Chapter 11.  Upgrading Berkeley DB applications to Berkeley DB

Table of Contents

Failchk Broadcast Notifications
New Parameter Value
New Events
New Logging Option
New Parameter Value
Replication Manager Preferred Master Mode
New Parameter Values
Replication Manager Incoming Queue Size Limit
New Functions
New Event
New Database Format for BLOBs
Updated SQLite Version
Upgrading SQL databases to releases after 6.1.19
Removed C# Class
Dropped Support
Berkeley DB Library Version Change Log
Database or Log File On-Disk Format Changes
New Features/Improvements
Database Environment Changes
Concurrent Data Store Changes
Access Method Changes
API Changes
SQL-specific API Changes
Tcl-specific API Changes
Java-specific API Changes
C#-specific API Changes
C++-specific API Changes
Replication Changes
Locking Subsystem Changes
Logging Subsystem Changes
Memory Pool Subsystem Changes
Mutex Subsystem Changes
Transaction Subsystem Changes
Test Suite Changes
Utility Changes
Configuration, Documentation, Sample Apps, Portability and Build Changes
Example Changes
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Platform Certification Changes
Deprecated Features
Known Bugs


The following pages describe how to upgrade applications coded against the Berkeley DB library (which belongs to Berkeley DB 12c Release 1) to the Berkeley DB library (which belongs to Berkeley DB 12c Release 1). This information does not describe how to upgrade Berkeley DB 1.85 release applications.

For information on the general process of upgrading Berkeley DB installations and upgrade instructions related to historical releases, see the Berkeley DB Upgrade Guide.