Oracle® Communications Unified Inventory Management

Release Notes

Release 7.4.1


March 2020

This document provides information about Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM) Release 7.4.1. The document includes information about the following topics:

Software Compatibility

See “Unified Inventory Management System Requirements" in UIM Installation Guide for a full list of software requirements.

UIM Software Development Kit

You must use the Software Development Kit (SDK) delivered with UIM 7.4.1.

Platform Upgrade

With UIM 7.4.1, the application platform now supports the following upgraded software versions:

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c (

  • Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 19c Release 3 (

  • AspectJ 1.9.4

Enhancements in User Interface to Support NRM Operations

The UIM User Interface is now enhanced to support better usability of NRM operations. The following enhancements are included:

Enhancements in the Network Topological View Page

The Network Topological View page now provides the maximum canvas space for any topology diagram. It enables you to view a topology diagram without any overlaps. The enhanced Network Topological View page now supports the display of more than 1000 nodes. You can now view customized icons in the Map View tab of the Network Visualization page. See UIM Help for more information.

Enhancements in the Schematic Tab of Connectivity Entities

The Schematic tab of connectivity entities now provides a schematic diagram that shows an end-to-end view of all the nodes. You can choose to view any path from the Paths dropdown list. You can navigate to the corresponding summary page of any node or entity by clicking on it from the Schematic diagram. See UIM Help for more information.

Enhancements in the Canvas Diagram Page of Business Interactions

The Canvas Diagram page of Business Interactions now provides a tool bar that enables you to create any entity by selecting the corresponding icon. You can now choose any layout and view of the canvas diagram from the tool bar. You can also set the preferences by selecting the corresponding options. You can now create multiple entities of a single type by dragging the Quantity slider. See UIM Help for more information.

Enhancements in the Topological View Page

The Topological View page now provides a Search section that enables you to search for any node and view all the nodes that are connected to that node. The Search section provides the following search options:

  • Entity Type

  • Entity

  • Technology

  • Rate Code

  • Role Name

  • Distance


    You can also choose the units of distance as Meter, Kilometer, or Mile.
  • Hops

You can select a layout and set preferences for the topology diagram. See UIM Help for more information.

Support for Device Capacity Utilization in the Device Summary Page

The device summary page now displays the following information on device capacity:

  • Total Capacity: The total capacity available for the device and its interfaces.

  • Capacity Consumed: The capacity consumed by the device and its interfaces.

  • Percentage Capacity: The percentage of the capacity consumed.

Geographically Redundancy Deployment and Disaster Recovery for UIM

UIM 7.4.1 provides a set of procedures to follow for Geographically Redundancy Deployment and Disaster Recovery. See Knowledge Article 2652599.1 - Geographic Redundancy and Disaster Recovery in Unified Inventory Management for more information.

Support for REST APIs in UIM

UIM 7.4.1 now supports REST APIs for all the service fulfillment and NRM operations. UIM now provides a new set of TMF Open API-compliant REST APIs. See UIM REST API guide for more information.

Fixed Issues in UIM 7.4.1

Table 1-1 lists and describes the fixed issues in UIM 7.4.1.

Table 1-1 Fixed Issues in UIM Release 7.4.1

Bug Number Issue Resolution


An error is triggered as the system is searching for GeographicLocation table in the corresponding GeographicLocationDAO class. The error is occurring as the corresponding table does not exist. It should be GeographicPlace table instead of GeographicLocation.

The code has been corrected so this issue no longer occurs.

Known Issues in UIM 7.4.1

Table 1-2 lists and describes the known issues in UIM 7.4.1.

Table 1-2 Known Issues in UIM Release 7.4.1

Bug Number Description Notes


Entity Link characteristics do not work with Network Domain, IP, Subnet, and Project entities.

No workaround available. Do not add characteristics of this type to these entities.


Multiple errors, on log4j2 configuration and auto-reload properties, occur during installation.

This error shows up during UIM installations in the log file. However, it does not impact functionality. No further action is required and this error message can be safely ignored.


You cannot move some windows in the application, such as error and add windows. This issue is specific to Windows 10 and using Internet Explorer.

This issue is specific to Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, but this is not a problem on Firefox. No work-around available.


You are not able to drag and adjust column lengths in the application. This issue is specific to Windows 10 and using Internet Explorer.

This issue is specific to Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, but this is not a problem on Firefox. No work-around available.


The name of the window is not changing after completing editing of any entity.

No work around available.


IPv4 network search disappears on reset of saved search.

Restart the search from left navigator bar.


During rehoming, connectivities at the VC3 level are not listed in the Impact Items tab in Rehome section of the Project Details page.

Verify the state of VC4 riders manually to inspect the impacted items down the hierarchy.


The ruleset cache is not updated when a modified cartridge is deployed to UIM. Ruleset changes do not take effect.

Restart the UIM application.


When you modify and redeploy rule sets containing Java or Groovy code, the modifications are not applied to the custom.ear file.

Redeploy dependent applications after you make such modifications.


System allows the creation of duplicate IDs.

When you create ranges of equipment or logical device entities, IDs that duplicate existing entities can be created.

To avoid this issue, ensure to specify ID ranges that do not duplicate existing entities.

Note: This issue does not apply to telephone number range creation.


If you create a flow identifier and assign it to an EVC network in configuration version 1, and then in configuration version 2, if you unassign the flow identifier and try to assign another flow identifier, a duplicate configuration item is created.

No workaround available.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management Release Notes, Release 7.4.1


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