Oracle® Application Integration Architecture

Release Notes

Release 12.2.1


March 2020

This document provides release notes for Oracle Application Integration Architecture release 12.2.1.

This document contains the following sections:

New Features

Release 12.2.1 is primarily a technology stack uptake and alignment release. In addition, this release is certified with the latest RODOD application versions of Siebel, OSM, and BRM. See the Oracle AIA compatibility matrix available on My Oracle Support for details about compatible versions:

This release complements existing implementations of AIA for Communications and RODOD if you are planning to upgrade your technology and application stack either due to end of error correction or to take advantage of new features. In addition to the technology stack uptake, several issues have been resolved.

Release 12.2.1 is supported on:

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware
  • Oracle Database 19c and 18c
  • Oracle Software Oriented Architecture (SOA) Suite

Fixes in This Release

This section lists the fixed issues and provides a brief description of the resolution.

Issue: BRM extends the global transaction to ECE and does not close the transaction even after a response is sent back to AIA. After a response from BRM, AIA continues the flow further to get it closed, but the transaction is still with ECE and rolls back after AIA completes the process. The AIA processes are also part of the same global transaction. Hence, AIA is not able to handle the rollback of the extended ECE transaction.

Resolution: To resolve this issue, a master process has been introduced. This master process is a pass-through and does not participate in the global transaction. With this configuration, AIA master process can handle a rollback of global transaction, which is extended to ECE by BRM.

Known Problems

This section describes the known problems and fixes that apply to release 12.2.1.

Known Issue with Siebel 19.11

Siebel account updates are not getting populated into AIA. Although WorkflowProcess is enabled, the State field shows “Not Online”. As a result, AIA is not receiving the account update triggers from Siebel. There is no workaround for this issue.

Known Problems for Multiple Pre-Built Integrations

The known problems in this section apply to multiple pre-built integrations.

Not All Agent Assisted Billing Care Services Undeployed

This problem applies to the pre-built integration for Agent Assisted Billing Care when the pre-built integration for Order to Cash is also deployed.

When undeploying the pre-built integration for Agent Assisted Billing Care after you have undeployed the pre-built integration for Order t o Cash, some Siebel CRM services are not undeployed.

To resolve this problem, restart the Oracle WebLogic servers and the database before running the script.

Undeployment Fails

This problem applies to all pre-built integrations.When undeploying the pre-built integrations, if you have never restarted the WebLogic servers and database after deploying the pre-built integrations, the undeployment scripts fail.To resolve this problem, restart the WebLogic servers and the database before running the undeployment scripts.

Oracle Web Services Manager Policy Manager in Admin State and Managed Server Slow to Start After Upgrade

This problem applies to pre-built integrations that use the BRM JCA Resource Adapter.

After upgrading to Oracle AIA 12.2, if you are using a BRM JCA Resource Adapter of version 7.5 with patch set 12 or earlier, the wsm-pm component is in the Admin state and the managed server is slow to start.

To resolve this problem:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration console.
  2. From the Domain Structure tree, select Deployments.
  3. From the table of deployments, select OracleBRMJCA14Adapter. You may need to page through the table to locate this deployment.
  4. In the Deployment Order field, enter 100.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Restart the managed server.

Known Problems for Communications Order to Cash

The known problems in this section apply only to the Communications Order to Cash pre-built integration.

Missing Test Orchestration Process Connection Factories Preventing Order Processing

If you are deploying the Order to Cash for Siebel CRM and Order to Cash for BRM pre-built integration options and are using your own order management system (other than OSM), you must deploy the required connection factories for the test orchestration process. Otherwise,the orders will fail.


If you have also deployed the Order to Cash for OSM pre-built integration option, this problem does not apply.

To resolve this problem:

  1. Create an XML file containing the following:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <DeploymentPlan component="O2C" version="12.0">
    <ManagedServer wlserver="pips.O2C" action="shutdown" failonerror="true"/> 
    <JMSConnectionFactory connFacName="COMMS_ORDERORCHESTRATION_PRODUCER" connFacJNDI="jms/aia/COMMS_ORDERORCHESTRATION_PRODUCER" jmsModuleName="AIAJMSModule" jmsSubDeploymentName="AIASubDeployment"  action="create" wlserver="pips.O2C" isXA="true"/>
    <JmsAdapter jndi-name="eis/wljms/COMMS_ORDERORCHESTRATION_PRODUCER" connection-fac-Location="jms/aia/COMMS_ORDERORCHESTRATION_PRODUCER" isTopic="false" isTransacted="false" action="create" wlserver="pips.O2C"/>
    <JMSConnectionFactory connFacName="COMMS_ORDERORCHESTRATION_CONSUMER" connFacJNDI="jms/aia/COMMS_ORDERORCHESTRATION_CONSUMER" jmsModuleName="AIAJMSModule" jmsSubDeploymentName="AIASubDeployment"  action="create" wlserver="pips.O2C" isXA="true"/>
    <JmsAdapter jndi-name="eis/wljms/COMMS_ORDERORCHESTRATION_CONSUMER" connection-fac-Location="jms/aia/COMMS_ORDERORCHESTRATION_CONSUMER" isTopic="false" isTransacted="false" action="create" wlserver="pips.O2C"/>
    <ManagedServer wlserver="pips.O2C" action="start" failonerror="true"/> 
  2. Save the file as DeployTOPConnFactories.xml.
  3. Create one of the following scripts, depending on your environment:
    1. For UNIX, create a script named containing the following:
      source $COMMS_HOME/bin/
      ant -f $SOA_HOME/aiafp/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=New_DP_Path -DPropertiesFile=$DOMAIN_LOCATION/soa/aia/bin/AIAInstallProperties.xml
    2. For Windows, create a script named deploy.bat containing the following:
      source %COMMS_HOME%\bin\commsenv.bat
      ant -f %SOA_HOME%\aiafp\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=New_DP_Path -DPropertiesFile=%DOMAIN_LOCATION%\soa\aia\bin\AIAInstallProperties.xml

    where New_DP_Path is the path to the newly-created DeployTOPConnFactories.xml file.

  4. From the command line, run or deploy.bat.

    The required connection factories are created and deployed.

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Access to Oracle Support

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Oracle Application Integration Architecture Release Notes, Release 12.2.1


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