12.1.6 Editing Themes

Edit a theme by editing theme attributes. Editing a Theme

To review or edit a theme:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click Shared Components.
  4. Under User Interface, select Themes.

    The Themes page appears.

  5. On the Themes page, click the View Report icon.
    The Themes page appears as a report. A check mark in the Is Current column indicates which theme is selected.
  6. Click the theme name.

    The Create/Edit Theme page appears and is divided into sections.

  7. Edit the appropriate Theme attributes as described in "Theme Attributes."
  8. To save any changes, click Apply Changes. Theme Attributes

Learn about Theme attributes available on the Create/Edit Theme Attributes page. To learn more about an attribute and view examples, see field-level Help. Name

Table 12-1 describes the attributes under Name.

Table 12-1 Name

Attribute Description


Identifies the current application ID.

See Also: "Editing Application Attributes"

Theme Number

Identifies the number of a theme. A theme is a collection of templates which define the user interface of an application.


Enter a short descriptive name for the theme.

User Interface

Specifies the user interface for which the theme is designed.

See Also: "User Interface Details Page"

Navigation Type

Identifies the selected Navigation Type. Valid options include: Tabs or List.

See Also: "Creating Tabs" and "Creating Lists"

Navigation Bar Implementation

Identifies the selected Navigation Bar Implementation. Valid options include: Classic or List.

See Also: "User Interface Details Page"


Enter a description for the theme. Theme Subscription

Displays themes to which this application subscribes. When an application subscribes to a theme, all theme attributes, subscribed template options, and subscribed templates are set to read-only. JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets

Table 12-2 describes the attributes under JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets.

Table 12-2 JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets

Attribute Description

JavaScript File URLs

Enter JavaScript file URLs for code to be loaded on every page. Each URL has to be written into a new line. If you provide a minified version of your file, you can use the substitution string #MIN# to include .min or #MIN_DIRECTORY# to include minified/ in your file URL for a regular page view and an empty string if the page is viewed in debug mode.JavaScript file URLs you enter here replaces the #THEME_JAVASCRIPT# substitution string in the page template

To view examples, see field-level Help.


Enter Cascading Style Sheet file URLs to be loaded on every page. Each URL has to be written into a new line. If you provide a minified version of your file you can use the substitution string #MIN# to include .min or #MIN_DIRECTORY# to include minified/ in your file URL for a regular page view and an empty string if the page is viewed in debug mode. You also have access to the substitution string #APP_VERSION# if you want to include the application's version in the file URL.File URLs you enter here will replace the #THEME_CSS# substitution string in the page template.

To view examples, see field-level Help. Component Defaults

Table 12-3 describes the default templates by component type.

Table 12-3 Component Default Templates

Attribute Description


Identifies the default template for displaying pages. If a developer does not explicitly choose a template, then the Application Express engine uses the template specified here.

Navigation Bar List

Specifies the default navigation bar list template used when you define the navigation bar type as List in your application. If a developer does not explicitly choose a template, then the Application Express engine uses the template specified here.

Navigation Menu List Position

Specifies the default navigation menu list position.

Navigation Menu List (Top)

Specifies the default navigation menu list template used when you create a new list to be displayed on the top of the page.

Navigation Menu List (Side)

Specifies the default navigation menu list template used when you create a new list to be displayed on the side of the page.

Login Page

Specifies the default template for displaying pages. If a developer does not explicitly choose a template then the Application Express engine uses the template specified here.

Error Page

Optional. Specifies a page template to use for errors that display on a separate page as opposed to those that display inline. Leave this attribute blank if you do not wish to use a template designed to display errors. This setting only applies to Normal pages.

Printer Friendly Page

Identifies the template to be used when the Application Express engine is in printer friendly mode.

When calling the Application Express to render a page, you have the option to identify a printer friendly attribute with values of Yes or No. If you select Yes, then the page displays using a printer friendly template. The Application Express engine displays all text within HTML form fields as text. The printer friendly template does not need to have the #FORM_OPEN# or #FORM_CLOSE# tags. The objective is to be able to display information with few tables and in a format suitable for printing.


Identifies the default breadcrumb template used when you create a breadcrumb.


Identifies the default button template used when you create a button.

Legacy Calendar

Specifies the default calendar template used when you create a calendar.

Default Label

Specifies the default label template used when you create new label

Optional Label

Specifies the default optional label template used when you create new label.

Page Template Options

Template options allow for selecting a number of CSS customization settings to be applied to the current page template. Template options and their corresponding CSS classes are defined at the page template level. The page template needs to have the substitution string #PAGE_CSS_CLASSES# defined in either the page header or body. The string #PAGE_CSS_CLASSES# is substituted for any manually entered page CSS classes, which are combined with the CSS classes defined by the selected template options.

Required Label

Specifies the default required label template used when you create new label.


Specifies the default list template used when you create a list.


Specifies the default region template used when you create a region.

Classic Report

Identifies the default region template used when you create a report.

Header Toolbar

Identifies the default header toolbar region template used when you create a new page that includes a header or footer tool bars.

Footer Toolbar

Identifies the default header toolbar region template used when you create a new page that includes a header or footer tool bars. Region Defaults

Table 12-4 describes the default templates available under Region Defaults.

Table 12-4 Region Defaults

Attribute Description


Identifies the default breadcrumb template used when you create a breadcrumb.


Specifies the default chart template used when you create a chart.


Specifies the default form template used when you create a form.


Specifies the default region template used when you create a list.


Specifies the default region template used when you create a report.

Tabular Forms

Specifies the default region template used when you create a tabular form.


Specifies the default region template used when you create a new wizard component.

Interactive Reports

Specifies the default region template used when you create an interactive report Dialog Defaults

Table 12-5 describes the default templates available under Dialog Defaults.

Table 12-5 Dialog Defaults

Attribute Description

Dialog Content Region

Specifies the default region template used when you create a content region on a Dialog using the Create Page Wizard and Create Application Wizard.

Dialog Button Region

Specifies the default region template used when you create a button region on a Dialog using the Create Page Wizard and Create Application Wizard.

Dialog Page

Specifies the default template for displaying modal or non-modal dialog pages. If a developer does not explicitly choose a template then the Application Express engine uses the template specified here. This template will also be used for errors that display on a separate page as opposed to those that display inline. Transition Defaults

Transition Defaults is only visible for a Mobile theme. Table 12-6 describes attributes available under Transition Defaults.

Table 12-6 Transition Defaults

Attribute Description

Page Transition

Specifies the transition which should be used when navigating to a new page or when the page is getting submitted.

Popup Transition

Specifies the transition which should be used when a popup is opened. Global Templates Options

Global template options are defined at the theme-level and are available for all components of a given type. Icons

Table 12-7 describes attributes under Icons.

Table 12-7 Icons

Attribute Description


Select the icon library that is loaded when Oracle Application Express displays a page. The icons within the library are also be listed in the picker for Region and Button Icon CSS Classes, implemented within Page Designer.

Custom Library File URLs

Enter Cascading Style Sheet file URLs for custom icons to be loaded on every page. Each URL has to be written into a new line. If you provide a minified version of your file you can use the substitution string #MIN# to include .min or #MIN_DIRECTORY# to include minified/ in your file URL for a regular page view and an empty string if the page is viewed in debug mode. You also have access to the substitution string #APP_VERSION# if you want to include the application's version in the file URL.File URLs you enter here will replace the #THEME_CSS# substitution string in the page template.

To view examples, see field-level Help.

Custom Classes

Specify a comma delimited list of CSS class names which is listed in the picker for Region and Button Icon CSS Classes, implemented within Page Designer.

Custom Prefix Class

Specify a CSS class that will at runtime prefix the Icon CSS Classes defined for Regions, Buttons and Lists, if they are not using a class of the Icon Library.

Date Picker Icon Name

Enter the name and location of the image to be used when items of type Date Picker are displayed. For example:


Date Picker Icon Attributes

Enter the image attributes for the Calendar Icon. For example:

width="16" height="16" alt="Display Calendar" Image

Use the Custom Image attribute to specify whether this theme uses a default theme image or an uploaded theme image. Select Yes or No. Styles

Displays theme styles available to the current theme. Theme Styles define the CSS for your application's theme and control the user interface of your application. Theme styles are referenced in the page template using the #THEME_STYLE_CSS# substitution string. The Theme Style currently used displays a check mark under Is Current. Files

The File Prefix attribute displays the virtual path the Web server uses to point to the files of the theme. Do not specify anything to reference files which are stored with your theme definition in the database. For performance reasons you can also store your theme files on your Web Server. Use #IMAGE_PREFIX# or any valid URL to reference them under Styles.