3.7 Viewing Results

When you execute a SQL command, the results display in the display pane at the bottom of the SQL Commands home page.

The results of the last executed command are available until you execute another SQL command, or leave SQL Commands.

3.7.1 Accessing the Results Pane

From the SQL Commands page, click the Results tab.

To display SQL command results:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Commands.

    The SQL Commands page appears.

  2. Click the Results tab.

    The HTML formatted results appear in the display pane.

  3. Click DBMS Output to display plain text DBMS output results.

    The DBMS Output control only appears if there are DBMS output results.

3.7.2 About the Results Pane

The Results pane displays SQL command results as HTML formatted table. The number of rows returned appears after the output, and the time taken. DBMS output appears as plain text after the HTML formatted results.

On the Results pane you can:

  • Display DBMS output. Automatically displays HTML output or DBMS output depending on type of SQL command entered, SQL or PL/SQL block with DBMS output.

  • Download results. Click Download to export results to a comma-delimited file on your local file system. You are prompted to enter a name and directory for the file. Only available for HTML output.