Database Management for Oracle Databases

As a Database Administrator, you can use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Management service to monitor and manage Oracle Databases.

Database Management currently supports the following Oracle Databases:

  • External Databases: Oracle Databases located outside of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and connected to a resource in the External Database service.
  • Oracle Cloud Databases: Oracle Databases running on the following Oracle Database cloud solutions:
    • Oracle Base Database Service offers database systems (DB systems) on virtual machines. These DB systems are available as single-node DB systems and multi-node RAC DB systems.
    • Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure (ExaDB-D or Exadata Cloud Infrastructure) enables you to run Oracle Database workloads in the cloud and leverage the power of Exadata in the cloud.
    • Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer (ExaDB-C@C) enables you to apply the combined power of Oracle Exadata and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure inside your own data center.

    Database Management features for Oracle Cloud Databases in the Base Database Service and ExaDB-D are available as part of the Full management and Basic management options. The Basic management option is not available for Oracle Cloud Databases in ExaDB-C@C. For more information on management options, see About Management Options.
  • Oracle Autonomous Databases: Easy-to-use, fully autonomous database that scales elastically, delivers fast query performance, requires no database administration, and is available for serverless or dedicated deployments.

    Database Management currently does not support Autonomous Databases on ExaDB-C@C.
  • Multi-cloud Databases: Oracle Databases running on AWS RDS. The multi-cloud adoption allows businesses to harness the strengths of different cloud platforms while mitigating risks. However, monitoring and managing databases in a multi-cloud environment introduces unique challenges, requiring specialized approaches and solutions. You can set up and use Database Management and other Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Observability & Management services to monitor and manage Oracle Databases on AWS RDS. For information on how to set up Database Management and other Observability & Management services for AWS RDS, see Set Up OCI Observability and Management for AWS RDS Databases.

For information on these Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database services, supported Oracle Database versions and editions, see Database documentation.

Using Database Management, you can monitor single instance and RAC databases, which include Container Databases (CDBs), Pluggable Databases (PDBs), and Non-Container Databases (Non-CDBs). Database Management supports Oracle Database version and later. You can also use Database Management to monitor and manage the primary and standby databases that are a part of an Oracle Data Guard configuration. For information on Database Management feature availability for database types and versions, see Database Management Feature Support Matrix for Oracle Databases.

Here are some of the important tasks you can perform using Database Management:

  • Monitor the key performance and configuration metrics of your fleet of Oracle Databases. You can also compare and analyze database metrics over a selected period of time.
  • Use Performance Hub for a single-pane-of-glass view of database performance, which enables you to quickly diagnose performance issues.
  • Use AWR Explorer to visualize historical performance data from AWR snapshots in easy-to-interpret charts.
  • Use the other features available in Database Management to monitor, manage, and administer a single Oracle Database.
  • Use dashboards to visualize, explore and analyze database performance metrics.

Not all the Database Management tasks given in the preceding list and the features detailed in subsequent sections in Database Management for Oracle Databases are available for Autonomous Databases. For information on the Database Management features available for Autonomous Databases, see the following topic, About Database Management for Autonomous Databases.

About Database Management for Autonomous Databases

You can use Database Management to monitor a single Autonomous Database or a fleet of Autonomous Databases and obtain meaningful insights from the metrics pushed to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring service.

To enable and use Database Management for Autonomous Databases:

On enabling Database Management for Autonomous Databases, you can perform the following Database Management tasks at an additional cost.

Task More Information
Monitor the health of your fleet of Autonomous Databases on the Oracle Database fleet summary page. For information, see Monitor the Health of Your Oracle Database Fleet and Assess the Performance of Your Databases at a Glance.
Monitor a single Autonomous Database on the Managed database details page and:
  • Use the Oracle-defined Autonomous Database Performance dashboard to monitor critical performance metrics.

  • Set up alarm definitions to simplify the process of creating and managing alarms.

For information, see Monitor and Manage an Autonomous Database.
Group Autonomous Databases that reside across compartments into a Database Group, and monitor them. For information, see Create and Use Database Groups.