4 Monitoring and Managing Unified Inventory Management

This chapter provides monitoring and managing activities that you may need to perform after installing or upgrading the Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM) software.

Sharing JAR Files

After you install UIM, you need to share specific JAR files with Oracle Communications Design Studio for use with cartridges. Each individual UIM system administrator must determine the best method for sharing these JAR files, based on your company's standard practices.


These JAR files change with each new patchset or maintenance release. The JAR files need to be re-distributed each time UIM is upgraded with a patchset or maintenance release and the Design Studio system administrator needs to be notified.

For more information on sharing JAR files with Design Studio, see the chapter on “Using Design Studio to Extend UIM" in UIM Developer's Guide.

Disabling the HTTP Port

After you install UIM, you can disable the HTTP (non-SSL) port if it was enabled during installation.

To disable the HTTP port:

  1. Ensure you are logged into the WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. Click Lock & Edit.

  3. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Environment, and then click Servers.

    The Summary of Servers page appears.

  4. Select the AdminServer.

    The Settings for AdminServer page appears.

  5. Deselect the Listen Port Enabled setting.


    If you disable this port, then you must enable the SSL port.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click Activate Changes.

Setting the Database Row Prefetch Size

You can specify the number of result set rows to prefetch.

  1. Ensure you are logged into the WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. Click Lock & Edit.

  3. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Services and then click Data Sources.

    The Summary of JDBC Data Sources page appears.

  4. Click the InventoryDataSource data source.

    The Settings for InventoryDataSource page appears.

  5. Under Configuration, click the Connection Pool tab.

  6. In the Properties field, enter the following:


  7. Click Save.

  8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 for InventoryTxDataSource.

  9. Click Activate Changes.

  10. Restart the WebLogic Application Server.

Modifying the Default File Encoding

The UIM installer automatically sets the default file encoding to UTF8 for both full installations and upgrades. Check the startup script to verify that the default file encoding is set to UTF8. If this setting is incorrect, you can manually change the default file encoding setting in the CUSTOM SECTION segment of the startup script.

The following example shows the correct command syntax:


Modifying the Time Zone

For full installations and upgrades, the UIM installer automatically sets the time zone for your locale. You should check your startup script to verify that the time zone setting for your locale is correct. If this setting is incorrect, add a line to the CUSTOM SECTION segment of your startup script. Enter the time zone ID in a format that is recognizable by the java.util.TimeZone object. The following example shows the command syntax:

JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Duser.timezone=Asia/Shanghai"

To view a list of valid time zone values, run the following command:

import java.util.*;
public class TimeZoneList {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  String[] sZoneIds = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
  List lZoneIdList = Arrays.asList(sZoneIds);


If your application server and database server are located in different time zones, set the application server's user.timezone value to match the database server's time zone. The application server and database server time zones must match.


The application server time zone is defaulted to the underlying operating system time zone. To configure a different time zone for the application server, add the following value to the startup script at Domain_Home/bin/setUIMenv.sh. The valid time zone values are defined in java.util.TimeZone.

JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Duser.timezone=timezone"

where timezone is a valid string value defining the time zone ID such as GMT or EST.

Configuring Your Server's Timers

You can create and configure timers for:

  • Monitoring whether the server that manages the cluster-aware timers is still running

  • Custom extensions

  • Cleaning up expired reservations

  • Cleaning up expired entity row locks

  • Recalling disconnected IP resources

  • Detecting telephone number jeopardy and publishing notification events

You configure the timers for your servers in the UIM_Home/config/timers.properties file. For more information, see the comments in the timers.properties file.

Registering Entities to the LifeCycle Listener

You can register all or a subset of entities for create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) events. For example, you can specify that create events are generated when any entity is created. Likewise, you can specify that update events are generated only when Equipment and TelephoneNumber entities are updated.

Configuring Exception-Type-to-Error-Code Mappings

You can map error codes to exception types to help the persistence framework manage validation exceptions. For example, you can map error codes to DuplicateEntityException or to AttributeRequiredException.

You map error codes to exception types by using the UIM_Home/config/resources/logging/exception.properties file. For more information, see the comments in the exception.properties file.

Localizing UIM Error Messages

You can localize UIM error messages and items by modifying properties files in the UIM_Home/config/resources/logging directory.

Table 4-1 lists each property's file name, error ID range, and the error messages or items it localizes.

Table 4-1 Properties Files for Localizing UIM Error Messages and Items.

Property File Name Error ID Range Error Message or Item It Localizes



Property names for the address range cartridge



Error messages generated by the business interaction module



Error messages generated by the capacity module



Error messages generated by the configuration actions



Tree node label names



Error messages generated by the connectivity module



Error messages generated by the consumer module



Error messages generated by the countries module



Error messages generated by the custom module



Error messages generated by enumeration



Error messages generated by the equipment module



Error messages generated by the framework module



Error messages generated by the extensibility module



Error messages generated by the packet connectivity module



Error messages generated by the import/export module



Error messages generated by the inventory group module


34000100 - 34000999

Error messages generated by the inventory group module



Error messages generated by the IP address module



Error messages generated by the location module



Error messages generated by the logical device module



Error messages generated by the media module



Error messages generated by the mediaResource module



Error messages generated by the network module



Error messages generated by the network address module



Error messages generated by the number module



Error messages generated by the party role module



Error messages generated by the place module



Error messages generated by the product module



Error messages generated by the project module



Resource entity names and resource-related error messages



Error messages generated by the role module



Error messages generated by the service module



Error messages generated by the connectivity signal module



Error messages generated by the specification module



Error messages generated by the status module



Error messages generated by the subscriber module



Error messages generated by the framework module



Error messages generated by the topology module



Error messages generated by the workflow module



Error messages generated by the wsservice module

For more information on how to localize UIM, see UIM Developer's Guide.

Localizing the UIM Server and the Application Server

By default, the UIM and application server software display information in English. You can set the software to display information in another language by localizing text strings in the UIM properties files. For more information, see UIM Developer's Guide.

Shutting Down an Application Server

UIM provides a script to shut down an application server. Use the following command or the kill command on the machine running the server to be shut down:

stopWebLogic.sh AdminUserID AdminPassword ServerName AdminServerURL

where AdminServerURL is in the format: t3://ServerName:PortNumber

For example:

stopWebLogic.sh weblogic password server03 t3://wplsnroyall:7101

Deploying the Inventory Enterprise Application

UIM's core functionality runs as an Enterprise Application on the application server under the deployment name oracle.communications.inventory. The application file associated with the inventory enterprise application is the inventory.ear file. The following describes the steps for deployment:


You must ensure the application is un-deployed before doing a deploy. Optionally, ensure the temporary files for the WebLogic Server are cleaned up when the server is shut down, so that they cannot be used as cached information.

  1. Start the WebLogic administration server.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console using the following URL:



    • serverName is the host name for UIM

    • port is the port number of the machine on which UIM is installed

  3. Enter the administration user name and password and click Login.

  4. In the Change Center of the administration console, click Lock & Edit.

  5. In the left Domain Structure pane of the console, select Deployments.

  6. In the right pane under Deployments, click Install.

  7. In the Install Application Assistant, navigate to or enter the directory path location of the inventory.ear file.

  8. Click the radio button next to the inventory.ear file, and click Next.

    The Choose targeting style window appears.

  9. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next.

  10. Ensure the deployed name of the application is set to the following:


    and click Next.

  11. Review the configuration settings you have chosen and click Finish.

    If you chose to change the deployment configuration later, the console returns to the Deployments table.

  12. To activate the changes, under the Change Center area of the console, click Activate Changes.

Configuring the SSL Policy/Certificate

This section describes the configuration of SSL with Oracle WebLogic server. You must configure the new self-signed certificate in the WebLogic Administration Console.

To generate a new private key and self-signed certificate:

  1. Navigate to the WL_home/server/lib directory and run the following command:

    keytool -alias aliasValue -genkey -keypass keypassword -keystore keystore.jks -storepass keystorepass


    • aliasValue is the name

    • keypassword is the password

    • keystore.jks is the key store name

    • keystorepass is the key store password

  2. For What is your first and last name?, enter the application server IP address.

  3. Provide relevant information for the following prompts:

    • What is the name of your organizational unit?

    • What is the name of your organization?

    • What is the name of your City or Locality?

    • What is the name of your State or Province?

    • What is the two-letter country code for this unit?

      A summary is displayed showing the information you entered, as shown in the example below:

      Is CN=IPAddressProvided, OU=OrganizationalUnit, O=Organization, L=Locality, ST=State, C=CountryCode correct?

    • Enter Yes.

      The keystore keystore.jks file is created.

To configure the new self-signed certificate in the WebLogic Administration Console:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic server Administration Console using the Administrator credentials.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Lock & Edit.

  3. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Environment and then click Servers.

    The Summary of Servers page appears.

  4. In the Servers table, click AdminServer.

    The Settings for AdminServer page appears.

    The General tab is displayed by default.

  5. Select SSL Listen Port Enabled.

  6. In the SSL Listen Port field, update the value as appropriate.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click the Keystores tab.

  9. Click Change and then from the Keystores list, select Custom Identity and Java Standard Trust.

  10. Do the following:

    • In the Custom Identity Keystore field, enter the full path to your JKS file as follows:


    • In the Custom Identity Keystore Type field, enter jks.

    • In the Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase field, enter the keystore password.

    • Leave the Java standard trust key as the default.

    • Click Save.

  11. Click the SSL tab.

  12. Do the following:

    • From the Identity and Trust Locations list, select Keystores.

    • In the Private Key Alias field, enter the alias name.

    • In the Private Key Passphrase field, enter the private key password.

    • Click Save.

    • Click Advanced.

    • From the Two Way Client Cert Behavior list, select Client Certs Requested But Not Enforced.

    • Click Save.

  13. Click Activate Changes in the Change Center in the left pane.

    For more information on SSL configuration, see the WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.


    To replace a self-signed certificate with a production-quality certificate, or to import a trusted CA certificate into a keystore, run the following command:

    keytool -import -alias aliasValue -file cert.pem -keypass keypassword -keystore keystore.jks -storepass keystorepass


    If you import a trusted CA certificate, no existing entry for alias should be in the keystore.

    While accessing the application, the browser asks to install the certificate. Install the certificate in Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

Resetting/Changing the WebLogic Server's Database Connections

You may need to reset the WebLogic server's database connections when the following occurs:

  • The database goes down while UIM is active

  • UIM is started when the database is down

You reset the database connections by resetting the following JDBC data sources in the WebLogic server administration console: InventoryDataSource, InventoryTxDataSource, CMDSInventoryPersistentDS, InventoryMapDataSource, InvJMSPersistentDS, mds-commsRepository, opss-audit-DBDS, opss-audit-viewDS, opss-data-source, LocalSvcTblDataSource, and UIMAdapterDS.

To reset/change the database connections:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic server administration console at:

  2. Click Lock & Edit.

  3. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Services and then click Data Sources.

    The Summary of JDBC Data Sources page appears.

  4. Click InventoryDataSource.

    The Settings for InventoryDataSource page appears.

  5. Click the Control tab.

  6. Select the check box next to the data source instance that you want to reset.

  7. Click Reset.

  8. Click Yes.


    If you want to change the database connection, perform steps 9 and 10.

  9. Click the Connection Pool tab.

  10. Modify the following fields to match your environment:

    • URL

    • Properties

    • Password

    • Confirm Password

  11. Repeat steps 4 through 10 for all the remaining data sources.

Setting the Default Telephone Number Edit Mask

The default telephone number edit mask defines the length format for telephone numbers entered into the UIM system. This value is used when a Telephone Number specification does not specify a ruleset extension point to customize the edit mask. See UIM Developer's Guide for more information on customizing the telephone number edit mask.

The initial default value of ########## (ten digits) is specified in the numbers.properties file, which you can modify.

When a custom ruleset or modified properties file doe not specify a default edit mask, UIM uses the initial default edit mask from the number.properties file.

To modify the default telephone number edit mask:

  1. Open UIM_Home/config/resources/logging/number.properties.

  2. Find the following entry:


  3. Change ########## to the desired length.

    For example, enter ############ to set the telephone number length to 12 digits. Each pound sign symbol (#) represents one digit.

Setting the Default Place Type

Place entities can be of several different types:

  • Location

  • Address

  • Address Range

  • Site

You can specify the default type by setting the value of the place.defaultPlaceType property in the place.properties file. This default value determines which type appears first in the Place Type list when you create a Place entity. By default, the value is set to Address.

To modify the default place type:

  1. Open UIM_Home/config/resources/logging/place.properties.

  2. Find the following entry:


  3. Change the value to the desired place type.

Load Balancing a Clustered Server

The two methods for load balancing a clustered server include a hardware-based load balancer and a software-based proxy server.


Oracle recommends using the hardware-based load balancer in production environments. Use either the hardware-based load balancer or the software-based proxy server in test or development environments.

Depending on the type of environment being deployed, do one of the following:

  • Configure the load balancer

  • Configure the proxy server

Configuring the Load Balancer

The requirement for the load balancer service is server affinity, also known as a sticky session. For example, a user starts a new session and it is load balanced to server #2. The subsequent HTTP requests in this session is always routed to server #2 until server #2 fails.

For information on load balancer requirements, refer to the WebLogic document: Using WebLogic Server Clusters (see Load Balancing in a Cluster).

F5 BIG-IP Configuration

For information about deploying the BIG-IP system with Oracle WebLogic Server, refer to the deployment guide at the F5 Networks Web site.

Configuring the Proxy Server

There are several options available for the proxy server, refer to Oracle WebLogic Server documentation for information on configuring the various proxy server options.

Configuring Topology Updates

To configure topology updates, see the following topics:

Configuring Asynchronous Topology Updates

By default, the UIM topology is updated synchronously with business model changes. The topology and the business model are updated in single transaction to reflect new, changed, and deleted entities. See UIM Concepts and UIM Developer's Guide for more information about topology.

You can configure UIM to update the topology asynchronously from business model updates. In this scenario, topology updates are performed in a separate transaction from business model updates. Configuring UIM to update the topology asynchronously can improve performance by reducing the system overhead associated with business model changes.

To configure UIM for asynchronous topology updates:

  1. Stop the UIM application server.

  2. Open the UIM_home/config/topologyProcess.properties file.

  3. Change the value of the processSynchronous entry to false.

  4. Save the file.

Turning Off Topology Updates

If you use topology infrequently or want to optimize UIM performance, you can turn off topology updates entirely. If updates are turned off and you want to use topology-related features, such as path analysis, you must first rebuild the topology. See "Rebuilding Topology".

To turn off topology updates:

  1. Stop the UIM application server.

  2. Open the UIM_home/config/topologyProcess.properties file.

  3. Change the value of the disableTopology entry to true.

  4. Save the file.

Rebuilding Topology

If you have turned off topology updates, you must rebuild the topology before you can use any topology-related features, such as path analysis or visualization. You should schedule this as a maintenance task during a time when no changes to the inventory will take place.


When you rebuild, the old topology is deleted and a new one created. You should back up your old topology to ensure that you can return to it if necessary.

If UIM is installed in a cluster environment, only one instance can be rebuilt at a time. When a rebuild is in progress on one instance, the rebuild operation is disabled for other instances.

You should schedule topology rebuilds during times when no changes to the inventory will take place.

To rebuild the UIM topology:

  1. Log in to UIM.

  2. In the Tasks panel, click Rebuild Topology.

    The Rebuild Topology page appears.

  3. Click the Rebuild Topology button.

    The topology begins to be rebuilt. You can refresh the page to see status updates. When the process is complete, the page reverts to its original appearance and the Rebuild Topology button becomes available.

    You can check on the success of the rebuild by consulting the log at:


Configuring a Geocode Service

To configure a geocode service, see the following topics:

About Oracle eLocation

UIM uses Oracle eLocation as the default geocode service, but you may opt to use a different geocode service. This section describes Oracle eLocation, and provides information about configuring UIM to use a different geocode service.

UIM interfaces with Oracle eLocation through an XML API request that is sent when you click Validate Address from within UIM when creating a location. Oracle eLocation returns an XML API response to UIM, indicating whether or not the address sent in the request was a valid address. For valid addresses, the response includes a geocode, which is a specific latitude and longitude that represents the location.

Using a Geocode Service other than Oracle eLocation

Upon installation, UIM is configured to use the Oracle eLocation geocode service. However, you can configure UIM to use a geocode service other than the default Oracle eLocation. For example, you may opt to use a third-party geocode service, or create a custom geocode service to use.

UIM is tightly coupled with Oracle eLocation. As a result, when you click Validate Address from within UIM when creating a location, UIM creates an XML request based on what the Oracle eLocation geocode service is expecting. Similarly, UIM expects an XML response based on what the Oracle eLocation geocode service returns. You can find detailed information about the eLocation XML request and response structures at the following Web site:


Using a Third-Party Geocode Service

To use a third-party geocode service, you can host your own eLocation service that:

  • Handles the input XML request from UIM

  • Creates a new XML request based on what the third-party geocode service is expecting

  • Maps the data from the input XML request to the new XML request

  • Sends the new XML request to the third-party geocode service

  • Handles the response from the third-party geocode service

  • Creates a new XML response based on what UIM is expecting

  • Maps the data from the XML response to the new XML response

  • Sends the new XML response to UIM

In this scenario, the eLocation service is just a middle tier that performs XML mapping, allowing UIM and the third-party geocode service to communicate.

For information on how to host your own eLocation service, see Oracle Spatial eLocation Quick Start Guide:


Using a Custom Geocode Service

To use a custom geocode service, you can host your own eLocation service that:

  • Handles the input XML request from UIM

  • Performs custom address analysis based on input XML request data to determine the geocode

  • Creates an XML response based on what UIM is expecting

  • Sends the new XML response to UIM

In this scenario, the eLocation service hosts the custom geocode service.

For information on how to host your own eLocation service, including how to develop the custom geocode service that runs on your eLocation service, see Oracle Spatial eLocation Quick Start Guide:


Configuring UIM

After your eLocation service is up and running, you must configure the UIM_Home/config/system-config.properties file to point to your eLocation service. This file defines several properties related to the geocode service that UIM is using, such as host name, user ID, password, and so forth. See "Setting System Properties" for more information.

Purging UIM Entities

This section describes how to perform an entity purge in UIM. The purge tool is available as part of the ora_uim_dbtools.jar file, located in the UIM_Home/util/ folder.


Oracle recommends that you stop the UIM application before starting the purge process. After the purge process is completed, start the UIM application.


Performing a purge deletes database records permanently. You must back up the database before performing any purge operation.

UIM Entity Purge Scripts

This section provides information about the UIM entities that you can purge, and the scripts you use to purge those entities. The entity purge process also purges entities that are referred as entity link characteristics; however, you can prevent the purging of such entities. See "Preventing the Purging of Entities Referred as Entity Link Characteristics" for more information.

The purge functionality enables you to purge the following entities of UIM using purge scripts specific to each entity:

  • Service: You can purge services that are in Disconnected or Cancelled status, using the following scripts:

    • servicePurge.sh (Linux)

    • servicePurge.cmd (Windows)

    See "UIM Service Purge Scenarios" for more information.

  • Service Configuration Version: You can purge service configuration versions that are in Cancelled or Completed status, using the following scripts:

    • scvPurge.sh (Linux)

    • scvPurge.cmd (Windows)

  • Logical Device: You can purge logical devices (including their logical device interfaces) that are in Unassigned and Installed status, and that are not associated, linked, or referenced to any entities, using the following scripts:

    • ldPurge.sh (Linux)

    • ldPurge.cmd (Windows)

  • Logical Device Account: You can purge logical device accounts that are in Unassigned and Installed status, and that are not associated, linked, or referenced to any entities, using the following scripts:

    • ldaPurge.sh (Linux)

    • ldaPurge.cmd (Windows)

  • Party: You can purge parties that are not associated to any entities, using the following scripts:

    • partyPurge.sh (Linux)

    • partyPurge.cmd (Windows)

  • Place: You can purge places that are not associated to any entities, using the following scripts:

    • placePurge.sh (Linux)

    • placePurge.cmd (Windows)

  • Business Interaction/Engineering Work Order: You can purge business interactions and engineering work orders that are in Cancelled or Completed status, using the following scripts:

    • biPurge.sh (Linux)

    • biPurge.cmd (Windows)

UIM Service Purge Scenarios

The purge tool purges services in the following scenarios:

  • Cancelled services without In Service child services.

  • Disconnected services without In Service child services.

  • Cancelled services with cancelled child services.

  • Disconnected services with disconnected child services.

  • Cancelled services with disconnected child services.

  • Disconnected services with cancelled child services.

  • Disconnected or Cancelled services without configuration items in the Transitional or Disconnected status for the following configuration item entities:

    • Telephone Number

    • IPv4Subnet

    • IPv6Subnet

    • IPv4Address

    • IPv6Address


The purge tool does not purge a child service in Disconnected status whose parent service is in Pending status. However, if the disconnected child service is unassigned from its parent service (in Pending status), the purge tool purges the child service that is in Disconnected status.


Before you perform a UIM entity purge do the following:

  • Gather the statistics of the schema before and after running purge scripts. You use the following command to retrieve the statistics:

    EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_schema_stats(uim_db_schema_username);
  • Provide admin privileges to the database user.

  • Back up the database before executing purge scripts. The purge scripts delete the records matching specified criteria permanently.

  • Ensure you have the correct version of Java installed. See UIM Installation Guide for software version requirements.

Configuring the UIM Entity Purge Environment

You set up the entity purge tool environment by performing the following tasks:

  1. Extract Entity Purge Files from ora_uim_dbtools.jar

  2. Set Up the Entity Purge Tool Script

  3. Set Up Entity Purge Tables and Procedures

Extract Entity Purge Files from ora_uim_dbtools.jar

Extract the ora_uim_dbtools.jar from the UIM Installer. Use the following command to extract contents of the JAR file:

jar -xvf ora_uim_dbtools.jar

The JAR file contains SQL scripts and also command files for the purge tool. Save the path of these extracted JAR files as the dbtools_extracted_dir path value which is referenced in this section for the additional steps.

Set Up the Entity Purge Tool Script

After the files are extracted, edit the entityPurge.sh file or entityPurge.cmd files in the root directory (where entity is the name of the entity, such as service, SCV, or party), and set the following variables:

  1. Set JAVA_HOME to the directory of your JDK.

  2. Modify these parameters to point to the database:

    • DB_HOSTNAME - host name of the database

    • DB_PORT - database port

    • DB_SERVICE_NAME - database service name

  3. Set the reportFilePath variable to the location where you want the purge report files to be generated.

Set Up Entity Purge Tables and Procedures

Before you use the purge tool, you must run a SQL script to set up the required new database tables and procedures. Run PurgeScripts.sql on the database. This SQL script is located in the ora_uim_dbtools.jar/sqlscripts directory. To run this SQL script, use SQL Plus and perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to SQL Plus.

  2. Execute following command:


    where dbtools_extracted_dir is the directory for the extracted contents of the ora_uim_dbtools.jar file.

You can run this SQL script more than once if you want to drop and recreate all the purge audit and error log tables.

Database Tables

The PurgeScripts.sql script creates the following tables to capture the purge audit and error details:

  • Purge_Error_Log

  • Purge_Audit

  • Purge_Helper (Internal only)

  • Purge_Log (Internal only)


This table stores error or failure information from the purge. The purge can create errors. Errors are created if any invalid data is detected and these issues are recorded in this table. Table 4-2 shows the columns in the Purge_Error_Log table:

Table 4-2 Purge_Error_Log Columns

Column Name Description


ID for the table entry and primary key.


Error code for the entry which can be a SQL error code.


Error message text which can be a SQL error message.


Time when the error is recorded or persisted in the table.


This table records the purge reporting information. Table 4-3 shows the columns in the Purge_Audit table:

Table 4-3 Purge_Audit Columns

Column Name Description


For every purge, a new record is created in this table. This is primary key for the table.


Valid values: SERVICE, SCV, LD, LDA, PARTY, PLACE, and BI/EWO.


The date and time when the purge is initiated. In the case of a scheduled purge, the value is set to the scheduled time and once the process starts the process updates this value with the time when the process is initiated.


The date and time when the purge process is completed or cancelled.


The criteria string that is generated by the API using criteria specified by the caller. You can specify information about parallel processes and the batch size. For example:

(ADMINSTATE LIKE 'CANCELLED') AND LASTMODIFIEDDATE <= to_date('07/30/2014:23:59:59','mm/dd/yyyy:hh24:mi:ss'):10:1000

In this example the first portion is the search criteria followed by the number of parallel processes 10 and batch size 1000.


The status of the purge. Has one of the following values:

  • POPULATE_INPROGRESS: When the purge process starts, the STATUS column is updated to POPULATE_INPROGRESS until all the required data is populated in the Purge_Helper table. After all the data is populated, the STATUS column is updated to SCHEDULED.

  • SCHEDULED: A purge process is scheduled.

    Note: When a scheduled purge starts, the STATUS and STARTDATE columns are updated to INPROGRESS and the scheduled time.

  • INPROGRESS: The purge process has started.

  • CANCELLED: The purge process has been cancelled.

  • SUSPENDED: The purge process is suspended.

  • FAILED: The purge process has failed due to errors when one or more entities were not processed. One of the reasons for an error may be inconsistent data values.

  • COMPLETED: The purge process as completed.


The parent JOBID record for each new child purge record. Having a parent and child job exists when a purge is suspended and later resumed.

For example, if a purge is started and later suspended, there is a record for this job with a status of SUSPENDED. When the purge is resumed, the original record is updated with a status of COMPLETED. A new record is created which refers to the completed parent job record in the JOBID column. This provides you with a history of the purge requests.


The database schema user name that performs the purge.


The report name generated for the purge.


The entity purge functionality can be requested with the following operations:


You use the report operation to run a sample version of the purge, but this operation does not delete entities. You specify criteria and the tool determines the number of records that are affected. These records are later deleted with the execute operation. With this number, you can then estimate the amount of freed disk space. This operation provides information, but does not actually purge or delete any records.

See the following sections for information about the arguments that you can use with the report operation for an entity purge:

Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation

This table lists the mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the report operation.

Table 4-4 Mandatory and Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types

Purge Type Mandatory Arguments Optional Arguments













-spec or -ldid or -ldname





-ldaspec or -ldaid











-bispec or -ewoworkflow




Specifying Entity Specifications and Entity Names Containing Spaces

If the entity specification or the entity name contains a space (for example, "Service Order"), then you must specify the arguments as follows:

On Linux:

./biPurge.sh report -bispec \'Service Order\' -status completed -ed 02/01/2016

On Windows:

./biPurge.cmd report -bispec 'Service Order' -status completed -ed 02/01/2016 
Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation

This section lists and describes the arguments that are common to all the entity purge types for the report operation.


In the examples listed in this section, entity in entityPurge.sh refers to the entity type, such as servicePurge.sh (for service entities), scvPurge.sh (for service configuration versions), ldPurge.sh (for logical devices), and so on.

The following arguments can be used during the report operation:

  • -status: Use this argument to specify the status of entities. The purge tool considers only the entities in the specified status for purging. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh report -status disconnected -ed 02/21/2012 

    where entity is the entity type; for example, servicePurge.sh, scvPurge.sh, or biPurge.sh.

    The following list shows the only entities for which the status argument is applicable to, including the statuses that you can specify for each entity:

    • Services in Disconnected or Cancelled status

    • Service Configuration Versions in Cancelled or Completed status

    • Business interactions and engineering work orders in Cancelled or Completed status

  • -ed: Use this argument to specify an end date. The purge tool considers only the entities with a “last modified date" on or before this end date for purging. You must specify the date with the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh report -ed 02/21/2012 
  • -sd: Use this argument to specify the start date. The purge tool considers only the entities with a “last modified date" on or after this start date for purging. You must specify the date with the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh report -ed 02/21/2012 -sd 02/21/2010
Entity Purge Reports

You use the report operation to generate the following reports for different purge types:

Service Purge Report

For information about the arguments that you can use with the report operation for purge type SERVICE, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the report operation.

SCV Purge Report

The following arguments are specific to purge type SCV:

  • -sspec: Use this argument to specify the Service specification on which the service configuration versions that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the service configuration versions that are based on the specified Service specification for purging.

  • -scvspec: Use this argument to specify the Service Configuration specification on which the service configuration versions that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the service configuration versions that are based on the specified Service Configuration specification for purging.

  • -retain: Use this argument to specify the number of completed service configuration versions that you want to retain for each service after the purge process is completed. This argument is not applicable for service configuration versions having a status of Cancelled.

    The following is an example of using the sspec, scvspec, and retain arguments:

    ./scvPurge.sh report –sspec BATServiceSpec –scvspec BATServiceConfigSpec -status completed -retain 3

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the report operation for purge type SCV, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the report operation.

Logical Device Purge Report

By default, the purge process includes logical devices in Unassigned and Installed status. The following arguments are specific to purge type LOGICALDEVICE:

  • -spec: Use this argument to specify the Logical Device specification on which the logical devices that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the logical devices that are based on the specified Logical Device specification for purging.

    If you specify the spec argument before any other argument, then specifying the ed argument is mandatory. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh report -spec LDSpec -ed 01/01/2018
  • -ldid: This argument is mandatory when you do not specify the Logical Device specification (-spec). Use this argument to specify the IDs of the logical devices that you want purged.

    If you specify the ldid argument before any other argument, then specifying the spec and ed arguments is optional. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh report -ldid 575001,525004

    In addition, if you specify the ldid argument before the spec argument, then specifying the ed argument is optional. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh report -ldid 575001,525004 -spec LDSpec
  • -ldname: This argument is mandatory when you do not specify either the Logical Device specification (-spec) or the logical device ID (-ldid). Use this argument to specify the names of the logical devices that you want purged.

    If you specify the ldname argument before any other argument, then specifying the spec and ed arguments is optional. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh report -ldname logicaldevice1

    In addition, if you specify the ldname argument before the spec argument, then specifying the ed argument is optional. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh report -ldname logicaldevice1 -spec LDSpec

    If the logical device name contains a space, then you must specify the ldname argument as follows:

    ./ldPurge.sh report -ldname \'logical device1\'
  • -ldpcr: This flag indicates whether the logical device parent-child relationship should be considered for the purge operation or not. If you set this flag to true, the logical device parent-child hierarchies are also considered for purge. If this flag is set to false or if you exclude this flag from the report operation, the logical device parent-child hierarchies are not considered for purge. By default, this flag is set to false. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh report -ldname logicaldevice1 -ldpcr true

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the report operation for purge type LOGICALDEVICE, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the report operation.

Logical Device Account Purge Report

By default, the purge process includes logical device accounts in Unassigned and Installed status. The following arguments are specific to purge type LOGICALDEVICEACCOUNT:

  • -ldaspec: Use this argument to specify the Logical Device Account specification on which the logical devices that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the logical devices that are based on the specified Logical Device Account specification for purging. For example:

    ./ldaPurge.sh report -ldaspec BATLDASpec -ed 01/01/2018
  • -ldaid: This argument is mandatory when you do not provide the Logical Device Account specification (-ldaspec). Use this argument to specify the IDs of the logical device accounts that you want purged. For example:

    ./ldaPurge.sh report -ldaid 575001,525004 -ed 01/01/2018

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the report operation for purge type LOGICALDEVICEACCOUNT, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the report operation.

Party Purge Report

The following argument is specific to purge type PARTY:

  • -spec: Use this argument to specify the Party specification on which the parties that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the party entities that are based on the specified Party specification for purging. For example:

    ./partyPurge.sh report -spec BATPartySpec -ed 01/01/2018

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the report operation for purge type PARTY, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the report operation.

Place Purge Report

The following argument is specific to purge type PLACE:

  • -spec: Use this argument to specify the Place specification on which the place entities that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the place entities that are based on the specified Place specification for purging. For example:

    ./placePurge.sh report -spec BATPlaceSpec -ed 01/01/2018

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the report operation for purge type PLACE, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the report operation.

BI/EWO Purge Report

The following argument is specific to purge type BI or EWO:

  • -bispec: This argument is optional if you specify the ewoworkflow argument. Use the bispec argument to specify the Business Interaction specification on which the business interaction entities that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the business interaction entities that are based on the specified Business Interaction specification for purging. For example:

    ./biPurge.sh report -bispec BATBISpec -status completed -ed 01/01/2018 
  • -ewoworkflow: This argument is optional if you specify the bispec argument. Use the ewoworkflow argument to specify the engineering work order (EWO) workflows for purging. For example:

    ./biPurge.sh report -ewoworkflow BATWorkFlow -status completed -ed 01/01/2018

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the report operation for purge type BI/EWO, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Report Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the report operation.



A purge operation deletes database records permanently. You must back up the database before performing any purge operation.

The execute operation enables you to purge entities using the specified criteria. The purge deletes rows from several tables using the specified criteria. The execute operation always creates a report. You are prompted for a confirmation if the purge end date specified is within one year from the current date.

You cannot run more than one execute operation at a time. If you need to start a new execute operation, then the old execute operation must be cancelled or completed. In the case of a suspended purge operation, no new execute operations can be initiated until the suspended operation is also cancelled or completed.

When an execute purge operation is performed, a new record with a status of INPROGRESS is created in the Purge_Audit table. When the execute operation completes successfully, the status is updated to COMPLETED.

See the following sections for information about the arguments that you can use with the execute operation for an entity purge:

Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation

This table lists the mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the execute operation.

Table 4-5 Mandatory and Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types

Purge Type Mandatory Arguments Optional Arguments




















-spec or -ldid or -ldname









-ldaspec or -ldaid























-bispec or ewoworkflow








Specifying Entity Specifications and Entity Names Containing Spaces

If the entity specification or the entity name contains a space (for example, "Service Order"), then you must specify the arguments as follows:

On Linux:

./biPurge.sh execute -bispec \'Service Order\' -status completed -ed 02/01/2016

On Windows:

./biPurge.cmd execute -bispec 'Service Order' -status completed -ed 02/01/2016 
Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation

This section lists and describes the arguments that are common to all the entity purge types for the execute operation.


In the examples listed in this section, entity in entityPurge.sh refers to the entity type, such as servicePurge.sh (for service entities), scvPurge.sh (for service configuration versions), ldPurge.sh (for logical devices), and so on.

The following arguments can be used during the execute operation:

  • -status: Use this argument to specify the status of entities. The purge tool considers only the entities in the specified status for purging. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh execute -status disconnected -ed 02/21/2012 

    where entity is the entity type; for example, servicePurge.sh, scvPurge.sh, or biPurge.sh.

    The following list shows the only entities for which the status argument is applicable to, including the statuses that you can specify for each entity:

    • Services in Disconnected or Cancelled status

    • Service Configuration Versions in Cancelled or Completed status

    • Business interactions and engineering work orders in Cancelled or Completed status

  • -ed: Use this argument to specify an end date. The purge tool considers only the entities with a “last modified date" on or before this end date for purging. You must specify the date with the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh execute -ed 02/21/2012 
  • -sd: Use this argument to specify the start date. The purge tool considers only the entities with a “last modified date" on or after this start date for purging. You must specify the date with the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh execute -ed 02/21/2012 -sd 02/21/2010 
  • -force: Use this argument to avoid the purge operation prompting you for confirmations. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh execute -ed 02/21/2012 -force 
  • -s: Use this argument to specify a start date and time for the purge to run. You must specify the date with a format of MM/DD/YYYY:hh:mm:ss. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh execute -ed 02/21/2012 -s 06/26/2012:19:30:00 
  • -c: Use this argument to set the commit size for the purge. By default, the commit size is set to 1000. The maximum value is 10000. If you specify a value greater than 10000, the purge ignores the argument value and uses the maximum value of 10000. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh execute -ed 02/21/2012 -c 200 
  • -t: Use this argument to set the number of parallel processes allowed. By default, the number of parallel processes is set to 10. The maximum value you can specify is 100. If you specify a value greater than 100, the purge ignores the argument value and uses the maximum value of 100. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh execute -ed 02/21/2012 -t 15
Entity Purge Executions

You use the execute operation to purge entities by running the following entity purge executions:

Service Purge Execution

The following is the list of tables that are affected by the service purge execution:

  • Service

  • Service_Char

  • Party_ServiceRel

  • Place_ServiceRel

  • ServiceAssignment

  • ServiceConsumer

  • ServiceReservation

  • ServiceCondition

  • ServiceConfigurationVersion

  • BusinessInteraction

  • ConfigurationInput

  • TopologyProfile

  • TopologyProfileEdge

  • TopologyProfileNode

  • ServiceConfigurationItem

  • ServiceConfigurationItem_Char

  • BusinessInteractionItem

  • EntityConsumer

  • EntityAssignment

  • EntityConfigRef

    where Entity is the entity type of the related resource. In the list of affected tables, the EntityConsumer, EntityAssignment, and EntityConfigRef tables are applicable to the following entity resources, which can be consumed by a Service:

    • Custom Network Address

    • Custom Object

    • Device Interface

    • Equipment

    • Equipment Holder

    • Geographic Location

    • Geographic Site

    • Logical Device Account

    • Logical Device

    • Network

    • Physical Connector

    • Physical Device

    • Physical Port

    • Pipe

    • Service

    • Telephone Number

Service Purge Execution Arguments

For information about the arguments that you can use with the execute operation for purge type SERVICE, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the execute operation.

SCV Purge Execution

The following is the list of tables that are affected by the SCV purge execution:

  • ServiceConfigurationVersion

  • BusinessInteraction

  • ConfigurationInput

  • TopologyProfile

  • TopologyProfileEdge

  • TopologyProfileNode

  • ServiceConfigurationItem

  • ServiceConfigurationItem_Char

  • BusinessInteractionItem

  • EntityConsumer

  • EntityAssignment

  • EntityConfigRef

    where Entity is the entity type of the related resource. In the list of affected tables, the EntityConsumer, EntityAssignment, and EntityConfigRef tables are applicable to the following entity resources, which can be consumed by a Service:

    • Custom Network Address

    • Custom Object

    • Device Interface

    • Equipment

    • Equipment Holder

    • Geographic Location

    • Geographic Site

    • Logical Device Account

    • Logical Device

    • Network

    • Physical Connector

    • Physical Device

    • Physical Port

    • Pipe

    • Service

    • Telephone Number

SCV Purge Execution Arguments

The following arguments are specific to purge type SCV:

  • -sspec: Use this argument to specify the Service specification on which the service configuration versions that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the service configuration versions that are based on the specified Service specification for purging.

  • -scvspec: Use this argument to specify the Service Configuration specification on which the service configuration versions that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the service configuration versions that are based on the specified Service Configuration specification for purging.

  • -retain: Use this argument to specify the number of completed service configuration versions that you want to retain for each service after the purge process is completed. This argument is not applicable for service configuration versions having a status of Cancelled.

    The following is an example of using the sspec, scvspec, and retain arguments:

    ./scvPurge.sh execute –sspec BATServiceSpec –scvspec BATServiceConfigSpec -status completed -retain 3

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the execute operation for purge type SCV, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the execute operation.

Logical Device Purge Execution

By default, the purge process includes logical devices in Unassigned and Installed status. The following is the list of tables that are affected by the logical device purge execution:








  • LOGICALDEVICE_LOGICALDEVICEREL (if the ldpcr flag is set to true)


Logical Device Purge Execution Arguments

The following arguments are specific to purge type LOGICALDEVICE:

  • -spec: Use this argument to specify the Logical Device specification on which the logical devices that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the logical devices that are based on the specified Logical Device specification for purging.

    If you specify the spec argument before any other argument, then specifying the ed argument is mandatory. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh execute -spec LDSpec -ed 01/01/2018
  • -ldid: This argument is mandatory when you do not provide the Logical Device specification (-spec). Use the ldid to specify the IDs of the logical devices that you want purged.

    If you specify the ldid argument before any other argument, then specifying the spec and ed arguments is optional. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh execute -ldid 575001,525004

    In addition, if you specify the ldid argument before the spec argument, then specifying the ed argument is optional. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh execute -ldid 575001,525004 -spec LDSpec
  • -ldname: This argument is mandatory when you do not specify either the Logical Device specification (-spec) or the logical device ID (-ldid). Use this argument to specify the names of the names of the logical devices that you want purged.

    If you specify the ldname argument before any other argument, then specifying the spec and ed arguments is optional. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh execute -ldname logicaldevice1

    In addition, if you specify the ldname argument before the spec argument, then specifying the ed argument is optional. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh execute -ldname logicaldevice1 -spec LDSpec

    If the logical device name contains a space, then you must specify the ldname argument as follows:

    ./ldPurge.sh execute -ldname \'logical device1\'
  • -ldpcr: This flag indicates whether the logical device parent-child relationship should be considered for the purge operation or not. If you set this flag to true, the logical device parent-child hierarchies are also considered for purge. If this flag is set to false or if you exclude this flag from the report operation, the logical device parent-child hierarchies are not considered for purge. By default, this flag is set to false. For example:

    ./ldPurge.sh execute -ldname logicaldevice1 -ldpcr true -ed 01/01/2018

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the execute operation for purge type LOGICALDEVICE, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the execute operation.

Logical Device Account Purge Execution

By default, the purge process includes logical device accounts in Unassigned and Installed status. The following is the list of tables that are affected by the logical device account purge execution:







Logical Device Account Purge Execution Arguments

The following arguments are specific to purge type LOGICALDEVICEACCOUNT:

  • -ldaspec: Use this argument to specify the Logical Device Account specification on which the logical devices that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the logical devices that are based on the specified Logical Device Account specification for purging. For example:

    ./ldaPurge.sh execute -ldaspec BATLDASpec -ed 01/01/2018
  • -ldaid: This argument is mandatory when you do not provide the Logical Device Account specification (-ldaspec). Use the ldaid to specify the IDs of the logical device accounts that you want purged. For example:

    ./ldaPurge.sh execute -ldaid 575001,525004 -ed 01/01/2018

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the execute operation for purge type LOGICALDEVICEACCOUNT, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the execute operation.

Party Purge Execution

The following is the list of tables that are affected by the party purge execution:





Party Purge Execution Arguments

The following argument is specific to purge type PARTY:

  • -spec: Use this argument to specify the Party specification on which the parties that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the party entities that are based on the specified Party specification for purging. For example:

    ./partyPurge.sh execute -spec BATPartySpec -ed 01/01/2018

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the execute operation for purge type PARTY, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the execute operation.

Place Purge Execution

The following is the list of tables that are affected by the place purge execution:








Place Purge Execution Arguments

The following argument is specific to purge type PLACE:

  • -spec: Use this argument to specify the Place specification on which the place entities that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the place entities that are based on the specified Place specification for purging. For example:

    ./placePurge.sh execute -spec BATPlaceSpec -ed 01/01/2018

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the execute operation for purge type PLACE, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the execute operation.

BI/EWO Purge Execution

The following is the list of tables that are affected by the BI/EWO purge execution:











*During the BI purge execute operation, the tables that will be affected depend on the entities/relationships that are created or associated under a BI context. When you create a new entity or add an existing entity under a BI context, UIM creates a version record in the entity tables or relationship tables for that entity.

For example, if you add a custom object entity under a BI context, UIM does the following:

  • Creates a record for the custom object in the BUSINESSINTERACTIONITEM table.

  • Creates a version record for the custom object in the CUSTOMOBJECT table.

If you add a logical device parent-child hierarchy under a BI context, UIM does the following:

  • Creates a record for the logical device parent-child hierarchy in the BUSINESSINTERACTIONITEM table.

  • Creates a version record for the logical device parent-child hierarchy in the LOGICALDEVICE_LOGICALDEVICEREL table.

In this case, when you run the BI purge execute operation, the following occurs:

  • For the custom object entity, UIM purges the record from the BUSINESSINTERACTIONITEM table and the version record from the CUSTOMOBJECT table.

  • For the logical device parent-child hierarchy, UIM purges the record from the BUSINESSINTERACTIONITEM table and the version record from the LOGICALDEVICE_LOGICALDEVICEREL table.

BI/EWO Purge Execution Arguments

The following arguments are specific to purge type BI/EWO:

  • -bispec: This argument is optional if you specify the ewoworkflow argument. Use the bispec argument to specify the Business Interaction specification on which the business interaction entities that you want to purge are based on. The purge tool considers all the business interaction entities that are based on the specified Business Interaction specification for purging. For example:

    ./biPurge.sh execute -bispec BATBISpec -status completed -ed 01/01/2018 
  • -ewoworkflow: This argument is optional if you specify the bispec argument. Use the ewoworkflow argument to specify the engineering work order (EWO) workflows for purging. For example:

    ./biPurge.sh execute -ewoworkflow BATWorkFlow -status completed -ed 01/01/2018

For information about the other arguments that you can use with the execute operation for purge type BI/EWO, see "Common Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation".

See "Mandatory/Optional Arguments for Entity Purge Types with Execute Operation" for the list of mandatory and optional arguments for entity purge types when using the execute operation.


The status option shows information for in-progress and suspended purge processes. It also provides the following information related to the purge:

  • Active purge information.

  • Number of entities purged.

  • All the jobs related to entity purge.

  • Report file name which is generated while entities are purged.

If no active purge processes are present, the Status operation displays the status of the last completed purge.


The suspend operation suspends the purge process and allows active parallel processes to continue to run and complete. No new processes can be created, however. Before suspending an active purge process, the suspend operation provides the following information:

  • Active purge information.

  • Number of entities purged.

  • All the jobs related to entity purge.

  • Report file name which is generated while entities are purged.


One purge operation can create multiple software processes to perform the requested purge.

A suspended operation can be cancelled or resumed, but once the purge is suspended, no new purge operations can be initiated. After an execute operation is suspended, the Purge_Audit STATUS record value is updated to COMPLETED and a new record is created with a status of SUSPENDED. The suspend option is not applicable to the purge process that is in POPULATE_INPROGRESS status.

Please note that there are processes which are still in RUNNING status when a purge operation is suspended. After these processes complete execution, the processes update to DISABLED. When all the processes have changed to DISABLED status, no new processes are created.


The resume option restarts the purge operation using the specified arguments. In this case, the Purge_Audit STATUS value is updated to INPROGRESS for the record that was suspended. The resume option is not applicable to the purge process that is in POPULATE_INPROGRESS status. The following arguments can be specified when resuming a purge operation:

  • -s: This argument is optional. Use the s argument to specify a start date and time for the purge to run. You must specify the date with a format of MM/DD/YYYY:hh:mm:ss. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh resume -s 06/26/2014:19:30:00

    where entity is the name of the entity, such as service, SCV, party, and so on.

  • -c: This argument is optional. Use the c argument to set the commit size for the purge. By default, the commit size is set to 1000. The maximum value is 10000. If you specify a value greater than 10000, the purge ignores the argument value and uses the maximum value of 10000. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh resume -c 200
  • -t: This argument is optional. Use the t argument to set the number of parallel processes allowed. By default, the number of parallel processes is set to 10. The maximum value you can specify is 100. If you specify a value greater than 100, the purge ignores the argument value and uses the maximum value of 100. For example:

    ./entityPurge.sh resume -t 15


The cancel option terminates all purge processes with a status of INPROGRESS or SUSPENDED. It also provides the following information related to purge process, before requesting confirmation:

  • Active purge operation.

  • Number of entities purged.

  • All the jobs related to entity purge.

  • Report file name which is generated while entities are purged.

After this information is provided, you must confirm the cancellation of in-progress or suspended operations. When the purge process is cancelled, the Purge_Audit STATUS value is updated to CANCELLED for records with an INPROGRESS or SUSPENDED status.

Preventing the Purging of Entities Referred as Entity Link Characteristics

The entities that are considered for purging could be referred as entity link characteristics in other entities. The entity link characteristics purge is applicable to the following entities:

  • Logical device

  • Logical device account

  • Party

  • Place

When you run an entity purge, UIM displays the following warning messages, which inform you that the purge process will permanently delete the entities that are referred as entity link characteristics in other entities:

Warning Message During Entity Purge Report

Warning!! Please backup data before executing the purge. All records matching specified criteria will be permanently deleted.

Warning!! Specification provided is referenced as an Entity Link Characteristic. Purge will delete all the instance data which are referred on other entity instances.Refer System Administrator guide, section ‘Purging UIM Entities' to find out how to avoid the purge of this instance data.

Warning Message During Entity Purge Execution

Warning 1: Please backup data before executing the purge. All records matching specified criteria will be permanently deleted.

Warning 2: <entity name, id, spec etc> provided are referenced as an Entity Link Characteristic. Purge will delete all the instance data which are referred on other entity instances. System Administrator guide, section ‘Purging UIM Entities' to find out how to avoid the purge of this instance data.

Are you sure you want to continue with entity purge? (Y|N)

Clicking Yes in the warning message deletes all the entities, including the entities that are referred as entity link characteristics. Clicking No terminates the entity purge process.

Script to Prevent the Purging of Entity Link Characteristics

UIM provides the elcharScripts.sql script, which prevents the deletion of entities that are referred as entity link characteristics.

The elcharScripts.sql script is available as part of the ora_uim_dbtools.jar file, located in the UIM_Home/util/ folder.

Ensure that you run the elcharScripts.sql script before running an entity purge to prevent the deletion of entities that are referred as entity link characteristics.

Configuring Email Addresses and User Data

To support the message notification functionality, you maintain users and user groups along with their contact information. You manage this information through the embedded Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server within Oracle WebLogic Server or optionally through another LDAP-compliant product. For information about managing the embedded LDAP server within Oracle WebLogic Server, see the following web site:


Alternatively, there are additional products such as Oracle Identity Management - Oracle Internet Directory that may be chosen depending on the required scale of the installation. For more information about message notification functionality, see UIM Developer's Guide.

Configuring UIM to Evaluate System Configuration Compliance

UIM includes the UIM compliance tool, which captures a snapshot of your UIM configuration and evaluates it against established rules. These rules are based on best practices and guidelines using which the compliance tool analyzes the UIM configuration and generates an evaluation result that enables you to optimally configure your UIM environment.

The UIM compliance tool captures snapshots of the following:

  • WebLogic domain

  • UIM configuration parameters

  • Database configuration parameters

The compliance tool uses a set of compliance rules to determine if a configuration value is properly set or, if it allows a range of valid values, whether the configured value falls within that range. The tool also verifies that required or recommended patches have been applied.

For every compliance rule, reports include a description of the rule, an indication of whether the rule passed or failed, and the rationale for the compliance rule. For non-compliant results, a severity level and the reason for the failure are also included.

The UIM compliance tool is packaged with the UIM software, which you can download from the My Oracle Support website at:


Setting Up the UIM Compliance Tool

To set up the UIM compliance tool:

  1. Download the compliance-1.2.1.zip file.

  2. Create a local directory; for example, Compliance_Home.

  3. Extract the contents of the compliance-1.2.1.zip file into the Compliance_Home directory.

  4. Download the required third-party software for the compliance tool by doing the following:

    • Navigate to the Compliance_Home/config directory and update the proxy.settings file to include any proxy settings that are required to access the Internet.

    • Add the Ant binary directory to the PATH environment variable by doing one of the following:

      • On Windows, run the following command:

        set %PATH%=%ANT_HOME%/bin;$PATH
      • On Linux, run the following command:

        export PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH
    • Navigate to the Compliance_Home/bin directory and run the ant command, which downloads the required third-party software for the compliance tool.

  5. Generate a wlfullclient.jar file by doing the following:

    • Navigate to the WL_HOME/server/lib directory.

    • Run the following command to generate the wlfullclient.jar file in the WL_Home/server/lib directory (where WL_Home is the directory in which the WebLogic Server is installed):

       java -jar wljarbuilder.jar
    • Copy the wlfullclient.jar file into the Compliance_Home/lib directory.

Running the UIM Compliance Tool

To run the UIM compliance tool:

  1. Navigate to the Compliance_Home/config directory

  2. Create a new compliance.properties file.

  3. Copy the contents of the compliance-sample.properties.file into the compliance.properties file.

  4. In compliance.properties file, update the following properties with the UIM Administration Server details:



    • WL_HostName is the host name of the WebLogic Administration Server.

    • WL_Port is the port number of the WebLogic Administration Server.

    • WL_UserName is the user name used to log in to the WebLogic Administration Server.

  5. Navigate to the Compliance_Home/bin directory and do the following:

    On Windows, run the following script:


    On Linux, run the following script:


    The compliance tool generates the evaluation results in the Compliance_Home/result directory.


For more information about the compliance tool, see the compliance tool documentation, which becomes available at the following location after you install the compliance tool:


Preventing a ZIP Bomb When Uploading Ruleset Files

In some scenarios, you may be required to upload ruleset files in a ZIP file. You use the properties in the UIM_Home/config/importExport.properties file to prevent a ZIP bomb when uploading ruleset files in a ZIP file.

Table 4-6 lists and describes the properties in the importExport.properties file.

Table 4-6 Properties in the importExport.properties File

Property Description


This property validates the MIME type of the ZIP file that you are uploading.

For example:

import.fileUploadWhiteListMimeTypes=text/plain, text/csv,application/zip, application/x-zip-compressed


The property controls the maximum size of the ZIP file that you can upload (in bytes). The default value is 100 MB.

For example:



The property controls the number of nested levels allowed within a ZIP file. The default value is 1. A value of 1 indicates that a ZIP file cannot contain another ZIP file. A value of two indicates that a ZIP file can contain only one ZIP file within it.

For example:



This property controls the number of ZIP files allowed at each level within the ZIP file. The default value is 0. A value of 0 indicates that every nested level within the ZIP file can contain only one ZIP file.

For example:



This property provides the location for the outage file.

For example:
