Management Gateway Administration Tasks

Update Management Gateway Properties

Management Gateway Port

The Management Gateway is configured to accept traffic on a specific port which is specified by using the GatewayPort property from the file.
  • On Linux platforms, the file is located under: /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/plugins/GatewayProxy/stateDir/config.
  • On Windows platforms, the file is located under: C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\plugins\GatewayProxy\stateDir\config.

To change the Management Gateway port value, edit the file and replace the current value of the GatewayPort property with the desired port number.

After changing the file, the Management Gateway service must be restarted.
  • For Oracle Linux 6, use: /sbin/initctl restart mgmt_gateway

  • For Oracle Linux 7, use: systemctl restart mgmt_gateway

  • For Windows, use:
    net stop mgmt_gateway
    net start mgmt_gateway

If the GatewayPort property value changes then any Management Agents using that Management Gateway must be changed to use the new port value. For details, see Update Management Agents after Changes to Management Gateway Configuration

Management Gateway Credentials

The Gateway is typically configured to use credentials: username and password are required to connect to it.

Such credentials are stored in Oracle Wallets. For information about how to add, update or delete credentials, see Configure Management Gateway Credentials.

If the Management Gateway credentials change, then any Management Agents using the Management Gateway must be changed to use the new credentials. For information, see Update Management Agents after Changes to Management Gateway Configuration.

Configure Management Gateway Credentials

This section describes how to manage credentials which may be needed for Management Gateway.

The Management Gateway stores sensitive information, such as credentials, in Oracle Wallets.

After installing a Management Gateway, you may need to configure credentials.


If changes have been made using the CLI commands, the gateway must be restarted. For information about CLI commands, see Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command Reference.

Add or Update Credentials

To add credentials or update existing ones, use the gateway_credentials script with the upsertCredentials operation.

  • Linux: The script is located in the /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/plugins/GatewayProxy/stateDir/bin directory.
  • Windows: The gateway_credentials.bat script is located in the C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\plugins\GatewayProxy\stateDir\bin directory.
  1. Create a text file with the username and password for the gateway:

    For example:

    For example, you can save the text file as

  2. Add credentials using a text file.

    • For Linux, use: -o upsertCredentials

      For example, you can run the following on Linux using the file:

      cat | sudo -u mgmt_agent sh /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/plugins/GatewayProxy/stateDir/bin/ -o upsertCredentials
    • For Windows, use:
      gateway_credentials.bat -o upsertCredentials
      For example, you can run the following on Windows using the file::
      type | C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\plugins\GatewayProxy\stateDir\bin\gateway_credentials.bat -o upsertCredentials
  3. Delete the text file created in step 1.

    The text file contains sensitive information. Customers are responsible for deleting the credentials text file after completing the add or update credentials operation.

Delete Credentials

To delete credentials, use the gateway_credentials script with the deleteCredentials operation.

  • Linux:

    The script is located in the /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/plugins/GatewayProxy/stateDir/bin directory.

    Syntax: -o deleteCredentials
    sudo -u mgmt_agent sh /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/plugins/GatewayProxy/stateDir/bin/ -o deleteCredentials
  • Windows:

    The gateway_credentials.bat script is located in the C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\plugins\GatewayProxy\stateDir\bin directory.

    gateway_credentials.bat -o deleteCredentials
    C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent\plugins\GatewayProxy\stateDir\config\bin\gateway_credentials.bat -o deleteCredentials

Deleting credentials does not delete the wallet that contained the credentials.

Update Management Agents after Changes to Management Gateway Configuration

If the Management Gateway configuration changes, the Management Agent may also have to be changed.

  • Gateway host: If the Gateway is moved to another host, or if the Gateway host is renamed, then any Agents using the Gateway must be changed to use the new hostname.

    In this case, the Management Agent parameter GatewayServerHost must be updated to use the new Gateway.

  • Gateway port: If the Gateway port value changes, then any Agents using the Gateway must be changed to use the new port value.

    In this case, the Management Agent parameter GatewayServerPort must be updated to use the new Gateway port.

  • Gateway credentials: If the credentials required to connect to the Management Gateway (such as username and password) are changed, then any Agents using the Gateway must be changed to use the new credentials. For information, see Credential Type for Management Gateways and Proxies and Add or Update Credentials.

Update Proxy Credentials for Management Gateway

You can update existing external proxy credentials for the Management Gateway.


The Management Gateway should be configured with a proxy using the following two properties:
  • ProxyHost
  • ProxyPort
For example:

Step 1: Create request body for updating the proxy credentials

Provide the new username and password in credentials file using the following properties:

  • ProxyUser: User name for authentication with the proxy.
  • ProxyPassword: Password of the user for the authentication with the proxy.

The above credentials properties are case-sensitive.

See below sample-proxycreds.json sample credentials file:

"description":"Proxy Credentials",

Step 2: Execute command to update the proxy credentials

Execute the below command to update the proxy credentials using the above sample file:
  • For Linux:
    cat sample-proxycreds.json | sudo -u mgmt_agent /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/agent_inst/bin/ -o upsertCredentials -s Agent
  • For Windows:
    type sample-proxycreds.json | C:\oracle\mgmt_agent\agent_inst\bin\credential_mgmt.bat -o upsertCredentials -s Agent

Step 3 : Restart Management Gateway

  • For Linux:
    sudo systemctl restart mgmt_gateway
  • For Windows:
    net stop mgmt_gateway
    net start mgmt_gateway

The credentials are used by the Management Gateway to communicate with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. Changing its format or removing the credentials can have an adverse effect on the Management Gateway's ability to communicate back to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services.

Enable Batching for Management Gateway

After installing Management Gateway, you can enable batching to provide better and quicker management of the logging uploads to the Logging Analytics service.

To enable batching, add the following property in the file:

After updating the file, the Management Gateway service must be restarted. To restart it, run the following:

  • For Oracle Linux 6, use: /sbin/initctl restart mgmt_gateway
  • For Oracle Linux 7, use: systemctl restart mgmt_gateway

Upgrade Management Gateway

Upgrade Gateway on Linux

To upgrade a gateway on Linux, do the following:
  • Download the latest version of the RPM file containing the software download file. For details, see Download Management Gateway Software.
  • To upgrade the gateway, run the rpm command with the upgrade option: rpm -U.
    sudo rpm -U <rpm_file_name.rpm>

Upgrade Gateway on Windows

To upgrade a gateway on Windows, do the following:
  • Login as an Administrator user and open a command prompt window.
  • Download the latest version of the ZIP file containing the agent software download file. For details, see Download the Management Gateway Software.
  • Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the management agent software ZIP file and unzip it to any preferred location.
  • To upgrade the gateway, run the installer.bat script with the -u option:
    installer.bat -u

    For example: C:\Users\test_agent>installer.bat -u

    The output looks similar to the following:
    JAVA_HOME found at: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_321
    Executing upgrade
            Unpacking software zip
            Copying files to destination dir (C:\Oracle\mgmt_agent)
            Updating communication wallet       
            Creating mgmt_gateway service
    Management Gateway upgrade successful
    The Oracle Management Gateway service is starting....
    The Oracle Management Gateway service was started successfully.