Deleting a Tenancy and Cloud Account

You can request to delete a tenancy and the associated cloud account in the Console's Tenancy Details page.


Deleting a tenancy permanently deletes the tenancy and the associated cloud account, and all its resources. Before deletion, we recommend you first delete any associated resources to avoid extra charges. Tenancy and cloud account deletion are irreversible and can't be undone.
Only an OCI administrator for Free Trial customers (in a standalone tenancy scenario), or created child tenancies (in an organization) can start a self-service deletion. The following conditions must apply:
  • The tenancy is in the home region.
  • The tenancy has no child tenancies.
  • The tenancy is using an Oracle Universal Credits subscription.
  • The tenancy is Free Tier, Free Trial, or you upgraded to Pay As You Go (otherwise, contact a sales representative).
  • The tenancy doesn't have any Organization Management work requests.
  • You're signed in as the child tenancy, not the parent.

When these conditions are met, then the Request tenancy deletion button is available on the Tenancy Details page, enabling you to delete the tenancy and cloud account.

Parent tenancies for an organization can't be deleted, but both standalone tenancies, and child tenancies in an organization, can be deleted. The deletion process is different, however, for child tenancies, based on whether the child tenancy was a created child tenancy, or an invited child tenancy of an organization.


Tenancy deletion isn't immediate and can take some time. Deleting the tenancy suspends all resources, and after 30 days, the tenancy is permanently deleted. After the tenancy is permanently deleted, neither you nor and any other users can sign in to the deleted tenancy.

Delete a Standalone Tenancy

  1. While signed in as an OCI administrator, open the Tenancy Details page. Otherwise, if not signed in as an administrator, the Request tenancy deletion button isn't available.
  2. Click Request tenancy deletion. The Request tenancy deletion confirmation is displayed.
  3. Confirm deletion in Enter the tenancy name to confirm deletion by entering the name of the tenancy to delete.
  4. Click Request tenancy deletion. A message is displayed to indicate that you successfully created a work request to delete the tenancy.

    Under Work requests, a Tenancy deletion requested operation appears, where you can view the status of the deletion request. The work request operation displays the state, percent completion, date, and time accepted, and when the operation started and finished.

    You can also click the Delete Tenancy work request to view the Delete tenancy work request details page. You also receive an email notifying you that the tenancy deletion process has completed.

Delete a Created Child Tenancy of an Organization

A created child tenancy is a tenancy what was created by the parent tenancy within an organization.

  1. While signed in as an OCI administrator and as the child tenancy, open the Tenancy Details page. Otherwise, if not signed in as an administrator, the Request tenancy deletion button isn't available.
  2. Click Request tenancy deletion. The Request tenancy deletion confirmation is displayed.
  3. Confirm deletion in Enter the tenancy name to confirm deletion by entering the name of the tenancy to delete.
  4. Click Request tenancy deletion. A message is displayed to indicate that the delete request is in progress. A Tenancy deletion requested work request operation appears under Work requests, where you can view the status of the deletion request.

    The work request operation displays the state, percent completion, date, and time accepted, and when the operation started and finished. After the request completes, the work request state changes to Permanently delete tenancy.

    You can also click the Delete Tenancy work request to view the Delete tenancy work request details page.

    You also receive an email confirmation of the tenancy deletion request. The tenancy is deleted 30 days after the work request was started, and you also receive a final email notifying you of the permanent deletion.

Delete an Invited Child Tenancy of an Organization

An invited child tenancy is a tenancy that was a standalone tenancy before, but which was later invited to become part of an organization. An invited child tenancy that was added to an organization using Organization Management must first be removed with its subscription before it can be deleted.

  1. While signed in as an OCI administrator of the parent tenancy, open the navigation menu and click Governance & Administration. Under Organization Management, click Subscription Mapping.
  2. Follow the instructions in Mapping Subscriptions to Tenancies to remap the invited child tenancy back to its original subscription on the Subscription Mapping page.
  3. Under Organization Management, click Tenancies.
  4. Follow the instructions in Deleting Links to remove the invited child tenancy on the Tenancies page.
  5. While signed in as an OCI administrator on the removed tenancy, open the Tenancy Details page.
  6. Click Request tenancy deletion. The Request tenancy deletion confirmation is displayed.
  7. Confirm deletion in Enter the tenancy name to confirm deletion by entering the name of the tenancy to delete.
  8. Click Request tenancy deletion. A message is displayed to indicate that you successfully created a work request to delete the tenancy.

    Under Work requests, a Tenancy deletion requested operation appears, where you can view the status of the deletion request. The work request operation displays the state, percent completion, date, and time accepted, and when the operation started and finished.

    You can also click the Delete Tenancy work request to view the Delete tenancy work request details page. You also receive an email notifying you that the tenancy deletion process has completed.