MyApiObject Data Type

Java class for MyApiObject complex type. This class is deprecated.

name data type description
hasReadContract boolean Has read contract. This value has been deprecated.
Properties inherited from ApiObject
apiId string Api id.
apiDisplayName string Api display name.
apiName string
apiVersion string Api version. Can be empty.
status ApiStatus
accessUrl string Api access url.
apiInterfaces array of ApiInterface List of ApiInterfaces.
contractname string Contract name.
contractversion string Contract version.
description string Description.
facade string Facade.
serviceType string Service type. It is required.
protocol string Protocol.
privilege number Privilege.
link string Link.
accessType AccessType AccessType.
authType AuthType AuthType value.
authToken string Access token.
groups array of string List of groups.
wadlFiles array of WadlFile Optional list of wadl files for south bound.
northBoundWadlFiles array of WadlFile Optional list of wadl files for north bound.
direction Direction Direction.
networkAuthorizationURI string Network authorization uri.
networkTokenURI string Network token uri.
networkClientRedirectURI string Network client redirect uri.
icon string Icon.
csServiceType string Cs service type.
csOption CsOption CsOption.
networkProxy string Network proxy.
apiAuthTypes array of ApiAuthType List of ApiAuthType.
Properties inherited from TaskObject
notificationId string


  "myApiObject" : {
    "hasReadContract" : true,
    "apiId" : "...",
    "apiDisplayName" : "...",
    "apiName" : "...",
    "apiVersion" : "...",
    "status" : "SUSPENDED",
    "accessUrl" : "...",
    "apiInterfaces" : [ {
      "name" : "...",
      "apiMethods" : [ {
        "name" : "...",
        "changeCode" : "...",
        "displayName" : "...",
        "parameterSettings" : [ {
        }, {
        } ],
        "settlementCode" : "...",
        "spslas" : [ {
        }, {
        } ],
        "path" : "...",
        "httpVerb" : "...",
        "servicePath" : "...",
        "serviceHttpVerb" : "...",
        "expose" : true
      }, {
        "name" : "...",
        "changeCode" : "...",
        "displayName" : "...",
        "parameterSettings" : [ {
        }, {
        } ],
        "settlementCode" : "...",
        "spslas" : [ {
        }, {
        } ],
        "path" : "...",
        "httpVerb" : "...",
        "servicePath" : "...",
        "serviceHttpVerb" : "...",
        "expose" : true
      } ],
      "displayName" : "...",
      "fileLocation" : "...",
      "notificationId" : "..."
    }, {
      "name" : "...",
      "apiMethods" : [ {
        "name" : "...",
        "changeCode" : "...",
        "displayName" : "...",
        "parameterSettings" : [ {
        }, {
        } ],
        "settlementCode" : "...",
        "spslas" : [ {
        }, {
        } ],
        "path" : "...",
        "httpVerb" : "...",
        "servicePath" : "...",
        "serviceHttpVerb" : "...",
        "expose" : true
      }, {
        "name" : "...",
        "changeCode" : "...",
        "displayName" : "...",
        "parameterSettings" : [ {
        }, {
        } ],
        "settlementCode" : "...",
        "spslas" : [ {
        }, {
        } ],
        "path" : "...",
        "httpVerb" : "...",
        "servicePath" : "...",
        "serviceHttpVerb" : "...",
        "expose" : true
      } ],
      "displayName" : "...",
      "fileLocation" : "...",
      "notificationId" : "..."
    } ],
    "contractname" : "...",
    "contractversion" : "...",
    "description" : "...",
    "facade" : "...",
    "serviceType" : "...",
    "protocol" : "...",
    "privilege" : 12345,
    "link" : "...",
    "accessType" : "HTTPS",
    "authType" : "TEXT",
    "authToken" : "...",
    "groups" : [ "...", "..." ],
    "wadlFiles" : [ {
      "fileName" : "...",
      "fileContent" : "..."
    }, {
      "fileName" : "...",
      "fileContent" : "..."
    } ],
    "northBoundWadlFiles" : [ {
      "fileName" : "...",
      "fileContent" : "..."
    }, {
      "fileName" : "...",
      "fileContent" : "..."
    } ],
    "direction" : "AOMT",
    "networkAuthorizationURI" : "...",
    "networkTokenURI" : "...",
    "networkClientRedirectURI" : "...",
    "icon" : "...",
    "csServiceType" : "...",
    "csOption" : "DAF",
    "networkProxy" : "...",
    "apiAuthTypes" : [ "OAUTH", "APPKEY" ],
    "notificationId" : "..."