Oracle® Communications MetaSolv Solution ASR

Release Notes

Release 60.0


December 2019

Release Notes

This document describes the enhancements that are introduced and the Access Service Ordering Guidelines (ASOG) issues that have been implemented in Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Access Service Request (ASR) 60.

This document consists of the following sections:

See ASR Installation Guide for instructions about installing ASR 60.

Data Conversions

The ASR60BD.sql file is included in this release. The installer provides all upgrades to MetaSolv Solution executable files and stored procedure files (Procs directory).

Software Support

MetaSolv Solution 6.3.0 supports ASR 60 on the following software versions:

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux Server 6.6 (or later) and 7.1 (or later)

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.6 (or later) and 7.1 (or later)

  • Oracle Solaris 11.2 or later

  • IBM AIX 7.1 Update 1

  • HP-UX Itanium 11.31 Update 7

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016

  • Oracle WebLogic Server 12c ( and

  • Oracle Database 12cR2 ( and 18c (

Product Enhancements

With this release, you can now mention user data fields in the WebService APIs. For more information, see ASR Web Services Developer’s Guide.

ASR CORBA APIs Desupported

CORBA APIs are no longer supported from ASR 60. Oracle recommends that you use ASR Web Services to integrate ASR with other Oracle products or with external applications. See ASR Web Services Developer's Guide for more information about the ASR Web Services.

ASOG Issues Implemented

The following table describes the Access Service Ordering Guidelines (ASOG) issues that have been implemented in this release.

Issue Number Description


Valid Entry “X” has been removed from GBTN field on MSL form.


Replaced AFG field with GOV field on ASR form.


Modified the usage rules for the UREF field on the EVC form.


PNUM field has been newly added on CN (Confirmation Notice) form.


TLE field has been renamed to TLR field on ASR form.

Modified the usage rules for RORD field to replace TLE with TLR field on NOTE2.


Modified usage note validation for DIVPON field on Transport, ACI, SES, EUSA, PIP, and DIS forms.


Modified usage note validation for DIVCKT field on ACI form.

Fixes in This Release

The following table lists the customer-reported bugs that have been fixed in this release.

Bug Number Description



The lengths of the lata field in the asr schema and ckr1 in the cn schema of the WebService xsd files differs from the GUI lengths.


Code has been modified and now the LATA and CKR1 length has been modified to 5(from4) and 40(from 53) respectively.



When importing CR through the importCR WebService API, the application allows up to 225 characters to be entered for the Remarks fields, but editing the field in GUI reduces the length to 124 characters.


Code has been modified and now the application will no longer reduce the remarks length to 124 characters.



When importing an Access Service Request order via WS API, the API returns the error “The value 'x' of element 'y' is not valid” for the below list of fields:

  • SALI form icol when length = 8
  • Trunking form apc when length = 9
  • Trunking form tsc2 when length = 8
  • Trunking form tsc3 when length = 8
  • Trunking form tsc4 when length = 8
  • Trunking form pcu when length = 8
  • Trunking form ssn when length = 3
  • Trunking form ttn when length = 3
  • Trunking form pcna when length = 3
  • CR form remarks when length is between 124 and 225
  • CN form dtn when length = 10
  • CN form vci when length = 5
  • TQ from lrng when length = 10
  • TQ form lrn when length = 10


The code has been modified and the Access Service Request API will now import the order successfully for the above listed scenarios.



When importing a disconnect SES Access Service Request order via API, if the <sbdw> field is not populated within the <asr:aSESSeq> structure, the API responds with a java.lang.NullPointerException.


The code has been modified and the disconnect SES Access Service Request API will now import the order even if the <sbdw/> tag is not provided in the <asr:aSESSeq> structure.



When importing a disconnect Trunking Access Service Request order via API, if the <qaci> field is not populated with 0 within the <asr:aTrunking> structure, the API responds with a java.lang.NullPointerException.


The code has been modified and the disconnect Trunking Access Service Request API will now import the order even if the <qaci> field is not provided in the <asr:aTrunking> structure.



When importing an EVC Access Service Request order via API, if the <aEVCUNIMappingDetailSeq> structure does not have the <svlan> and <svact> fields, the application logs the below error in the <servername>.mss.log file, but the order gets created successfully.

<Sep 26, 2019, 10:16:59,138 AM PDT><Notice> <StdErr> <BEA-000000><java.lang.NullPointerException>


The code has been modified and now when importing an EVC Access Service Request order via API, no errors would be logged even if the <aEVCUNIMappingDetailSeq> structure does not have the <svlan> and <svact> fields.



When importing a Trunking ASR order using the ImportTRUNKING Web Service API with PCNA value having 3 characters, the application gives the error "cvc-type.3.1.3: The value'XXX' of element 'pcna' is not valid."


Code has been modified and now the application will allow the import of an order with 3 character PCNA values.



When importing an Access Service Request order via API, the API returns the following error when the LONG field on the SALI form contains a valid value as follows: -nn.nnnnnnn

FORM : SALI | Reference Number: 0001 Valid entries for LONG field is -NN.NNN to -NNN.NNNNNN where N must contain a value of 0-9.


The code has been modified and now the Access Service Request API will import the order successfully when the LONG field contains all valid values including -nn.nnnnnnn.



Users are able to execute the import order API on an ASR order which is already cancelled and change the supp type to a different value. This is contradicting the GUI behaviour where the order becomes read only when the order is marked as cancel.


Code has been modified and now the application will not allow an import ASR WS API to be executed on an ASR order that is already cancelled and instead will return the below error:

"Cannot Import Cancelled Order"



In an ASR order's remarks field, if the user enters certain ASCII characters, print preview of the ASR gives the following error:


javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Premature end of file.


Code has been modified and now when users enter any characters apart from the below white list, the application will filter it and not save it. Hence, print preview of an ASR will no longer give an error.

  1. a to z
  2. A to Z
  3. 0 to 9
  4. Special characters`~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|\][:";'?><,./
  5. Carriage returns, tabs, and spaces

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

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Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution ASR Release Notes, Release 60.0


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