4 Installing and Configuring Design Studio

This chapter provides information about installing Oracle Communications Design Studio. Oracle recommends that system administrators create a preconfigured installation and distribute that installation to individual Design Studio users.

Creating and Distributing Design Studio Preconfigured Installations

To create preconfigured installations for individual users to download and install, system administrators:

  1. Obtain the Design Studio software package file and save to a temporary location.

  2. Open the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse application.

  3. Run the Design Studio installation script.

    The Design Studio installation script:

    • Installs the Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Charting feature (BIRT) and the Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit feature if you have not previously installed these features and if you have defined the corresponding properties in the build.properties file with values specific to your environment.

    • Automatically installs the Design Studio feature.

    • Configures the Design Studio environment.

    See "Running the Design Studio Installation Script" for more information.


    You can install the Design Studio feature and configure the environment without running the installation script. For more information, see "Installing the Oracle Communications Design Studio Feature" and "Configuring Design Studio as the Primary Application".
  4. Import required base projects into the workspace.

    If you ran an installation script to automatically install the Design Studio feature, the base projects are located in the cartridges folder at the root level of the Design Studio installation (defined in the DESIGN_STUDIO_HOME variable). If you installed the Design Studio feature without running the script, the base projects are located in the cartridges folder at the root level of the Design Studio software package. See application documentation for more information about required base projects. See the Design Studio Help at the Oracle Help Center for information about importing projects:


  5. (Optional) Install custom report designs.

    See "Installing Custom Reports" for more information.

  6. Configure the automatic update preferences.

    System administrators disable access to the update site and to automatic update functionality to prevent Design Studio users from updating to different feature versions. See "Configuring Update Preferences" for more information.

  7. Create an archive file containing the Eclipse folder and all subdirectories.

  8. Instruct individual Design Studio users to download and extract the distributable archive file.

  9. Instruct individual users to define their local MIDDLEWARE_HOME variable and WEBLOGIC_HOME variable with the same values defined for these variables in the build.properties file.

    Users need to update these variables only if they have defined them locally at a location different than the path defined in the build.properties file.

    Users define these values in the Design Studio Preferences page. See the Design Studio Help for more information about defining Order and Service Management and Application Integration Architecture (AIA) preferences.

  10. Instruct individual Design Studio users working with Network Integrity projects to configure the MIB directory.

    For information about defining Network Integrity preferences in Design Studio, see Network Integrity Developer's Guide.

  11. Instruct individual users creating custom Web services for Unified Inventory Management (UIM) projects to complete the required preliminary setup.

    See UIM Web Services Developer's Guide for more information.

Running the Design Studio Installation Script

The Design Studio software package includes installation scripts that you can run to:

  • Install the Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Charting feature (BIRT) and the Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit feature if you have not previously installed these features and if you have defined the corresponding properties in the build.properties file with values specific to your environment.

  • Automatically install the Design Studio feature.

  • Configure the Design Studio environment.


When defining variables in the following procedure, do not use back slashes or spaces in the path names. Use forward slashes instead of back slashes.

To automatically install the Design Studio feature and to configure the Design Studio environment:

  1. Close the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse application.

  2. Navigate to the Design Studio software package that you downloaded from the Oracle software delivery website.

  3. In the root folder, open the build.properties file.

  4. Modify the following properties with values specific to your environment:

    • DESIGN_STUDIO_WORKSPACE, which identifies the location of Design Studio workspace directory in which your model configuration will be saved (for example, C:/DesignStudio/7.4.0). Design Studio automatically creates this workspace at the location that you specify.

    • DESIGN_STUDIO_HOME, which identifies the directory to which the application SDK functions and base projects are installed by the script (for example, C:/DesignStudio/7.4.0). This root directory will contain the application SDK functions and base projects on completion of the script.

    • WEBLOGIC_HOME, which identifies the location of your Oracle WebLogic Server installation (for example, C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/wlserver).

    • MIDDLEWARE_HOME, which identifies the location of the Oracle Fusion Middleware installation (for example, C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home).

    • BIRT_UPDATE_SITE, which identifies the location where the BIRT P2 repository is extracted. This property is required only when installing the Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Charting feature offline and only if the feature was not previously installed into OEPE_ECLIPSE_HOME. See "Downloading Prerequisite Features for Offline Installation" for information about obtaining this feature.

    • GEF_LEGACY_UPDATE_SITE, which identifies the location where the Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit feature is extracted. This property is required only when installing Design Studio offline and only if the feature was not previously installed into OEPE_ECLIPSE_HOME. See "Downloading Prerequisite Features for Offline Installation" for information about obtaining this feature.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • For Windows installations, right-click the install.bat file, select Edit, and change the values for the OEPE_ECLIPSE_HOME and JAVA_HOME variables to be specific to your installation environment. The JAVA_HOME variable must point to the JDK folder. For example:

      JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_66


      Run the install.bat batch file to install the Design Studio feature and to configure the environment.

    • For Linux installations, edit the OEPE_ECLIPSE_HOME, JAVA_HOME, and ANT_HOME variables in the install.sh file to be specific to your environment, and then run the install.sh file to install the Design Studio feature and to configure the environment.


    Design Studio displays an error if the installation file cannot locate the Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Charting feature or if the installation file cannot locate the Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit feature.
  6. Open Design Studio.

    If the installation script completed successfully, the product branding on the splash screen is changed from Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse to Oracle Design Studio.

  7. In the Workspace Launcher dialog box Workspace field, verify that the path name points to the workspace identified by the DESIGN_STUDIO_WORKSPACE variable.

  8. Click OK.

The Design Studio feature is now installed, and the environment is configured with:

  • A workspace, as defined by the DESIGN_STUDIO_WORKSPACE variable (assuming a workspace with the same name did not pre-exist).

  • Class path variables and a Java compliance level (1.8), as defined by variables you defined:

    • The Oracle WebLogic Server home, as defined by the WEBLOGIC_HOME variable: WL_LIB=${WEBLOGIC_HOME}/lib

    • The UIM SDK home: UIM_LIB=${DESIGN_STUDIO_HOME}/sdk/UIM/lib

    • The Oracle Fusion Middleware home, as defined by the MIDDLEWARE_HOME variable: ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE_HOME=${MIDDLEWARE_HOME}

    • The Java SDK home, as defined by the JAVA_HOME variable.


  • The application SDK functions and base projects are installed to the an SDK folder at the root directory of the Design Studio home path, as defined by the DESIGN_STUDIO_HOME variable. The SDK folder includes SDK functions required to configure a project library list and to build Order and Service Management (OSM), Unified Inventory Management (UIM), and Network Integrity application projects in Design Studio.

  • A cartridges folder is installed at the root directory of the Design Studio home path, as defined by the DESIGN_STUDIO_HOME variable. The cartridges folder includes UIM base projects and Network Integrity base projects. These projects are contained in ZIP files that you import into Design Studio.

Design Studio is compatible with specific Oracle Communications application releases. For more information, see the Design Studio Product Compatibility Matrix on the Oracle Help Center. Click the link below, then click the appropriate release:


Installing the Oracle Communications Design Studio Feature

System administrators install the Oracle Communications Design Studio feature into the preconfigured installation and provide users with an archive file prepopulated with this feature.


Complete this procedure if you did not run the installation script to automatically install the Design Studio feature and to configure the Design Studio environment.

To install the Oracle Communications Design Studio feature:

  1. Start Design Studio.

  2. From the Help menu, select Install New Software.

    The Available Software dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the location where you extracted the Design Studio archive file update folder.

    Do one of the following:

    • In the Work with field, enter the URL that describes the location where you extracted the Design Studio archive file update folder. For example:


    • Click the Add button, then click the Local button to navigate to the location of to select the update folder.

    After you specify the URL, the list of features available at that location appears.

  4. Select Oracle Communications Design Studio.

  5. (Optional) Select Oracle Communications Design Studio Reference Reports.

    Install the Oracle Communications Design Studio Reference Reports feature if you want the installation to include Design Studio reference report designs. Design Studio includes a set of reference report designs that provide a foundational set of capabilities. You can use these report designs as is or as a starting point for customizing your own reports. For example, you can customize the report designs for content, layout, or branding.

    Before you can install the Oracle Communications Design Studio Reference Reports feature, you must first install the Business Intelligence, Reporting and Charting feature. See "Installing the Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Charting Feature" for more information.

  6. Deselect the Contact all update sites during install to find required software option.

  7. Click Next.

    The Install Details dialog box appears.

  8. Review the installation details.

  9. Click Next.

    The Review Licenses dialog box appears.

  10. Accept the license agreement.

  11. Click Finish.

  12. When prompted, click Yes to restart Eclipse.

  13. Verify the installation.

    See "Verifying Design Studio Feature Installation" for more information.

  14. Instruct individual Design Studio users to configure all applicable Oracle WebLogic Server, Java, and SDK home directories.

    Individual Design Studio users working with Order and Service Management (OSM) projects must configure the Oracle WebLogic Server, Java, and SDK home directories. For information about defining OSM general preferences, see the Modeling OSM Processes Help in Design Studio.

    Individual users extending the data model for Unified Inventory Management projects must complete the required preliminary setup. See UIM Developer's Guide for more information.

Installing Custom Reports

If you have developed your own report designs using the BIRT report designer, and if you have packaged the designs into features using the guidelines described in the Design Studio Developer's guide, you can select the features for installation. After installation, your custom reports will appear in the list of available reports in the Design Studio Generate Reports wizard. See the Design Studio Developer's Guide for more information about developing custom reports.

  1. Start Design Studio.

  2. From the Help menu, select Install New Software.

    The Available Software dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the location where you saved the update site that includes your customer report design feature.

    Do one of the following:

    • In the Work with field, enter the URL that resolves to the folder representing the update site. For example:


    • Click the Add button, then click the Local button to navigate to the location of the update site with the custom report design feature.

    After you specify the update site location, the list of features available at that location appears.

  4. (Optional) Select the feature that includes your custom report designs.

  5. Deselect the Contact all update sites during install to find required software option.

  6. Click Next.

    The Install Details dialog box appears.

  7. Review the installation details.

  8. Click Next.

    The Review Licenses dialog box appears.

  9. Review and accept the license agreement.

  10. Click Finish.

  11. If prompted, click OK to confirm the installation of unsigned content.

  12. When prompted, click Yes to restart Eclipse.

Configuring Design Studio as the Primary Application

System administrators can edit the eclipse.ini file and the config.ini file to change the product branding from Eclipse to Design Studio. Configuring Design Studio as the primary application ensures that your users cannot uninstall Design Studio.


Complete this procedure if you did not run the installation script to automatically install the Design Studio feature and to configure the Design Studio environment.

To configure Design Studio as the primary application:

  1. Open the Eclipse_Home/configuration/config.ini file, where Eclipse_Home is the directory in which Eclipse is installed.

  2. Make the following changes:

    1. Change:

      osgi.splashPath = platform:/base/plugins/org.eclipse.platform


      osgi.splashPath = platform:/base/plugins/com.mslv.studio.branding
    2. Change:



  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Open the Eclipse_Home/eclipse.ini file, where Eclipse_Home is the directory in which Eclipse is installed.

  5. Make the following changes:




  6. Save and close the file.

Configuring Update Preferences

System administrators disable access to the update sites and to automatic update functionality to prevent Design Studio users from updating to different feature versions. System administrators must ensure that the individual Design Studio users all work with the same set of installed features and remain on the same versions of those features.

To configure update preferences:

  1. Start Design Studio.

  2. From the Windows menu, select Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog box appears.

  3. In the left column tree view, expand the Install/Update option and select Automatic Updates.

    The Automatic Updates page appears.

  4. Ensure that the Automatically find new updates and notify me option is deselected.

  5. In the left column tree view, select Available Software Sites.

    The Available Software Sites page appears.

  6. Deselect all software sites.

  7. Click OK.

Verifying Design Studio Feature Installation

To verify the installation:

  1. Start Design Studio.

  2. From the Help menu, select About Oracle Communications Design Studio.

    The About Oracle Communications Design Studio dialog box appears.

  3. Click Installation Details.

    The Installation Details dialog box appears, listing all of the features currently installed.

  4. On the Installed Software tab, verify that the Oracle Communications Design Studio feature is included.