14 Uninstalling Messaging Server

This chapter describes how to uninstall Oracle Communications Messaging Server.

About Uninstalling Messaging Server

The following steps gives a high-level overview on how to uninstall Messaging Server.

To uninstall Messaging Server:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Change to the InstallRoot directory.

  3. Run the rpm -e command.

  4. Choose Messaging Server.

  5. When prompted, enter Yes to continue.

Uninstalling Messaging Server

You can uninstall the Messaging Server software package directly by using either the pkgrm command (Solaris) or rpm command (Linux).

Uninstalling Messaging Server Components

This command uninstalls Messaging Server products. However it does not remove OS patches or shared components installed by rpm -i.

To uninstall one or more Messaging Server component, change to the InstallRoot directory, and as root, run rpm -e


A fast way to uninstall a Messaging Server component installed in an alternate root is to simply remove the entire alternate root directory.