasicAuthentication

      If you are using HTTP basic authentication, also define:

      • HTTPBasicAuthenticationUsername

      • HTTPBasicAuthenticationPassword

    • DefaultPriority

    • MM7Version

    • Mm7relayserverAddress

    • VaspId

    • VasId

    • RequestDeliveryReportFlag

    • XSDVersion

    For more information on the fields and methods of MessagingManagementMBean, see the "All Classes" section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.

  4. Specify heartbeat behavior. See the discussion about configuring heartbeats in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide.

  5. Set up the routing rules to the plug-in instance. See the discussion about configuring and managing the plug-in manager in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide. Use the plug-in instance ID and address schemes listed in "Properties for Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7".

  6. Provide the administrator of the MM7 server with the URL to which the MM7 server should deliver mobile originated messages and delivery reports. The default URL is:


    If you are using the REL-5-MM7-1-2 XSD, the default context-root is mmm-mm7.

    If you are using the REL-5-MM7-1-5 XSD, the default context-root is mmm-mm7-rel5mm7-1-5.

    If you are using the REL-6-MM7-1-4 XSDm the default context-root is mmm-mm7-rel6mm7-1-4.

  7. If required, create and load a node SLA. For details see the discussion about defining global node and service provider group node SLAs and managing SLAs in Services Gatekeeper Accounts and SLAs Guide.

  8. Provision the service provider accounts and application accounts. For information, see Services Gatekeeper Portal Developer's Guide.

Provisioning Parlay X 2.1 MultiMedia Messaging/MM7 Communication Service

To provision the Parlay X 2.1 MultiMedia Messaging/MM7 communication service, do the following:

  • Enable mobile-oriented messages to be stored in Services Gatekeeper for polling by applications, by using the enableReceiveMms method of MessagingManagementMBean.

  • Set up for notifications about mobile-originated messages on behalf of an application, by using the startMessageNotification method of MessagingManagementMBean.

  • Manage offline notifications, by using the following methods of MM7NotificationMBean:

    • listOfflineNotificationInfo

    • getOfflineNotificationInfo

    • removeOfflineNotificationInfo

  • Manage offline notifications, by using the following methods of MM7NotificationMBean:

    • listOnlineNotificationInfo

    • getOnlineNotificationInfo

    • removeOnlineNotificationInfo

For a description of the attributes and operations of the MessagingManagementMBean and MM7NotificationMBean MBeans, see the "All Classes" section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.