Filter Trace Data in a Dashboard

You can use the Oracle-defined Traces Dimension Filter and the Spans Dimension Filter to filter the data in the trace query widgets by dimensions.

The Oracle-defined filters listed in the Filters tab enable you to specify an input and narrow down the results in a single widget or all the widgets in the dashboard. When creating a new dashboard, you can either configure the filters when adding the widgets to the dashboard or add the filters to the dashboard first and then link them to the widgets. Whichever flow you choose to create your dashboard, you're prompted to configure or link the required filters for data to be displayed in the widgets.

In addition to the required filters, the Traces Dimension Filter and Spans Dimension Filter enable you to filter the trace data in the following trace query widgets by trace and span dimension values:

  • APM Geomap

  • APM Trace Table

For more information on these widgets, see View Trace Data in a Dashboard.

You can use the Traces Dimension Filter and Spans Dimension Filter to view trace data of interest. For example, in the APM Geomap widget, you can configure one of these filters to use the DeviceType dimension to compare user experience of the application on mobile devices versus personal computers. Similarly, in the APM Trace Table widget, you can configure one of these filters to use the OciRegion dimension to view the performance of the application in only one region.

When you use these filters and select a trace or span dimension value to filter the data in a trace query widget, a where clause condition is created or added to the query by the system:

"dimensionName=<selected filter value>"

Here's a scenario that illustrates how these filters can be configured. Let's assume you're creating a new dashboard and you want to add the APM Trace Table widget to view the trace data for only one service in the widget:

  1. Access Dashboards in Application Performance Monitoring and click Create Dashboard. For detailed information on accessing Dashboards and creating a new dashboard, see Create a Custom Dashboard.
  2. In the Widgets tab, click Add widgets and click or drag and drop the APM Trace Table widget into the widgets section (lower half) of the dashboard.

    While doing so, configure the Compartment and APM Domain inputs for the APM Trace Table widget.

  3. In the Filters tab, click Add filters and click or drag and drop the Traces Dimension Filter into the filters section (upper half) of the dashboard.
    While doing so:
    1. Configure the APM Domain input for the Traces Dimension Filter.

    2. In the Configure Dimension Name Input for Traces Dimension Filter (Required) dialog box, specify the Dimension Name input, select ServiceName in the drop-down list, and click Save changes.

  4. In the Widgets tab, click Edit widgets and then click APM Trace Table.

    The widget details are displayed.

  5. In the lower-right corner of the Configured widget inputs section, click Add Input.

    The Configure Input for APM Trace Table (Optional) dialog box is displayed and the first option, Link the input with an existing filter, is selected.

  6. In the Configure Input for APM Trace Table (Optional) dialog box, select Traces Dimension Filter in the Select an existing filter drop-down list. ServiceName is automatically populated in the Parameter Name field.

    Click Save changes.

  7. In the Traces Dimension Filter added to the dashboard, select a value for the ServiceName dimension.

The APM Trace Table widget is linked to the Traces Dimension Filter, and this widget is updated to only display data for the selected service. You can follow the same procedure to further filter the data displayed in the APM Trace Table widget by other dimension values such as TraceStatus.