10 Performing Upgrades

This chapter describes the process for upgrading to a new patch (or patchset) of the Operator and of TimesTen. It also applies to downgrading. See "Overview of release numbers" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide for information on TimesTen releases.

Topics include:

Overview of the upgrade process

The upgrade process involves first upgrading the Operator and then upgrading TimesTen.

You must upgrade the Operator manually. This involves:

  • Updating the crd.yaml and the service_account.yaml files.

  • Building a new image that contains the new Operator.

  • Switching to the new Operator

See "Upgrading the Operator" for information on upgrading the Operator.

To upgrade TimesTen, you create a new container image that contains the new TimesTen release. You then update the TimesTenClassic objects associated with the active standby pairs by modifying the value of the TimesTenClassic objects' image CRD syntax element. See "TimesTenClassicSpecSpec" for more information on the image CRD syntax element.

The Operator creates and associates a Kubernetes StatefulSet with each TimesTenClassic object. The StatefulSet causes and controls the creation of the Pods that run TimesTen.

When you modify the image CRD syntax element of a TimesTenClassic object, the Operator notices the change and modifies the corresponding image attribute(s) in the StatefulSet. This controls the future spawning of containers. If a running container terminates, then StatefulSet spawns one to replace it. This replaced container runs the newly specified image.

Similarly, for other containers you provided that are running in these Pods, the Operator examines the value of the each TimesTenClassic object's image value. This value controls which image your provided containers run. If you modify the image value in the TimesTenClassic object, the corresponding attributes in the associated StatefulSet are modified by the Operator.

After the Operator propagates changes from the TimesTenClassic object to the associated StatefulSet, you must then determine if the Operator will perform the steps to upgrade TimesTen or if you will manually perform the steps. This is determined by the value you specified for the TimesTenClassic object's imageUpgradeStrategy CRD syntax element. A value of auto indicates the Operator should perform the upgrade whereas a value of manual indicates you will manually perform the upgrade. If you do not specify a value for imageUpgradeStrategy, the default is auto. See "TimesTenClassicSpecSpec" for more information on the imageUpgradeStrategy CRD syntax element. For automated upgrades, (value of imageUpgradeStrategy is auto), you can also control the amount of time the Operator waits for a Pod to come up (after it has been deleted) by setting the upgradeDownPodTimeout value. See "TimesTenClassicSpecSpec" for more information.

You cannot use this automated upgrade process to upgrade direct mode applications that are running in their own containers. The Operator does propagate the changes from a TimesTenClassic object to the associated StatefulSet, but the changes do not initiate the automated upgrade process. You must manually terminate the applications that are running in their containers. In so doing, StatefulSet then spawns new containers to replace the original containers. These new containers run the newly specified TimesTen image. See "Using direct mode applications" for more information on direct mode applications.

If there are failures in any steps of the upgrade process, the TimesTenClassic object enters the ManualInterventionRequired state. The remaining steps of the upgrade process are cancelled. You must manually fix the active/standby pair to return the pair to management by the Operator. Even when the pair is returned to automatic management, the remaining steps in the upgrade process are not automatically performed. See "Understanding the ManualInterventionRequired state" and "Bringing up one database" for more information.

Upgrading the Operator

You must manually upgrade the Operator for both automated and manual upgrades. You can upgrade the current release of the TimesTen Operator to a new release while there are one or more TimesTenClassic objects running in your Kubernetes cluster and while the TimesTen databases that are associated with those TimesTenClassic objects are up and running.

The process of upgrading the Operator involves:

  • Replacing the crd.yaml and the service_account.yaml files in the /deploy directory

  • Building the new Operator image

  • Updating the timestenclassic-operator Deployment

The Operator restarts, and the upgrade to the new Operator becomes effective. During the Operator upgrade, the TimesTen databases continue to run (even while there is no Operator managing them). After the Operator upgrade process is completed, the new Operator continues to manage the current TimesTenClassic objects in your cluster as well as the TimesTen databases associated with those TimesTenClassic objects.

These sections cover the steps for upgrading the Operator:

Download the new release of the TimesTen Operator

The new release of the TimesTen Operator is included in the new release of the TimesTen full distribution on Linux 64-bit. (In this example, the new release is

Perform these steps to download the full distribution of TimesTen and then unpack the TimesTen Operator distribution that is embedded within it. Perform all steps from your Linux development host.

  1. From the directory of your choice:

    • Create one subdirectory into which you will download the new TimesTen full distribution. For example, create the new_installation_dir subdirectory.

    • Create a second subdirectory into which you will unpack the new TimesTen Operator distribution. For example, create the new_kube_files subdirectory.

    % mkdir -p new_installation_dir
    % mkdir -p new_kube_files
  2. Navigate to new_installation_dir.

    % cd new_installation_dir

    Download the TimesTen full distribution into this directory. In this example, download the timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip file (the full distribution for Linux 64-bit).

  3. From the new_installation_dir, use the ZIP utility to unpack the TimesTen distribution.

    % unzip timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip
    Archive:  /timesten/installation/timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip
       creating: tt18.

    Note that the new_installation_dir/tt18. directory is created. The operator.zip file is located in this directory. For example, this is a sample directory structure after unpacking the distribution (which can change from release to release):

    % pwd
    % dir
    3rdparty  include     lib      oraclescripts  README.html  ttoracle_home
    bin       info        network  PERL           startup
    grid      kubernetes  nls      plsql          support
  4. Navigate to the new_kube_files directory and unpack the operator.zip file into it. In this example, unpack the new_installation_dir/tt18. file.

    % cd new_kube_files
    % unzip new_installation_dir/tt18.
    [...UNZIP OUTPUT...]
  5. Review the directory structure. This example shows the most important subdirectories and files, which can change from release to release.



    This directory tree must persist through the lifetime of the TimesTen Operator.

    In addition, do not delete the TimesTen full distribution file (timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip, in this example). You need to copy this file into the:

Replace the crd.yaml and the service_account.yaml files

You must replace the crd.yaml and the service_account.yaml files that reside in the new_kube_files/ttdeploy directory.


Ensure you do not delete the crd.yaml file. Doing so deletes the TimesTenClassic objects along with the TimesTen databases associated with them.

Perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the new_kube_files/deploy directory and recreate the crd.yaml file.

    % cd new_kube_files/deploy
    % kubectl replace -f crd.yaml
    oracle.com replaced
  2. While in the new_kube_files/deploy directory, recreate the Kubernetes service account in which the Operator runs. The Operator requires additional privileges to perform the upgrade procedure.

    % kubectl replace -f service_account.yaml
    role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/timestenclassic-operator replaced
    serviceaccount/timestenclassic-operator replaced
    rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/timestenclassic-operator replaced

You have successfully replaced the crd.yaml and the service_account.yaml files. You are now ready to build the Operator image.

Build the new Operator image

Before you can run the new Operator, you must build the new Operator image and push it to your image registry.

The files needed to build the new Operator image are provided in the new_kube_files/operator directory (part of the ZIP file you previously unpacked).

To build the new Operator image and push it to your registry, perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the new_kube_files/operator directory, and copy the TimesTen distribution into it. This example assumes you downloaded the timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip distribution into the new_installation_dir directory. See "Download the new release of the TimesTen Operator" for information. Then, verify the timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip file is in the new_kube_files/operator directory.

    % cd new_kube_files/operator
    % cp new_installation_dir/timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip .
    % ls -a
  2. Navigate to the new_kube_files/operator directory (if not already in this directory) and use the docker command to build and tag the new Operator image. When you are tagging the new Operator image, it is recommended that you tag the image with a release number. For example, you can use the naming convention: ttclassic-operator:release (where release is the release you wish to tag). In this example, ttclassic-operator:3 is used to name the new Operator image (represented in bold).

    % cd new_kube_files/operator
    % docker build -t ttclassic-operator:3 .
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  478.6MB
    Step 1/7 : FROM container-registry.oracle.com/os/oraclelinux:7
     ---> d788eca028a0
    Step 2/7 : ARG TT_DISTRO=timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip
     ---> Using cache
     ---> a259a93fe906
    Step 3/7 : RUN yum -y install openssl unzip && /usr/sbin/useradd -d 
    /tt-operator -m -u 1001 -s /bin/nologin -U tt-operator
     ---> Using cache
     ---> e3f1427246ab
    Step 4/7 : COPY --chown=tt-operator:tt-operator timestenclassic-operator 
     ---> Using cache
     ---> 6ccad53230f0
    Step 5/7 : COPY --chown=tt-operator:tt-operator $TT_DISTRO /tt-operator/
     ---> 5cd31705485a
    Step 6/7 : USER tt-operator
     ---> Running in 6a773ddac5dd
    Removing intermediate container 6a773ddac5dd
     ---> 875ee38ebc75
    Step 7/7 : ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/timestenclassic-operator"]
     ---> Running in fed0f6c94c2f
    Removing intermediate container fed0f6c94c2f
     ---> 10dde79e1617
    Successfully built 10dde79e1617
    Successfully tagged ttclassic-operator:3
  3. Use the docker command to tag the new Operator image.

    • Replace phx.ocir.io/youraccount with the location of your image registry. (phx.ocir.io/youraccount is represented in bold in this example.)

    • Replace ttclassic-operator:3 with the name you chose in the previous step. (ttclassic-operator:3 is represented in bold in this example.)

    % docker tag ttclassic-operator:3 phx.ocir.io/youraccount/ttclassic-operator:3
  4. Use the docker command to push the new Operator image to your registry.

    • Replace phx.ocir.io/youraccount with the location of your image registry. (phx.ocir.io/youraccount is represented in bold in this example.)

    • Replace ttclassic-operator:3 with the name you chose in the previous steps. (ttclassic-operator:3 is represented in bold in this example.)

    % docker push phx.ocir.io/youraccount/ttclassic-operator:3
    The push refers to repository [phx.ocir.io/youraccount/ttclassic-operator]
    46458e9fc890: Pushed
    471a399f0540: Pushed
    9e51a2b82af3: Pushed
    2f915858a916: Layer already exists
    3: digest: 
    sha256:9b941f12e3d52298b9b38f7766ddcdfb1d011857a990ff01a8adafd32f3d3e8d size: 

You successfully built the new Operator image and pushed it to your image registry.

Review the current Operator

This section provides the steps to review the current (running) Operator. These steps are not required.

  1. Use the kubectl get command to ensure the current Operator is running (timestenclassic-operator-66bd4bc88b-c8vf, in this example, represented in bold).

    % kubectl get pods
    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sample-0                                    2/2     Running   0          168m
    sample-1                                    2/2     Running   0          168m
    sample2-0                                   2/2     Running   0          158m
    sample2-1                                   2/2     Running   0          158m
    timestenclassic-operator-66bd4bc88b-c8vfq   1/1     Running   0          3h5m
  2. Use the kubectl describe command to review the current timestenclassic-operator Deployment. Note that the image for the Deployment is the original image (phx.ocir.io/youraccount/ttclassic-operator:2, in this example, represented in bold).

    % kubectl describe deployment timestenclassic-operator
    Name:                   timestenclassic-operator
    Namespace:              mynamespace
    CreationTimestamp:      Sun, 11 Apr 2021 13:40:36 +0000
    Labels:                 <none>
    Annotations:            deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: 1
    Selector:               name=timestenclassic-operator
    Replicas:               1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 1 available | 0 
    StrategyType:           RollingUpdate
    MinReadySeconds:        0
    RollingUpdateStrategy:  25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
    Pod Template:
      Labels:           name=timestenclassic-operator
      Service Account:  timestenclassic-operator
        Image:      phx.ocir.io/youraccount/ttclassic-operator:2
        Port:       <none>
        Host Port:  <none>
          WATCH_NAMESPACE:   (v1:metadata.namespace)
          POD_NAME:          (v1:metadata.name)
          OPERATOR_NAME:    timestenclassic-operator
          GODEBUG:          x509ignoreCN=0
        Mounts:             <none>
      Volumes:              <none>
      Type           Status  Reason
      ----           ------  ------
      Available      True    MinimumReplicasAvailable
      Progressing    True    NewReplicaSetAvailable
    OldReplicaSets:  <none>
    NewReplicaSet:   timestenclassic-operator-66bd4bc88b (1/1 replicas created)
    Events:          <none>
  3. Review the TimesTenClassic objects that are running in the Kubernetes cluster. There are two TimesTenClassic objects running (sample and sample2, in this example).

    % kubectl get ttc
    NAME      STATE    ACTIVE      AGE
    sample    Normal   sample-0    3h8m
    sample2   Normal   sample2-0   179m

Update the timestenclassic-operator Deployment

This section involves updating the current timestenclassic-operator Deployment to use the new Operator container image. After completing the steps in this section, the Operator is restarted and the upgrade to the new Operator becomes effective. If there is more than one Operator running, each Operator is restarted one at a time. This new Operator will continue to manage the TimesTenClassic objects and the TimesTen databases associated with the those TimesTenClassic objects.

Perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the new_kube_files/deploy directory, and edit the operator.yaml file. This file is provided in the distribution that you previously unpacked. See "Download the new release of the TimesTen Operator" for details.

    Update these fields represented in bold (in the operator.yaml file below):

    • replicas: 1

      Replace 1 with the number of copies of the Operator that you would like to run. 1 is acceptable for development and testing. However, you can run more than one replica for high availability purposes.

    • Replace sekret with the name of the image pull secret that Kubernetes uses to pull images from your registry.

    • Replace the image line to reference the Operator image you just created. (phx.ocir.io/youraccount/ttclassic_operator:3, in this example).

    % cd new_kube_files/deploy
    % vi operator.yaml
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: timestenclassic-operator
      replicas: 1
          name: timestenclassic-operator
            name: timestenclassic-operator
          serviceAccountName: timestenclassic-operator
          - name: sekret
            - name: timestenclassic-operator
              image: phx.ocir.io/youraccount/ttclassic-operator:3
              - timestenclassic-operator
              imagePullPolicy: Always
                - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
                      fieldPath: metadata.namespace
                - name: POD_NAME
                      fieldPath: metadata.name
                - name: OPERATOR_NAME
                  value: "timestenclassic-operator"
                - name: GODEBUG
                  value: "x509ignoreCN=0"
  2. From within the new_kube_files/deploy directory, use the kubectl replace command to update the timestenclassic-operator Deployment.

    % kubectl replace -f operator.yaml
    deployment.apps/timestenclassic-operator replaced
  3. Use the kubectl get pods command to verify the new Operator is running (timestenclassic-operator-846cb5c97c-sbz22 in this example, represented in bold).

    % kubectl get pods
    NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sample-0                                    2/2     Running   0          3h37m
    sample-1                                    2/2     Running   0          3h37m
    sample2-0                                   2/2     Running   0          3h28m
    sample2-1                                   2/2     Running   0          3h28m
    timestenclassic-operator-846cb5c97c-sbz22   1/1     Running   0          80s
  4. Use the kubectl describe deployment command to view the new timetenclassic-operator Deployment. Note that the Operator is using the phx.ocir.io/youraccount/ttclassic-operator:3 image (represented in bold).

    % kubectl describe deployment timestenclassic-operator
    Name:                   timestenclassic-operator
    Namespace:              mynamespace
    CreationTimestamp:      Sun, 11 Apr 2021 13:40:36 +0000
    Labels:                 name=timestenclassic-operator
    Annotations:            deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: 2
    Selector:               name=timestenclassic-operator
    Replicas:               1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 1 available | 0 
    StrategyType:           RollingUpdate
    MinReadySeconds:        0
    RollingUpdateStrategy:  25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
    Pod Template:
      Labels:           name=timestenclassic-operator
      Service Account:  timestenclassic-operator
        Image:      phx.ocir.io/youraccount/ttclassic-operator:3
        Port:       <none>
        Host Port:  <none>
          WATCH_NAMESPACE:   (v1:metadata.namespace)
          POD_NAME:          (v1:metadata.name)
          OPERATOR_NAME:    timestenclassic-operator
          GODEBUG:          x509ignoreCN=0
        Mounts:             <none>
      Volumes:              <none>
      Type           Status  Reason
      ----           ------  ------
      Available      True    MinimumReplicasAvailable
      Progressing    True    NewReplicaSetAvailable
    OldReplicaSets:  <none>
    NewReplicaSet:   timestenclassic-operator-846cb5c97c (1/1 replicas created)
      Type    Reason             Age    From                   Message
      ----    ------             ----   ----                   -------
      Normal  ScalingReplicaSet  4m19s  deployment-controller  Scaled up replica 
    set timestenclassic-operator-846cb5c97c to 1
      Normal  ScalingReplicaSet  3m51s  deployment-controller  Scaled down replica 
    set timestenclassic-operator-66bd4bc88b to 0

You have successfully updated the timestenclassic-operator Deployment. The new Operator automatically begins to manage any existing TimesTenClassic objects in your Kubernetes cluster.

Upgrading TimesTen

After you upgrade the Operator, you must upgrade your active standby pairs of TimesTen databases to a new patch of TimesTen. This involves building a new container image that contains the new TimesTen release and then modifying the image value of each of your TimesTenClassic objects to the name of this new container image.

When you modify the image value, the Operator notices the change and modifies the corresponding image attributes(s) in the StatefulSet.

What happens next is dependent on the value of the TimesTenClassic object's imageUpgradeStrategy element. See "TimesTenClassicSpecSpec" for more information on imageUpgradeStrategy. If the value is:

  • auto (or not specified): There are no additional steps you need to take. However, you can monitor the progress of the upgrade and then verify the upgrade was successful.

  • manual: There are additional steps you must complete. These steps include upgrading the standby database and then performing the steps to fail over from the active database to the standby database. You can also verify the upgrade was successful.

These sections cover the steps necessary to upgrade each of your active standby pairs of TimesTen databases. For example purposes, there are two TimesTenClassic objects (sample and sample2) that require upgrading. The sample TimesTenClassic object (with an imageUpgradeStrategy value of auto) is upgraded first. Then the sample2 TimesTenClassic object (with an imageUpgradeStrategy value of manual) is upgraded:

Build the new TimesTen image

This section illustrates how to build TimesTen as a container image and then push the image to your image registry. The files that you need to build the new TimesTen image are provided in the new_kube_files directory tree. See "Download the new release of the TimesTen Operator" for information.

To build the new TimesTen container image, perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the new_kube_files/ttimage directory, and copy the TimesTen distribution into it. This example assumes you downloaded the timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip distribution into the new_installation_dir directory. See "Download the new release of the TimesTen Operator" for information. Then, verify the timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip file is in the new_kube_files/ttimage directory.

    % cd new_kube_files/ttimage
    % cp new_installation_dir/timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip .
    % ls *.zip
  2. Navigate to the new_kube_files/ttimage directory (if not already in this directory). Edit the Dockerfile, replacing timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip with the name of your TimesTen full distribution. If your TimesTen distribution is timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip, no modification is necessary. If not, the modification you need to make is represented in bold.

    % cd new_kube_files/ttimage
    % vi Dockerfile
    # Copyright (c) 2019, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    FROM container-registry.oracle.com/os/oraclelinux:7
    ARG TT_DISTRO=timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip
    RUN yum -y install tar gzip vim curl unzip libaio util-linux
    RUN groupadd -g 333 oracle
    RUN useradd -M -d /tt/home/oracle -s /bin/bash -u 333 -g oracle oracle
    RUN install -d -m 0750 -o oracle -g oracle /home/oracle
    COPY --chown=oracle:oracle $TT_DISTRO /home/oracle/
    COPY --chown=oracle:oracle .bashrc starthost.pl .ttdrop .ttdotversion agent2 
    create1.sql create2.sql get1.sql repcreate.sql repduplicate.sql runsql.sql 
    pausecg.sql /home/oracle/
    # Uncomment the following line if you are using the optional non-root 
    installation procedure.
    # USER 333
    ENTRYPOINT "/home/oracle/starthost.pl"
  3. Use the docker command to build the new TimesTen container image. Replace tt1814110:3 with a name of your choosing (represented in bold, in the docker build command below). Note that the output may change from release to release.

    % docker build -t tt1814110:3 .
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  445.8MB
    Step 1/9 : FROM container-registry.oracle.com/os/oraclelinux:7
     ---> d788eca028a0
    Step 2/9 : ARG TT_DISTRO=timesten1814110.server.linux8664.zip
     ---> Using cache
     ---> a259a93fe906
    Step 3/9 : RUN yum -y install tar gzip vim curl unzip libaio util-linux
     ---> Using cache
     ---> ac676b5376f3
    Step 4/9 : RUN groupadd -g 333 oracle
     ---> Using cache
     ---> ce16920f085c
    Step 5/9 : RUN useradd -M -d /tt/home/oracle -s /bin/bash -u 333 -g oracle 
     ---> Using cache
     ---> 0319814aca1c
    Step 6/9 : RUN install -d -m 0750 -o oracle -g oracle /home/oracle
     ---> Using cache
     ---> c8612b53398a
    Step 7/9 : COPY --chown=oracle:oracle $TT_DISTRO /home/oracle/
     ---> 31cae98b71fd
    Step 8/9 : COPY --chown=oracle:oracle .bashrc starthost.pl .ttdrop 
    .ttdotversion agent2 create1.sql create2.sql get1.sql repcreate.sql 
    repduplicate.sql runsql.sql pausecg.sql /home/oracle/
     ---> e50eb99c9b54
    Step 9/9 : ENTRYPOINT "/home/oracle/starthost.pl"
     ---> Running in 0b41efd38837
    Removing intermediate container 0b41efd38837
     ---> 171245e546d5
    Successfully built 171245e546d5
    Successfully tagged tt1814110:3
  4. Use the docker command to tag the new TimesTen container image. Replace the following, represented in bold, in the docker tag command below.

    • tt1814110:3 with the name you chose in the previous step.

    • phx.ocir.io/youraccount with the location of your image registry.

    % docker tag tt1814110:3 phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
  5. Use the docker command to push the new TimesTen container image to your registry. Replace the following, represented in bold, in the docker push command below.

    • phx.ocir.io/youraccount with the location of your image registry.

    • tt1814110:3 with the name you chose previously.

    % docker push phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
    The push refers to repository [phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110]
    97a0f250b2fe: Pushed
    650b003a3ad4: Pushed
    b8de51528854: Pushed
    62192d26e325: Pushed
    7dfe13e9b5a4: Pushed
    d8570fce965c: Pushed
    2f915858a916: Layer already exists
    3: digest: 
    size: 1788

You successfully built the new TimesTen container image. It is pushed to your image registry. You are now ready to check the upgrade strategy for each TimesTenClassic object that you wish to upgrade.

Check the upgrade strategy for each TimesTenClassic object

The value of each of the TimesTenClassic object's imageUpgradeStrategy element determines the type of upgrade. If the value is auto (or not specified), the upgrade strategy is automated and the Operator does the upgrade for this TimesTenClassic object. If the value is manual, the upgrade strategy is manual and you must manually perform the upgrade for the TimesTenClassic object.

This example shows you how to determine the imageUpgradeStrategy for the TimesTenClassic objects deployed in your Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Review the TimesTenClassic objects that are running in the Kubernetes cluster. There are two TimesTenClassic objects running (sample and sample2, in this example).

    % kubectl get ttc
    NAME      STATE    ACTIVE      AGE
    sample    Normal   sample-0    2d3h
    sample2   Normal   sample2-0   2d3h
  2. Use the kubectl describe command to show the sample TimesTenClassic object. Note that the sample TimesTenClassic object has imageUpdateStrategy set to auto (represented in bold). This indicates an automated upgrade strategy. Note also that upgradeDownPodTimeout is set to 900 (represented in bold).

    % kubectl describe ttc sample
    Name:         sample
    Namespace:    mynamespace
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:  timesten.oracle.com/v1
    Kind:         TimesTenClassic
      Creation Timestamp:  2021-04-11T13:58:09Z
      Generation:          1
      Resource Version:    150145728
      Self Link:       
      UID:                 f2a16dff-9acd-11eb-86a3-06b2b9dd76bc
        Db Config Map:
        Image:                     phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2
        Image Pull Policy:         Always
        Image Pull Secret:         sekret
        Image Upgrade Strategy:    auto
        Storage Class Name:        oci
        Storage Size:              250G
        Upgrade Down Pod Timeout:  900
  3. Use the kubectl describe command to show the sample2 TimesTenClassic object. Note that the sample2 TimesTenClassic object has imageUpdateStrategy set to manual (represented in bold). This indicates a manual upgrade strategy.

    % kubectl describe ttc sample2
    Name:         sample2
    Namespace:    mynamespace
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:  timesten.oracle.com/v1
    Kind:         TimesTenClassic
      Creation Timestamp:  2021-04-11T14:07:20Z
      Generation:          1
      Resource Version:    150149654
      Self Link:    
      UID:                 3af3e6fb-9acf-11eb-8286-6a1fd5dce8ff
        Db Config Map:
        Image:                   phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2
        Image Pull Policy:       Always
        Image Pull Secret:       sekret
        Image Upgrade Strategy:  manual
        Storage Class Name:      oci
        Storage Size:            250G

You have successfully checked whether an automated or manual upgrade will be performed for each of the TimesTenClassic objects in your Kubernetes cluster. You are now ready to continue the upgrade process. This example upgrades the sample TimesTenClassic object first. Since the upgrade strategy for the sample TimesTenClassic object is auto, proceed to "Perform an automated upgrade" to continue the upgrade procedure. (Note: You could upgrade the sample2 TimesTenClassic object first. The order does not matter.)

Perform an automated upgrade

This section describes what you need to do for an automated upgrade. If you wish to do a manual upgrade, see "Perform a manual upgrade" for details.

The automated upgrade process requires you to modify the image value of the TimesTenClassic object to reference the new TimesTen image (, in this example). After you modify the TimesTenClassic object to reference the new TimesTen image, the Operator notices the change and modifies the StatefulSet that it created. The Operator then starts the upgrade process. You can use the kubectl describe command to monitor this upgrade process.


If you do an automated upgrade, your databases will be taken down, restarted, and failed over immediately. Do not perform this procedure at the busiest time of your production day. Applications will see short outages as a result of the upgrade procedure.

Modify the TimesTenClassic object: automated upgrade

You must modify the TimesTenClassic object to reference the new TimesTen image. You do this by modifying the value of the image CRD syntax element(s) for the TimesTenClassic object. See "TimesTenClassicSpecSpec" for more information on the image element.

The value of imageUpgradeStrategy for the sample TimesTenClassic object is auto, which indicates the Operator will perform the upgrade. After you edit the image value of the sample TimesTenClassic object to reference the new TimesTen image, the Operator notices the change, modifies the StatefulSet, and starts the automated upgrade process.

  1. Use the kubectl edit command to edit the sample TimesTenClassic object, changing the .spec.ttspec.image attribute to reference the new TimesTen image (phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3, in this example, represented in bold).

    Note: Not all output is shown.

    % kubectl edit timestenclassic sample
    # Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
    # and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this 
    file will be
    # reopened with the relevant failures.
    apiVersion: timesten.oracle.com/v1
    kind: TimesTenClassic
      name: sample
        - sample
        image: phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        imagePullSecret: sekret
        imageUpgradeStrategy: manual
        storageClassName: oci
        storageSize: 250G
    timestenclassic.timesten.oracle.com/sample edited
  2. Use the kubectl describe statefulset command to verify that the Operator has modified the sample StatefulSet and replaced the image with the new image (phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3, in this example, represented in bold).

    % kubectl describe statefulset sample
    Name:               sample
    Namespace:          mynamespace
    CreationTimestamp:  Sun, 11 Apr 2021 13:58:10 +0000
    Selector:           app=sample
    Labels:             app=sample
    Annotations:        <none>
    Replicas:           2 desired | 2 total
    Update Strategy:    OnDelete
    Pods Status:        1 Running / 1 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
    Pod Template:
      Labels:  app=sample
      Init Containers:
        Image:       phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        Ports:       8443/TCP, 6624/TCP, 6625/TCP, 4444/TCP
        Host Ports:  0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP
          TIMESTEN_HOME:            /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
          TT_REPLICATION_TOPOLOGY:  activeStandbyPair
          TT_INIT_CONTAINER:        1
          /tt from tt-persistent (rw)
          /ttagent from tt-agent (rw)
          /ttconfig from tt-config (rw)
        Image:       phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        Ports:       8443/TCP, 6624/TCP, 6625/TCP, 4444/TCP
        Host Ports:  0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP
          TIMESTEN_HOME:            /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
          TT_REPLICATION_TOPOLOGY:  activeStandbyPair
          /tt from tt-persistent (rw)
          /ttagent from tt-agent (rw)
          /ttconfig from tt-config (rw)
        Image:      phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        Port:       <none>
        Host Port:  <none>
          /bin/bash <<'EOF'
          while [ 1 ] ; do tail --follow=name 
    /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1/diag/ttmesg.log --max-unchanged-stats=5; 
    sleep 1; done
          exit 0
          cpu:     100m
          memory:  20Mi
          TIMESTEN_HOME:    /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
          /tt from tt-persistent (rw)
        Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
        SecretName:  ttf2a16dff-9acd-11eb-86a3-06b2b9dd76bc
        Optional:    false
        Type:               Projected (a volume that contains injected data from 
    multiple sources)
        ConfigMapName:      sample
        ConfigMapOptional:  <nil>
    Volume Claims:
      Name:          tt-persistent
      StorageClass:  oci
      Labels:        <none>
      Annotations:   <none>
      Capacity:      250G
      Access Modes:  [ReadWriteOnce]
      Type    Reason            Age   From                    Message
      ----    ------            ----  ----                    -------
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  7s    statefulset-controller  create Pod sample-1 
    in StatefulSet sample successful

You have successfully modified the sample TimesTenClassic object to use the new TimesTen image. You are now ready to monitor the automated upgrade process performed by the Operator. Proceed to "Monitor the automated upgrade" to continue.

Monitor the automated upgrade

You can monitor the automated upgrade process performed by the Operator.

  1. Use the kubectl get command to assess the state of the sample TimesTenClassic object.

    Note that the state is StandbyDown (represented in bold).

    % kubectl get ttc sample
    NAME     STATE         ACTIVE     AGE
    sample   StandbyDown   sample-1   2d5h

    Wait a few minutes, then run the command again. Note that the state has changed to Normal (represented in bold).

    % kubectl get ttc sample
    NAME     STATE    ACTIVE     AGE
    sample   Normal   sample-1   2d5h
  2. Use the kubectl describe command to observe how the Operator promoted the standby database (sample-1) to be the active. Note also that both the standby and the active databases have been upgraded to the new release of TimesTen (, in this example).

    % kubectl describe ttc sample
    Name:         sample
    Namespace:    mynamespace
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:  timesten.oracle.com/v1
    Kind:         TimesTenClassic
      Creation Timestamp:  2021-04-11T13:58:09Z
      Generation:          2
      Resource Version:    150178771
      Self Link:      
      UID:                 f2a16dff-9acd-11eb-86a3-06b2b9dd76bc
        Db Config Map:
        Image:                     phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        Image Pull Policy:         Always
        Image Pull Secret:         sekret
        Image Upgrade Strategy:    auto
        Storage Class Name:        oci
        Storage Size:              250G
        Upgrade Down Pod Timeout:  900
      Classic Upgrade Status:
        Active Start Time:           0
        Active Status:
        Image Update Pending:        false
        Last Upgrade State Switch:   0
        Prev Reset Upgrade State:
        Prev Upgrade State:
        Standby Start Time:          0
        Standby Status:
        Upgrade Start Time:          0
        Upgrade State:
      Active Pods:                   sample-1
      High Level State:              Normal
      Last Event:                    67
      Last High Level State Switch:  1618341354
      Pod Status:
        Cache Status:
          Cache Agent:        Not Running
          Cache UID Pwd Set:  true
          N Cache Groups:     0
        Db Status:
          Db:                          Loaded
          Db Id:                       35425
          Db Updatable:                No
        Initialized:                   true
        Last High Level State Switch:  ?
        Pod Status:
          Agent:                Up
          Last Time Reachable:  1618341923
          Pod IP:     
          Pod Phase:            Running
        Prev High Level State:  Healthy
        Prev Image:             phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2
        Replication Status:
          Last Time Rep State Changed:  1618341175
          Rep Agent:                    Running
          Rep Peer P State:             start
          Rep Scheme:                   Exists
          Rep State:                    STANDBY
        Times Ten Status:
          Daemon:          Up
          Instance:        Exists
        Admin User File:   true
        Cache User File:   false
        Cg File:           false
        Disable Return:    false
        High Level State:  Healthy
        Intended State:    Standby
        Local Commit:      false
        Name:              sample-0
        Schema File:       true
        Using Twosafe:     false
        Cache Status:
          Cache Agent:        Not Running
          Cache UID Pwd Set:  true
          N Cache Groups:     0
        Db Status:
          Db:                          Loaded
          Db Id:                       35426
          Db Updatable:                Yes
        Initialized:                   true
        Last High Level State Switch:  ?
        Pod Status:
          Agent:                Up
          Last Time Reachable:  1618341923
          Pod IP:     
          Pod Phase:            Running
        Prev High Level State:  Healthy
        Prev Image:             phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2
        Replication Status:
          Last Time Rep State Changed:  1618340980
          Rep Agent:                    Running
          Rep Peer P State:             start
          Rep Scheme:                   Exists
          Rep State:                    ACTIVE
        Times Ten Status:
          Daemon:             Up
          Instance:           Exists
        Admin User File:      true
        Cache User File:      false
        Cg File:              false
        Disable Return:       false
        High Level State:     Healthy
        Intended State:       Active
        Local Commit:         false
        Name:                 sample-1
        Schema File:          true
        Using Twosafe:        false
      Prev High Level State:  StandbyDown
      Prev Reexamine:
      Prev Stop Managing:
      Rep Create Statement:   create active standby pair "sample" on 
    "sample-0.sample.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local", "sample" on 
    "sample-1.sample.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" NO RETURN store "sample" on 
    "sample-0.sample.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" PORT 4444 FAILTHRESHOLD 0 
    store "sample" on "sample-1.sample.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" PORT 4444 
      Rep Port:               4444
      Status Version:         1.0
      Type  Reason       Age    From       Message
      ----  ------       ----   ----       -------
      -     StateChange  15m    ttclassic  Image updated, automatic upgrade 
      -     StateChange  15m    ttclassic  Deleted STANDBY pod sample-1 per 
      -     StateChange  15m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was Normal, now
      -     StateChange  15m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was ActiveTakeover, now
      -     StateChange  13m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Agent Up
      -     StateChange  13m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Release
      -     StateChange  13m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Instance Exists
      -     StateChange  13m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Daemon Up
      -     StateChange  13m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Database None
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepState IDLE
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Database Loaded
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 CacheAgent Not Running
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepAgent Not Running
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepScheme Exists
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Database Not Updatable
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepAgent Running
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepState STANDBY
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was StandbyDown, now 
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Deleted ACTIVE pod sample-0 per upgrade
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was Normal, now 
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was ActiveDown, now 
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepState ACTIVE
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Database Updatable
      -     StateChange  12m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was ActiveTakeover, now 
      -     StateChange  10m    ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Agent Up
      -     StateChange  10m    ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Instance Exists
      -     StateChange  10m    ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Daemon Up
      -     StateChange  10m    ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Database None
      -     StateChange  10m    ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Release
      -     StateChange  9m38s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 RepState IDLE
      -     StateChange  9m38s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Database Loaded
      -     StateChange  9m38s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Database Not Updatable
      -     StateChange  9m38s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 RepAgent Not Running
      -     StateChange  9m38s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 RepScheme Exists
      -     StateChange  9m38s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 CacheAgent Not Running
      -     StateChange  9m32s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 RepAgent Running
      -     StateChange  9m32s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 RepState STANDBY
      -     StateChange  9m32s  ttclassic  Upgrade of ACTIVE complete
      -     StateChange  9m32s  ttclassic  Upgrade completed in 385 secs
      -     StateChange  9m32s  ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was StandbyDown, now 

The automated upgrade is successful. The active and standby Pods are running the new TimesTen image, which contains the new TimesTen release. If you need to upgrade additional TimesTenClassic objects, see "Perform an automated upgrade" for an automated upgrade or "Perform a manual upgrade" for a manual upgrade. If the upgrade process is complete for all TimesTenClassic objects, see "Verify the active standby pair of databases are upgraded" to verify the upgrade of all TimesTenClassic objects that are running in your Kubernetes cluster.

This example now upgrades the sample2 TimesTenClassic object. Recall that the value of the imageUpgradePolicy is manual for this TimesTenClassic object. Therefore, proceed to "Perform a manual upgrade" to complete the upgrade for the sample2 TimesTenClassic object.

Perform a manual upgrade

This section describes what you need to do for a manual upgrade. If you wish to do an automated upgrade, see "Perform an automated upgrade" for details.

Modify the TimesTenClassic object: manual upgrade

You must modify the TimesTenClassic object to reference the new TimesTen image. You do this by modifying the value of the image CRD syntax element(s) for the TimesTenClassic object. See "TimesTenClassicSpecSpec" for more information on the image element.

The value of imageUpgradeStrategy for the sample2 TimesTenClassic object is manual, which indicates that you will manually perform the upgrade. After you edit the image value of the sample2 TimesTenClassic object to reference the new TimesTen image, the Operator notices the change, and modifies the StatefulSet. The Operator does not restart the Pods. Rather, it upgrades the image that the Pods should be running. (The later sections entitled "Upgrade the standby database" and "Failover" detail the steps for restarting the Pods.)

  1. Review the original sample2.yaml file. Note that .spec.ttspec.image references the phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2 image (represented in bold). Note also that the value of imageUpgradeStrategy is manual (represented in bold).

    % cat sample2.yaml
    apiVersion: timesten.oracle.com/v1
    kind: TimesTenClassic
     name: sample2
        storageClassName: oci
        storageSize: 250G
        image: phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2
        imagePullSecret: sekret
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        - sample2
        imageUpgradeStrategy: manual
  2. Use the kubectl edit command to edit the sample2 TimesTenClassic object, changing the .spec.ttspec.image attribute to reference the new TimesTen image (phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3, in this example, represented in bold).

    Note: Not all output is shown.

    % kubectl edit timestenclassic sample2
    # Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
    # and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this 
    file will be
    # reopened with the relevant failures.
    apiVersion: timesten.oracle.com/v1
    kind: TimesTenClassic
        - sample2
        image: phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        imagePullSecret: sekret
        imageUpgradeStrategy: manual
        storageClassName: oci
        storageSize: 250G
    timestenclassic.timesten.oracle.com/sample2 edited
  3. Use the kubectl describe statefulset command to verify that the Operator has modified the sample2 StatefulSet and replaced the image with the new image (phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3, in this example, represented in bold).

    % kubectl describe statefulset sample2
    Name:               sample2
    Namespace:          mynamespace
    CreationTimestamp:  Sun, 11 Apr 2021 14:07:21 +0000
    Selector:           app=sample2
    Labels:             app=sample2
    Annotations:        <none>
    Replicas:           2 desired | 2 total
    Update Strategy:    OnDelete
    Pods Status:        2 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
    Pod Template:
      Labels:  app=sample2
      Init Containers:
        Image:       phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        Ports:       8443/TCP, 6624/TCP, 6625/TCP, 4444/TCP
        Host Ports:  0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP
          TIMESTEN_HOME:            /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
          TT_REPLICATION_TOPOLOGY:  activeStandbyPair
          TT_INIT_CONTAINER:        1
          /tt from tt-persistent (rw)
          /ttagent from tt-agent (rw)
          /ttconfig from tt-config (rw)
        Image:       phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        Ports:       8443/TCP, 6624/TCP, 6625/TCP, 4444/TCP
        Host Ports:  0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP
          TIMESTEN_HOME:            /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
          TT_REPLICATION_TOPOLOGY:  activeStandbyPair
          /tt from tt-persistent (rw)
          /ttagent from tt-agent (rw)
          /ttconfig from tt-config (rw)
        Image:      phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        Port:       <none>
        Host Port:  <none>
          /bin/bash <<'EOF'
          while [ 1 ] ; do tail --follow=name
    /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1/diag/ttmesg.log --max-unchanged-stats=5;
    sleep 1; done
          exit 0
          cpu:     100m
          memory:  20Mi
          TIMESTEN_HOME:    /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
          /tt from tt-persistent (rw)
        Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
        SecretName:  tt3af3e6fb-9acf-11eb-8286-6a1fd5dce8ff
        Optional:    false
        Type:               Projected (a volume that contains injected data from 
    multiple sources)
        ConfigMapName:      sample2
        ConfigMapOptional:  <nil>
    Volume Claims:
      Name:          tt-persistent
      StorageClass:  oci
      Labels:        <none>
      Annotations:   <none>
      Capacity:      250G
      Access Modes:  [ReadWriteOnce]
    Events:          <none>

You have successfully modified the sample2 TimesTenClassic object to use the new TimesTen image. You are now ready to continue the manual upgrade. Proceed to "Upgrade the standby database" to continue this manual upgrade.

Upgrade the standby database

Perform these steps to upgrade the standby database.


Even though you are upgrading the standby database, depending on your replication configuration, this may result in disruption on your active database. This may impact your applications. Perform the upgrade at the appropriate time.
  1. Use the kubectl get pods command to review the Pods. The sample2-0 and the sample2-1 Pods are shown in this example.

    % kubectl get pods
    NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sample2-0                                  2/2     Running   0          2d6h
    sample2-1                                  2/2     Running   0          2d6h
  2. Use the kubectl get ttc command to:

    • Determine which Pod is the standby. The active Pod is the Pod represented in the ACTIVE column. The standby Pod is the other Pod (not represented in the ACTIVE column). Therefore, for the sample2 TimesTenClassic object, the active Pod is sample2-0, (represented in bold) and the standby Pod is sample2-1.

    • Ensure the state for the TimesTenClassic object (sample2, in this example) is Normal (represented in bold).

    % kubectl get ttc sample2
    NAME     STATE    ACTIVE     AGE
    sample2  Normal   sample2-0   2d6h
  3. To upgrade the standby to the new TimesTen image, delete the standby Pod (sample2-1, in this example).

    % kubectl delete pod sample2-1
    pod "sample2-1" deleted

    Kubernetes automatically creates a new sample2-1 Pod to replace the deleted Pod. The Operator configures the new sample2-1 Pod as the standby Pod. This new Pod will now run the newly created TimesTen image.

  4. Use the kubectl get command to verify the standby is up and running and the state is Normal.

    Note that the state is StandbyDown (represented in bold).

    % kubectl get ttc sample2
    NAME     STATE         ACTIVE     AGE
    sample2  StandbyDown   sample2-0   2d6h

    Wait a few minutes, then run the command again. Note that the state has changed to Normal (represented in bold).

    % kubectl get ttc sample2
    NAME     STATE    ACTIVE     AGE
    sample2  Normal   sample2-0   2d6h
  5. Use the kubectl describe command to further verify that the standby is up and running again and that the active standby pair health is Normal. During the upgrade of the standby, your applications are not disrupted. Your applications can continue to use the active database.

    In this example, note the following:

    • The image is upgraded to the new release (phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3, represented in bold).

    • The active database (sample2-0) is not upgraded to the new release. (Release is still, represented in bold.)

    • The standby database (sample2-1) is upgraded to the new release. (, represented in bold.)

    % kubectl describe ttc sample2
    Name:         sample2
    Namespace:    mynamespace
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:  timesten.oracle.com/v1
    Kind:         TimesTenClassic
      Creation Timestamp:  2021-04-11T14:07:20Z
      Generation:          2
      Resource Version:    150206835
      Self Link:     
      UID:                 3af3e6fb-9acf-11eb-8286-6a1fd5dce8ff
        Db Config Map:
        Image:                   phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        Image Pull Policy:       Always
        Image Pull Secret:       sekret
        Image Upgrade Strategy:  manual
        Storage Class Name:      oci
        Storage Size:            250G
      Classic Upgrade Status:
        Active Start Time:           0
        Active Status:
        Image Update Pending:        true
        Last Upgrade State Switch:   0
        Prev Reset Upgrade State:
        Prev Upgrade State:
        Standby Start Time:          0
        Standby Status:
        Upgrade Start Time:          0
        Upgrade State:
      Active Pods:                   sample2-0
      High Level State:              Normal
      Last Event:                    41
      Last High Level State Switch:  1618347326
      Pod Status:
        Cache Status:
          Cache Agent:        Not Running
          Cache UID Pwd Set:  true
          N Cache Groups:     0
        Db Status:
          Db:                          Loaded
          Db Id:                       36351
          Db Updatable:                Yes
        Initialized:                   true
        Last High Level State Switch:  ?
        Pod Status:
          Agent:                Up
          Last Time Reachable:  1618347435
          Pod IP:     
          Pod Phase:            Running
        Prev High Level State:  Healthy
        Prev Image:             phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2
        Replication Status:
          Last Time Rep State Changed:  0
          Rep Agent:                    Running
          Rep Peer P State:             start
          Rep Scheme:                   Exists
          Rep State:                    ACTIVE
        Times Ten Status:
          Daemon:          Up
          Instance:        Exists
        Admin User File:   true
        Cache User File:   false
        Cg File:           false
        Disable Return:    false
        High Level State:  Healthy
        Intended State:    Active
        Local Commit:      false
        Name:              sample2-0
        Schema File:       true
        Using Twosafe:     false
        Cache Status:
          Cache Agent:        Not Running
          Cache UID Pwd Set:  true
          N Cache Groups:     0
        Db Status:
          Db:                          Loaded
          Db Id:                       36351
          Db Updatable:                No
        Initialized:                   true
        Last High Level State Switch:  ?
        Pod Status:
          Agent:                Up
          Last Time Reachable:  1618347435
          Pod IP:     
          Pod Phase:            Running
        Prev High Level State:  Healthy
        Prev Image:             phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2
        Replication Status:
          Last Time Rep State Changed:  0
          Rep Agent:                    Running
          Rep Peer P State:             start
          Rep Scheme:                   Exists
          Rep State:                    STANDBY
        Times Ten Status:
          Daemon:             Up
          Instance:           Exists
        Admin User File:      true
        Cache User File:      false
        Cg File:              false
        Disable Return:       false
        High Level State:     Healthy
        Intended State:       Standby
        Local Commit:         false
        Name:                 sample2-1
        Schema File:          true
        Using Twosafe:        false
      Prev High Level State:  StandbyDown
      Prev Reexamine:
      Prev Stop Managing:
      Rep Create Statement:   create active standby pair "sample2" on 
    "sample2-0.sample2.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local", "sample2" on 
    "sample2-1.sample2.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" NO RETURN store "sample2" 
    on "sample2-0.sample2.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" PORT 4444 
    FAILTHRESHOLD 0 store "sample2" on 
    "sample2-1.sample2.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" PORT 4444 
      Rep Port:               4444
      Status Version:         1.0
      Type  Reason       Age    From       Message
      ----  ------       ----   ----       -------
      -     StateChange  29m    ttclassic  Image updated, automatic upgrade 
      -     StateChange  4m35s  ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was Normal, now 
      -     StateChange  4m29s  ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was ActiveTakeover, now 
      -     StateChange  2m47s  ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Agent Up
      -     StateChange  2m47s  ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Release
      -     StateChange  2m47s  ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Daemon Up
      -     StateChange  2m47s  ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Database None
      -     StateChange  118s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Database Loaded
      -     StateChange  118s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Database Not Updatable
      -     StateChange  118s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 RepAgent Not Running
      -     StateChange  118s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 RepState IDLE
      -     StateChange  113s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 RepAgent Running
      -     StateChange  113s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 RepState STANDBY
      -     StateChange  113s   ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was StandbyDown, now 

You have successfully upgraded the standby database. You are now ready to fail over from the active database to the standby. See "Failover" for details.


You must now fail over from the active database to the standby.


When you fail over, your active database will be taken down, and failed over immediately. Do not perform this procedure at the busiest time of your production day.

Before failing over, quiesce your applications on the active database. (You can also use the ttAdmin -close and the ttAdmin -disconnect commands. See "Opening and closing the database for user connections" and "Disconnecting from a database" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide for information.)

To avoid potential data loss, use the ttRepAdmin -wait command to wait until replication is caught up, such that all transactions that were executed on the active database have been replicated to the standby database. See "ttRepAdmin" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for information.

Once the standby is caught up, fail over from the active database to the standby by deleting the active Pod. When you delete the active Pod, the Operator automatically detects the failure and promotes the standby database to be the active. Client/server applications that are using the active database (sample2-0, in this example) are automatically reconnected to the new active database (sample2-1, in this example). Transactions in flight are rolled back. Prepared SQL statements will need to be re-prepared by the applications. See "Handling failover and recovery" for more information of client/server failover.

Kubernetes automatically creates a new sample2-0 Pod to replace the deleted Pod. The Operator will configure the new Pod as the standby Pod. This new Pod will run the newly created TimesTen image.


You may want to perform this operation during a scheduled production outage.
  1. Use the kubectl delete command to delete the active Pod (sample2-0, in this example).

    % kubectl delete pod sample2-0
    pod "sample2-0" deleted
  2. Use the kubectl describe command to observe how the Operator recovers from the failure. The Operator promotes the standby database (sample2-1) to be active. Any applications that were connected to the sample2-0 database are automatically reconnected to the sample2-1 database by TimesTen. After a brief outage, the applications can continue to use the database. See "Monitoring the health of the active standby pair of databases" for information on the health and states of the active standby pair.

    % kubectl describe ttc sample2
    Name:         sample2
    Namespace:    mynamespace
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:  timesten.oracle.com/v1
    Kind:         TimesTenClassic
      Creation Timestamp:  2021-04-11T14:07:20Z
      Generation:          2
      Resource Version:    150214843
      Self Link:     
      UID:                 3af3e6fb-9acf-11eb-8286-6a1fd5dce8ff
        Db Config Map:
        Image:                   phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt1814110:3
        Image Pull Policy:       Always
        Image Pull Secret:       sekret
        Image Upgrade Strategy:  manual
        Storage Class Name:      oci
        Storage Size:            250G
      Classic Upgrade Status:
        Active Start Time:           0
        Active Status:
        Image Update Pending:        true
        Last Upgrade State Switch:   0
        Prev Reset Upgrade State:
        Prev Upgrade State:
        Standby Start Time:          0
        Standby Status:
        Upgrade Start Time:          0
        Upgrade State:
      Active Pods:                   sample2-1
      High Level State:              Normal
      Last Event:                    57
      Last High Level State Switch:  1618348960
      Pod Status:
        Cache Status:
          Cache Agent:        Not Running
          Cache UID Pwd Set:  true
          N Cache Groups:     0
        Db Status:
          Db:                          Loaded
          Db Id:                       36623
          Db Updatable:                No
        Initialized:                   true
        Last High Level State Switch:  ?
        Pod Status:
          Agent:                Up
          Last Time Reachable:  1618349003
          Pod IP:     
          Pod Phase:            Running
        Prev High Level State:  Healthy
        Prev Image:             phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2
        Replication Status:
          Last Time Rep State Changed:  0
          Rep Agent:                    Running
          Rep Peer P State:             start
          Rep Scheme:                   Exists
          Rep State:                    STANDBY
        Times Ten Status:
          Daemon:          Up
          Instance:        Exists
        Admin User File:   true
        Cache User File:   false
        Cg File:           false
        Disable Return:    false
        High Level State:  Healthy
        Intended State:    Standby
        Local Commit:      false
        Name:              sample2-0
        Schema File:       true
        Using Twosafe:     false
        Cache Status:
          Cache Agent:        Not Running
          Cache UID Pwd Set:  true
          N Cache Groups:     0
        Db Status:
          Db:                          Loaded
          Db Id:                       36624
          Db Updatable:                Yes
        Initialized:                   true
        Last High Level State Switch:  ?
        Pod Status:
          Agent:                Up
          Last Time Reachable:  1618349003
          Pod IP:     
          Pod Phase:            Running
        Prev High Level State:  Healthy
        Prev Image:             phx.ocir.io/youraccount/tt181440:2
        Replication Status:
          Last Time Rep State Changed:  0
          Rep Agent:                    Running
          Rep Peer P State:             start
          Rep Scheme:                   Exists
          Rep State:                    ACTIVE
        Times Ten Status:
          Daemon:             Up
          Instance:           Exists
        Admin User File:      true
        Cache User File:      false
        Cg File:              false
        Disable Return:       false
        High Level State:     Healthy
        Intended State:       Active
        Local Commit:         false
        Name:                 sample2-1
        Schema File:          true
        Using Twosafe:        false
      Prev High Level State:  StandbyDown
      Prev Reexamine:
      Prev Stop Managing:
      Rep Create Statement:   create active standby pair "sample2" on 
    "sample2-0.sample2.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local", "sample2" on 
    "sample2-1.sample2.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" NO RETURN store "sample2" 
    on "sample2-0.sample2.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" PORT 4444 
    FAILTHRESHOLD 0 store "sample2" on 
    "sample2-1.sample2.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" PORT 4444 
      Rep Port:               4444
      Status Version:         1.0
      Type  Reason       Age    From       Message
      ----  ------       ----   ----       -------
      -     StateChange  55m    ttclassic  Image updated, automatic upgrade 
      -     StateChange  30m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was Normal, now 
      -     StateChange  30m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was ActiveTakeover, now 
      -     StateChange  28m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Agent Up
      -     StateChange  28m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Release
      -     StateChange  28m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Daemon Up
      -     StateChange  28m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Database None
      -     StateChange  28m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Database Loaded
      -     StateChange  28m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Database Not Updatable
      -     StateChange  28m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 RepAgent Not Running
      -     StateChange  28m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 RepState IDLE
      -     StateChange  27m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 RepAgent Running
      -     StateChange  27m    ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 RepState STANDBY
      -     StateChange  27m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was StandbyDown, now 
      -     StateChange  3m8s   ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was Normal, now 
      -     StateChange  3m1s   ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was ActiveDown, now 
      -     StateChange  3m1s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 RepState ACTIVE
      -     StateChange  3m1s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-1 Database Updatable
      -     StateChange  2m56s  ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was ActiveTakeover, now 
      -     StateChange  113s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 Agent Up
      -     StateChange  113s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 Release
      -     StateChange  113s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 Daemon Up
      -     StateChange  113s   ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 Database None
      -     StateChange  50s    ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 Database Loaded
      -     StateChange  50s    ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 Database Not Updatable
      -     StateChange  50s    ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 RepAgent Not Running
      -     StateChange  50s    ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 RepState IDLE
      -     StateChange  44s    ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 RepAgent Running
      -     StateChange  44s    ttclassic  Pod sample2-0 RepState STANDBY
      -     StateChange  44s    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was StandbyDown, now 

You have successfully upgraded to a new release of TimesTen. The active and the standby Pods are running the new TimesTen image, which contains the new TimesTen release. If you need to upgrade additional TimesTenClassic objects, see "Perform an automated upgrade" for an automated upgrade or "Perform a manual upgrade" for a manual upgrade. If the upgrade process is complete for all TimesTenClassic objects, see "Verify the active standby pair of databases are upgraded" to verify the upgrade of all TimesTenClassic objects that are running in your Kubernetes cluster.

In this example, the sample and the sample2 TimesTenClassic objects are now upgraded. The upgrade process is complete. Proceed to "Verify the active standby pair of databases are upgraded" to verify the TimesTenClassic objects are running successfully and have been upgraded.

Verify the active standby pair of databases are upgraded

After the upgrade process is complete for your TimesTenClassic objects, you can verify that each TimesTenClassic object is running successfully and that the active and the standby databases are running the new release of TimesTen.

  1. Use the kubectl get command to verify the Pods are running.

    % kubectl get pods
    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sample-0                                    2/2     Running   0          7h1m
    sample-1                                    2/2     Running   0          7h4m
    sample2-0                                   2/2     Running   0          4h54m
    sample2-1                                   2/2     Running   0          5h22m
    timestenclassic-operator-846cb5c97c-sbz22   1/1     Running   0          2d8h
  2. Use the kubectl get command to verify the state of each TimesTenClassic object is Normal (represented in bold, in this example).

    % kubectl get ttc
    NAME      STATE    ACTIVE      AGE
    sample    Normal   sample-1    2d12h
    sample2   Normal   sample2-1   2d12h
  3. For the sample TimesTenClassic object, use the kubectl exec -it command to invoke a shell in the active Pod (sample-1, in this example). Then, run the ttVersion utility to verify the release is the new release. (, in this example, represented in bold).

    % kubectl exec -it sample-1 -c tt -- /usr/bin/su - oracle
    % ttVersion
    TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (instance1:6624) 
      Instance admin: oracle
      Instance home directory: /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
      Group owner: oracle
      Daemon home directory: /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1/info
      PL/SQL enabled.
  4. Now use the kubectl exec -it command to invoke a shell in the standby Pod (sample-0, in this example). Then, run the ttVersion utility to verify the release is the new release. (, in this example, represented in bold).

    % kubectl exec -it sample-0 -c tt -- /usr/bin/su - oracle
    % ttVersion
    TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (instance1:6624) 
      Instance admin: oracle
      Instance home directory: /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
      Group owner: oracle
      Daemon home directory: /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1/info
      PL/SQL enabled.
  5. For the sample2 TimesTenClassic object, use the kubectl exec -it command to invoke a shell in the active Pod (sample2-1, in this example). Then, use the ttVersion utility to verify the release is the new release (, in this example).

    % kubectl exec -it sample2-1 -c tt -- /usr/bin/su - oracle
    % ttVersion
    TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (instance1:6624) 
      Instance admin: oracle
      Instance home directory: /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
      Group owner: oracle
      Daemon home directory: /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1/info
      PL/SQL enabled.
  6. Now use the kubectl exec -it command to invoke a shell in the standby Pod (sample2-0, in this example). Then, use the ttVersion utility to verify the release is the new release (, in this example).

    % kubectl exec -it sample2-0 -c tt -- /usr/bin/su - oracle
    % ttVersion
    TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (instance1:6624) 
      Instance admin: oracle
      Instance home directory: /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1
      Group owner: oracle
      Daemon home directory: /tt/home/oracle/instances/instance1/info
      PL/SQL enabled.

The upgrade to a new release of TimesTen is successful for the sample and the sample2 TimesTenClassic objects. The active and the standby Pods for each TimesTenClassic object are running the new TimesTen image, which contains the new TimesTen release.