9.3 Creating a Report Using the Create Page Wizard

Run the Create Page Wizard from an existing application to create a variety of different reports. Supported reports include interactive report, interactive grid, classic report, report with form on table, list view, column toggle report, reflow report, or report on a web service.

9.3.1 Creating a Report on a New Page

Use the Create Page Wizard to wide variety of reports including interactive report, interactive grid, classic report, report with form on table, list view, column toggle report, reflow report, and report on web service.


This section describes how to create a report by running the Create Page Wizard from the Application home page. You can also run this wizard in Page Designer by clicking the Create menu and selecting Page.

To create a report on a new page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
  2. Select an application.
    The Application home page appears.
  3. Click the Create Page button.
  4. For Create a Page:
    1. User Interface - Select a user interface for the page (optional).
      This attribute only displays for applications using older themes and for which Desktop and Mobile User Interfaces have been defined.
    2. Page Type - To create a report, select Component and then Report.


      Component pages provides page-level functionality and can be added multiple times within a given application such as reports, forms, charts, or calendars. Feature pages provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application.

    3. Select a report type. Options include:
      • Interactive Report

      • Interactive Grid

      • Classic Report

      • Report with Form on Table

      • List View (Optimized for mobile apps)

      • Column Toggle Report (Optimized for mobile apps)

      • Reflow Report (Optimized for mobile apps)

      • Report on Web Service


      To learn more about each report type, see "Report Options When Running the Create Page Wizard."

    4. Click Next.
  5. What appears next depends upon the selected report type. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.

  6. Click Create.

9.3.2 Creating a Classic or Interactive Report on New Page Using Remote Database References

Run the Create Page Wizard to add a new page with a classic or interactive report that uses a remote database reference.


This section describes how to create a report by running the Create Page Wizard from the Application home page. You can also run this wizard in Page Designer by clicking the Create menu and selecting Page.

To add a classic report or interactive report on a new page:

  1. Create REST Enabled SQL reference.
  2. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  3. Select the application.
  4. Click Create Page.
  5. For Create a Page:
    1. User Interface - Select a user interface for the page (optional).
      This attribute only displays for applications using older themes and for which Desktop and Mobile User Interfaces have been defined.
    2. Page Type - Select Component and then Report.


      Component pages provides page-level functionality and can be added multiple times within a given application such as reports, forms, charts, or calendars. Feature pages provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application.

  6. On Create Page:
    1. Select either Interactive Report or Classic Report.
    2. Click Next
  7. For Page Attributes:
    1. Page Number - Enter a page number. If you identify a new page number, the wizard creates a new page. If you identify an existing page number, the wizard adds the component to that page.
    2. Page Name - Specify a name for the page.
    3. Page Mode - Identify the page mode.

      To learn more, see field-level Help.

    4. Breadcrumb - Select whether you want to use a breadcrumb navigation control on your page, and which breadcrumb navigation control you want to use.
    5. Click Next.
  8. For Navigation Preference:
    1. Select how you want this page integrated into the Navigation Menu. To learn more, see field-level Help.
    2. Click Next.
  9. On Report Source, select a Data Source. Options include
    • Local Database - Data is sourced from a local database.
    • REST Enabled SQL Service - Data is sourced from a remote database, where the connection is defined using REST Enabled SQL Reference.
    • Web Source - Data is sourced from a RESTful web service defined using Web Source Modules.

    Select either REST Enabled SQL Service or Web Source.

    What displays next changes based on your selection. Follow the on-screen instruction. To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.

  10. Click Create.

9.3.3 Report Options When Running the Create Page Wizard

Learn about report options when running the Create Page Wizard.


Universal Theme - 42 is optimized to work equally well in either a mobile or desktop environment. In previous releases and in earlier themes, the Mobile user interface is based on jQuery Mobile. Oracle recommends migrating existing mobile applications to the Universal Theme as soon as possible.

Available Reports in the Create Page Wizard

The Create Page Wizard supports the following reports when running the Create Page Wizard with the Universal Theme.

Table 9-2 Create Page Wizard — Available Reports

Report Type Description To Learn More

Interactive Report

An interactive report is a formatted result of a SQL query. Developers choose a table on which to build a report, or provide a custom SQL SELECT statement. Developers also select the columns to display in the report.

If the report is based on table which has a foreign key constraints to another table, the developer can also define Lookup Columns. Use Lookup Columns to replace identifiers with a display column, such as showing the department name instead of the department number.

End users can customize the report layout and data displayed by selecting options on the Actions menu.

See "Managing Interactive Reports"

Interactive Grid

An interactive grid is a formatted result of a SQL query. Developers choose a table on which to build the report, or provide a custom SQL query.

End users can alter the report layout using Column menus and sort options, rearrange columns by dragging and dropping, and change how data displays using options on the Actions menu.

Interactive grids can be editable or non-editable. When an interactive grid is editable, end users can edit the underlying data, add rows, and delete rows. To create an editable interactive grid when running the Create Page Wizard, selecting Yes for the Editing Enabled option.

See "Managing Interactive Grids" or "Making an Existing Interactive Grid Editable"

Classic Report

Formatted result of a SQL query. Developers choose a table on which to build a report, or provide a custom SQL SELECT statement. Developers also select the columns to display in the report.

If the report is based on table which has a foreign key constraints to another table, the developer can also define Lookup Columns. Use Lookup Columns to replace identifiers with a display column, such as showing the department name instead of the department number.

With the exception of sorting and simple filtering, end users cannot customize a classic report.

See Managing Classic Reports

Report with Form on Table

Creates an interactive grid report and form based on the table you specify. For the report, you choose a report type (Interactive ReportInteractive Grid, or Classic Report).

Not applicable.

List View

Optimized for mobile applications.

Features a responsive design to display data and provide easy navigation on Smartphones. Creates a page that contains the formatted result of a SQL query. You choose a table on which to build the List view and select a database column to be used for the List view entry.

Not applicable.

Column Toggle Report

Optimized for mobile applications.

Creates a responsive report designed for mobile applications and Smartphones. By default, column toggle reports are created with all columns set to the same priority. However, the developer can edit the report column attributes and rank columns by importance. Columns with a lesser priority (larger number) are hidden at narrower screen widths. The report includes a Columns button which enables end users to select which columns they want to view.

Not applicable.

Reflow Report

Optimized for mobile applications.

Creates a responsive report designed for mobile applications and Smartphones. When there is not enough space available to display the report horizontally, the report responds by collapsing the table columns into a vertical value pairs layout where each column displays on a separate row.

See "Developing Reports"

Report on Web Service

Creates a report on a Web Service result.

"See Managing Legacy Web Services"

Available Reports for Mobile User Interface Applications

In previous releases, developers selected the Mobile User Interface to optimize applications for mobile environments. The Mobile user interface is based on jQuery Mobile. If your application users an older theme and the Mobile User Interface, the Create Page Wizard supports the following reports.

Table 9-3 Create Page Wizard — Supported Reports for Mobile User Interface Applications

Page Type Description To Learn More

List View

Optimized for mobile applications.

Features a responsive design to display data and provide easy navigation on Smartphones. Creates a page that contains the formatted result of a SQL query. You choose a table on which to build the List view and select a database column to be used for the List view entry.

See "Developing Reports"

Column Toggle Report

Optimized for mobile applications.

Creates a responsive report designed for mobile applications and Smartphones. By default, column toggle reports are created with all columns set to the same priority. However, the developer can edit the report column attributes and rank columns by importance. Columns with a lesser priority displays at narrower widths. The report includes a Columns button which enables end users to select which columns they want to view.

See "Developing Reports"

Reflow Report

Optimized for mobile applications.

Creates a responsive report designed for mobile applications and Smartphones. When there is not enough space available to display the report horizontally, the report responds by collapsing the table columns into a vertical value pairs layout where each column displays on a separate row.

See "Developing Reports"

Report on Web Service

Creates a report on a Web Service result.

See "Managing Legacy Web Services"