1 SODA for Java

The Oracle SODA for Java API is described, including how to install and use it. The content here assumes that you are familiar with Java, JSON, and Oracle Database. The code samples here are Java code.

For information about JSON in Oracle Database, see Oracle Database JSON Developer’s Guide.


SODA for Java supports the version of JSON described in RFC 4627. For further details, see Creating and Using Documents with SODA for Java.

SODA for Java Prerequisites

Before you can use SODA for Java you must configure your Java environment.

To use SODA for Java with Oracle Database:

  • You must have Java Runtime Environment 1.6 (JRE 1.6).

  • The following Java archive (JAR) files must be either in your CLASSPATH environment variable or passed using command-line option classpath:

    • orajsoda.jar (SODA for Java RDBMS implementation). Obtain the latest version at https://github.com/oracle/soda-for-java/releases.

    • ojdbc6.jar (the Oracle JDBC JAR file that is shipped with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (

    • javax.json-1.0.4.jar (JSR353: the Java API for JSON processing)

  • You must have Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( with Merge Label Request (MLR) bundle patch 20885778.

    Obtain the patch from My Oracle Support (https://support.oracle.com). Select tab Patches & Updates. Search for patch number 20885778, or access it directly at this URL: https://support.oracle.com/rs?type=patch&id=20885778.


Oracle recommends that you use AL32UTF8 (Unicode) for your database character set. Otherwise:

  • Data can be altered by SODA for Java during input, because of lossy conversion to the database character set.

  • Query-by-example (QBE) can return unpredictable results.

SODA for Java Overview

Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) is a set of NoSQL-style APIs that let you create and store collections of documents in Oracle Database, retrieve them, and query them, without needing to know Structured Query Language (SQL) or how the data in the documents is stored in the database.

SODA for Java is a Java API that provides SODA. You can use it to perform create, read (retrieve), update, and delete (CRUD) operations on documents of any kind, and you can use it to query JSON documents.

Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS) supports storing and querying JSON data. To access this functionality, you need structured query language (SQL) with special JSON SQL operators and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).

SODA for Java hides the complex SQL/JDBC programming with these SODA abstractions:

  • Database

  • Collection

  • Document

A database contains collections, and each collection contains documents. SODA for Java is designed primarily for working with JSON documents, but a document can be of any Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type.

SODA for Java provides CRUD operations on collections. These operations are transparently translated to SQL with JSON SQL operators and are executed by JDBC.

A (SODA) database is analogous to an Oracle Database schema, a collection is analogous to a table, and a document is analogous to a table row with one column for the document key (unique document identifier) and another column for the document content.

The remaining topics of this document describe various features of SODA for Java. For detailed information about specific Java methods, see the SODA for Java Javadoc.

Using SODA for Java

How to access SODA for Java is described, as well as how to use it to perform create, read (retrieve), update, and delete (CRUD) operations on collections.

(CRUD operations are also called “read and write operations” in this document.)

Getting Started with SODA for Java

How to access SODA for Java is described, as well as how to use it to create a database collection, insert a document into a collection, and retrieve a document from a collection.

Follow these steps to get started with SODA for Java:

  1. Ensure that all of the prerequisites have been met for using SODA for Java. See SODA for Java Prerequisites.

  2. Identify the database schema (user account) used to store collections, and grant database role SODA_APP to that schema:

    GRANT SODA_APP TO schemaName;
  3. Place all required jar files and file testSoda.java (which contains the text in Example 1-1) into a directory.

  4. In testSoda.java:

    • Replace hostName, port, and serviceName with the hostname, port, and service name for your Oracle RDBMS instance.

    • Replace schemaName and password with the name and password of the database schema identified in step 2. It will store the collection created in Example 1-1.

  5. Use the cd command to go to the directory that contains the jar files and file testSoda.java.

  6. Execute these commands:

    javac -classpath "*" testSoda.java
    java -classpath "*:." testSoda

    Instead of the second of these commands, you can optionally use the following command. It has the additional effect of dropping the collection, cleaning up the database table that is used to store the collection and its metadata.

    java -classpath "*:." testSoda drop

    Using argument drop here has the effect of invoking method drop(), which is the proper way to drop a collection.


    Do not use SQL to drop the database table that underlies a collection. In addition to the documents that are stored in its table, a collection has metadata, which is also persisted in Oracle Database. Dropping the collection table does not also drop the associated metadata.

To work with SODA for Java you must first open a JDBC connection. This is illustrated in Example 1-1. For details of how to open a JDBC connection, see Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide.

Example 1-1 testSoda.java

In this example, replace placeholders hostName, port, schemaName, and password with appropriate information for your database instance.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSClient;

import oracle.soda.OracleDatabase;
import oracle.soda.OracleCursor;
import oracle.soda.OracleCollection;
import oracle.soda.OracleDocument;
import oracle.soda.OracleException;
import java.util.Properties;

import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
public class testSoda
  public static void main(String[] arg)
      // Set up the JDBC connection string, schemaName, and password.
      // Replace with info appropriate for your Oracle Database instance.
      String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//hostName:port/serviceName";
      Properties props = new Properties();
      props.setProperty("user", schemaName);
      props.setProperty("password", password);
      OracleConnection conn = null;
        // Get a JDBC connection to an Oracle instance.
        conn = (OracleConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);

        // Enable JDBC implicit statement caching
        // Get an OracleRDBMSClient - starting point of SODA for Java application.
        OracleRDBMSClient cl = new OracleRDBMSClient();
        // Get a database.
        OracleDatabase db = cl.getDatabase(conn);
        // Create a collection with the name "MyJSONCollection".
        // This creates a database table, also named "MyJSONCollection", to store the collection.
        OracleCollection col = db.admin().createCollection("MyJSONCollection");
        // Create a JSON document.
        OracleDocument doc =
          db.createDocumentFromString("{ \"name\" : \"Alexander\" }");
        // Insert the document into a collection.
        // Find all documents in the collection.
        OracleCursor c = null;
          c = col.find().getCursor();
          OracleDocument resultDoc;
          while (c.hasNext())
            // Get the next document.
            resultDoc = c.next();
            // Print document components
            System.out.println ("Key:         " + resultDoc.getKey());
            System.out.println ("Content:     " + resultDoc.getContentAsString());
            System.out.println ("Version:     " + resultDoc.getVersion());
            System.out.println ("Last modified: " + resultDoc.getLastModified());
            System.out.println ("Created on:    " + resultDoc.getCreatedOn());
            System.out.println ("Media:         " + resultDoc.getMediaType());
            System.out.println ("\n");
          if (c != null) c.close();
        // Drop the collection, deleting the table underlying it and the collection metadata.
        if (arg.length > 0 && arg[0].equals("drop")) {
          System.out.println ("\nCollection dropped");
    // SODA for Java throws a checked OracleException
    catch (OracleException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
    catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
      try { if (conn != null)  conn.close(); }
      catch (Exception e) { }

Creating a New Document Collection with SODA for Java

How to use SODA for Java to create a new document collection is explained.

In your Java application, first create an OracleRDBMSClient object, which is the starting point for any Java application working with SODA for Java:

OracleRDBMSClient client = new OracleRDBMSClient();


The OracleRDBMSClient object, client, is thread-safe. Other SODA for Java interfaces are not thread-safe, however — do not share them among multiple threads.

Next, pass the JDBC connection to method OracleClient.getDatabase(), to obtain an OracleDatabase object:

OracleDatabase db = client.getDatabase(jdbcConnection);


Oracle recommends that you enable implicit statement caching for the JDBC connection that you pass to SODA. This can improve the performance of read and write operations. The underlying implementation of read and write operations generates JDBC prepared statements.

If you do not enable implicit caching then each time a read or write operation is created a new JDBC prepared statement is constructed. With implicit caching enabled, a new JDBC prepared statement is created only if it is not already in the cache.

See also: Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide and Oracle Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide

Collection creation methods are available on interface OracleDatabaseAdmin. To access this interface, invoke method admin() on the OracleDatabase object:

OracleDatabaseAdmin dbAdmin = db.admin();

Now you can create a collection — an OracleCollection object — using the following code, where collectionName is the name of the collection:

OracleCollection col =  dbAdmin.createCollection("collectionName");

Method createCollection(String collectionName) creates the following in Oracle Database:

  • Persistent default collection metadata.

  • A table for storing the collection, in the schema with which the input JDBC connection is configured.

    By default, the table name is derived from the collection name. If you want a different table name from that provided by default then use custom collection metadata to explicitly provide the table name (see below).

    The default table name is derived from the collection name as follows:

    1. Each ASCII control character and double quotation mark character (") in the collection name is replaced by an underscore character (_).

    2. If all of the following conditions apply, then all letters in the name are converted to uppercase, to provide the table name. In this case, you need not quote the table name in SQL code; otherwise, you must quote it.

      • The letters in the name are either all lowercase or all uppercase.

      • The name begins with an ASCII letter.

      • Each character in the name is alphanumeric ASCII, an underscore (_), a dollar sign ($), or a number sign (#).


        Oracle recommends that you do not use dollar signs ($) or number signs (#) in Oracle identifier names.

    For example:

    • Collection names "col" and "COL" both result in a table named "COL". When used in SQL, the table name is interpreted case-insensitively, so it need not be enclosed in double quotation marks (").

    • Collection name "myCol" results in a table named "myCol". When used in SQL, the table name is interpreted case-sensitively, so it must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").


    If the table name used by method createCollection names an existing table, in the schema with which the JDBC connection is configured, then the method tries to map that table to the collection. This behavior includes the default case, where the table name is derived from the collection name.

The default collection metadata has the following characteristics.

  • Each document in the collection has these document components:

    • Key

    • Content

    • Creation timestamp

    • Last-modified timestamp

    • Version

  • The collection can store only JSON documents.

  • Document keys are automatically generated for documents that you add to the collection.

The default collection configuration is recommended in most cases, but collections are highly configurable. When you create a collection you can specify things such as the following:

  • Storage details, such as the name of the table that stores the collection and the names and data types of its columns.

  • The presence or absence of columns for creation timestamp, last-modified timestamp, and version.

  • Whether the collection can store only JSON documents.

  • Methods of document key generation, and whether document keys are client-assigned or generated automatically.

  • Methods of version generation.

This configurability also lets you map a new collection to an existing table.

To configure a collection in a nondefault way, you must create a JSON OracleDocument instance of custom collection metadata and pass it to method createCollection(String collectionName, OracleDocument collectionMetadata). To build and generate this OracleDocument instance easily, you can use OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder.

If you do not care about the details of collection storage and configuration, then use method createCollection(collectionName), as in Example 1-2.

You can search or change a collection only if it is open. A newly created collection is open for the life of your session.


Unless otherwise stated, the remainder of this documentation assumes that a collection has the default configuration.

See Also:

Opening an Existing Document Collection with SODA for Java

You can use OracleDatabase method openCollection() to open an existing document collection or to test whether a given name names an existing collection.

Example 1-2 opens the collection named myCollectionName and returns the OracleCollection object that represents this collection. If the value returned is null then there is no existing collection named myCollectionName.

Example 1-2 Opening an Existing Document Collection

OracleCollection ocol = db.openCollection("myCollectionName");

Checking Whether a Given Collection Exists with SODA for Java

You can use OracleDatabase method openCollection() to check for the existence of a given collection. It returns null if the collection argument does not name an existing collection; otherwise, it opens the collection having that name.

In Example 1-2, if myCollectionName does not name an existing collection then ocol is assigned the value null.

Discovering Existing Collections with SODA for Java

You can use OracleDatabaseAdmin method getCollectionNames to discover existing collections.

Example 1-3 illustrates this, using method getCollectionNames with the simplest signature, which accepts no arguments. The example prints the names of all existing collections.

Example 1-3 Printing the Names of All Existing Collections

List<String> names =  db.admin().getCollectionNames();

for (String name : names)
 System.out.println ("Collection name: " + name);

Dropping a Document Collection with SODA for Java

You use OracleCollectionAdmin method drop() to drop a document collection.

Example 1-4 drops collection col.


This is the proper way to drop a collection — use method drop(). Do not use SQL to drop the database table that underlies the collection. Collections have persisted metadata, in addition to the documents that are stored in the collection table.


Commit all writes to a collection before using method drop(). For drop() to succeed, all uncommitted writes to the collection must first be committed. Otherwise, an exception is raised.

Example 1-4 Dropping a Document Collection


If You Need To Drop and Re-Create a Collection...

Day-to-day use of a typical application that makes use of SODA does not require you to drop and re-create collections. But if you do need to do that for any reason then be aware of the important guideline presented here.

Do not drop a collection and then re-create it with different metadata if there is any application running that uses SODA objects. Shut down any such applications before re-creating the collection, so that all live SODA objects are released.

There is no problem just dropping a collection. Any read or write operation on a stale OracleCollection object that corresponds to a dropped collection raises an error. And there is no problem dropping a collection and then re-creating it with the same metadata.

But if you re-create a collection with different metadata, and if there are any live applications using SODA objects, then there is a risk that a stale collection object (an OracleCollection instance) is accessed, and no error is raised in this case.

This risk is increased if collection metadata is cached. If caching is enabled, a (shared or local) cache can return an entry for a stale collection object even if the collection has been dropped.

Creating and Using Documents with SODA for Java

Creation and use of documents by SODA for Java are described.

SODA for Java represents a document using Java interface OracleDocument. This interface is designed primarily to represent JSON documents, but it also supports other content types. An OracleDocument is simply a carrier of content.

To create JSON content for an OracleDocument instance, you can use your favorite package — for example, JSR353, the Java API for JSON processing (https://jsonp.java.net/). Here is an example of a simple JSON document:

{ "name" :    "Alexander",
  "address" : "1234 Main Street",
  "city" :    "Anytown",
  "state" :   "CA",
  "zip" :     "12345"


In SODA for Java, JSON content must conform to RFC 4627. In particular, JSON content must be either an object (as in the preceding example) or an array; it cannot be a scalar value. For example, according to RFC 4627, the string value "hello" is not, by itself, valid JSON content.

Also in SODA for Java, JSON content encoding must be either UTF-8 or UTF-16 (big endian (BE) or little endian (LE)). Although RFC 4627 also allows UTF-32 (BE and LE) encodings, SODA for Java does not support them.

To create an OracleDocument instance from content that is represented as a byte array or a String instance, use the following methods (which OracleDatabase inherits from OracleDocumentFactory), respectively:

  • createDocumentFromByteArray()

  • createDocumentFromString()


Documents used with SODA for Java are limited to approximately 2 gigabytes.

A document has these components:

  • Key

  • Content

  • Creation time stamp

  • Last-modified time stamp

  • Version

  • Media type ("application/json" for JSON documents)

Interface OracleDocument provides getter methods for accessing document components. If a document is missing a given component, then the corresponding getter method returns null.

When you create a document by invoking method createDocumentFromString() or createDocumentFromByteArray():

  • You might need to provide the document key as a method argument.

    In a collection, each document must have a key. You must provide the key when you create the document only if you expect to insert the document into a collection that does not automatically generate keys for inserted documents. By default, collections are configured to automatically generate document keys.

  • You can provide the document content as a method argument (the content parameter is required, but its value can be null).

  • The method sets the values of the creation time stamp, last-modified time stamp, and version to null.

Methods createDocumentFromString() and createDocumentFromByteArray() each have multiple variants:

  • The simplest variant accepts only document content. The media type defaults to "application/json", and the other components default to null. This variant is useful for creating documents for insertion into collections that automatically generate document keys.

  • Another variant accepts both document key and document content. The media type defaults to "application/json", and the other components default to null. This variant is useful for creating documents for insertion into collections that have client-assigned document keys.

  • The most flexible (and most verbose) variant accepts key, content, and content type. Because it lets you specify content type, this variant is useful for creating non-JSON documents.

Example 1-5 creates an OracleDocument instance with content only. The media type defaults to "application/json", and the other document components default to null.

Example 1-6 creates an OracleDocument instance with document key and content. The media type defaults to "application/json", and the other document components default to null.

You write documents to collections using SODA for Java write operations, and you read documents from collections using SODA for Java read operations. The SODA for Java read and write operations are described in the following topics:

See Also:

  • OracleDocumentFactory Javadoc for more information about methodscreateDocumentFromString() and createDocumentFromByteArray()

  • OracleDocument Javadoc for more information about getter methods

Example 1-5 Creating a Document with JSON Content

OracleDocument doc =
  odb.createDocumentFromString("{ \"name\" : \"Alexander\"}");

// Get the content
String content = doc.getContentAsString();

// Get the content type (it is "application/json")
String contentType = doc.getContentType();

Example 1-6 Creating a Document with Document Key and JSON Content

OracleDocument doc
  = odb.createDocumentFromString("myKey", "{ \"name\" : \"Alexander\"}");

Handling Transactions with SODA for Java

You can cause SODA for Java to treat individual read and write operations, or groups of them, as a single transaction.

The JDBC connection that you pass to method OracleClient.getDatabase() has auto-commit mode either on or off.

If auto-commit mode is on, then each SODA for Java read operation and write operation is treated as a single transaction. If the operation succeeds, then the transaction automatically commits. If the operation fails, then an OracleException or RuntimeException is thrown, and the transaction automatically rolls back. SODA for Java itself throws only checked exceptions (OracleException and exceptions derived from OracleException). However, SODA for Java is built upon JDBC, which can throw a RuntimeException that SODA for Java passes through.

If auto-commit is off, then you can combine multiple SODA for Java read or write operations into one transaction. If the transaction succeeds, then your application must explicitly commit it, by calling method commit() on the JDBC connection. If the transaction fails, then an OracleException or RuntimeException, is thrown. Your application must handle the exception and explicitly roll back the transaction, by invoking method rollback() on the JDBC connection. (RuntimeException can be thrown only by JDBC, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph.)

To facilitate transactional programming, SODA for Java supports optimistic locking.

Inserting Documents into Collections with SODA for Java

To insert a document into a collection, you invoke OracleCollection method insert(OracleDocument) or insertAndGet(OracleDocument). These methods create document keys automatically, unless the collection is configured with client-assigned keys and the input document provides the key.

Method insert(OracleDocument) only inserts the document into the collection. Method insertAndGet(OracleDocument) also returns a result document, which contains the document key and any other generated document components (except the content).

Both methods automatically set the values of the creation time stamp, last-modified time stamp, and version (if the collection is configured to include these components and to generate the version automatically, as is the case by default).


If the collection is configured with client-assigned document keys (which is not the default case), and the input document provides a key that identifies an existing document in the collection, then these methods throw an exception. If you want the input document to replace the existing document instead of causing an exception, see Saving Documents into Collections with SODA for Java.

Example 1-7 creates a document and inserts it into a collection using method insert().

Example 1-8 creates a document, inserts it into a collection using method insertAndGet(), and then gets each of the generated components from the result document (which contains them).

To efficiently insert a large number of documents into a collection, invoke OracleCollection method insert(Iterator<OracleDocument>) or insertAndGet(Iterator<OracleDocument>). These methods are analogous to insert(OracleDocument) and insertAndGet(OracleDocument), but instead of handling a single document, they handle multiple documents. Parameter Iterator<oracleDocument> is an iterator over multiple input documents.

Method insertAndGet(Iterator<OracleDocument>) returns a list of result documents — one OracleDocument instance for each input document. Each such result document contains the document key and any other generated document components (except the content). The order of the result documents corresponds to the order of input documents, allowing correlation of result and input documents.

See Also:

OracleCollection Javadoc for more information about methods insert(OracleDocument), insertAndGet(OracleDocument), insert(Iterator<OracleDocument>), and insertAndGet(Iterator<OracleDocument>)

Example 1-7 Inserting a Document into a Collection

OracleDocument doc =
  db.createDocumentFromString("{ \"name\" : \"Alexander\"}");


Example 1-8 Inserting a Document into a Collection and Getting the Result Document

OracleDocument doc =
  db.createDocumentFromString("{ \"name\" : \"Alexander\"}");

OracleDocument insertedDoc = col.insertAndGet(doc);

// Get the generated document key
String key = insertedDoc.getKey();
// Get the generated creation timestamp
String createdOn = insertedDoc.getCreatedOn();
// Get the generated last-modified timestamp
String lastModified = insertedDoc.getLastModified();
// Get the generated version
String version = insertedDoc.getVersion();

Saving Documents into Collections with SODA for Java

You use OracleCollection methods save(OracleDocument) and saveAndGet(OracleDocument) to save documents into collections.

These methods are similar to methods insert(OracleDocument) and insertAndGet(OracleDocument)except that, if the collection is configured with client-assigned document keys and the input document provides a key that already identifies a document in the collection, then the input document replaces the existing document. (Methods insert(OracleDocument) and insertAndGet(OracleDocument) throw an exception in that case.)


By default, collections are configured with automatically generated document keys. Therefore, for a default collection, methods save(OracleDocument) and saveAndGet(OracleDocument) are equivalent to methods insert(OracleDocument) and insertAndGet(OracleDocument), respectively.

Example 1-9 saves a document into a collection that is configured with client-assigned document keys, using method saveAndGet(). It then gets the key and the generated document components (except the content) from the result document (which contains them).

See Also:

OracleCollection Javadoc for more information about methods save(OracleDocument) and saveAndGet(OracleDocument)

Example 1-9 Saving a Document into a Collection

OracleRDBMSClient cl = new OracleRDBMSClient();
OracleDatabase db = ...

// Configures the collection with client-assigned document keys
OracleDocument collMeta =
OracleCollection cKeyColl = db.createCollection("collectionName", collMeta);

// For a collection configured with client-assigned document keys,
// you must provide the key for the input document.
OracleDocument cKeyDoc =
  db.createDocumentFromString("myKey", "{ \"name\" : \"Alexander\"}");

// If key "myKey" already identifies a document in the collection
// then cKeyDoc replaces the existing doc.
OracleDocument savedDoc = clientKeysColl.saveAndGet(cKeyDoc);

// Get document key ("myKey")
String key = savedDoc.getKey();

// Get the generated creation timestamp
String createdOn = savedDoc.getCreatedOn();
// Get the generated last-modified timestamp
String lastModified = savedDoc.getLastModified();
// Get the generated version
String version = savedDoc.getVersion();

Finding Documents in Collections with SODA for Java

To find documents in a collection, you invoke OracleCollection method find(), which returns an OracleOperationBuilder object that represents a query that finds all documents in the collection.

To execute the query, obtain a cursor for its results by invoking OracleOperationBuilder method getCursor(). Then use the cursor to visit each document in the result list. To determine whether the result list has a next document, and to obtain the next document, invoke OracleCursor methods hasNext() and next(), respectively. This is illustrated by Example 1-10 and other examples here.

However, you typically do not work directly with the OracleOperationBuilder object. Instead, you chain together some of its methods, to specify various find operations. This is illustrated in the other examples here, which find documents by their keys or using query-by-example (QBE) filter specifications.


Examples here that use method getContentAsString() assume that all documents in the collection are JSON documents. If they are not, this method throws an exception.

See Also:

Example 1-10 Finding All Documents in a Collection

This example first obtains a cursor for a query result list that contains each document in a collection. It then uses the cursor in a while statement to get and print the content of each document in the result list, as a string. Finally, it closes the cursor.


To avoid resource leaks, close any cursor that you no longer need.

OracleCursor c = col.find().getCursor();

while (c.hasNext()) {
  OralceDocument resultDoc = c.next();
  System.out.println("Document content: " + resultDoc.getContentAsString());

// IMPORTANT: You must close the cursor to release resources!

Example 1-11 Finding the Unique Document That Has a Given Document Key

This example chains together OracleOperationBuilder methods to specify an operation that finds the unique document whose key is "key1". It uses nonterminal method key() to specify the document. It then uses terminal method getOne() to execute the read operation and return the document (or null if no such document is found).

OracleDocument doc = col.find().key("key1").getOne();

Example 1-12 Finding Multiple Documents with Specified Document Keys

This example defines HashSet myKeys, with (string) keys "key1", "key2", and "key3". It then finds the documents that have those keys, and it prints the key and content of each of those documents.

Nonterminal method keys() specifies the documents with the given keys. Terminal method getCursor() executes the read operation and returns a cursor over the result documents.


The maximum number of keys in the set supplied to method keys() must not exceed 1000.

Set<String> myKeys = new HashSet<String>();
OracleCursor c = col.find().keys(myKeys).getCursor();
while (c.hasNext(()) {
  OracleDocument resultDoc = c.next();
  // Print the document key and document content
  System.out.println ("Document key: " + resultDoc.getKey() + "\n" +
                        " document content: " + resultDoc.getContentAsString());

Example 1-13 Finding Documents with a Filter Specification

Nonterminal method filter() provides a powerful way to filter JSON documents in a collection. Its OracleDocument parameter is a JSON query-by-example (QBE, also called a filter specification).

This example does the following:

  1. Creates a filter specification that looks for all JSON documents whose name field has value "Alexander".

  2. Uses the filter specification to find the matching documents.

  3. Prints the key and content of each document.

// Create the filter specification
OracleDocument filterSpec =
  db.createDocumentFromString("{ /"name/" : /"Alexander/"}");
OracleCursor c = col.find().filter(filterSpec).getCursor();
while (c.hasNext(()) {
  OracleDocument resultDoc = c.next();
  // Print the document key and document content
  System.out.println ("Document key: " + resultDoc.getKey() + "\n" +
                        " document content: " + resultDoc.getContent());

Example 1-14 Specifying Pagination Queries with Methods skip() and limit()

This example uses nonterminal methods skip() and limit() in a pagination query. (Filter specification filterSpec is from Example 1-13.)

// Find all documents matching the filterSpec, skip the first 1000,
// and limit the number of returned documents to 100.
OracleCursor c =

while (c.hasNext(()) {
  OracleDocument resultDoc = c.next();
  // Print the document key and document content
  System.out.println ("Document key: " + resultDoc.getKey() + "\n" +
                        " document content: " + resultDoc.getContent());

Example 1-15 Specifying Document Version

Nonterminal method version() specifies the document version. It is useful for implementing optimistic locking, when used with the terminal methods for write operations.

Nonterminal method headerOnly() specifies the return of document headers only. A document header has all the document components except the content.

// Find a document with key "key1" and version "version1".
OracleDocument doc = col.find().key("key1").version("version1").getOne();

Example 1-16 Finding Documents and Returning Only Their Headers

This example finds all documents with the specified document keys and returns only their headers. (The keys are those in HashSet myKeys, which is defined in Example 1-12.)

// Find all documents matching the keys in HashSet myKeys.
// For each document, return all document components except the content.
OracleCursor c = col.find().keys(myKeys).headerOnly().getCursor();

Example 1-17 Counting the Number of Documents Found

This example uses terminal method count() to get a count of all of the documents in the collection. It then gets a count of all of the documents that are returned by the filter specification filterSpec from Example 1-13.

// Get a count of all documents in the collection
int numDocs = col.find().count();
// Get a count of all documents in the collection that match a filter spec
numDocs = col.find().filter(filterSpec).count();

Replacing Documents in a Collection with SODA for Java

To replace the content of one document in a collection with the content of another, you chain together OracleOperationBuilder method key(String) with either method replaceOne(OracleDocument) or method replaceOneAndGet(OracleDocument). Method replaceOne(OracleDocument) only replaces the document. Method replaceOneAndGet(OracleDocument) also returns a result document, which contains all document components except the content.

Both replaceOne(OracleDocument) and replaceOneAndGet(OracleDocument) update the values of the last-modified timestamp and the version. Replacement does not change the document key or the creation timestamp.


Some version-generation methods, including the default method, generate hash values of the document content. In such a case, if the document content does not change then neither does the version. For more information about version-generation methods, see SODA Collection Configuration Using Custom Metadata.

See Also:

Example 1-18 Replacing a Document in a Collection and Getting the Result Document

This example replaces a document in a collection, gets the result document, and gets the generated components from the result document.

OracleDocument newDoc = ...
OracleDocument resultDoc = col.find().key("k1").replaceOneAndGet(newDoc);

if (resultDoc != null)
  // Get the generated document key (unchanged by replacement operation)
  String key = resultDoc.getKey();
  // Get the generated version
  String version = resultDoc.getVersion();
  // Get the generated last-modified timestamp
  String lastModified = resultDoc.getLastModified();
  // Get the creation timestamp (unchanged by replacement operation)
  String createdOn = resultDoc.getCreatedOn();

Example 1-19 Replacing a Document Only If the Version Has Not Changed

To implement optimistic locking when replacing a document, you can chain together methods key() and version(), as in this example.

OracleDocument resultDoc = 

Removing Documents from a Collection with SODA for Java

To remove a document from a collection, you chain together (1) OracleCollection method find() with these OracleOperationBuilder methods: (2) key(), keys(), or filter(); (3) version() (optional); and (4) remove(). Examples are provided.

See Also:

Example 1-20 Removing a Document from a Collection Using a Document Key

This example removes the document whose document key is "k1". The number of documents removed is returned.

// Count is 1, if the document with key "k1" is found in the collection.
// Count is 0, otherwise.
int count = col.find().key("k1").remove();

Example 1-21 Removing a Document Only If the Version Has Not Changed

To implement optimistic locking when removing a document, you can chain together methods key() and version(), as in this example.


Example 1-22 Removing Documents from a Collection Using Document Keys

This example removes the documents whose keys are "k1" and "k2".

Set<String> myKeys = new HashSet<String>();

// Count is 2 if two documents with keys "k1" and "k2"
// were found in the collection.
int count = col.find().keys(myKeys).remove();

Example 1-23 Removing JSON Documents from a Collection Using a Filter

This example uses a filter to remove the JSON documents whose greeting field has value "hello". It then prints the number of documents removed.

OracleDocument filterSpec =
   db.createDocumentFromString("{ \"greeting\" : \"hello\" }");

int count = col.find().filter(filterSpec).remove();

// Print the number of documents removed
System.out.println ("Removed " + count + " documents"):

OracleOperationBuilder Methods, Terminal and Nonterminal

You can chain together OracleOperationBuilder methods, to specify read and write operations against a collection.

OracleOperationBuilder provides the following nonterminal methods, which you can chain together to specify a read or write operation: key(), keys(), filter(), version(), skip(), limit(), and headerOnly().

These are called nonterminal methods because they return the same OracleOperationBuilder object on which they are invoked, which allows them to be chained together. Nonterminal methods let you specify parts of an operation; they do not create or execute an operation.

OracleOperationBuilder also provides terminal methods. A terminal method always appears at the end of a method chain, and it creates and executes the operation.

The terminal methods for read operations are getCursor(), getOne(), and count(). The terminal methods for write operations are replaceOne(), replaceOneAndGet(), and remove().


If you use OracleCursor method next() or OracleOperationBuilder method getOne(), and if the underlying document is larger than 2 gigabytes, then an exception is thrown.

Unless the Javadoc documentation for a method states otherwise, you can chain together any nonterminal methods, and you can end the chain with any terminal method. However, not all combinations make sense. For example, it does not make sense to chain method version() together with any method except key(), or to chain method key() or keys() together with method filter().

Table 1-1 briefly describes OracleOperationBuilder nonterminal methods for building operations against a collection.

Table 1-1 OracleOperationBuilder Nonterminal Methods

Method Description


Find a document that has the specified document key.


Find documents that have the specified document keys. The maximum number of keys passed as argument must not exceed 1000.


Find documents that match a filter specification (a query-by-example expressed in JSON).


Find documents that have the specified version. This is typically used with key(). For example: find().key("key1").version("version1").


Exclude document content from the result.


Skip the specified number of documents in the result.


Limit the number of documents in the result to the specified number.

Table 1-2 briefly describes OracleOperationBuilder terminal methods for creating and executing read operations against a collection.

Table 1-2 OracleOperationBuilder Terminal Methods for Read Operations

Method Description


Create and execute an operation that returns at most one document — for example, an operation that includes an invocation of nonterminal method key().


Get a cursor over read operation results.


Count the number of documents found by the operation.

See Also:

Using Filter Specifications (QBEs) with SODA for Java

A filter specification, also called a query-by-example or QBE, is a SODA query that uses a pattern that is expressed in JSON. The query selects the JSON documents in a collection that satisfy it, meaning that the filter specification evaluates to true for only those documents.

QBE patterns use operators for this document selection or matching, including basic field operators, such as testing for field existence or value comparison, and logical operators, such as union ($or), intersection ($and), and negation ($not).


QBE is not supported on a heterogeneous collection, that is, a collection that has the media type column. Such a collection is designed for storing both JSON and non-JSON content.

Sample JSON Documents

A few sample JSON documents are presented here. They are referenced in some query-by-example (QBE) examples, as well as in some reference descriptions.

Example 1-24 Sample JSON Document 1

{ "name" : "Jason",  
  "age" : 45,   
  "address" : [ { "street" : "25 A street", 
                  "city" : "Mono Vista", 
                  "zip" : 94088,
                  "state" : "CA" } ],  
  "drinks" : "tea" }

Example 1-25 Sample JSON Document 2

{ "name" : "Mary", 
  "age" : 50, 
  "address" : [ { "street" : "15 C street", 
                  "city" : "Mono Vista", 
                  "zip" : 97090, 
                  "state" : "OR" }, 
                { "street" : "30 ABC avenue", 
                  "city" : "Markstown",
                  "zip" : 90001, 
                  "state" : "CA" } ] }

Example 1-26 Sample JSON Document 3

{ "name" : "Mark", 
  "age" : 65, 
  "drinks" : ["soda", "tea"] }

Using Paths in QBEs

A query-by-example (QBE) contains zero or more paths to document fields. (In the context of a QBE, "path to a field" is often shortened informally to "field".) A path to a field can have multiple steps, and it can cross the boundaries of both objects and arrays.

For example, this QBE matches all documents where a zip field exists under field address and has value 94088:

{ "address.zip" : 94088 }

The preceding filter specification matches sample document 1.

Paths can target particular elements of an array in a JSON document, by enclosing the array position in square brackets ([ and ]).

For example, path address[1].zip targets all zip fields in the second object of array addresses. (Array position numbers start at 0, not 1.) The following QBE matches sample document 2 because the second object of its address array has a zip field with value 90001.

{ "address[1].zip" : 90001}

Instead of specifying a particular array position, you can specify a list of positions (for example, [1,2]) or a range of positions (for example, [1 to 3]). The following QBE matches sample document 3 because it has "soda" as the first element (position 0) of array drinks.

{ "drinks[0,1]" : "soda" }

And this QBE does not match any of the sample documents because they do not have "soda" as the second or third array element (position 1 or 2).

{ "drinks[1 to 2]" : "soda" }

If you do not specify an array step then [*] is assumed, which matches any array element — * acts as a wildcard. For example, if the value of field drinks is an array then the following QBE matches if the value of any array element is the string "tea":

{"drinks" : "tea"}

This QBE thus matches sample documents 1 and 2. An equivalent QBE that uses the wildcard explicitly is the following:

{"drinks[*]" : "tea"}

Using QBE Basic Field Operators

A query-by-example (QBE) basic field operator tests whether a given field satisfies a given set of criteria. A basic field operator is either $exists or a comparison operator.

A comparison operator compares the value of a field with one or more other values. The comparison operators are $eq, $ne, $gt, $gte, $lte, $startsWith, $regex, $in, $nin, and $all.

One of the simplest and most useful filter specifications tests a field for equality to a specific value. For example, this filter specification matches any document that has a field name whose value is "Jason":

{ "name" : { "$eq" : "Jason" } }

For convenience, you can omit QBE operator $eq. This scalar-equality filter specification is thus equivalent to the preceding one, which uses $eq:

{ "name" : "Jason" }

Both of the preceding filter specifications match sample document 1.

$eq is an example of a QBE comparison operator. You can combine multiple comparison operators in the object that is the value of a single QBE field.

For example, the following QBE uses comparison operators $gt and $lt. It matches sample document 2, because that document contains an age field with a value (50) that is both greater than ($gt) 45 and less than ($lt) 55.

{ "age" : { "$gt" : 45, "$lt" : 55 } }

See Also:

Using QBE Logical Combining Operators

You use the query-by-example (QBE) logical combining operators, $and, $or, and $nor, to combine conditions to form more complex QBEs. Each accepts an array of conditions as its argument.

QBE logical combining operator $and matches a document if each condition in its array argument matches it. For example, this QBE matches sample document 1, because that document contains a field name whose value starts with "Ja", and it contains a field drinks whose value is "tea".

{"$and" : [ {"name" : {"$startsWith" : "Ja"}}, {"drinks" : "tea"} ]}

Often you can omit operator $and. For example, the following query is equivalent to the previous one:

{"name" : {"$startsWith" : "Ja"}, "drinks" : "tea"}

QBE logical combining operator $or matches a document if at least one of the conditions in its array argument matches it.

For example, the following QBE matches sample documents 2 and 3, because those documents contain a field zip under a field address, where the value of zip is less than 94000, or a field drinks whose value is "soda", or both:

{"$or" : [ {"address.zip" : {"$le" : 94000}}, {"drinks" : "soda"} ]}

QBE logical combining operator $nor matches a document if no condition in its array argument matches it. (Operators $nor and $or are logical complements.)

The following query matches sample document 1, because in that document there is neither a field zip under a field address, where the value of zip is less than 94000 nor a field drinks whose value is "soda":

{"$nor" : [{"address.zip" : {"$le" : 94000}}, {"drinks" : "soda"}]}

Each element in the array argument of a logical combining operator is a condition.

For example, the following condition has a single logical combining clause, with operator $and. The array value of $and has two conditions: the first condition restricts the value of field age. The second condition has a single logical combining clause with $or, and it restricts either the value of field name or the value of field drinks.

{ "$and" : [ { "age" : {"$gte" : 60} },
             { "$or" : [ {"name" :  "Jason"},
                         {"drinks" : {"$in" : ["tea", "soda"]}} ] } ] }
  • The condition with the comparison for field age matches sample document 3.

  • The condition with logical combining operator $or matches sample documents 1 and 3.

  • The overall condition matches only sample document 3, because that is the only document that satisfies both the condition on age and the condition that uses $or.

This condition has two conditions in the array argument of operator $or. The first of these has a single logical combining clause with $and, and it restricts the values of fields name and drinks. The second has a single logical combining clause with $nor, and it restricts the values of fields age and name.

{ "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ {"name" : "Jason"},
                         {"drinks" : {"$in" : ["tea", "soda"]}} ] },
            { "$nor" : [ {"age" : {"$lt" : 65}},
                         {"name" : "Jason"} ] } ] }
  • The condition with operator $and matches sample document 1.

  • The condition with operator $nor matches sample document 3.

  • The overall condition matches both sample documents 1 and 3, because each of these documents satisfies at least one condition in the $or argument.

Using Logical Operator $not

You use query-by-example (QBE) logical operator $not to negate the value of its operand, which is either a single existence or comparison criterion. When the operand criterion is true, the $not clause evaluates to false; when the criterion is false, $not evaluates to true.

For example, this QBE matches sample documents 1 and 3: document 1 has a field matching path address.zip and whose value is not "90001", and document 3 has no field matching path address.zip.

{"address.zip" : {"$not" : { "$eq" : "90001" }}}

Using Nested Conditions

You can use a query-by-example (QBE) with a nested condition to match a document that has a field with an array value with object elements, where a given object of the array satisfies multiple criteria.

The following condition matches documents that have both a city value of "Mono Vista" and a state value of"CA" in the same object under array address.

{"address" : { "city" : "Mono Vista", "state" : "CA"}}

It specifies that there must be a parent field address, and if the value of that field is an array then at least one object in the array must have a city field with value "Mono Vista" and a state field with value "CA". Of the three sample documents, this QBE matches only sample document 1.

The following QBE also matches sample document 1, but it matches sample document 2 as well:

{"address.city" : "Mono Vista", "address.state" : "CA"}

Unlike the preceding QBE, nothing here constrains the city and state to belong to the same address. Instead, this QBE specifies only that matching documents must have a city field with value "Mono Vista" in some object of an address array and a state field with value "CA" in some object of an address array. It does not specify that fields address.city and address.state must reside within the same object.

Using QBE Operator $id

Other query-by-example (QBE) operators generally look for particular JSON fields within documents and try to match their values. Operator $id instead matches document keys. You use operator $id in the outermost condition of a QBE.

Example 1-27shows three QBEs that use $id.


As an alternative to using a $id condition in a SODA for Java QBE, you can use OracleOperatorBuild method key() or keys() to specify document keys in conjunction with method filter().

Example 1-27 Using $id To Find Documents That Have Given Keys

// Find the unique document that has key "key1".
{"$id" : "key1"}

// Find the documents that have any of the keys "key1", "key2", and "key3".
{"$id" : ["key1","key2","key3"]}

// Find the documents that have at least one of the keys "key1" and "key2",
// and that have an object with a field address.zip whose value is at least 94000.
{"$and" : [{$id : ["key1", "key2"]},
           {"address.zip" : { "$gte" : 94000 }}]}

Using QBE Operator $orderby

Query-by-example (QBE) operator $orderby is described.

It sorts query results in ascending or descending order.

The following QBE specifies the order of fields age and salary. A value of 1 specifies ascending order for age. A value of -2 specifies descending order for salary. Sorting is done first by age and then by salary, because the absolute value of 1 is less than the absolute value of -2.

{ "$query" : { "age" : { "$gt" :  40 } },
  "$orderby" :  { "age" : 1, "salary" : -2 } }

When you use operator $orderby in a filter specification together with one or more filter conditions, you must wrap those conditions with operator $query. In the preceding query, the returned documents are restricted to those that satisfy a filter condition that specifies that field age must have a value greater than 40.

Querying With a Filter Specification

You can query a collection for documents that match a particular filter specification (query-by-example, or QBE). You do this by passing a JSON OracleDocument that represents the QBE to method OracleOperationBuilder filter().

Example 1-28 illustrates this.

Example 1-28 Executing a Filter Specification

OracleDatabase db = ...
// OracleCollection - assume it is empty
OracleCollection col = ...
// Insert into the collection a document with field "name" set to "Jason"
// and field "location" set to "California".
OracleDocument doc =
   db.createDocumentFromString("{\"name\" : \"Jason\",
                                  \"location\" : \"California\"}");
// Insert another document into the collection with field "name" set to "Mary",
// and field "location" set to "California".
doc = db.createDocumentFromString("{\"name\" : \"Mary\",
                                     \"location\" : \"California\"}");
// Create a filter specification for matching all documents with
// the field "name" set to "Jason"
OracleDocument filterSpec =
   db.createDocumentFromString("{\"name\" : \"Jason\"}");
// Run the filter specification
OracleCursor c = col.find().filter(filterSpec).getCursor();
// The cursor returns a single document with this content:
// { "name" : "Json", "location" : "California" } --
// the first document inserted above.
while (c.hasNext())
     OracleDocument c = c.next();

SODA Paths

SODA specifications contain paths, each of which targets a value in a JSON document. A path is composed of a series of steps.


In paths, you must use strict JSON syntax. That is, you must enclose every nonnumeric value in double quotation marks ("). For information about strict and lax JSON syntax, see Oracle Database JSON Developer’s Guide.

The characters used in path steps are of two kinds: syntactic and allowed. Syntactic characters have special syntactic meaning for JSON. They are the following:

  • Period (.), which separates a parent-object field name from a child-object field name.

  • Brackets ([ and ]), which are array delimiters.

  • Comma (,), which separates array elements or index components.

  • Wildcard (*), which is a placeholder. It matches any index in an array step and any field name in a field step.

Allowed characters are those that are not syntactic.

There are two kinds of steps in a path: field steps and array steps.

A field step is one of the following:

  • The wildcard character * (by itself)

  • A sequence of allowed characters — for example, cat

  • A sequence of characters (allowed or syntactic) enclosed in backquote characters (`) — for example, `dog`and `cat*dog`

Within a field step that is enclosed in backquote characters, a syntactic character does not act syntactically; it is treated literally as an ordinary character. You must enclose any field step that contains a syntactic character in a pair of backquote characters, if you intend for the syntactic character to be treated literally.

Because all of the characters in dog are allowed, backquote characters are optional in `dog`. Because each of the following field steps contains a syntactic character, they must be enclosed in backquote characters:


In `cat*dog` the asterisk does not act as a wildcard. Because it is escaped by backquotes, it acts as an ordinary character. But in the path { "*.b" : 42 }, the unescaped asterisk acts as a wildcard; it is a placeholder for a field name. Similarly, the unescaped period also acts syntactically.

If a step that you enclose in backquote characters contains a backquote character, then you must represent that character using two consecutive backquote characters. For example: `Customer``s Comment`.

A period (.) must be followed by a field step. After the first step in a path, each field step must be preceded by a period.

An array step is delimited by brackets ([ and ]). Inside the brackets can be either:

  • The wildcard character * (by itself)

  • One or more of these index components:

    • A single index, which is an integer greater than or equal to zero

    • An index range, which has this syntax:

      x to y

      x and y are integers greater than or equal to zero, and x is less than or equal to y. There must be at least one whitespace character between x and to and between to and y.

    Multiple components must be separated by commas (,). In a list of multiple components, indexes must be in ascending order, and ranges cannot overlap.

For example, these are valid array steps:

[1 to 3]
[1, 3 to 5]

The following are not valid array steps:

[*, 6]
[3, 2, 1]
[3 to 1]
[1 to 3, 2 to 4]

SODA Filter Specifications (QBEs)

You can select JSON documents in a collection by pattern-matching.

A filter specification, also known as a query-by-example (QBE) or simply a filter, is a SODA query that uses a pattern expressed in JSON. Some SODA operations use a filter specification to select all JSON documents in a collection that satisfy it, meaning that the filter specification evaluates to true for only those objects of the collection. A filter specification thus specifies characteristics that the documents that satisfy it must possess.

A filter specification pattern can use QBE operators, which are predefined JSON fields whose names start with $. The JSON value of an operator is called its operand or its argument.Foot 1

Although a SODA operator is itself a JSON field, for ease of exposition in the context of filter specification descriptions, the term field refers here to a JSON field that is not a SODA operator. (In the context of a QBE, "field" is often used informally to mean "path to a field".)


You must use strict JSON syntax in a filter specification. That is, you must enclose every nonnumeric value in double quotation marks. This includes QBE operators. For information about strict and lax JSON syntax, see Oracle Database JSON Developer’s Guide.

A filter specification is a JSON object. There are three kinds of filter specification:

  • Empty filter: { }. An empty filter matches all objects in a collection.

  • Composite filter.

  • Filter-condition filter.

A filter specification (QBE) can appear only at the top (root) level of a query. However, a filter condition can be used either on its own, as a filter-condition filter (a QBE), or at a lower level, in the query clause of a composite filter.


QBE is not supported on a heterogeneous collection, that is, a collection that has the media type column. Such a collection is designed for storing JSON and non-JSON content.

Composite Filters

A composite filter specification (query-by-example, or QBE) can appear only at the top level. That is, you cannot nest a composite filter inside another composite filter or inside a filter condition.

A composite filter consists of one or both of these clauses:

Neither clause can appear more than once.

The following composite filter contains both clauses:

{ "$query" : { "salary" : { "gt" : 10000 } },
  "$orderby" : { "age" : -1, "zipcode" : 2 } } }

In this example, the query clause selects documents that have a salary field whose value is greater than 10,000, and the orderby clause sorts the selected documents first by descending age and then by ascending zip code.

Orderby Clause Sorts Selected Objects

A filter specification (query-by-example, or QBE) with an orderby clause returns the selected JSON documents in sorted order.

This is the syntax of an orderby clause:

"$orderby" : { field1 : direction1, field2 : direction2, ... }

The value of operator $orderby is a JSON object with one or more members.

Each field is a string that is interpreted as a path from the root of the candidate object.

Each direction is a non-zero integer. It sorts the returned documents by the field value in ascending or descending order, depending on whether the value is positive or negative, respectively.

The fields in the $orderby operand are sorted in the order of their magnitudes (absolute values), smaller magnitudes before larger ones. For example, a field with value -1 sorts before a field with value 2, which sorts before a field with value 3.

The following filter specification selects objects in which field salary has a value greater than 10,000 and less than or equal to 20,000. It sorts the objects first in descending order by age and then in ascending order by zipcode.

{ "$query"   : { "salary" : { "$gt" : 10000, "$lte" : 20000 } },
  "$orderby" : { "age" : -1, "zipcode" : 2 } }

The following SQL SELECT statement fragment is analogous:

WHERE (salary > 10000) AND (salary <= 20000)
ORDER BY age DESC, zipcode ASC

If the absolute values of two or more sort directions are equal then the order in which the fields are sorted is determined by the order in which they appear in the serialized JSON content that you use to create the JSON document.

Oracle recommends that you use sort directions that have unequal absolute values, to precisely govern the order in which the fields are used, especially if you use an external tool or library to create the JSON content and you are unsure of the order in which the resulting content is serialized.

See Also:

SODA Paths, for information about path strings

Filter Conditions

A filter condition can be used either on its own, as a filter specification, or at a lower level, in the query clause of a composite filter specification.

A filter condition, sometimes called just a condition, consists of one or more of these clauses:

A filter condition is true if and only if all of its clauses are true. A filter condition cannot be empty.

Basic Field Clause

A basic field clause specifies that a given field must satisfy a given set of criteria.

It can take the following forms:

  • Existence clause: a fieldFoot 2 followed by an existence criterion, which is a JSON object with operator $exists followed its operand (argument), a scalar. A JSON scalar is a value other than an object or an array; that is, it is a JSON number, string, true, false, or null.

    An existence clause tests whether the field exists. It matches a document only if one of these is true:

    • The field exists and the operand is any scalar value except false, null, or 0.

    • The field does not exist and the operand is false, null, or 0.

    For example, this existence clause tests whether there is a document with field address.zip:

    "address.zip" : { "$exists" : true }
  • Scalar equality clause: a field followed by a scalar value.

    A scalar equality clause tests whether the value of the field is equal to the scalar value. It is equivalent to a comparison clause for the same field that tests the same value using $eq.

    For example, this scalar equality clause tests whether the field salary has the value 10000:

    "salary" : 10000

    It is equivalent to the following comparison clause:

    "salary" : { "$eq" : 10000 }
  • Comparison clause: a field followed by a JSON object containing one or more comparison criteria. A comparison criterion is a comparison operator followed by its operand. (The operators appear as JSON field names and the field values are the operands.)

    The comparison operators are $eq, $ne, $gt, $lt, $gte, $lte, $startsWith, $regex, $in, $nin, and $all.

    A comparison clause tests whether the value of the field satisfies all of the comparison criteria.

    For example, this comparison clause has two criteria. The first tests whether field age is greater than 18; the second tests whether it is less than or equal to 45:

    "age" : { "$gt" : 18, "$lte" : 45 }

Table 1-3 describes the comparison operators. See Sample JSON Documents for the documents used in column Example.

Table 1-3 Query-By-Example (QBE) Comparison Operators

Operator Description Operand Example


Matches document only if field value equals argument value.

JSON scalar.

{"name" : { "$eq" : "Jason" }}

matches sample document 1.


Matches document only if field value does not equal argument value or there is no such field in the document.

JSON scalar.

{"name" : { "$ne" : "Jason" }}

matches sample documents 2 and 3.


Matches document only if field value is greater than argument value.

JSON number or string.

{"age" : { "$gt" : 45 }}

matches sample document 2.


Matches document only if field value is less than argument value.

JSON number or string.

{"age" : { "$lt" : 50 }}

matches sample document 1.


Matches document only if field value is greater than or equal to argument value.

JSON number or string.

{"age" : { "$gte" : 45 }}

matches sample documents 1, 2, and 3.


Matches document only if field value is less than or equal to argument value.

JSON number or string.

{"age" : { "$lte" : 45 }}

matches sample document 1.


Matches document only if field value starts with argument value.

JSON string.

{"name" : {"$startsWith" : "J"}}

matches sample document 1.


Matches document only if field value matches argument regular expression.

SQL regular expression, as a JSON string.

See Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

{"name" : { "$regex" : ".*son"}}

matches sample document 1.


Matches document only if field exists and its value equals at least one value in the argument array.

Non-empty JSON array of scalars.Foot 3

{"address.zip" : { "$in" : [ 94088, 90001 ] }}

matches sample documents 1 and 2.


Matches document only if one of these is true:

  • Field exists, but its value is not equal to any value in the argument array.

  • Field does not exist.

Non-empty JSON array of scalars.Footref 

{"address.zip" : { "$nin" : [ 90001 ] }}

matches sample documents 1 and 2.


Matches document only if one of these is true:

  • Field value is an array that contains all values in the argument array.

  • Field value is a scalar value and the argument array contains a single matching value.

Non-empty JSON array of scalars.Footref 

{"drinks" : { "$all" : ["soda", "tea"]}}

matches sample document 2.

{"drinks": { "$all" : ["tea"]}}

matches sample documents 1 and 2.

Footnote 3

A syntax error is raised if the array does not contain at least one element.


When a path that does not end in an array step uses a comparison operator or $not applied to a comparison clause, and the path targets an array, the test applies to each element of the array.

For example, the QBE {"animal" : {"$eq" : "cat"}} matches the JSON data {"animal" : ["dog", "cat"]}, even though "cat" is an array element. The QBE {"animal" : {$not : {"$eq" : "frog"}}} matches the same data, because each of the array elements is tested for equality with "frog" and this test fails. (See "Logical Clause" for information about operator $not.)

Logical Clause

A logical clause is either a $not clause or logical combining clause.

  • A $not clause is a field followed by a JSON object that has operator $not followed by its operand. The operand for $not is a single existence or comparison criterion.

    A $not clause logically negates the value of the $not operand. When the operand criterion is true, the $not clause evaluates to false; when the criterion is false, $not evaluates to true.

    For example, the following $not clause matches documents that have no field address.zip, as well as documents that have such a field but whose value is a scalar other than "90001" or an array that has no elements equal to "90001":

    "address.zip" : {"$not" : { "$eq" : "90001" }}

    In contrast, the following comparison clause has the complementary effect: it matches documents that have a field address.zip whose value is either the scalar "90001" or an array that contains that scalar value.

    "address.zip" : { "$eq" : "90001"}}
  • A logical combining clause is a logical operator $and, $or, or $nor—followed by a non-empty array of one or more filter conditions.Foot 4

    This logical combining clause uses operator $or.

    "$or" [ { "name" : "Joe" }, { "salary" : 10000 } ]

    The following logical combining clause uses operator $and. Its array operand has two filter conditions as its members. The second of these is a condition with a logical combining clause that uses operator $or.

    "$and" : [ {"age" : {"$gte" : 60}},
               {"$or" : [{"name" : "Jason"}, {"drinks" : "tea"}]} ]
Omitting $and

Sometimes you can omit the use of $and.

A filter condition is true if and only if all of its clauses are true. And a comparison clause can contain multiple comparison criteria, all of which must be true for the comparison as whole to be true. In each of these, logical conjunction (AND) is implied. Because of this you can often omit the use of $and, for brevity.

This is illustrated by Example 1-29 and Example 1-30, which are equivalent in their effect. Operator $and is explicit in Example 1-29 and implicit (omitted) in Example 1-30.

The filter specifies objects for which the name starts with "Fred" and the salary is greater than 10,000 and less than or equal to 20,000 and either address.city is "Bedrock" or address.zipcode is 12345 and married is true.

A rule of thumb for $and omission is this: If you omit $and, make sure that no field or operator in the resulting filter appears multiple times at the same level in the same object.

This rule precludes using a QBE such as this, where field salary appears twice at the same level in the same object:

{ "salary" : { "$gt" : 10000 }, "age" : { "$gt" : 40 }, "salary" : { "$lt" : 20000 } }

And it precludes using a QBE such as this, where the same comparison operator, $regex, is applied more than once to field name in the same comparison:

{ "name" : { "$regex" : "son", "$regex" : "Jas" } }

The behavior here is not that the field condition is true if and only if both of the $regex criteria are true. To be sure to get that effect, you would use a QBE such as this one:

{ $and : [ { "name" : { "$regex" : "son" }, { "name" : { "$regex" : "Jas" } ] }

If you do not follow the rule of thumb for $and omission then only one of the conflicting conditions or criteria that use the same field or operator is evaluated; the others are ignored, and no error is raised. For the salary example, only one of the salary comparison clauses is evaluated; for the name example, only one of the $regex criteria is evaluated. Which one of the set of multiple conditions or criteria gets evaluated is undefined.

Example 1-29 Filter Specification with Explicit $and Operator

{ "$and" : [ { "name"    : { "$startsWith" : "Fred" } },
             { "salary"  : { "$gt"  : 10000, "$lte" : 20000 } },
             { "$or"     : [ { "address.city"    : "Bedrock" },
                             { "address.zipcode" : 12345 } ] },
             { "married" : true } ] }

Example 1-30 Filter Specification with Implicit $and Operator

{ "name"    : { "$startsWith" : "Fred" },
  "salary"  : { "$gt"  : 10000, "$lte" : 20000 },
  "$or"     : [ { "address.city"    : "Bedrock" },
                { "address.zipcode" : 12345 } ],
  "married" : true }

Nested-Condition Clause

A nested-condition clause consists of a parent field followed by a single condition. All fields contained in the condition are scoped to the parent field.

parent_field : condition


Since the condition of a nested-condition clause follows a field, it cannot contain a special-criterion clause. The latter can occur only at root level.

For example, suppose that field address has child fields city and state. The following nested-condition clause tests whether field address.city has the value "Boston" and field address.state has the value "MA":

"address" : { "city" : "Boston", "state" : "MA" }

Similarly, this nested-condition clause tests whether the value of address.city starts with Bos and address.state has the value "MA":

"address" : { "city" : { "$startsWith : "Bos" }, "state" : "MA" }

Suppose that you have this document:

{ "address" : [ { "city" : "Boston", "state" : "MA" },
                { "city" : "Los Angeles", "state" : "CA" } ] }

The following query matches each path in the document independently. Each object element of an address array is matched independently to see if it has a city value of "Boston" or a state value of "CA".

{ "address.city" : "Boston", "address.state" : "CA" }

This query without a nested condition thus matches the preceding document, which has no single object with both city "Boston" and state "CA".

The following query, with a nested-condition clause for parent field address, does not match the preceding document, because that document has no single object in an address array with both a field city of value "Boston" and a field state of value "CA".

{ "address" : { "city" : "Boston", "state" : "CA" } }

Special-Criterion Clause

A special-criterion clause is used only in a root-level condition, that is, a condition used in a composite filter or in a filter-condition filter.

Currently the only special-criterion clause is the ID clause.

ID Clause

Other query-by-example (QBE) operators generally look for particular JSON fields within documents and try to match their values. An ID clause, which uses operator $id, instead matches document keys.

A document key uniquely identifies a given document. It is metadata, like the creation timestamp, last-modified timestamp, and version. It pertains to the document as a whole and is not part of the document content.

The syntax of an ID clause is QBE operator $id followed by either a scalar key (document identifier) or a non-empty array of scalar keys.Foot 5 The scalar key must be either an integer or a string. The array elements must be either all integers or all strings. For example:

"$id" : "USA"
"$id" : [1001,1002,1003]

You can use operator $id only in the outermost condition of a QBE. More precisely, if a QBE also uses other operators in addition to $id, then the outermost condition must have operator $and, and the sole occurrence of a $id condition must be an element of the array argument to that $and occurrence.

Example 1-31 illustrates this. It finds documents that have at least one of the keys key1 and key2 and that have a color field with value "red".

Example 1-31 Use of Operator $id in the Outermost QBE Condition

{ "$and" : [ { $id : [ "key1", "key2" ] }, { "color" : "red" } ] }

SODA Collection Metadata Caching

SODA collection metadata is stored persistently in the database, just like collection data. It is fetched transparently when needed, to perform collection operations. Fetching metadata from the database carries a performance cost. You can cache collection metadata in clients, to improve performance by avoiding database access to retrieve the metadata.

These are the main use cases for collection metadata caching:

  • Listing a collection, then opening one or more of the collections listed.

  • Creating a collection, then opening it.

  • Reopening a collection.

In all of these cases, cached metadata can be used to open the collection.

A collection metadata cache can be shared by all of the OracleDatabase objects that are obtained from a given OracleRDBMSClient object, or it can be local to a single OracleDatabase object. Both kinds of caching are disabled by default.

If both local and shared caches are enabled for the same OracleDatabase object, entry lookup proceeds as follows:

  1. The local cache is checked for an entry pertaining to a given collection used by the database object.

  2. If not found in the local cache, the shared cache is checked for an entry for the collection.

  3. If an entry for the collection is found in neither cache then the database is accessed to try to obtain the its metadata.

Enabling Collection Metadata Caching

Collection metadata caching is disabled by default. You can use constructor OracleRDBMSClient(Properties props) to enable shared or local collection metadata caching.

Parameter props here is a Properties instance that you initialize with one or both of the following properties:

  • Property oracle.soda.sharedMetadataCache with value "true": enable the shared cache

  • Property oracle.soda.localMetadataCache with value "true": enable the local cache

Example 1-32 illustrates this; it enables both shared and local caching.

Example 1-32 Enabling Collection Metadata Caching

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("oracle.soda.sharedMetadataCache", "true");
props.put("oracle.soda.localMetadataCache", "true");
OracleRDBMSClient cl = new OracleRDBMSClient(props);

Shared Collection Metadata Cache

Each SODA client (OracleRDBMSClient object) is optionally associated with a collection metadata cache that records metadata for all collections (OracleCollection objects) that are created for all OracleDatabase objects created from that client. The cache is released when its associated client is released.

The number of entries in a shared cache is limited to 10,000 entries (100 database schemas times 100 collections per schema). A shared cache uses a least-recently-used (LRU) replacement policy: the least recently used entry is replaced by the addition of a new entry, when the cache is full (it has 10,000 entries).

A shared metadata cache requires locking to avoid access conflict, which can affect performance negatively because it limits concurrency.

Local Collection Metadata Cache

Each OracleDatabase object is optionally associated with a local collection metadata cache. It records metadata only for collections that are created for that OracleDatabase object. A local cache is released when its associated OracleDatabase object is released.

There is no limit on the number of entries for a local cache — entries are never evicted. The number of entries continues to grow as new collections are created for the given database object.

The lack of an eviction policy for local metadata caches means that cached collection metadata is always available; once cached, the database need never be accessed to obtain it.

With local caching, because there is no sharing, using different database objects to access the same collection can result in more round trips and more data replication than is the case for shared caching.

Unlike a shared metadata cache, a local cache requires no locking.


Because the number of entries in the local cache is unbounded, Oracle does not recommend using the local cache if a particular Oracle Database object is used to create a large number of collections, as it could result in running out of memory.

SODA Collection Configuration Using Custom Metadata

SODA collections are highly configurable. You can use custom metadata, which differs from the metadata that is provided by default.

However, Oracle recommends against using custom metadata without a compelling reason. Doing so requires familiarity with Oracle Database concepts, such as SQL data types (described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference). SODA collections are implemented on top of Oracle Database tables (or views). Therefore, many collection configuration components are related to the underlying table configuration.

Reasons to use custom metadata include:

  • To configure SecureFiles LOB storage.

  • To configure a collection to store documents other than JSON (a heterogeneous collection).

  • To map an existing Oracle RDBMS table or view to a new collection.

  • To specify that a collection mapping to an existing table is read-only.

  • To use a VARCHAR2 column for JSON content, and to increase the default maximum length of data allowed in the column.

    You might want to increase the maximum allowed data length if your database is configured with extended data types, which extends the maximum length of these data types to 32767 bytes. For more information about extended data types, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

Two methods for creating collections are available on interface OracleDatabaseAdmin (accessed by invoking method admin() on an OracleDatabase object):

createCollection(String collectionName);
createCollection(String collectionName, OracleDocument collectionMetadata);

The first method, which accepts only one argument, creates a collection with the default metadata. The default metadata specifies database schema name, table name (for the table storing the collection), five table columns (key, content, version, last-modified timestamp, and creation timestamp), and the details of these table columns. Each table column is represented by a field with a JSON object as value. That object contains additional details about the column—name, SQL type, and so on. (See Example 1-33.)

The second method, which accepts two arguments, lets you provide custom collection metadata in the form of a JSON OracleDocument object.

Getting the Metadata of an Existing Collection

OracleCollectionAdmin method getMetadata() returns the JSON metadata document for a collection.


Example 1-33 shows the result of calling method getContentAsString() on the metadata document for a collection with the default configuration that was created using OracleDatabaseAdmin method createCollection(String collectionName).

Example 1-33 getMetadata Output for Collection with Default Configuration

   "schemaName" : "mySchemaName",
   "tableName" : "myTableName",
   "keyColumn" :
      "name" : "ID",
      "sqlType" : "VARCHAR2",
      "maxLength" : 255,
      "assignmentMethod" : "UUID"
   "contentColumn" :
      "name" : "JSON_DOCUMENT",
      "sqlType" : "BLOB",
      "compress" : "NONE",
      "cache" : true,
      "encrypt" : "NONE",
      "validation" : "STRICT"
   "versionColumn" :
     "name" : "VERSION",
   "lastModifiedColumn" :

Creating Custom Metadata for a Collection

Collection metadata is represented as a JSON OracleDocument instance. You can create such an instance directly, but Oracle recommends that you instead use OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder, which you obtain by invoking OracleRDBMSClient method createMetadataBuilder().

Method createMetadataBuilder() returns an OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder instance that is preloaded with the default collection metadata. You can modify this preloaded metadata by calling OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder methods that create custom metadata.

These methods correspond to different collection metadata components. You can customize these components by invoking builder methods in a chained manner. At the end of the chain, you invoke method build() to create collection metadata as a JSON OracleDocument object.

Example 1-34 illustrates this; it uses OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder to create a collection that has custom metadata: no creation time column, a media type column, and a non-default version column method. It first uses method createMetadataBuilder() to create a metadata builder object. It then invokes builder methods on that object to define the specific metadata to use, and it invokes build() to create a collectionMetadata object with that metadata. Finally, it creates a new collection that has this metadata.

In this case, the metadata that is specified, and the methods that define it, are as follows:

Method Metadata


There is to be no creation time column. By default, the column is present. A null value here specifies that it is absent.


The media type column is to be named MY_MEDIA_TYPE_COLUMN. By default, there is no media type column.


The version column method is to be UUID, instead of the default method, SHA256.

Example 1-34 Creating a Collection That Has Custom Metadata

OracleRDBMSClient cl = new OracleRDBMSClient();
OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder b = cl.createMetadataBuilder();
OracleDatabase db = cl.getDatabase(jdbcConnection);
// Create custom metadata
OracleDocument collectionMetadata = b.creationTimeColumnName(null).
// Create a new collection with the specified custom metadata
db.admin().createCollection("collectionName", collectionMetadata);

Collection Metadata Components

Collection metadata is composed of multiple components.

See Also:

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder methods Javadoc for more information about collection metadata components


The identifiers used for collection metadata components (schema name, table name, view name, database sequence name, and column names) must be valid Oracle quoted identifiers.Foot 6 Some characters and words that are allowed in Oracle quoted identifiers are strongly discouraged. For details, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference).


The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the Oracle Database schema that owns the table or view to which the collection is mapped.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref . If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters, SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


See Also:

Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about valid Oracle quoted identifiers

Table or View

The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the table or view to which the collection is mapped.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref . If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters, SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component

tableName() or viewName()

JSON collection metadata document path

tableName or viewName

See Also:

Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about valid Oracle quoted identifiers

Key Column Name

The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the column that stores the document key.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref  (as defined in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference). If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters, SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Key Column Type

The collection metadata component that specifies the SQL data type of the column that stores the document key.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values




OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path



If client-assigned keys are used and the key column type is VARCHAR2 then Oracle recommends that the database character set be AL32UTF8. This ensures that conversion of the keys to the database character set is lossless.

Otherwise, if client-assigned keys contain characters that are not supported in your database character set then conversion of the key into the database character set during a read or write operation is lossy. This can lead to duplicate-key errors during insert operations. More generally, it can lead to unpredictable results. For example, a read operation could return a value that is associated with a different key from the one you expect.

Key Column Max Length

The collection metadata component that specifies the maximum length of the key column in bytes. This component applies only to keys of type VARCHAR2.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

At least 32 bytes if key assignment method is UUID or GUID. See Key Column Assignment Method.

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


See Also:

Key Column Type

Key Column Assignment Method

The collection metadata component that specifies the method used to assign keys to objects that are inserted into the collection.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values





For descriptions of these methods, see Table 1-4.

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Table 1-4 Key Assignment Methods

Method Description


Keys are generated in Oracle RDBMS by the SQL function SYS_GUID, described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.


Keys are generated in Oracle Database by a database sequence. If you specify the key assignment method as SEQUENCE then you must also specify the name of that sequence — see Key Column Sequence Name.


Keys are assigned by the client application.

UUID (default)

Keys are generated by SODA for Java, based on the UUID capability of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) underlying SODA for Java.

Key Column Sequence Name

The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the database sequence that generates keys for documents that are inserted into a collection if the key assignment method is SEQUENCE.

If you specify the key assignment method as SEQUENCE then you must also specify the name of that sequence. If the specified sequence does not exist then SODA for Java creates it.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref  (as defined in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference). If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters, SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path



If you drop a collection using SODA for Java, the sequence used for key generation is not dropped. This is because it might not have been created using SODA for Java. To drop the sequence, use SQL command DROP SEQUENCE, after first dropping the collection.

See Also:

Content Column Name

The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the column that stores the database content.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref  (as defined in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference). If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters, SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Content Column Type

The collection metadata component that specifies the SQL data type of the column that stores the document content.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values




OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Content Column Max Length

The collection metadata component that specifies the maximum length of the content column in bytes. This component applies only to content of type VARCHAR2.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

32767 if extended data types are enabled. Otherwise, 4000 if content column type is VARCHAR2.

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


See Also:

Content Column JSON Validation

The collection metadata component that specifies the syntax to which JSON content must conform—strict or lax.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values



LAX (default for SQL condition is json)

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


  • STANDARD validates according to the JSON RFC 4627 standard. (It corresponds to the strict syntax defined for Oracle SQL condition is json.)

  • STRICT is the same as STANDARD, except that it also verifies that the document does not contain duplicate JSON field names. (It corresponds to the strict syntax defined for Oracle SQL condition is json when the SQL keywords WITH UNIQUE KEYS are also used.)

  • LAX validates more loosely. (It corresponds to the lax syntax defined for Oracle SQL condition is json.) Some of the relaxations that LAX allows include the following:

    • It does not require JSON field names to be enclosed in double quotation marks (").

    • It allows uppercase, lowercase, and mixed case versions of true, false, and null.

    • Numerals can be represented in additional ways.

See Also:

Content Column SecureFiles LOB Compression

The collection metadata component that specifies the SecureFiles LOB compression setting.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values





OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


See Also:

Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide for information about SecureFiles LOB storage

Content Column SecureFiles LOB Cache

The collection metadata component that specifies the SecureFiles LOB cache setting.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values



OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


See Also:

Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide for information about SecureFiles LOB storage

Content Column SecureFiles LOB Encryption

The collection metadata component that specifies the SecureFiles LOB encryption setting.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values






OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


See Also:

Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide for information about SecureFiles LOB storage

Version Column Name

The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the column that stores the document version.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref  (as defined in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference). If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters, SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Version Column Generation Method

The collection metadata component that specifies the method used to compute version values for objects when they are inserted into a collection or replaced.

Example 1-34 uses this metadata component.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values







OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Table 1-5 describes the version generation methods.

Table 1-5 Version Generation Methods

Method Description


Ignoring object content, SODA for Java generates a universally unique identifier (UUID) when the document is inserted and for every replace operation. Efficient, but the version changes even if the original and replacement documents have identical content.

Version column type value is VARCHAR2(255).


Ignoring object content, SODA for Java generates a value from the time stamp and coverts it to LONG. This method might require a round trip to the database instance to get the timestamp. As with UUID, the version changes even if the original and replacement documents have identical content.

Version column type value is NUMBER.


SODA for Java uses the MD5 algorithm to compute a hash value of the document content. This method is less efficient than UUID, but the version changes only if the document content changes.

Version column type value is VARCHAR2(255).

SHA256 (default)

SODA for Java uses the SHA256 algorithm to compute a hash value of the document content. This method is less efficient than UUID, but the version changes only if the document content changes.

Version column type value is VARCHAR2(255).


Ignoring object content, SODA for Java assigns version 1 when the object is inserted and increments the version value every time the object is replaced. Version values are easily understood by human users, but the version changes even if the original and replacement documents have identical content.

Version column type value is NUMBER.


If the version column is present, NONE means that the version is generated outside SODA for Java (for example, by a database trigger).

See Also:

Table 1-5 for descriptions of the allowed values

Last-Modified Time Stamp Column Name

The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the column that stores the last-modified time stamp of the document.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref  (as defined in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference). If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters, SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Last-Modified Column Index Name

The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the index on the last-modified column.


This component is currently for internal use only. Do not change its value.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref  (as defined in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference). If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters, SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Creation Time Stamp Column Name

The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the column that stores the creation time stamp of the document. This timestamp is generated during the insert, insertAndGet, save, or saveAndGet operation.

Example 1-34 uses this metadata component.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref  (as defined in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference). If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters, SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Media Type Column Name

The collection metadata component that specifies the name of the column that stores the media type of the document. A media type column is needed if the collection is to be heterogeneous, that is, it can store documents other than JSON.

Example 1-34 uses this metadata component.


You cannot use query-by-example (QBE) with a heterogeneous collection (an error is raised if you try).

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values

Valid Oracle quoted identifierFootref  (as defined in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference). If this value contains double quotation marks (") or control characters then SODA for Java replaces them with underscore characters (_).

OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Read Only

The collection metadata component that specifies whether the collection is read-only.

Property Value

Default value


Allowed values



OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder method for selecting component


JSON collection metadata document path


Footnote Legend

Footnote 1:

A syntax error is raised if the argument to a QBE operator is not of the required type (for example, if $gt is passed an argument that is not a string or a number).

Footnote 2:

A field here is any JSON field that is not an operator. And as always, operators and fields must be enclosed in double quotation marks (") when used in SODA.

Footnote 4:

A syntax error is raised if the array does not contain at least one element.

Footnote 5:

A syntax error is raised if the array does not contain at least one element.

Footnote 6:

Reminder: letter case is significant for a quoted SQL identifier; it is interpreted case-sensitively.