D Supporting MACD Actions and Attribute Changes

This appendix provides information about the Move, Add, Change, Disconnect (MACD) line actions that are supported by Bill Fulfillment Order business flow for orders for a given product type. It also lists which changes to product attributes the integration communicates to a billing system, such as Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).

MACD Line Actions Supported

This section shows which MACD line actions are supported for each product type.

For Delete line actions, the status for the line action is Cancelled in Siebel CRM and Disconnected in BRM.

Table D-1 shows which line actions are supported for marketing bundles.

Table D-1 MACD Line Actions Supported for Marketing Bundles

Add Delete Suspend Resume Update Move-Add Move-Delete







Cross-reference tables updated to reflect new Siebel Customer Relationship Management (Siebel CRM) asset.

Ignored other than to determine original BRM asset.

Table D-2 shows which line actions are supported for service bundles.

Table D-2 MACD Line Actions Supported for Service Bundles

Add Delete Suspend Resume Update Move-Add Move-Delete







Same as Update with communicating changes to line attributes.

Ignored other than to determine original BRM asset.

Table D-3 shows which line actions are supported for promotion groups. These actions apply to the promotion group instance, the membership products, and the rewards.

The MACD actions described in Table D-2 are all supported for service bundles associated with promotion group membership products. However, if you suspend a service associated with a promotion group owner membership product, members of that promotion group cannot consume the rewards until you resume the service.

Table D-3 MACD Line Actions Supported for Promotion Groups

Add Delete Suspend Resume Update Move-Add Move-Delete








MACD Line Actions Supported for Service Bundle Components

This section shows which MACD line actions are supported for the component products of service bundles.

The line actions are supported for billing products nested up to two levels below a service bundle. See Figure 12-7, "Example of Siebel CRM Service Bundle Hierarchy" for an illustration of nested billing products and nested service bundles.

Table D-4 shows which line actions are supported for service-level billing subscription products.

Table D-4 MACD Line Actions Supported for Service-Level Billing Subscription Products

Add Delete Suspend Resume Update Move-Add Move-Delete


Can communicate price or discount override as part of this action.



Unsupported by Siebel CRM and BRM.


Unsupported by Siebel CRM and BRM.



Same as UPDATE with communicating changes to line attributes.

Ignored other than to determine original BRM asset.

Table D-5 shows which line actions are supported for service-level billing discount products.

Table D-5 MACD Line Actions Supported for Service-Level Billing Discount Products

Add Delete Suspend Resume Update Move-Add Move-Delete




Unsupported by Siebel CRM and BRM.


Unsupported by Siebel CRM and BRM.



Same as UPDATE with communicating changes to line attributes.

Ignored other than to determine original BRM asset.

Table D-6 shows which line actions are supported for service-level billing item products such as one-time charges. Because no asset or purchased product instance is created, Add is the only supported action.

Table D-6 MACD Line Actions Supported for Service-Level Billing Item Products

Add Delete Suspend Resume Update Move-Add Move-Delete


Can communicate price or discount override as part of this action.





If a line is billing-initiated and a revision is processed, pricing information and billing dates can change.



MACD Line Actions Supported for Account-Level Products

This section shows which line actions are supported for account-level products.

Table D-7 shows which line actions are supported for account-level billing subscription products.

Table D-7 MACD Line Actions Supported for Account-Level Billing Subscription Products

Add Delete Suspend Resume Update Move-Add Move-Delete


Can communicate price or discount override as part of this action.







Table D-8 shows which line actions are supported for account-level billing discounts.

Table D-8 MACD Line Actions Supported for Account-Level Billing Discounts

Add Delete Suspend Resume Update Move-Add Move-Delete








Table D-9 shows which line actions are supported for account-level billing item products such as penalty charges. Because no asset or purchased product instance is created, Add is the only supported action.

Table D-9 MACD Line Actions Supported for Account-Level Billing Item Products

Add Delete Suspend Resume Update Move-Add Move-Delete


Can communicate price or discount override as part of this action.





If a line is billing-initiated and a revision is processed, billing account, billing profile, promotion reference, pricing information, and billing dates can change.



Communicating Product Attribute Changes to BRM

This section discusses which changes made to product attributes the integration communicates to a billing system such as BRM.

You can use supplemental orders and modify orders to update attributes as described in this section.

The information communicated for pricing includes selling price, pricing commit type, dynamic discount method, discount amount, and discount percent. The information communicated for billing dates includes purchase date, cycle start date, and usage start date.

Communicating Marketing Bundle Attribute Changes

Marketing bundles are Siebel CRM promotions, but they have no direct correlation in BRM. The integration creates purchased bundle instances under billing accounts in BRM based on promotion lines. The purchase date on promotion lines is used as the start effective date for the bundle instance.

The integration communicates the following changes to the attributes of marketing bundles to billing.

  • Billing Account: when the billing account on a promotion line is updated on a revision or change order, the purchased bundle instance is reassigned to the new billing account.

  • Billing Dates: updating the purchase date on a supplemental order resets the start effective date on the bundle instance.

Communicating Service Bundle Attribute Changes

The integration communicates the following changes to the attributes of service bundles to billing.

  • Service Account:

    • When service-level balance groups are enabled, you can use change orders to transfer services to different accounts. You must also transfer all nested service bundles.

    • When service-level balance groups are disabled, the integration does not support service account changes. See "Supporting Balance Groups" for more information about service-level balance groups.

  • Billing Account and Billing Profile:

    • When service-level balance groups are enabled, you can use change orders to update the billing account or the billing profile for the service bundle.

    • When service-level balance groups are disabled, the integration supports only changes to both billing account and billing profile at the same time as part of changing the paying parent on a subordinate account. See "Examples when Service-Level Balance Groups Are Disabled" for an example.

  • Service ID

Communicating Service Bundle Component Attribute Changes

This section lists the changes to service bundle components that the integration communicates to billing.

For billing products and discounts that are components of service bundles, the integration uses the service account, billing account, billing profile, and service ID of the parent service bundle.

For nested service bundles, ensure that the attributes are the same as those assigned to the parent service bundle and that any changes made to the attributes of a nested service bundle match changes made to the parent service bundle.

Communicating Service-Level Billing Subscription Product Attribute Changes

The integration communicates the following changes to the attributes of service-level billing subscription products to billing.

  • Pricing Information

  • Promotion Reference: when the promotion reference of a service-level subscription product changes, the integration reassigns the purchased product instance in BRM to the new service instance.

  • Billing Dates:

    • Cannot be reset using change orders

    • Cycle and usage start dates can be reset using revisions on billing initiation if the previous dates are not current

    • In two-phase billing, cycle and usage start dates that were set by billing initiation can be reset with billing fulfillment if the previous dates are not current

  • End Date: can be updated by change orders that change the duration, as in the case of promotion upgrades or downgrades.

Communicating Service-Level Billing Discount Product Attribute Changes

The integration communicates the following changes to the attributes of service-level billing discount products to billing.

  • Promotion Reference: when the promotion reference of a service-level billing discount changes, the integration repoints the purchased discount instance in BRM to the new service instance.

  • Billing Dates:

    • Cannot be reset using change orders

    • Cycle and usage start dates can be reset using revisions on billing initiation if the previous dates are not current

    • In two-phase billing, cycle and usage start dates that were set by billing initiation can be reset with billing fulfillment if the previous dates are not current

  • End Date: can be updated by change orders that change the duration, as in the case of promotion upgrades or downgrades.

Communicating Service-Level Billing Item Product Attribute Changes

Because the integration does not create a purchased product instance in BRM for service-level billing item products like one-time charges, you cannot submit change orders for this product type.

The integration communicates the following changes to the attributes of service-level billing item products to billing:

  • Pricing Information, Promotion Reference, Quantity: can be updated on supplemental orders for new purchases

  • Billing Dates: in two-phase billing, billing dates that were set by billing initiation can be reset with billing fulfillment if the previous dates are not current

Communicating Service-Level Special Rating Product Attribute Changes

The integration communicates the following changes to the attributes of service-level special rating products to billing:

  • Friends and Family List Reference: change orders changing the friends and family list reference update the list values to the new values from the new friends and family list.

    The integration does not check for changes to the friends and family list reference on revision orders when the list product has been billing-initiated. This is because friends and family lists are primarily used by wireless services, where there is no fulfillment latency between provisioning and billing, so two-phase billing is not used. See "About Friends and Family Lists" for more information.

Communicating Account-Level Product Attribute Changes

This section lists the changes to account-level products that the integration communicates to billing.

Subscription products and discounts are purchased at the account level if they are not in a service bundle. Subscription products and discounts nested up to two levels within a service bundle are purchased at the service level. See "Examples of Mapping for Bundled Products" for an example that includes nested products purchased at the account level and at the service level.

BRM does not support transferring account-level products or discounts from one account to another. Siebel CRM validates this.

Communicating Account-Level Billing Subscription Product Attribute Changes

The integration communicates the following changes to the attributes of account-level billing subscription products to billing:

  • Billing Account and Billing Profile

  • Pricing Information

  • Promotion Reference: when the promotion reference of an account-level billing subscription product changes, the integration repoints the purchased product instance in BRM to the new bundle instance.

  • Billing Dates:

    • Cannot be reset using change orders

    • Cycle and usage start dates can be reset using revisions on billing initiation if the previous dates are not current

    • In two-phase billing, cycle and usage start dates that were set by billing initiation can be reset with billing fulfillment if the previous dates are not current

  • End Date: can be updated by change orders that change the duration, as in the case of promotion upgrades or downgrades.

Communicating Account-Level Billing Discount Attribute Changes

Discount products are not priced.

The integration communicates the following changes to the attributes of account-level billing discounts to billing:

  • Billing Account and Billing Profile

  • Promotion Reference: when the promotion reference of an account-level billing discount changes, the integration repoints the purchased discount instance in BRM to the new bundle instance.

  • Billing Dates:

    • Cannot be reset using change orders

    • Cycle and usage start dates can be reset using revisions on billing initiation if the previous dates are not current

    • In two-phase billing, cycle and usage start dates that were set by billing initiation can be reset with billing fulfillment if the previous dates are not current

  • End Date: can be updated by change orders that change the duration, as in the case of promotion upgrades or downgrades.

Communicating Account-Level Billing Item Product Attribute Changes

Because the integration does not create a purchased product instance in BRM for account-level billing item products like penalties, you cannot submit change orders for this product type.

The integration communicates the following changes to the attributes of account-level billing item products to billing:

  • Billing Account and Billing Profile, Pricing Information, Promotion Reference: can be updated on supplemental orders.

  • Billing Dates:

    • Cycle and usage start dates can be reset using revisions on billing initiation if the previous dates are not current

    • In two-phase billing, cycle and usage start dates that were set by billing initiation can be reset with billing fulfillment if the previous dates are not current