Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents

Installation Overview
Supported Platforms

Welcome to the Berkeley DB. This manual describes how to configure, build and install Berkeley DB. Installation of DB for all of the platforms it officially supports is described in this manual. Upgrade instructions and release notes for newer versions of this product are described here. For infomation on upgrading from historical versions, see the Berkeley DB Upgrade Guide.

Note that some operating systems and distributions might provide DB, either by default or as part of an installation option. If so, those platforms will have installation instructions for DB specific to them. In this situation, you should see the documentation for your operating system or distribution provider for information on how to get DB on your platform.

Installation Overview

Berkeley DB is an open-source product, and as such it is usually offered in source-code format. This means that placing DB on your platform requires you to configure the build scripts, compile it, and then install the product onto your host system. The exception to this are Microsoft Windows platforms for which a binary installer is available. The Windows binary installer provides a fairly standard configuration of Berkeley DB; if you need special features (for example, encryption through the SQL API or the ODBC and JDBC drivers) you may enable them by compiling the product from source.

For *nix systems, including the BSD and Linux systems, the usual configure, make and make install installation process is used to place DB on your platform.

For information on building and installing Berkeley DB on: