13 Upgrading Messaging Server

This chapter describes the three Messaging Server upgrade strategies and procedures to upgrade from Messaging Server 7.x, 8.0, or 8.0.1, 8.0.2 to Messaging Server 8.1.0. It assumes that you have chosen a target deployment, and have developed an architectural design and deployment plan.

About Upgrading to Messaging Server 8.1.0

Messaging Server 8.1.0 provides a redesigned message store that is based on Apache Cassandra Database. However, you cannot just upgrade to the Apache Cassandra message store. You must perform a migration. To migrate mailboxes from classic message store to Apache Cassandra message store, you must perform a number of steps, including installing message access layer hosts, configuring store affinity groups, installing Cassandra database, rehosting users, and so on. For more information, see Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Cassandra Message Store.


You cannot install both classic message store and Cassandra message store in the same Messaging Server deployment.

You can upgrade Messaging Server 7.x, 8.0, 8.0.1, and 8.0.2 back-end message stores, MTA, MMP, and mshttp components to Messaging Server 8.1.0.


Prior to this release, once you upgraded to Oracle Communications Messaging Server 7.0.5 or greater, from a version prior to Messaging Server 7.0.5, you could not downgrade by ”backing out” the upgrade. This was because of database incompatibilities with prior versions starting in Messaging Server 7.0.5. This situation does not apply Messaging Server 8.0.2/8.1.0 and Cassandra message store, as you cannot upgrade a Messaging Server 7.x, 8.0, or 8.0.2 classic message store to 8.0.2/8.1.0 and Cassandra message store; and so, the previous "backing out" scenario no longer applies in that situation.

Upgrade Requirements for Messaging Server

The requirements for upgrading to Messaging Server 8.1.0 are:

  • You must be running at least Messaging Server 7.x to upgrade to Messaging Server 8.1.0.

  • You cannot upgrade from Messaging Server 5.x or 6.x directly to Messaging Server 8.1.0. You first must upgrade to Messaging Server 7.x, then upgrade to Messaging Server 8.1.0.

    Contact Oracle Consulting to upgrade directly from Messaging Server 5.x or 6.x to Messaging Server 8.1.0

  • Linux platforms: Messaging Server supports Oracle Linux/ Red Hat Enterprise. See "Supported Operating Systems" for version information.

About Messaging Server Unified Configuration

Beginning with Messaging Server 7 Update 5, Messaging Server has the capability to create a Unified Configuration. Unified Configuration provides an improved, streamlined process to configure and administer Messaging Server. Unlike in legacy configurations (Messaging Server 7 Update 4 and prior releases), Unified Configuration uses validation to verify configuration accuracy, and employs a single tool to configure the entire Messaging Server configuration (with a few exceptions). Thus, moving your deployment to Unified Configuration simplifies administration and reduces configuration mistakes.

After upgrading to Messaging Server 7 Update 5 and later, you can decide to migrate your legacy configuration to Unified Configuration. When you convert to Unified Configuration, Messaging Server saves your old legacy configuration in the ConfigRoot/legacy-config directory. If necessary, you can restore a saved legacy configuration at the time you converted, however, all changes made to your configuration after converting to United Configuration are lost. You can migrate to Unified Configuration after you have completed the upgrade. You are not required to migrate to Unified Configuration during the upgrade process.

To help you decide to migrate to Unified Configuration, see Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide for more information about Unified Configuration capabilities and tools.

Upgrading Messaging Server Overview

A Messaging Server deployment can consist of multiple back-end message stores, multiple webmail servers, front-end MMPs, and MTA relays. Like all upgrades, you proceed on a host-by-host basis.


If you want to use the Cassandra message store in Messaging Server 8.1.0, you must perform a migration of the classic message store to Cassandra messages store. For more information, see Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Cassandra Message Store.

Upgrading a Messaging Server deployment includes the following high-level steps:

  1. Backing up the Messaging Server data

  2. Upgrading and running comm_dssetup.pl to the latest version before upgrading Messaging Server

    Messaging Server 8.1.0 requires you to apply at least comm_dssetup.pl version against Directory Server. The Messaging Server 8.1.0 media pack includes comm_dssetup.pl version

  3. Defining your upgrade target and the required products and components for that target

  4. Reviewing your Messaging Server architecture and topology

    Although you might be satisfied with your current Messaging Server architecture and topology, upgrading can provide the opportunity to redesign your deployment for more optimal performance. See "Developing a Messaging Server Architecture" and "Planning a Messaging Server Sizing Strategy" for more information.

  5. Selecting the upgrade sequence of individual Messaging Server hosts

    This includes upgrading components such as message store servers, proxies, webmail servers, and front-end relays.

  6. Choosing a Messaging Server upgrade strategy for each host

    Three Messaging Server upgrade strategies offer choices that strike a balance between system downtime, cost, simplicity, and risk. You choose a strategy for each host, and you can use different strategies on different hosts within a Messaging Server deployment.

  7. Upgrading the Messaging Server software

    Use Messaging Server 8.1.0 or the current patch.

  8. (Optional) Migrating to Unified Configuration

    Use the configtoxml command to migrate from legacy configuration to Unified Configuration.

    For more information, see the discussion on the configtoxml command in Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide.

Technical Features Supporting Messaging Server Upgrade

The following features support Messaging Server upgrade:

  • You migrate mailboxes by using the imsbackup and imsrestore commands. See the discussion on migrating mailboxes to a new system in the Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide. These commands support moving mailboxes from old message store versions to new ones (including when the message store database format changes, for example, from Messaging Server 32-bit to Messaging Server 64-bit). These commands also support moving mailboxes from new message store versions to old ones for back-out purposes.


    You cannot upgrade a classic message store machine (imapd/popd/stored) directly to 8.1.0/Cassandra message store. You must use the rehostuser command to migrate mailboxes from Messaging Server 7.x, 8.0, 8.0.1, and 8.0.2 to Messaging Server 8.1.0 and Cassandra message store. For more information, see Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Cassandra Message Store.
  • In-place Upgrade supports changing the old mailbox format to the new format, but it does not support going from the new format back to the old. You cannot back out from new data format to old data format by using the in-place Upgrade Strategy. The conversion is done ”on-the-fly” as mailboxes are accessed. In-place server upgrade is by done using either the pkgadd command (Solaris) or rpm command (Linux).


    Note that legacy package commands like pkginfo, pkgadd, and pkgrm are not available in Solaris 11.4 OS. Please contact Oracle to install the necessary Oracle Solaris packages.

Messaging Server Upgrade Strategies

Messaging Servers supports the following upgrade strategies for individual hosts. These strategies provide a balance between downtime, risk of extended downtime, complexity, and potential hardware costs.

  • Coexistent Upgrade: You keep existing services online while you construct a new host on separate hardware.

  • In-place Upgrade: The binaries of the old version are replaced with the binaries of the new version on the same host.

The strategy chosen for any particular host might differ. For example, you might want to use an in-place upgrade on your front-end servers (relays, MMPs, and webmail servers) but you might want to do a coexistent upgrade on your message stores.


There is a data format change in the message store in Messaging Server 8.0.1 (see the discussion on upgrading the Message Store in the Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide). Coexistent upgrade is recommended to facilitate backing out from an upgrade. See also "Downgrading from Messaging Server 8.1.0" for additional information.

The strategy you chose also depends upon the version you currently have installed and whether you are using 32-bit or 64-bit Messaging Server product. Issues and compatibilities are described next.


When upgrading/migrating between SPARC and x86 hardware, you need to use the Online/Coexistence strategy. For more information, see the discussion on migrating from x86 to SPARC in Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide.

Coexistent upgrade is also required when upgrading classic message store machines (imapd/popd/stored for 7.x, 8.0, and 8.0.1) to Cassandra message store.

The Coexistence Migration Strategy is the safest and most secure method of upgrading. It also has the lowest downtime of the two upgrade strategies. In the coexistence model, existing services remain online while you construct a new target host (or entire Messaging Server environment) on new hardware or in a Oracle Solaris whole root zone on the existing hardware. After the new host and environment are established, you can migrate a small number of friendly users to the new system to verify operations and administrative procedures. For a certain period both systems are accessible to user traffic. This is called a coexistence phase. Messaging access is not disrupted and proceeds invisibly to users. When all users are migrated to the new environment, you can decommission your legacy deployment. This phased approach ensures that the new system is fully prepared to handle production users before making the full migration.

Using the Coexistent Upgrade on Messaging Server

In this model of upgrading Messaging Server, you construct a new target host on a new hardware or in an Oracle Solaris whole root zone on the existing software. After the new host and environment are established, you can migrate users to the new system and decommission your legacy deployment.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Coexistence Migration

  • Service downtimes are usually rare and short. There is less danger that they will be longer than the off-line windows imposed by service level agreements.

  • Allows a gradual adoption of the new software so that you can gain confidence by trying it out with a small group of sympathetic users before migrating production users.

  • The risk of upgrade failure is mitigated by the fact that your legacy system remains fully functioning throughout the upgrade process.

  • Because the new system is built alongside a functional old one, you do not need to install or modify anything on the working legacy machines. This is an advantage as there is always a natural reluctance to modify or reconfigure a working legacy system in significant ways.

  • Coexistence is the safest upgrade model and has the least amount of user downtime.

  • Simpler back off procedure. Anytime you upgrade software, you need to make provisions for backing off from the new system to the old system in case of failure. Other upgrade models might require that you back up and turn off the old system, install, configure, and migrate to the new system. Only when you switch on the new system do you know if the upgrade succeeded. If it turns out, that it did not, then you might have to use your back off plan to put everything back into place. A coexistence migration is much simpler as a working legacy system is already in place.

  • You must move user data, such as mailboxes, from one host to another. On classic message store, you typically use the imsbackup and imsrestore commands. To migrate to Cassandra message store, you must use the rehostuser command.

  • Might require extra hardware to set up a parallel system. (This can be mitigated by upgrading legacy machines after they are no longer used.)

Specific Steps for Upgrading Messaging Server Using the Coexistence Model

The steps to upgrade Messaging Server using the Coexistence Model are as follows:

  1. Make sure that your hardware is installed as per your Messaging Server deployment plan. For more information, refer to the previous chapters, or to Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Cassandra Message Store for Cassandra requirements.

  2. Install a new version of Messaging Server in the proper sequence on a new machine, by using the rpm -i command.

  3. Configure Messaging Server.

    • You must do so manually. Basically, you must clone the relevant parts of the old machine's configuration to this new machine.

  4. If you are doing a coexistent migration on a message store, migrate user mailboxes (a few at a time) to the new machine. For classic message store to classic message store migration, use the imsbackup and imsrestore commands. For classic message store to Cassandra message store, use the rehostuser command. See Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide for more information.

    • Details on classic message store internals can be found in the Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide.


To migrate mailboxes from classic message store to Cassandra message store, you must perform a number of steps, including installing message access layer hosts, configuring store affinity groups, installing Cassandra database, rehosting users, and so on. For more information, see Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Cassandra Message Store.

Using the In-Place Upgrade on Messaging Server


You cannot use the in-place strategy to upgrade a classic message store to Cassandra message store. Instead, you must perform a migration. See Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Cassandra Message Store for more information.

In this method you simply replace the old server binaries with the new server binaries on the same machine by using either the pkgadd command (Solaris) or rpm command (Linux). This command removes the old packages and installs the new ones.

Advantages and Disadvantages of In-place Messaging Server Upgrade

  • Simplest. One command installs the new packages and removes the old packages. This command migrates and upgrades configuration.

  • Requires least amount of extra disk space.

  • Messaging Server stays in the same disk location (no tweaking of custom scripts).

  • Has the most downtime.

  • Back out is complicated and time consuming. See "Downgrading from Messaging Server 8.1.0."

  • This method is probably best for evaluators/testers/developers.

  • Useful for upgrading Messaging Servers configured without the message store, for example, front-end relays and webmail servers.

Steps for Using In-Place Upgrade on Messaging Server on Linux

The following steps show how to upgrade Messaging Server using In-place Upgrade on Linux:

  1. Stop the currently running Messaging Server by using the stop-msg command.

  2. Before you do an upgrade, make sure you have a clean shutdown and recovery by running the stored -r command.

  3. Uninstall the previous version's binaries by using the rpm -e command.


    Running the rpm -e command does not delete the existing configuration. The command deletes only the existing binaries.
  4. Install the Messaging Server 8.1.0 package by using the rpm -i command.

  5. Start the new, upgraded Messaging Server version by using the start-msg command.

Steps for Using In-Place Upgrade on Messaging Server on Solaris

The following steps show how to upgrade Messaging Server using In-place Upgrade on Solaris:

  1. Stop the currently running Messaging Server by using the stop-msg command.

  2. Before you do an upgrade, make sure you have a clean shutdown and recovery by running the stored -r command.

  3. Uninstall the previous version's binaries by using the pkgrm command.

  4. Install the Messaging Server 8.1.0 package by using the pkgadd command.

  5. Start the new, upgraded Messaging Server version by using the start-msg command.

Downgrading from Messaging Server 8.1.0

If you upgrade using a coexistence migration strategy, you do not need to downgrade or back out a patch because you always have the system with the previous version of Messaging Server still running. Simply uninstall or decommission the newly installed version of Messaging Server on the new system and continue using the previous version on the old system. However, if you upgrade using a side-by-side or an in-place upgrade strategy, then you need to read the following information.

You cannot just back out the upgrade by using rpm -u and then rpm -i from the previous release to reinstall the previous version. Instead, you must back up your Messaging Server data, back out the upgrade, then restore the Messaging Server data.

These downgrade instructions apply to the in-place upgrade methods.

Before you Upgrade to Messaging Server 8.1.0

Read this section before upgrading to Messaging Server 8.1.0

  • You cannot directly upgrade a classic message store to Cassandra message store. Instead, you must perform a migration. See Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Cassandra Message Store for more information.

  • You cannot simply back out the Messaging Server 8.1.0 upgrade to a previous version once it is applied.

  • Because you cannot directly upgrade a classic message store to Cassandra message store, the previous releases' downgrade instructions no longer apply.

  • Although the system does permit you to back out the upgrade from the current release to reinstall the previous version, afterwards Messaging Server services may not properly start. Additionally, the stored process may not start properly, and any mailbox accessed prior to backing out the upgrade may report that it is corrupted with an invalid format. Furthermore, even if you could manage to start Messaging Server services and manually fix the mailbox corruption, the mailbox owner flags (for example, seen and deleted flags) are all reset.

  • Before upgrading to Messaging 8.1.0, make sure that you back up the Messaging Server data. If you do need to downgrade the classic message store after upgrading to Messaging Server 8.1.0, you need to restore the Messaging Server data to its state prior to upgrading.

  • Before upgrading to Messaging Server 8.1.0, it is highly recommended that you test it on a non-production system prior to actual deployment to production systems.

  • Backing out from Messaging Server 8.1.0 is considered an avenue of last resort. If you need to downgrade, you must follow the steps described later in this information to return your system to a working state. (Backing out is not relevant to a coexistence migration.)

  • You need the previous version's software. For example, if you use the installer to upgrade from Messaging Server 7 Update 5, the installer removes the old software, and so to revert to that version, you would need the old product's installer to do so. Note that for scenarios other than classic store to Cassandra store migration, if you do a backup prior to downgrading, and restore from that backup, you do not lose messages that arrived since that backup when you restore.

Downgrading Using a ZFS Snapshot (Solaris Only)

To back out the upgrade on a host configured without a classic message store such as an MTA host, an MMP host, or a Webmail host, run rpm -e/pkgrm and then rpm -i from the previous release to reinstall the previous version. On a host configured with a classic message store that uses a ZFS file system, you can use the following procedure to back out the upgrade without having to do a full imsbackup/imsrestore thereby taking advantage of the near instantaneous ZFS snapshot and roll back capability.

High Level Overview

Create a ZFS snapshot of the message store data including the mboxlist database, index, and message partitions before upgrading.

Once you upgrade, you can back out by:

  • Performing an incremental imsbackup of the message store since the snapshot time

  • Using rpm -e and then rpm -i from the previous release to reinstall the previous version

  • Rolling back to the ZFS snapshot

  • Restoring the incremental imsbackup

Note however, that if you are backing out to a version prior to Messaging Server, those versions do not restore message flags from the incremental backup.

To Downgrade Using a ZFS Snapshot

  1. Prior to upgrading, stop the services and create a ZFS snapshot of the classic message store. Note that in a subsequent step where a ZFS rollback is done to restore this snapshot, only the store area should be restored. In particular, you should not rollback the MTA queues. For additional information, see the discussion of ZFS best practices in Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide. Note the timestamp when you create the ZFS snapshot. We recommend using the timestamp in the name of the snapshot. The following example assumes that the store area is in the rpool/export/comms-data ZFS partition.

    zfs list
    zfs snapshot rpool/export/comms-data@20150601232600
  2. Upgrade and start services.

    rpm -u

    If you decide for whatever reason to downgrade, note that this decision should not be taken lightly. This should only be done if there is no other recourse.

  3. Stop services.

  4. Start Message Store services.

    start-msg store
  5. Do an incremental imsbackup from the time the ZFS snapshot was taken in Step 1 (timestamp 2015-Jun-01 11:26 pm).

    imsbackup -x -v -f - -d 20150601:232600 / > /var/tmp/backup


    It is better if the incremental backup is relatively small.
  6. Stop services.


    It would seem prudent to do another ZFS snapshot prior to starting the downgrade, but ZFS snapshots do not allow you to rollback to more than the previous snapshot.

  7. Uninstall the Messaging Server.

    rpm -e
  8. Reinstall the previous Messaging Server version by running its installer.

    rpm -i
  9. Roll back to the ZFS snapshot you created previously.

    zfs rollback rpool/export/comms-data@20150601232600
  10. Start the message store services.

    start-msg store
  11. Restore the backup you made previously using imsbackup by running imsrestore with the -E switch.

    imsrestore -E -f /var/tmp/backup
  12. Start services.


Downgrading from Messaging Server 8.1.0 Without Using a ZFS Snapshot

Use this procedure if you have upgraded to Messaging Server 8.1.0 and need to return to previous version.

To Downgrade from Messaging Server 8.1.0:

  1. Prior to downgrading, perform a full backup of the classic message store by using the imsbackup command.

    For example:

    start-msg store
    imsbackup -v -f - / > backup
  2. Uninstall the Messaging Server.

    rpm -e/pkgrm
  3. Reinstall the previous Messaging Server version by running its installer.

    rpm -i/pkgadd
  4. Move the store directory to a different location.

    For example:

    mv data/store data/store.old
  5. Start the message store to perform the restore:

    start-msg store
  6. Perform the restore:

    imsrestore -f backup
  7. Start Messaging Server.

    For example:


Downgrading MTA, MMP, or Webmail Hosts

To back out the upgrade on a host configured without a classic message store, such as an MTA host, an MMP host, or a Webmail host, run rpm -e/pkgram and then rpm -i/pkgadd from the previous release to reinstall the previous version.

Messaging Server 8.1.0 Upgrade in an HA Environment

Upgrading Messaging Server in a highly-available (HA) environment consists of upgrading the Messaging Server software then upgrading the Messaging Oracle Clusterware Agent.

This section includes the following topic:

Upgrading to Messaging Server 8.1.0 in an HA Environment

Upgrade strategies, each of which require different procedures, include the follow:

To Do an In-place Upgrade to Messaging Server 8.1.0 in an HA Environment

An in-place upgrade is done by using the Linux rpm command.

  1. Disable Messaging Server resource:

    scswitch -n -j msg_svr_resource
  2. Uninstall the binaries of previous version by using the rpm -e command.


    Running the rpm -e command does not delete the existing configuration. The command deletes only the existing binaries.
  3. Install the Messaging Server 8.1.0 package by using the rpm -i command.

  4. Enable Messaging Server resource:

    scswitch -e -j msg_svr_resource