2 Getting Started with the Task Web Client

This chapter describes how to start the Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) Task web client and describes the functionality available in the system.

Accessing the Task Web Client

The Task web client is a web-based application that you open in a browser. For browser and version compatibility with the Task web client, see the discussion of software requirements in OSM Installation Guide.

For access to the Task web client, you need a user name and password provided by an OSM system administrator. The user name must be a member of the OMS_client WebLogic group. See OSM System Administrator's Guide for more information about setting up users and groups.

Ensure that your browser is not set to display the client using Compatibility View. For more information about Compatibility View, consult the documentation for your browser.

To avoid errors when accessing the Task web client:

  • Clear your Internet cache before accessing the Task web client for the first time after an OSM upgrade

  • Configure your browser to check for newer versions of stored pages automatically

Logging In to the Task Web Client

To log in to the Task web client:

  1. In your web browser, enter the following URL:

    http[s]://host: port/OrderManagement


    • host is the IP address of the Oracle WebLogic server that hosts the Task web client

    • port is the Oracle WebLogic server's port number.

  2. In the Username field, enter your user name.

  3. In the Password field, enter your password.

  4. Click Login.

    The Task web client opens, displaying the Worklist.


To log in to the Task web client with multiple user accounts from the same browser, you must establish a new browser session for each user account. See the browser documentation for information about how to establish a new session.

Logging Out of the Task Web Client

To log out of the Task web client:

Click Logout.


Closing your browser or navigating to another URL does not log you out of the Task web client. However, after a pre-defined period of inactivity, you are logged out automatically and any unsaved updates are lost.

The default timeout is 45 minutes, but the OSM installer or an OSM system administrator can change the value. See "Changing the Default Timeout Setting" for more information.

Changing the Default Timeout Setting

To change the default timeout setting:

  1. Unpack the oms.ear file. See OSM Developer's Guide for more information.

  2. Open the OSM_Home/SDK/Customization/osm-war/WEB-INF/web.xml file, where OSM_Home is the directory in which OSM is installed.

  3. Search for the following parameter:

  4. Change the value of the session-timeout parameter to your desired value (in minutes).

  5. Save and close the file.

  6. Repack oms.ear. See OSM Developer's Guide for more information.


Changing the session-timeout parameter changes the automatic timeout for both the Order Management web client and Task web client.

About Task Web Client Pages

The main pages in the Task web client are as follows:

  • Worklist page: Use the Worklist page to display a list of orders located at the tasks for which you are responsible.

  • Query page: Use the Query page to retrieve any orders in the system, including those that are not located in your task list.

  • Reporting page: Use the Reporting page to get summarized information on all orders and tasks in the OSM system. You can display the number of overdue orders, the oldest orders, the most recent orders, and the completed tasks for each order.

  • Notifications page: Use the Notifications page to manage notifications for the OSM system.

  • Options page: Use the Options page to set your email account to receive notifications, select specific time zones, and change the initial screen displayed by the OSM system when you log in.

After you log in to the Task web client, the default page is displayed. By default, this is the Worklist page, but a different page may have been selected during the OSM installation.

Opening the Order Management Web Client

When working on a task in the Worklist, you may be required to examine the orchestration plan of a particular order in the Order Management web client so that you can troubleshoot the fulfillment progress of the overall orchestration order. For example, if you are responsible for the overall success of an order, including performing manual tasks contained within that order, you might open the Order Management web client to see if the orchestration of the order progresses after you have completed a manual task.

To open the Order Management web client from within the Task web client:

  1. From the Worklist page, do one of the following:

    • Select the Editor button and then click the ellipsis button beside the order.

    • Right-click the order and select Accept and Edit Task.

    The Task Editor page is displayed.

  2. Click the View Summary button.


    The View Summary button is visible only for orders that have an associated orchestration plan.

    The Summary page in the Order Management web client is displayed in a new window. The window is displayed in context for your order.


    You can use your web browser general settings to choose to display the Order Management web client on a new tab or display it in a new window.
  3. Find the orchestration details you require for the order.

    For example, select the Orchestration Plan tab to examine the orchestration view of the order.

  4. Close or exit the window and return to the Task web client.


    Close or exit the browser window instead of logging out of the Order Management web client. Logging out of one web client automatically logs you out of the other.
  5. If you edited order data in the Order Management web client, refresh the Task web client so that you can see the updates.