Management Gateway Metrics

You can monitor the health, capacity, and performance of your management gateway by using metrics, alarms, and notifications.

For more information, see Monitoring Overview and Notification Overview.

This topic describes the metrics emitted by the Management Gateway in the oci_managementgateway metric namespace.

Overview of the Management Gateway Metrics

The metrics for the Management Gateway allow administrators to see the resource consumption of the management gateway in terms of CPU, memory and disk.


  • IAM policies: To monitor resources, a user must be given the required type of access in a policy written by an administrator. This applies whether you're using the Console or the REST API with an SDK, CLI or other tool. The policy must allow access to the monitoring services as well as to the resources being monitored. If you try to perform an action and get a message that you don’t have permission or are unauthorized, confirm with your administrator the type of access you've been granted and which compartment you should work in. For more information on user authorizations for monitoring, see the Authentication and Authorization section for the related service: Monitoring or Notifications. For information on policies for management gateway, see Perform Prerequisites for Deploying Management Gateway.
  • The metrics listed on this page are automatically available for any Gateway you install. You do not need to enable monitoring on the resource to get these metrics.

Available Metrics: oci_managementgateway

The Management Gateway emits metrics to the oci_managementgateway metric namespace in the Monitoring service.

The metrics listed in the following tables are automatically available for any Gateway that you install. You do not need to enable monitoring to get these metrics. You also can use the Monitoring service to create custom queries.


Management Gateway metrics include the following dimensions:

  • GATEWAYHOSTNAME: The hostname in which the management gateway is installed.

  • RESOURCEID: The OCID of the management gateway resource.


Metric Name Metric Display Name Unit Frequency Description Dimensions
gatewayHealthStatus Gateway Health Status Not Applicable 1 minute

Indicates that the Gateway is successfully communicating with the Monitoring service.

The status value is a constant number (1) to represent that the gateway is up and running and is able to upload metrics to Monitoring service.

If the gatewayHealthStatus value is absent, it means the gateway is not able to upload metrics to the Monitoring service. The gateway itself may be up or down at that time.



diskUsageUsed Gateway Disk Usage Megabytes 1 hour Total amount of disk used under "agent_inst".



diskUsageFree Gateway Disk Space Available Megabytes 1 hour Amount of disk space available on the volume where the gateway is installed.



diskUsageInstallSize Disk Usage for Install Megabytes 1 hour Total amount of disk space used under the gateway base directory.



usageCpu Gateway CPU Utilization Percent 1 minute The gateway's CPU usage, expressed as a percentage.



usageRss Gateway Memory Usage Megabytes 1 minute Amount of memory consumed by the gateway's JVM. The number represents the resident set size in main memory.



uploadSent Data Sent Bytes 10 minutes Bytes uploaded by gateway to OCI.



queueUsageDepth Gateway Buffer Queue Usage Count 10 minutes Number of entries currently waiting in buffered upload queue.




uploadResponseTime Upload Response Time Milliseconds 10 minutes Average time for Gateway to get a response from OCI-side service for buffered uploads, counted from when Gateway connected to OCI.




agentResponseTime Agent Response Time Milliseconds 10 minutes Average time for Gateway to get a response from OCI-side service for buffered uploads, counted from when Agent connected to Gateway.




uploadLatency Upload Latency Milliseconds 10 minutes Average time spent inside Gateway itself, while processing buffered uploads.




associatedAgentCount Associated Agent Count Count 10 minutes Number of distinct agents doing buffered uploads since instance startup.




incomingRequestCount Incoming Request Count count 10 minutes Number of buffered upload requests from Agents since instance startup.




outgoingRequestCount Outgoing Request Count count 10 minutes Number of successful buffered upload requests from Gateway to OCI since instance startup.





The alarm interval must be greater than the frequency at which the metrics are emitted. Be sure to set alarm intervals greater than the frequency at which the metrics are emitted.

Using the Console

Use the console to display charts for the metrics that are emitted by the Management Gateway.

View Default Metrics for Management Gateway

To view the default metrics for a single Management Gateway, you can use Service Metrics.
  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Observability & Management, go to Monitoring and click Service Metrics.

  2. For Metric Namespace, select oci_managementgateway.

  3. For Dimensions, specify resourceId and select the OCID of the management gateway for which you want to display service metrics.

Build Metric Queries for Management Gateway

You can build Management Gateway metric queries to monitor the health status or resource consumption.

For example, you can build a query using the oci_managementgateway namespace, gatewayHealthStatus metric and gatewayHostName dimension to monitor if the gateway is communicating to the Monitoring service successfully.

  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Observability & Management, go to Monitoring and click Service Metrics.

  2. Fill in the fields for a new query.

    • Compartment: Compartment where the management gateway resides.
    • Metrics namespace: Select oci_managementgateway.
    • Metrics name: Select a metric within the selected Metric Namespace.
    • Interval: Select an aggregation window.
    • Statistic: Select an aggregation function.
    • Metric dimensions: Select a dimension from the Dimension name field, and a value for that dimension in the Dimension value field. Optionally, you can add an additional dimension.
  3. Click Update Chart.

    The chart shows the results of your new query.

For information about building metric queries, see Building Metric Queries.

Create Alarms for Management Gateway

You can create an alarm using the Monitoring service to be notified if a Management Gateway metric breaches the specified threshold.

For example, to check if a specific gateway is communicating with the Monitoring service, you can run a query using the gatewayHealthStatus metric name. To monitor that gateway automatically, you could create an alarm to notify the administrator if there's no communication for 10 minutes.

Alarms that have triggered can be seen on the Alarm Status page:
  • Open the navigation menu. Under Observability & Management, go to Monitoring and click Alarm Status.

For information about creating an alarm for Management Gateway metrics, see Using the Console to Create an Alarm.

Using the API

For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST APIs and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see Software Development Kits and Command Line Interface.

Use the following APIs for monitoring: