Manage Oracle Database Homes on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer Systems

Learn to manage Oracle Database homes on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.

About Managing Oracle Database Homes on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer Systems

You can delete or view information about Oracle Database Homes (referred to as Database Homes in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) by using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, the API, or the CLI.

To find out how to delete or view information about Database Homes manually, See "Using the dbaascli Utility on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer."


Avoid entering confidential information when assigning descriptions, tags, or friendly names to your cloud resources through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, API, or CLI.

Manage Database Home Using the Console

Use the OCI console to manage the various operations needed on a Database Home.

Using the Console to View Information About an Oracle Database Home

To view the configuration details of an Oracle Database home, use this procedure.

  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle Database, click Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.
    VM Clusters is selected by default.
  2. Click Compartment, and select your compartment.
    A list of VM Clusters is displayed for the compartment you selected.
  3. In the list of VM clusters, click the VM cluster that contains the Database Home in which you are interested.
  4. Under Resources, click Database Homes.
  5. In the list of Database Homes, find the Database Home you want to view, and then click the Database Home name to display details about it.

Using the Console to Delete an Oracle Database Home

To delete an Oracle Database home with the Console, use this procedure.

You cannot delete an Oracle Database home that contains databases. Before you can delete an Oracle Database home, you must first terminate the databases to empty the Database Home. You can terminate a database by using the Console.
  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle Database, click Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.
    VM Clusters is selected by default.
  2. Select Compartment, and choose the Compartment that you want to view.
    A list of VM Clusters is displayed for the chosen Compartment.
  3. In the list of VM clusters, click the VM cluster that contains the Database Home that you want to delete.
  4. Under Resources, click Database Homes.
  5. In the list of Database Homes, find the Database Home that you want to delete, and click thje Database Home name to display details about it.
  6. On the Database Home Details page, click Delete.

Using the API to Manage Oracle Database Home on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer

Review the list of API calls to manage Oracle Database home.

For information about using the API and signing requests, see "REST APIs" and "Security Credentials". For information about SDKs, see "Software Development Kits and Command Line Interface".

Use these API operations to manage Database Homes:
  • ListDbHomes
  • GetDbHome
  • DeleteDbHome

For the complete list of APIs, see "Database Service API".

Differences Between Managing Resources with dbaascli and the Database API

Learn how Oracle Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer automatically synchronizes dbaascli utility parameters and Database Service API properties of Oracle Database instance and Oracle Database Home.

You can manage resources using host tooling such as dbaascli or dbaasapi, or tools based on the Database service API (including the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, SDKs, and the API itself). For the management operations discussed in this topic, if you perform them using dbaascli or dbaasapi, then the updates are not visible in tools based on the Database Service API until the next synchronization operation, which happens every 10 minutes.

The following table lists operations that you perform using dbaascli or dbaasapi, and maps these operations to the related Database Service API parameters:

Operation Host Tooling Parameters (dbaascli / dbaasapi) Database Service API Parameters
Creating Database Home name, DatabaseVersion, dbHomeLocation, createTime displayName, dbVersion, dbHomeLocation, timeCreated
Updating Database Home DatabaseVersion, dbHomeLocation dbVersion, dbHomeLocation
Creating Database dbName, dbUniqueName, pdbName, characterSet, NlsCharacterSet, dbClass, createTime dbName, dbUniqueName, pdbName, characterSet, ncharacterSet, dbType, timeCreated
Updating Database dbHomeId, dbUniqueName, dbClass dbHomeId, dbUniqueName, dbType

If you terminate a Database Home using the dbaascli or dbaasapi, the status of the Database Home is displayed as Terminated in the Database Service REST API based tools. If you terminate a database, the status of the database is displayed as Failed.