10 Altering a Classic Replication Scheme

This chapter describes how to alter an existing classic replication system.

Table 10-1 lists the tasks often performed on an existing classic replicated system.

Table 10-1 Tasks performed on an existing classic replicated system

Task What to do

Alter or drop a classic replication scheme

See"Altering a classic replication scheme" and "Dropping a classic replication scheme".

Alter a table used in a classic replication scheme

See "Altering a replicated table in a classic replication scheme".

Truncate a table used in a classic replication scheme

See "Truncating a replicated table in a classic replication scheme".

Change the replication state of a subscriber database

See "Set the replication state of subscribers".

Resolve update conflicts

See Chapter 12, "Resolving Replication Conflicts".

Recover from failures

See Chapter 14, "Managing Database Failover and Recovery".

Upgrade database

Use the ttMigrate and ttRepAdmin utilities.

For more information on the ttMigrate and ttRepAdmin utilities, see "Upgrades in TimesTen Classic" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide.

Altering a classic replication scheme

You can perform the following tasks without stopping the replication agent:

Use ALTER REPLICATION to alter the classic replication scheme on the master and subscriber databases. Any alterations on the master database must also be made on its subscribers.


You must have the ADMIN privilege to use the ALTER REPLICATION statement.

Most ALTER REPLICATION operations are supported only when the replication agent is stopped (ttAdmin -repStop). The procedure for ALTER REPLICATION operations that require the replication agents to be stopped is:

  1. Use the ttRepStop built-in procedure or ttAdmin -repStop to stop the replication agent for the master and subscriber databases. While the replication agents are stopped, changes to the master database are stored in the log.

  2. Issue the same ALTER REPLICATION statement on both master and subscriber databases.

  3. Use the ttRepStart built-in procedure or ttAdmin -repStart to restart the replication agent for the master and subscriber databases. The changes stored in the master database log are sent to the subscriber database.

    For more information, see "Starting and stopping the replication agents".

If you use ALTER REPLICATION to change a classic replication scheme that specifies a DATASTORE element, then:

  • You cannot use SET NAME to change the name of the DATASTORE element.

  • You cannot use SET CHECK CONFLICTS to enable conflict resolution.

This section includes the following topics:

Adding a table or sequence to an existing classic replication scheme

There are two ways to add a table or sequence to an existing classic replication scheme:

  • When the element level of the classic replication scheme is TABLE or SEQUENCE, use the ALTER REPLICATION statement with the ADD ELEMENT clause to add a table or sequence. See Example 10-1.

  • When the element level of the classic replication scheme is DATASTORE, use the ALTER REPLICATION statement with the ALTER ELEMENT clause to include a table or sequence. See Example 10-2.

Example 10-1 Adding a sequence and a table to a classic replication scheme

This example uses the classic replication scheme r1 that was defined in Example 9-10. It alters replication scheme r1 to add sequence seq and table westleads, which are updated on database westds and replicated to database eastds.

    MASTER westds ON "westcoast"
    SUBSCRIBER eastds ON "eastcoast"
  ADD ELEMENT elem_westleads TABLE westleads
    MASTER westds ON "westcoast"
    SUBSCRIBER eastds ON "eastcoast";

Example 10-2 Adding a sequence and a table to a DATASTORE element

Add the sequence my.seq and the table my.tab1 to the ds1 DATASTORE element in my.rep1 replication scheme.

    INCLUDE TABLE my.tab1;

Adding a PL/SQL object to an existing classic replication scheme

To add a new PL/SQL procedure, package, package body or function to an existing replication scheme, complete these tasks:

  1. Create the PL/SQL object on a master database. The CREATE statement is not replicated to subscribers.

  2. Create the PL/SQL object on the subscribers

  3. Grant privileges to the new PL/SQL object on the master database. The GRANT statement is replicated to the subscribers.

Adding a DATASTORE element to an existing classic replication scheme

You can add a DATASTORE element to an existing classic replication scheme by using the ALTER REPLICATION statement with the ADD ELEMENT clause. All tables except temporary tables, materialized views, and non-materialized views are included in the replication scheme if you do not use the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE clauses. See "Including tables or sequences when you add a DATASTORE element" and "Excluding a table or sequence when you add a DATASTORE element".

Example 10-3 Adding a DATASTORE element to a classic replication scheme

Add a DATASTORE element to an existing classic replication scheme.

       MASTER rep2
       SUBSCRIBER rep1, rep3;

Including tables or sequences when you add a DATASTORE element

You can restrict replication to specific tables or sequences when you add a database to an existing classic replication scheme. Use the ALTER REPLICATION statement with the ADD ELEMENT clause and the INCLUDE TABLE clause or INCLUDE SEQUENCE clause. You can have one INCLUDE clause for each table or sequence in the same ALTER REPLICATION statement.

Example 10-4 Including a table and sequence in a DATASTORE element

Add the ds1 DATASTORE element to my.rep1 replication scheme. Include the table my.tab2 and the sequence my.seq in the DATASTORE element.

SUBSCRIBER rep1, rep3

Excluding a table or sequence when you add a DATASTORE element

You can exclude tables or sequences when you add a DATASTORE element to an existing classic replication scheme. Use the ALTER REPLICATION statement with the ADD ELEMENT clause and the EXCLUDE TABLE clause or EXCLUDE SEQUENCE clause. You can have one EXCLUDE clause for each table or sequence in the same ALTER REPLICATION statement.

Example 10-5 Excluding a table or sequence from a DATASTORE element

Add the ds2 DATASTORE element to a replication scheme, but exclude the table my.tab1 and the sequence my.seq.


Dropping a table or sequence from a classic replication scheme

This section includes the following topics:

Dropping a table or sequence that is replicated as part of a DATASTORE element

To drop a table or sequence that is part of a classic replication scheme at the DATASTORE level, complete the following tasks:

  1. Stop the replication agent.

  2. Exclude the table or sequence from the DATASTORE element in the classic replication scheme.

  3. Drop the table or sequence.

If you have more than one DATASTORE element that contains the table or sequence, then you must exclude the table or sequence from each element before you drop it.

Example 10-6 Excluding a table from a DATASTORE element and then dropping the table

Exclude the table my.tab1 from the ds1 DATASTORE element in the my.rep1 replication scheme. Then drop the table.

    EXCLUDE TABLE my.tab1;
DROP TABLE my.tab1;

Dropping a table or sequence that is replicated as a TABLE or SEQUENCE element

To drop a table that is part of a classic replication scheme at the TABLE or SEQUENCE level, complete the following tasks:

  1. Stop the replication agent.

  2. Drop the element from the classic replication scheme.

  3. Drop the table or sequence.

Example 10-7 Dropping an element from a classic replication scheme and then dropping the sequence

Drop the SEQUENCE element elem_seq from the classic replication scheme r1. Then drop the sequence seq.

  DROP ELEMENT elem_seq;

Creating and adding a subscriber database to a classic replication scheme

You can add a new subscriber database while the replication agents are running. To add a database to a classic replication scheme, do the following:

  1. Make sure the new subscriber database does not exist.

  2. Apply the appropriate statements to all participating databases:

        ADD SUBSCRIBER ...
  3. On the source database (the master), create a user and grant the ADMIN privilege to the user:

    CREATE USER ttuser IDENTIFIED BY ttuser;
    User created.
    GRANT admin TO ttuser;
  4. Logged in as the instance administrator, run the ttRepAdmin -duplicate command to copy the contents of the master database to the newly created subscriber. You can use the -setMasterRepStart option to ensure that any updates made to the master after the duplicate operation has started are also copied to the subscriber.

  5. Start the replication agent on the newly created database (ttAdmin -repStart).

Example 10-8 Adding a subscriber to a replicated table

This example alters the r1 replication scheme to add a subscriber (backup3) to the westleads table (step 2 above):

  ALTER ELEMENT elem_westleads
    ADD SUBSCRIBER backup3 ON "backupserver";

Dropping a subscriber database from a classic replication scheme

Stop the replication agent before you drop a subscriber database.

This example alters the r1 replication scheme to drop the backup3 subscriber for the westleads table:

Example 10-9 Dropping a subscriber for a replicated table

  ALTER ELEMENT elem_westleads
    DROP SUBSCRIBER backup3 ON "backupserver";

Changing a TABLE or SEQUENCE element name in a classic replication scheme

Stop the replication agent before you change a TABLE or SEQUENCE element name in a classic replication scheme.

Change the element name of the westleads table from elem_westleads to newelname:

Example 10-10 Changing a table name

  ALTER ELEMENT Eelem_westleads
    SET NAME newelname;


You cannot use the SET NAME clause to change the name of a DATASTORE element.

Replacing a master database in a classic replication scheme

Stop the replication agent before you replace a master database in a classic replication scheme.

In this example, newwestds is made the new master for all elements currently configured for the master, westds:

Example 10-11 Replacing a master database in a classic replication scheme

    SET MASTER newwestds;

Eliminating conflict detection in a classic replication scheme

In this example, conflict detection configured by the CHECK CONFLICTS clause in the classic replication scheme shown in Example 12-2 is eliminated for the elem_accounts_1 table:

Example 10-12 Eliminating conflict detection for a table

  ALTER ELEMENT elem_accounts_1

See Chapter 12, "Resolving Replication Conflicts" for a detailed discussion on conflict checking.

Eliminating the return receipt service in a classic replication scheme

In this example, the return receipt service is eliminated for the first subscriber in the classic replication scheme shown in Example 9-10:

Example 10-13 Eliminating return receipt service for a subscriber

  ALTER ELEMENT elem_waccounts
    ALTER SUBSCRIBER eastds ON "eastcoast"

Changing the port number for a classic replication scheme

The port number is the TCP/IP port number on which the replication agent of a subscriber database accepts connection requests from the master replication agent. See "Port assignments" for details on how to assign port to the replication agents.

In this example, the r1 replication scheme is altered to change the port number of the eastds to 22251:

Example 10-14 Changing a port number for a database

  ALTER STORE eastds ON "eastcoast"
    SET PORT 22251;

Changing the replication route

If a replication host has multiple network interfaces, you may specify which interfaces are used for replication traffic using the ROUTE clause. If you need to change which interfaces are used by replication, you may do so by dropping and adding IP addresses from or to a ROUTE clause. See "Configuring network interfaces with the ROUTE clause" for more information.

Changing the log failure threshold

Use the FAILTHRESHOLD attribute of the STORE parameter to reset the log failure threshold. Stop the replication agents before using ALTER REPLICATION to define a new threshold value, and then restart the replication agents.

See "Setting the transaction log failure threshold" for more information about the log failure threshold.

Altering a replicated table in a classic replication scheme

You can use ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN or ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN statements to add or drop columns on the master database in a classic replication scheme. The ALTER TABLE operation is replicated to alter the subscriber databases. These are the only ALTER TABLE clauses that are replicated in a classic replication scheme.

If you use ALTER TABLE on a database configured for bidirectional replication, first stop updates to the table on all of the replicated databases and confirm all replicated updates to the table have been received by the databases before issuing the ALTER TABLE statement. Do not resume updates until the ALTER TABLE operation has been replicated to all databases. This is necessary to ensure that there are no write operations until after the table is altered on all databases.


You can use the ttRepSubscriberWait built-in procedure or monitoring tools described in Chapter 11, "Managing Replication" to confirm the updates have been received and committed on the databases.

Also, if you are executing a number of successive ALTER TABLE operations on a database, you should only proceed with the next ALTER TABLE after you have confirmed the previous ALTER TABLE has reached all of the subscribers.


You can use the ALTER TABLE statement to change default column values, but the ALTER TABLE statement is not replicated. Thus, default column values need not be identical on all nodes.

Truncating a replicated table in a classic replication scheme

You can use TRUNCATE TABLE to delete all of the rows of a table without dropping the table itself. Truncating a table is faster than using a DELETE FROM table statement.

Truncate operations on replicated tables are replicated and result in truncating the table on the subscriber database. Unlike delete operations, however, the individual rows are not deleted. Even if the contents of the tables do not match at the time of the truncate operation, the rows on the subscriber database are deleted anyway.

The TRUNCATE statement replicates to the subscriber, even when no rows are operated upon.

When tables are being replicated with timestamp conflict checking enabled, conflicts are not reported.

Dropping a classic replication scheme

You can use the DROP REPLICATION statement to remove a replication scheme from a database. You cannot drop a classic replication scheme when master catchup is required unless it is the only classic replication scheme in the database.


You must have the ADMIN privilege to use the DROP REPLICATION statement.

You must stop the replication agent before you drop a classic replication scheme.

Example 10-15 Dropping a replication scheme

To remove the repscheme replication scheme from a database, enter the following:


If you are dropping replicated tables, you must drop the classic replication scheme before dropping the replicated tables. Otherwise, you receive an error indicating that you have attempted to drop a replicated table or index.

Example 10-16 Removing a table and a classic replication scheme from a database

To remove the tab table and repscheme replication scheme from a database, enter the following: