Creating Managed Instance Groups

Create managed instance group resources in OS Management Hub, including groups, group profiles, and associated scheduled jobs, before migrating instances to OS Management Hub.


For simplicity and efficiency, we recommend that you use the migration assistant tool to perform this task. For more information, see Installing the Migration Assistant.

Using the Migration Assistant

Use the osms-to-osmh create managed-instance-group command and required parameters to create managed instance groups in OS Management Hub. Additionally, the migration assistant creates the group profile and associated scheduled jobs for the group in OS Management Hub.

For example, to create all managed instance groups you have in OS Management:

osms-to-osmh create managed-instance-group

The command first runs the discovery operation in case your environment has changed and then creates the group, group profile, and associated scheduled jobs.

The following is sample output:

$ osms-to-osmh create managed-instance-group --compartment ocid1.compartment.oc1..<unique_ID>
Discovering Groups ......
OCID                                             Name                     Instances  Jobs  Compartment  Compatible  Migrated                                                                                                                                                                                                             
----------------------------------------------   -----------------------  ---------  ----  -----------  ----------  --------  
ocid1.osmsmanagedinstancegroup.oc1..<unique_ID>  osms-ol8-group           2          2     idg          Yes         Yes       
ocid1.osmsmanagedinstancegroup.oc1..<unique_ID>  osms-ol9-group           2          1     idg          Yes         No        
ocid1.osmsmanagedinstancegroup.oc1..<unique_ID>  osms-windows-2019-group  2          1     idg          Yes         Yes       
ocid1.osmsmanagedinstancegroup.oc1..<unique_ID>  osms-windows-2022-group  2          3     idg          Yes         Yes       

Create 'osms-ol9-group' in OS Management Hub?  [y/n]  y
Creating Group 'osms-ol9-group'
Created group 'osms-ol9-group'
 Group Name: 'osms-ol9-group', Group Ocid: ocid1.osmhmanagedinstancegroup.oc1..<unique_ID>
 Profile Name: 'osms-ol9-group', Profile Ocid: ocid1.osmhprofile.oc1..<unique_ID>
 Number of Schedule Jobs: '1'


osms-to-osmh create managed-instance-group [-c | --compartment name] [--managed-instance-group-id ocid] [-y | --yes] [-v | --verbose] [ --help]

Option Details

Parameter Description
-c | --compartment name

Examines a compartment for OS Management managed instance groups and creates them in OS Management Hub. For name, specify either the name of the compartment or the OCID assigned to compartment.

If no compartment is specified, all compartments in the tenancy are examined.

-y | --yes Proceeds with creating all compatible managed instance groups without prompting you for confirmation.
-v | --verbose Displays details about incompatible managed instance groups.
--managed-instance-group-id ocid Creates the OS Management Hub managed instance group. For ocid, specify the OCID assigned to the managed instance group.
--help Displays help information about the migration assistant command, such as the available options and the supported values for each option.

Using the Console

Using the information gathered in discovery, create your OS Management Hub groups and associated profiles and scheduled jobs.