Discovering Custom Software Sources

Identify the custom software sources to create in OS Management Hub and resolve any compatibility issues before migrating instances.


For simplicity and efficiency, we recommend that you use the migration assistant tool to perform this task. For more information, see Installing the Migration Assistant.

Using the Migration Assistant

Use the osms-to-osmh discover custom-software-source command and required parameters to examine custom software sources in a compartment or tenancy that you want to migrate to OS Management Hub.

For example, to discover all custom software sources you have in OS Management:

osms-to-osmh discover custom-software-source

The output for the command displays the following information about custom software software sources that are in use by OS Management instances:

  • The OCID assigned to the custom software source.
  • The name of the custom software source.
  • The architecture the vendor softwares source supports.
  • Whether the custom software source is being used (attached) to managed instances.
  • The compartment where the custom software source resides.
  • Whether the custom software source is compatible for migration to OS Management Hub.
  • Whether the custom software source has been migrated to OS Management Hub. A migrated custom software source is a custom software source that has been created in OS Management Hub.

If the custom software source isn't in use, you can decide on whether you want to migrate it.

The following is sample output:

$ osms-to-osmh discover custom-software-source 
Discovering Custom Software Source(s)....
OCID                                       Name             Arch    Used  Compartment  Compatible  Migrated
-----------------------------------------  ---------------  ------  ----  -----------  ----------  --------  
ocid1.osmssoftwaresource.oc1..<unique_ID>  css-ol8          X86_64  No    idg          Yes         No      
ocid1.osmssoftwaresource.oc1..<unique_ID>  css-ol8-2024-04  X86_64  Yes   idg          Yes         No      

Use the --verbose option if the migration assistant reports incompatible resources. For more information, see Resolving Incompatible Custom Software Sources.


osms-to-osmh discover custom-software-source [-c | --compartment name] [-v | --verbose] [--custom-software-source-id ocid] [--migrated] [--notmigrated] [--export-json] [ --help]

Option Details

Parameter Description
-c | --compartment name

Displays information about custom software sources in the specified compartment. For name, specify either the name of the compartment or the OCID assigned to compartment.

If no compartment is specified, custom software sources from all compartments are displayed.

-v | --verbose Displays details about incompatible custom software sources.
--custom-software-source-id ocid Displays information about the specified custom software source. For ocid, specify the OCID assigned to the custom software source.
--migrated Displays custom software sources that have been created in OS Management Hub.
--notmigrated Displays custom software sources that haven't been created in OS Management Hub.
--export-json Exports results to a JSON file.
--help Displays help information about the migration assistant command, such as the available options and the supported values for each option.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu, click Compute, and under OS Management click Software Sources.
  2. Under List Scope, select the compartment that contains your custom software sources.
  3. Find the software source and click its name.

  4. Review and record the details about the custom software source, including its OS version, package content, and attached instances.


    Use the oci os-management software-source list-packages command to extract the package associated with the custom software source.

    For example, use the following CLI command to extract the package list for the software source.

    oci os-management software-source list-packages --software-source-id <software_source_ocid> --all 

Repeat the previous steps for every OS Managed managed instance in the compartment that you plan to migrate to OS Management Hub. If you are managing instances that reside in other compartments, repeat these steps on the instances in those compartments in the tenancy. We recommend that you use the migration assistant to simplify this task.