apiObject Data Type

Java class for ApiObject complex type.

name data type type namespace min/max occurs default constraints description
apiId string element 0/1   regex: ^[^_]*$, max size: 100, min size: 0 Api id.
apiDisplayName string element 0/1   max size: 100, min size: 1 Api display name.
apiName string element 1/1   required, regex: ^\s*/?(?!(management$))(?!(management/))(?!(portal$))(?!(portal/))(?!(prm_pm_rest$))(?!prm_pm_rest/)(?!(daf-network)$)(?!daf-network/)([\.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/?)+$, max size: 100, min size: 1  
apiVersion string element 0/1   regex: [0-9a-zA-Z_\.-]*, max size: 50, min size: 0 Api version. Can be empty.
status string element 0/1      
accessUrl string element 0/1     Api access url.
apiInterfaces list of apiInterface element 0/unbounded     List of ApiInterfaces.
contractname string element 0/1     Contract name.
contractversion string element 0/1     Contract version.
description string element 0/1   max size: 1000, min size: 1 Description.
facade string element 0/1     Facade.
serviceType string element 1/1   required Service type. It is required.
protocol string element 0/1     Protocol.
privilege int element 0/1 0   Privilege.
link string element 0/1     Link.
accessType string element 0/1     AccessType.
authType string element 0/1     AuthType value.
authToken string element 0/1     Access token.
groups list of string element 0/unbounded     List of groups.
wadlFiles list of wadlFile element 0/unbounded     Optional list of wadl files for south bound.
northBoundWadlFiles list of wadlFile element 0/unbounded     Optional list of wadl files for north bound.
direction string element 0/1     Direction.
networkAuthorizationURI string element 0/1     Network authorization uri.
networkTokenURI string element 0/1     Network token uri.
networkClientRedirectURI string element 0/1     Network client redirect uri.
icon string element 0/1     Icon.
csServiceType string element 0/1     Cs service type.
csOption string element 0/1     CsOption.
networkProxy string element 0/1     Network proxy.
apiAuthTypes list of string element 0/unbounded     List of ApiAuthType.
Properties inherited from taskObject
notificationId string element 0/1      

