Changes in This Release

This preface contains:

Changes in Oracle Application Express Release 5.1

The following are changes in Oracle Application Express API Reference for Oracle Application Express release 5.1.

New Features

The following features are new in this release:

  • APEX_UTIL (Updates)

    SET_APP_BUILD_STATUS Procedure (New) - This procedure sets the build status of the specified application.

    GET_SINCE Function (New) - This function returns the relative date in words (for example, 2 days from now, 30 minutes ago).

    SET_APPLICATION_STATUS (New) - This procedure changes the status of the application.

    GET_SUPPORTING_OBJECT_SCRIPT Function (New) - This function gets supporting object scripts defined in an application.

    GET_SUPPORTING_OBJECT_SCRIPT Procedure (New) - This procedure gets supporting object scripts and outputs to sys.dbms_output buffer or download as a file.

  • JavaScript APIs - apex.server namespace (Updates)

    apex.server.loadScript (New) - API used to asynchronously load other JavaScript libraries that has Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD), and if RequireJS library is already loaded on the page.


    SET_KEEP_SESSIONS Procedure (New) -This procedure preserves sessions associated with the application on upgrades.

    GET_KEEP_SESSIONS Function (New) - This function finds out if sessions and session state will be preserved or deleted on upgrades.


    Available Parameter Values (Updates) - Added a parameter KEEP_SESSIONS_ON_UPGRADE

  • APEX_JSON (Updates)

    GET_CLOB Function (New) - This function returns clob member value. This function auto-converts varchar2, boolean and number values.

    Constants and Data Types (Updates) - Added c_clob constant used for the parser interface.

    WRITE Procedures (New) - Procedures to write array attribute of type varchar2 and an array attribute of type number.


    This is a new package that provides utilities for varchar2, clob, apex_t_varchar2, and apex_t_number types.

  • APEX_WEB_SERVICE (Updates)

    OAUTH_AUTHENTICATE Function (New) - This function performs OAUTH autentication and requests an OAuth access token.

    OAUTH_GET_LAST_TOKEN Function (New) - This function returns the OAuth access token received in the last OAUTH_AUTHENTICATE call.

    OAUTH_SET_TOKEN Function (New) - This function sets the OAuth Access token to be used in subsequence MAKE_REST_REQUEST calls.

  • APEX_DEBUG (Updates)

    ENABLE_DBMS_OUTPUT Procedure (New) - This procedure writes all debug logs via dbms_output.

    DISABLE_DBMS_OUTPUT Procedure (New) - This procedure stops writing all debug logs also via dbms_output.

  • APEX_ITEM (Updates)

    SWITCH Function (New) - This function dynamically generates flip toggle item.

  • REST Administration Interface API (New)

    The REST Administration API enables Oracle Application Express instance administrator to perform administrative functions in an Application Express instance over REST and HTTP protocols. This is particularly useful for machine-to-machine communication when SQL*Net connections are not possible, for instance in cloud environments.

  • CSS calendar component (Updates)

    Enables CSS Calendar to display only week or day views when "Show Time" equals YES.


    ADD_LIBRARY Procedure (Updates) - Added new parameters p_requirejs_module, p_requirejs_js_expression and p_requirejs_required.

  • APEX_PLUGIN_UTIL (Updates)

    GET_DATA2 Function Signature 1 (New) - Executes the specified SQL query restricted by the provided search string (optional) and returns the values for each column.

    GET_DATA2 Function Signature 2 (New) - Executes the specified SQL query restricted by the provided search string (optional) and returns the values for each column.


    The package enables you to configure Application Express sessions.

  • APEX_IR (Updates)

    GET_REPORT Function (New) - This function returns an interactive report runtime query.

Deprecated and Desupported Features

See "Deprecated Features" and "Desupported Features" in Oracle Application Express Release Notes.