3 Installing Prerequisite Software

This chapter describes the software that you are required to install before installing Oracle Communications Design Studio.

About Installing Prerequisite Software

Before installing Design Studio, do the following:


The following setup instructions are intended for system administrators. Individual Design Studio users should contact an administrator for instructions on obtaining and installing a preconfigured archive file.
  1. Install Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

    See "Installing Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse" for more information.

  2. Download the Java SE JDK.

    Download the Java 8 version that matches the Oracle Enterprise for Eclipse version. For example, if you installed the Oracle Enterprise for Eclipse 32-bit version, then install the Java 8 32-bit version; a 64-bit Oracle Enterprise for Eclipse version requires a 64-bit Java version.

    Download the latest update of JDK 8 for the required platform from the Oracle Technology Network Web site:


  3. Install the Java SE JDK.

    For information about installing the JDK, see the JDK installation documentation:


  4. Copy the Java environment into Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

    See "Copying Java Runtime Environment into Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse" for more information.

  5. Configure the Eclipse startup properties.

    See "Configuring Eclipse Startup Properties" for more information.

  6. Verify the Eclipse installation.

    See "Verifying the Eclipse Installation" for more information.

  7. Locate the Oracle WebLogic Server installation directory.

    The Design Studio installation script requires you to define the MIDDLEWARE_HOME variable (for example, C:\Oracle\Middleware) and the WEBLOGIC_HOME variable (for example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver). Additionally, Order and Service Management users require access to Oracle WebLogic Server libraries when building cartridge projects in Design Studio.

    When defining these variables, you can point to an existing installation, or you can copy the libraries required by Design Studio and include those directories in your local Design Studio installation. If copying, copy all of the files and folders in the Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory (for example, C:\Oracle\Middleware), and paste those files into a local Fusion Middleware home directory (such as C:\Oracle\Middleware).

    See the OSM Installation Guide for information about which version of Oracle WebLogic Server you require. The OSM Installation Guide is available on the Oracle Help Center:


    See the Oracle Fusion Middleware page on Oracle Help Center for information about installing Oracle WebLogic Server:



    Do not install an Oracle WebLogic Server domain specifically for Design Studio.
  8. Do one of the following:

Installing Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse

To download and install Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse:

  1. Go to the Oracle Technology Network website:



    The Oracle Technology Network website is occasionally updated with new versions of Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. If you are looking for a version previous to the one that appears here, click the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse Previous Releases link at the bottom of the page.
  2. Read and accept the license agreement, then select the Windows (64-bit) link.


    Oracle Mobile Application Framework (MAF) supports application development for iOS and Android. Design Studio does not require MAF. Select the MAF bundle only if you require iOS and Android application development support in your Eclipse installation.
  3. Download the archive file to an installation location and unzip the file.

    For example, unzip the file into a new directory called DesignStudio. In this guide, subsequent references to this directory refer to this location as Eclipse_Home.

Copying Java Runtime Environment into Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse

To copy the Java 8 Runtime Environment into Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse:

  1. Locate the Java SE SDK installation folder.

    The Java self-installing executable file defines the default installation location as c:\Program Files\Java.

  2. Copy the jre1.8n folder (for example, jre1.8.0_121) into the Eclipse_Home folder, where Eclipse_Home is the directory in which Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse is installed.

    The jre1.8n folder must be copied to the same location where the eclipse.exe file is saved.


    If Eclipse does not locate the jre1.8n folder in the Eclipse_Home directory, it attempts to find the jre1.8n folder using the JAVA_HOME windows environment variable.

    Oracle recommends that you save a version directly in the Eclipse_Home directory to ensure that individual Design Studio users run Design Studio with a supported Java version. Saving the Java version to JAVA_HOME does not ensure that individual users will run Design Studio with a supported Java version, and the Java version may be changed by installations initiated by other programs.

  3. Rename the jre1.8n folder to jre.

Configuring Eclipse Startup Properties

System administrators control Eclipse startup by configuring properties in the eclipse.ini file, located in the Eclipse root directory. By editing eclipse.ini, system administrators can:

  • Define the initial amount of memory for the Java heap size.

    A heap is the common pool of free memory available to a program. If Eclipse is using more memory than is available, increase the heap size allocated by the JVM to Eclipse. Increasing the heap size may eliminate OutOfMemoryError instances when Eclipse attempts to instantiate objects.

    To define the initial amount of memory the JVM allocates to Eclipse, use the -Xms setting.

  • Define the maximum amount of memory for the Java heap size.

    To define the maximum amount of memory that the JVM can allocate to Eclipse, use the -Xmx setting. Consider the following guidelines:

    • For individual users working on a 64-bit version of Eclipse on Windows (64-bit), you can define the maximum memory values higher than 1024 MB, enabling full use of available memory. For example, if an individual Design Studio user runs Eclipse on a 4 GB machine running Windows (64-bit), you can define the -Xmx option up to -Xmx3096m.

    • If out-of-memory errors occur at startup (because of an increase to the maximum allocated heap that the operating system is unable to support), close Design Studio, reduce the -Xmx value, and reopen Design Studio. Oracle recommends reducing the value gradually to ensure that Design Studio starts with the greatest heap space possible.

In the following example, a system administrator configures the eclipse.ini file settings for machines with at least 4 GB of memory:

Example 3-1 eclipse.ini File


For more information about the eclipse.ini file, see:


Verifying the Eclipse Installation

To verify that the Eclipse platform installed successfully:

  1. Double-click the eclipse.exe file.

    The Workspace Launcher dialog box appears.

  2. Specify a workspace.

    You can select a temporary folder or accept the default location. However, each individual Design Studio user should identify the appropriate working directory on their local machine. To help Design Studio users identify in which directory configuration information should be stored on their computer, system administrators can specify in the Workspace Launcher dialog box a location where most users will want to place their configuration files. The directory and folder structure that the installation administrator specifies in this step will become the default value for the Workspace field in the Workspace Launcher.

  3. Click OK.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  4. Select Help, then About Eclipse Platform.

  5. Verify the Eclipse version.

Installing the Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Charting Feature

You install the Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Charting feature (BIRT) to develop report designs and generate reports that Design Studio users can use to review detailed information about an implemented solution. For example, you can design reports that capture the name, type, description, and relationships of projects, entities, and data elements. Design Studio users can generate these reports and share solution modeling information among team members.


This procedure requires internet access. You can install BIRT offline using the Design Studio installation build.properties file.

See "Downloading Prerequisite Features for Offline Installation" for information about installing BIRT offline.

To install the Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Charting feature:

  1. In the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse application, from the Help menu, select Install New Software.

    The Available Software dialog box appears.

  2. In the Work with field, click the menu and select the following update site:

    Oxygen - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen

    A list of features available from the site appears.

  3. Select Business Intelligence, Reporting and Charting.

  4. Click Next.

    The Install Details dialog box appears.

  5. Review the installation details.

  6. Click Next.

    The Review Licenses dialog box appears.

  7. Review and accept the license agreement.

  8. Click Finish.

  9. When prompted, click Yes to restart Eclipse.

Installing the Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit Feature

The Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit feature is not included in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. This feature is a prerequisite that you must install before you install Design Studio.


This procedure requires internet access. You can install this feature offline using the Design Studio installation build.properties file.

See "Downloading Prerequisite Features for Offline Installation" for more information.

  1. Open the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse application.

  2. From the Help menu, select Install New Software.

    The Install dialog box appears.

  3. In the Work with field, enter the following:


  4. Press the Enter key.

  5. Expand GEF (Graphical Editing Framework) and select Zest.

  6. Click Next and accept the terms of the license agreement.

  7. Click Finish.

  8. Restart Eclipse.

Downloading Prerequisite Features for Offline Installation

The Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit feature and the Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Charting feature are not included in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. These features are prerequisites that you must install before you install Design Studio.

If you will not have internet access during installation, you can download these features and install them later when you are offline.

To download the prerequisite features for offline installation:

  1. Navigate to the BIRT All Downloads page by identifying the compatible BIRT version for Eclipse Oxygen from the URL:


  2. Scroll down to the Zipped P2 repository section.

  3. Download and save the Zipped P2 repository file:

  4. Navigate to the following Eclipse download page:


  5. Click the GEF3-Update-4.0.0.zip file to download the file.

  6. Extract the GEF3-Update-4.0.0.zip file to a shared location.

  7. Install the features offline using the Design Studio installation scripts.

    You can specify the shared location of the extracted GEF3-Update-4.0.0.zip file and of the extracted BIRT Zipped P2 repository file in the Design Studio installation build.properties file.

    See "Installing and Configuring Design Studio" for more information about updating the build.properties file and running the installation script.

Downloading Prerequisite BIRT Features Using an Ant Script for Offline Installation

You can download the BIRT Zipped P2 repository file for offline installation by running an Ant script. Save the following Ant script as an XML file.

Example 3-2 Ant script

<project default="birt-updatesite"> 
<property name="destinationFolder" value="C:/birt_p2_repo"/> 
<target name="birt-updatesite"> 
      <repository location="http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen"/> 
    <slicingOptions followStrict="false" /> 
       <iu id="org.eclipse.birt.feature.group"/> 
<iu id="org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.editor.xml.wtp.feature.group"/> 
<iu id="org.eclipse.birt.chart.cshelp.feature.group"/> 
<iu id="org.eclipse.birt.cshelp.feature.group"/> 
<iu id="org.eclipse.birt.doc.feature.group"/> 
<iu id="org.eclipse.birt.example.feature.group"/> 


Always run the Ant script from Eclipse.

Run the script in the JRE of the workspace. This process allows the script to access P2 tasks (for example, p2.mirror).

Change destinationFolder to a required folder before running the script.

To download BIRT features using an Ant script for offline installation:

  1. Open the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse application.

  2. Open the required project.

  3. Copy the Ant script XML file in to any folder within the project.

  4. Open the Ant view.

  5. Open the Context menu by right-clicking the page.

  6. Select Add Buildfiles.

    The Buildfile Selection page appears.

  7. Navigate to the Ant script XML file.

    The Ant script build file appears in the Ant view.

  8. Open the Context menu by right-clicking the build file.

  9. Select Run As > Ant Build....

    The Edit Configuration page appears.

  10. Navigate to the JRE tab.

  11. Select Run in the same JRE as the workspace.

  12. Click Apply and then Run.

    The repository file is created in the destination folder provided in Ant script.

  13. Copy the repository file and save it to a shared location.

  14. Continue with step 4 in "Downloading Prerequisite Features for Offline Installation".