5 Configuring and Deploying Pre-Built Integrations

This chapter discusses how to configure and deploy the Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) pre-built integrations.

Before performing the procedures in this chapter, ensure that you have completed the procedures in "Oracle AIA Pre-Installation Tasks" and "Installing Oracle AIA".

About Configuring Pre-Built Integrations

You can use either of the following configuration types to configure pre-built integrations:

  • Active configuration: Configure pre-built integration options by using in the Oracle AIA Configuration Wizard.

  • Passive configuration: Configure pre-built integration options by using a response file generated by an active configuration.

You can configure the following Oracle Communications pre-built integration options:

  • Order to Cash options for:

    • Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM)

    • Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM)

    • Oracle Siebel CRM

  • Agent-Assisted Billing Care

Using an active configuration, you can configure multiple pre-built integration options at the same time or you can run the Configuration Wizard multiple times to configure one pre-built integration option at a time. If you configure multiple options at the same time, the Configuration Wizard asks for information that is common among the options only once.

For example, if you configure the Agent-Assisted Billing Care option and the Order to Cash option for Siebel CRM, the Configuration Wizard asks for Siebel CRM information only once.

See "Information Requirements" for details about the information required by the Configuration Wizard.

If you are configuring a new option on a system that already has another option deployed and the new option has information in common with the existing option, the Configuration Wizard automatically populates the existing information in the screens for the existing option. You can optionally change this information and the Configuration Wizard updates the configuration properties file with the new information.

For example, if you have already configured the Agent-Assisted Billing Care option and are now configuring the Order to Cash option for Siebel CRM, the Configuration Wizard automatically populates the existing information about Siebel CRM.

Configuring Pre-Built Integrations by Using Active Configuration

This procedure describes the screens displayed for all of the pre-built integration options. You can choose to configure one or more of the options. Depending on which options you choose to configure, you may not see all of the screens described in this procedure.

To configure pre-built integrations by using an active configuration:

  1. In the command line, navigate to the following directory:


  2. Run one of the following commands:

    • On UNIX:

      source aiaenv.sh
    • On Windows:

      source aiaenv.bat
  3. Navigate to the following directory:


    The Comms_home directory and its contents were created when you ran the Oracle AIA Installer.

  4. As a non-root user, do one of the following:

    • To run the Configuration Wizard and save a response file for silent configurations, enter one of the following commands:

      • On UNIX:

        sh run_config.sh -record -responseFile=response_file
      • On Windows:

        run_config.bat -record -responseFile=response_file

      where response_file is the name of the response file, including the complete path to the directory where you want to store the response file.

      For example:



      The response file is saved only after you click Configure or Cancel on the Configuration Summary screen. If you cancel the configuration earlier, none of the information entered is saved.

    • To run the Configuration Wizard without saving a response file, enter one of the following commands:

      • On UNIX:

        sh run_config.sh
      • On Windows:


    The Welcome screen of the Configuration Wizard appears.

  5. Review the components that can be configured and click Next.

    The PIPs Selection screen appears.

  6. Select the pre-built integration options that you want to configure and click Next.

    The WebLogic Details screen appears.

  7. Verify the automatically-populated values, enter the missing details, and click Next.

    The SOA Database Details screen appears.

  8. Enter the SOA Database connection information and click Next.

  9. Do one of the following:

    • If you did not select the Order to Cash for Siebel CRM, or Agent Assisted Billing Care pre-built integration option, skip this step.

    • If you selected the Order to Cash for Siebel CRM or Agent Assisted Billing Care pre-built integration option, the Siebel Server Details screen appears. Do the following:

      1. Enter the details for your Siebel CRM server and click Next.

        The Siebel Database Details screen appears.

      2. Enter the details for your Siebel CRM database and click Next.

        The SPM Details screen appears.

      3. (Optional) Enter the Session Pool Manager details.

      4. Click Next.

  10. Do one of the following:

    • If you did not select the Order to Cash for OSM pre-built integration option, skip this step.

    • If you selected the Order to Cash for OSM pre-built integration option, the OSM Details screen appears.

      Enter the OSM details and click Next.

  11. Do one of the following:

    • If you did not select the Order to Cash for BRM, or Agent Assisted Billing Care pre-built integration option, skip this step.

    • If you selected the Order to Cash for BRM, or Agent Assisted Billing Care pre-built integration option, the BRM Details screen appears.

      1. Enter the BRM details.

      2. Click Next.

  12. Do one of the following:

    • If you did not select the Agent Assisted Billing Care pre-built integration option, skip this step.

    • If you selected the Agent Assisted Billing Care pre-built integration option, the ODI Access Details screen appears. Do the following:

      1. Enter the ODI details and click Next.

        The ODI Master Repository Details screen appears.

      2. Enter the ODI master repository details and click Next.

        The ODI Work Repository Details screen appears.

      3. Enter the ODI work repository details and click Next.

  13. For a first-time configuration, on the Xref Schema Creation Details screen, enter the cross-reference schema details.

  14. (Optional) Select Enable XREF split utility.

    To maintain performance levels when looking up values in large cross reference tables, Oracle recommends selecting this option to split the cross reference tables into multiple tables, with one table for each cross-reference object.

  15. Click Next.

    The Configuration Summary screen appears.

  16. Review the log file location and do one of the following:

    • To cancel the active configuration, click Cancel.

      The Configuration Wizard closes.

    • To complete the active configuration:

      1. Click Configure.

        The Configuration Progress screen appears, showing the progress and any warnings or errors.

        If the configuration fails, the Configuration Progress screen shows the errors. Correct the errors and retry the configuration.

      2. Configuration succeeds when the progress bar reaches 100% without any errors. Click Next.

        The Configuration Complete screen appears.

      3. Review the log file location and click Finish.

        The Configuration Wizard closes. Configuration is complete.

      4. Review the configuration log files and resolve any errors that appear. The logs are located in the Comms_home/logs directory.

      5. Deploy the pre-built integrations that you have configured, as described in "Deploying Pre-Built Integrations".

    If you used the -record option when running the Configuration Wizard, the values you entered are saved in the response file whether you click Cancel or Configure on the Configuration Summary screen. See "Configuring Pre-Built Integrations by Using Silent Configuration" for information about using this response file for silent configuration.

Configuring Pre-Built Integrations by Using Silent Configuration

You can perform a silent configuration to configure pre-built integration instances using the response file with values recorded from an active configuration.

To perform a silent configuration:

  1. Generate the response file by performing an interactive configuration and using the -record option as described in "Configuring Pre-Built Integrations by Using Active Configuration".

  2. Open the response file in a text editor.

    The location of the response file was specified when the Configuration Wizard was run.

  3. Check that each property has a corresponding value. Provide a value for any blank properties.

  4. Search for password fields with the value <SECURE>.

  5. Replace <SECURE> with the actual value of the passwords.

  6. Save and close the file.

  7. In the command line, navigate to the following directory:


  8. Run one of the following commands:

    • On UNIX:

      source aiaenv.sh
    • On Windows:

      source aiaenv.bat
  9. Navigate to the following directory:


  10. Run one of the following commands:

    • On UNIX:

      sh run_config.sh -mode=silent -responseFile=response_file
    • On Windows:

      run_config.bat -mode=silent -responseFile=response_file

    A message showing configuration progress appears. A success message is displayed when configuration is complete.

  11. Review the configuration log files and resolve any errors that appear. The logs are located in the Comms_home/logs directory.

  12. Verify that the following file exists:

    • On UNIX:


    • On Windows:


  13. Deploy the pre-built integrations that you have configured, as described in "Deploying Pre-Built Integrations".

Deploying Pre-Built Integrations

After configuring the pre-built integrations, you must deploy them to the SOA server by using deployment scripts.

For the Order to Cash pre-built integration, the Configuration Wizard generates a master deployment script based on the options that you selected. The master script deploys all required options for a first-time deployment. To add a new option in a subsequent deployment, you run the individual deployment script for the new option.

For the other pre-built integrations, you must run the individual deployment script for all options that you want to deploy.

When you run the deployment scripts, the deployment plans and the AIAInstallProperties.xml file are passed as parameters to the Oracle AIA Install Driver. The driver retrieves required values from AIAInstallProperties.xml and deploys the pre-built integration to the server.

Pre-Deployment Tasks

Before deploying the Agent Assisted Billing Care pre-built integration, if your Oracle Data Integrator work repository is in Execution mode, you must edit the deployment plan.

To edit the deployment plan:

  1. Open the following file:


  2. Search for the following text:

  3. Comment out any development-related work repository Oracle Data Integrator artifacts from this section.

    For example, in the following code, only the second path element is an execution time artifact. The first path element is a design-time artifact and has been commented out by including !-- after the opening tag and -- before the closing tag:

    <OdiImportObject workrepname="${pips.AABC.odi.workrep.name}" importmode="SYNONYM_INSERT_UPDATE" > <path id="${COMMS_HOME}/services/industry/Communications/BulkDataProcess/BRMToSiebel/Collections/ODI/Oracle/V1/ODI_Work_Repository" > 
    <!--pathelement location="${COMMS_HOME}/services/industry/Communications/BulkDataProcess/BRMToSiebel/Collections/ODI/Oracle/V1/ODI_Work_Repository/MFOL_CollectionsModelFolder.xml" /--> 
    <pathelement location="${COMMS_HOME}/services/industry/Communications/BulkDataProcess/BRMToSiebel/Collections/ODI/Oracle/V1/ODI_Work_Repository/SCEN_SYNCCOLLECTIONACTION_Version_001.xml" /> 
  4. Save and close the file.

Deploying Pre-Built Integrations

To deploy the pre-built integration options:

  1. Navigate to the following directory:


  2. Run one of the following commands:

    • On UNIX:

      source commsenv.sh
    • On Windows:

      source commsenv.bat

    This command sources the aiaenv script and sets the COMMS_HOME environment variable to Install_home/comms_home.

  3. Navigate to the following directory:


  4. For a first-time Order to Cash deployment, run one of the following commands:

    • On UNIX:

    • On Windows:

  5. For all other pre-built integrations, or to add a new option to an existing Order to Cash deployment, run one of the commands listed in Table 5-1.

    Table 5-1 Pre-Built Integration Deployment Commands

    Pre-Built Integration Platform Command

    Order to Cash


    Order to Cash base:

    sh $COMMS_HOME/pips/Communications/O2CBase/DeploymentPlans/deployO2CBase.sh

    Order to Cash for Siebel CRM:

    sh $COMMS_HOME/pips/Communications/O2CSiebel/DeploymentPlans/deployO2CSiebel.sh

    Order to Cash for BRM:

    sh $COMMS_HOME/pips/Communications/O2CBRM/DeploymentPlans/deployO2CBRM.sh

    Order to Cash for OSM:

    sh $COMMS_HOME/pips/Communications/O2COSM/DeploymentPlans/deployO2COSM.sh

    Order to Cash


    Order to Cash base:


    Order to Cash for Siebel CRM:


    Order to Cash for BRM:


    Order to Cash for OSM:


    Agent Assisted Billing Care


    sh $COMMS_HOME/pips/Communications/AABC/DeploymentPlans/deployAABC.sh

    Agent Assisted Billing Care



    A message showing deployment progress appears. When prompted, provide the WebLogic Server administrator user name and password.

    A success message is displayed when deployment is complete.

  6. Review the deployment log files and resolve any errors that appear.

    The deployment log files are located in one of the following locations:

    • The log file specific to the pre-built integration option that you deployed:

    • The default location:


Troubleshooting Configuration and Deployment

This section describes errors you might encounter during pre-built integration deployment.

Unique Constraint Violation for Agent Assisted Billing Care

The following error message appears in the deployment log file if the ODI data source already exists in the ODI master repository:

[echo] - Importing CONN_zzzzz.xml
[exec] OracleDI: Starting Command: OdiImportObject -FILE_NAME=<AIA_HOME>/PIPS/Industry/Communications/DIS/Collections/src/master/CONN_zzzzz.xml -IMPORT_MODE=SYNONYM_INSERT_UPDATE ...
[exec] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SNPM.PK_MTXT) violated

where zzzzz is the name provided for the Oracle Data Integrator data source.

This error occurs when pre-built integrations are reinstalled.

This error does not stop configuration. The Configuration Wizard imports the remaining ODI integration artifacts.

After configuration is complete, verify that the data source connections and associated logical schemas in the ODI topology are accurate.

Deployment Error for Metadata Service Tablespace

The Oracle AIA deployment scripts load data to the Oracle Metadata Service (MDS) repository. When you deploy multiple Oracle AIA instances on the same server, the default tablespace may not be sufficient, and you may see the following error:

Unable to extend tablespace

To resolve this error, increase the size of the tablespace. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about increasing the size of a tablespace.

If you have cleared a large amount of data from a data object but still see this error, run the following command:


where table_name is the name of the MDS repository table. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about the ALTER TABLE command.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for more information about managing the MDS repository.