
Package ailanguage

import "github.com/oracle/oci-go-sdk/ailanguage"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func GetActionTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnumStringValues() []string
func GetClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnumStringValues() []string
func GetEndpointLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetInputLocationLocationTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetJobLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListEndpointsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListEndpointsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListJobsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListJobsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListModelsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListModelsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListProjectsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListProjectsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetModelDetailsModelTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetModelLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetNerModelVersionEnumStringValues() []string
func GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetPiiEntityMaskingModeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetProjectLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnumStringValues() []string
type AIServiceLanguageClient
    func NewAIServiceLanguageClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client AIServiceLanguageClient, err error)
    func NewAIServiceLanguageClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client AIServiceLanguageClient, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectDominantLanguage(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) (response BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectHealthEntity(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) (response BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageEntities(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntities(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageSentiments(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchLanguageTranslation(ctx context.Context, request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) (response BatchLanguageTranslationResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CancelJob(ctx context.Context, request CancelJobRequest) (response CancelJobResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeEndpointCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeJobCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeJobCompartmentResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeModelCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeModelCompartmentResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeProjectCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse, err error)
    func (client *AIServiceLanguageClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request CreateEndpointRequest) (response CreateEndpointResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateJob(ctx context.Context, request CreateJobRequest) (response CreateJobResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateModel(ctx context.Context, request CreateModelRequest) (response CreateModelResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateProject(ctx context.Context, request CreateProjectRequest) (response CreateProjectResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request DeleteEndpointRequest) (response DeleteEndpointResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteJob(ctx context.Context, request DeleteJobRequest) (response DeleteJobResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteModel(ctx context.Context, request DeleteModelRequest) (response DeleteModelResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteProject(ctx context.Context, request DeleteProjectRequest) (response DeleteProjectResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectDominantLanguage(ctx context.Context, request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) (response DetectDominantLanguageResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageEntities(ctx context.Context, request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) (response DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageKeyPhrases(ctx context.Context, request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) (response DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageSentiments(ctx context.Context, request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) (response DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageTextClassification(ctx context.Context, request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) (response DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request GetEndpointRequest) (response GetEndpointResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetJob(ctx context.Context, request GetJobRequest) (response GetJobResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetModel(ctx context.Context, request GetModelRequest) (response GetModelResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetModelType(ctx context.Context, request GetModelTypeRequest) (response GetModelTypeResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetProject(ctx context.Context, request GetProjectRequest) (response GetProjectResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetWorkRequest(ctx context.Context, request GetWorkRequestRequest) (response GetWorkRequestResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListEndpoints(ctx context.Context, request ListEndpointsRequest) (response ListEndpointsResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListEvaluationResults(ctx context.Context, request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) (response ListEvaluationResultsResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListJobs(ctx context.Context, request ListJobsRequest) (response ListJobsResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListModels(ctx context.Context, request ListModelsRequest) (response ListModelsResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListProjects(ctx context.Context, request ListProjectsRequest) (response ListProjectsResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListWorkRequestErrors(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListWorkRequestLogs(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListWorkRequests(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestsResponse, err error)
    func (client *AIServiceLanguageClient) SetRegion(region string)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request UpdateEndpointRequest) (response UpdateEndpointResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateJob(ctx context.Context, request UpdateJobRequest) (response UpdateJobResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateModel(ctx context.Context, request UpdateModelRequest) (response UpdateModelResponse, err error)
    func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateProject(ctx context.Context, request UpdateProjectRequest) (response UpdateProjectResponse, err error)
type ActionTypeEnum
    func GetActionTypeEnumValues() []ActionTypeEnum
    func GetMappingActionTypeEnum(val string) (ActionTypeEnum, bool)
type AssertionDetails
    func (m AssertionDetails) String() string
    func (m AssertionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails
    func (m BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest
    func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) String() string
    func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse
    func (response BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse) String() string
type BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult
    func (m BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails
    func (m BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest
    func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) String() string
    func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse
    func (response BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse) String() string
type BatchDetectHealthEntityResult
    func (m BatchDetectHealthEntityResult) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectHealthEntityResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) String() string
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse
    func (response BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) String() string
type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) String() string
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse
    func (response BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) String() string
type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails
    func (m BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails) String() string
    func (m *BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest
    func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) String() string
    func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse
    func (response BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse) String() string
type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult
    func (m BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum
    func GetBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnumValues() []BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum
    func GetMappingBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum(val string) (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum, bool)
type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) String() string
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse
    func (response BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) String() string
type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) String() string
    func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse
    func (response BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) String() string
type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) String() string
    func (m BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchLanguageTranslationDetails
    func (m BatchLanguageTranslationDetails) String() string
    func (m BatchLanguageTranslationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchLanguageTranslationRequest
    func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) String() string
    func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type BatchLanguageTranslationResponse
    func (response BatchLanguageTranslationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response BatchLanguageTranslationResponse) String() string
type BatchLanguageTranslationResult
    func (m BatchLanguageTranslationResult) String() string
    func (m BatchLanguageTranslationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CancelJobRequest
    func (request CancelJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CancelJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CancelJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CancelJobRequest) String() string
    func (request CancelJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CancelJobResponse
    func (response CancelJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CancelJobResponse) String() string
type Capabilities
    func (m Capabilities) String() string
    func (m Capabilities) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Capability
    func (m Capability) String() string
    func (m Capability) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails
    func (m ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails) String() string
    func (m ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest
    func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) String() string
    func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse
    func (response ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse) String() string
type ChangeJobCompartmentDetails
    func (m ChangeJobCompartmentDetails) String() string
    func (m ChangeJobCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeJobCompartmentRequest
    func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) String() string
    func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeJobCompartmentResponse
    func (response ChangeJobCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ChangeJobCompartmentResponse) String() string
type ChangeModelCompartmentDetails
    func (m ChangeModelCompartmentDetails) String() string
    func (m ChangeModelCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeModelCompartmentRequest
    func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) String() string
    func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeModelCompartmentResponse
    func (response ChangeModelCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ChangeModelCompartmentResponse) String() string
type ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails
    func (m ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails) String() string
    func (m ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest
    func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) String() string
    func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse
    func (response ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse) String() string
type ClassMetrics
    func (m ClassMetrics) String() string
    func (m ClassMetrics) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails
    func (m ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails) String() string
    func (m ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails
    func (m ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails) String() string
    func (m ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ClassificationType
type ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum
    func GetClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnumValues() []ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum
    func GetMappingClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum(val string) (ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum, bool)
type ConfigurationDetails
    func (m ConfigurationDetails) String() string
    func (m ConfigurationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ConfusionMatrixDetails
    func (m ConfusionMatrixDetails) String() string
    func (m ConfusionMatrixDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateEndpointDetails
    func (m CreateEndpointDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateEndpointDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateEndpointRequest
    func (request CreateEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateEndpointRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateEndpointResponse
    func (response CreateEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateEndpointResponse) String() string
type CreateJobDetails
    func (m CreateJobDetails) String() string
    func (m *CreateJobDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m CreateJobDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateJobRequest
    func (request CreateJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateJobRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateJobResponse
    func (response CreateJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateJobResponse) String() string
type CreateModelDetails
    func (m CreateModelDetails) String() string
    func (m *CreateModelDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m CreateModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateModelRequest
    func (request CreateModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateModelRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateModelRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateModelRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateModelResponse
    func (response CreateModelResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateModelResponse) String() string
type CreateProjectDetails
    func (m CreateProjectDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateProjectDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateProjectRequest
    func (request CreateProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateProjectRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateProjectRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateProjectRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateProjectResponse
    func (response CreateProjectResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateProjectResponse) String() string
type DataScienceLabelingDataset
    func (m DataScienceLabelingDataset) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m DataScienceLabelingDataset) String() string
    func (m DataScienceLabelingDataset) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DatasetDetails
type DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum
    func GetDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnumValues() []DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum
    func GetMappingDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum(val string) (DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum, bool)
type DeleteEndpointRequest
    func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteEndpointResponse
    func (response DeleteEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteEndpointResponse) String() string
type DeleteJobRequest
    func (request DeleteJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteJobRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteJobResponse
    func (response DeleteJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteJobResponse) String() string
type DeleteModelRequest
    func (request DeleteModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteModelRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteModelRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteModelRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteModelResponse
    func (response DeleteModelResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteModelResponse) String() string
type DeleteProjectRequest
    func (request DeleteProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteProjectRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteProjectRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteProjectRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteProjectResponse
    func (response DeleteProjectResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteProjectResponse) String() string
type DetectDominantLanguageDetails
    func (m DetectDominantLanguageDetails) String() string
    func (m DetectDominantLanguageDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectDominantLanguageRequest
    func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) String() string
    func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectDominantLanguageResponse
    func (response DetectDominantLanguageResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DetectDominantLanguageResponse) String() string
type DetectDominantLanguageResult
    func (m DetectDominantLanguageResult) String() string
    func (m DetectDominantLanguageResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails
    func (m DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) String() string
    func (m DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum
    func GetDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnumValues() []DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum
    func GetMappingDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum(val string) (DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum, bool)
type DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest
    func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) String() string
    func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse
    func (response DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) String() string
type DetectLanguageEntitiesResult
    func (m DetectLanguageEntitiesResult) String() string
    func (m DetectLanguageEntitiesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails
    func (m DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) String() string
    func (m DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest
    func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) String() string
    func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse
    func (response DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) String() string
type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult
    func (m DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) String() string
    func (m DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails
    func (m DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) String() string
    func (m DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest
    func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) String() string
    func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse
    func (response DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) String() string
type DetectLanguageSentimentsResult
    func (m DetectLanguageSentimentsResult) String() string
    func (m DetectLanguageSentimentsResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails
    func (m DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) String() string
    func (m DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest
    func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) String() string
    func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse
    func (response DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) String() string
type DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult
    func (m DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) String() string
    func (m DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DetectedLanguage
    func (m DetectedLanguage) String() string
    func (m DetectedLanguage) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DocumentError
    func (m DocumentError) String() string
    func (m DocumentError) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DocumentsConfiguration
    func (m DocumentsConfiguration) String() string
    func (m DocumentsConfiguration) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DominantLanguageDocument
    func (m DominantLanguageDocument) String() string
    func (m DominantLanguageDocument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DominantLanguageDocumentResult
    func (m DominantLanguageDocumentResult) String() string
    func (m DominantLanguageDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Endpoint
    func (m Endpoint) String() string
    func (m Endpoint) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EndpointCollection
    func (m EndpointCollection) String() string
    func (m EndpointCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EndpointLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetEndpointLifecycleStateEnumValues() []EndpointLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingEndpointLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (EndpointLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type EndpointSummary
    func (m EndpointSummary) String() string
    func (m EndpointSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Entity
    func (m Entity) String() string
    func (m Entity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EntityDocumentResult
    func (m EntityDocumentResult) String() string
    func (m EntityDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EntityLabelErrorAnalysis
    func (m EntityLabelErrorAnalysis) String() string
    func (m EntityLabelErrorAnalysis) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EntityMetrics
    func (m EntityMetrics) String() string
    func (m EntityMetrics) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ErrorDetails
    func (m ErrorDetails) String() string
    func (m ErrorDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EvaluationResultCollection
    func (m EvaluationResultCollection) String() string
    func (m *EvaluationResultCollection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m EvaluationResultCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EvaluationResultSummary
type EvaluationResults
type GetEndpointRequest
    func (request GetEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetEndpointRequest) String() string
    func (request GetEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetEndpointResponse
    func (response GetEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetEndpointResponse) String() string
type GetJobRequest
    func (request GetJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetJobRequest) String() string
    func (request GetJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetJobResponse
    func (response GetJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetJobResponse) String() string
type GetModelRequest
    func (request GetModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetModelRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetModelRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetModelRequest) String() string
    func (request GetModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetModelResponse
    func (response GetModelResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetModelResponse) String() string
type GetModelTypeRequest
    func (request GetModelTypeRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetModelTypeRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetModelTypeRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetModelTypeRequest) String() string
    func (request GetModelTypeRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetModelTypeResponse
    func (response GetModelTypeResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetModelTypeResponse) String() string
type GetProjectRequest
    func (request GetProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetProjectRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetProjectRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetProjectRequest) String() string
    func (request GetProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetProjectResponse
    func (response GetProjectResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetProjectResponse) String() string
type GetWorkRequestRequest
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) String() string
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetWorkRequestResponse
    func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) String() string
type HealthEntity
    func (m HealthEntity) String() string
    func (m HealthEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type HealthEntityDocumentResult
    func (m HealthEntityDocumentResult) String() string
    func (m HealthEntityDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type HierarchicalEntity
    func (m HierarchicalEntity) String() string
    func (m HierarchicalEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type InputConfiguration
    func (m InputConfiguration) String() string
    func (m InputConfiguration) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type InputLocation
type InputLocationLocationTypeEnum
    func GetInputLocationLocationTypeEnumValues() []InputLocationLocationTypeEnum
    func GetMappingInputLocationLocationTypeEnum(val string) (InputLocationLocationTypeEnum, bool)
type Job
    func (m Job) String() string
    func (m *Job) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m Job) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type JobCollection
    func (m JobCollection) String() string
    func (m JobCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type JobLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetJobLifecycleStateEnumValues() []JobLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingJobLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (JobLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type JobSummary
    func (m JobSummary) String() string
    func (m JobSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type KeyPhrase
    func (m KeyPhrase) String() string
    func (m KeyPhrase) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type KeyPhraseDocumentResult
    func (m KeyPhraseDocumentResult) String() string
    func (m KeyPhraseDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListEndpointsRequest
    func (request ListEndpointsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListEndpointsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListEndpointsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListEndpointsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListEndpointsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListEndpointsResponse
    func (response ListEndpointsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListEndpointsResponse) String() string
type ListEndpointsSortByEnum
    func GetListEndpointsSortByEnumValues() []ListEndpointsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListEndpointsSortByEnum(val string) (ListEndpointsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListEndpointsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListEndpointsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListEvaluationResultsRequest
    func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListEvaluationResultsResponse
    func (response ListEvaluationResultsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListEvaluationResultsResponse) String() string
type ListJobsRequest
    func (request ListJobsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListJobsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListJobsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListJobsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListJobsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListJobsResponse
    func (response ListJobsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListJobsResponse) String() string
type ListJobsSortByEnum
    func GetListJobsSortByEnumValues() []ListJobsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListJobsSortByEnum(val string) (ListJobsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListJobsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListJobsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListJobsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListJobsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListJobsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListModelsRequest
    func (request ListModelsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListModelsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListModelsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListModelsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListModelsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListModelsResponse
    func (response ListModelsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListModelsResponse) String() string
type ListModelsSortByEnum
    func GetListModelsSortByEnumValues() []ListModelsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListModelsSortByEnum(val string) (ListModelsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListModelsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListModelsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListModelsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListModelsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListModelsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListProjectsRequest
    func (request ListProjectsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListProjectsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListProjectsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListProjectsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListProjectsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListProjectsResponse
    func (response ListProjectsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListProjectsResponse) String() string
type ListProjectsSortByEnum
    func GetListProjectsSortByEnumValues() []ListProjectsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListProjectsSortByEnum(val string) (ListProjectsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListProjectsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListProjectsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListProjectsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListProjectsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListProjectsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse
    func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) String() string
type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestLogsRequest
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListWorkRequestLogsResponse
    func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) String() string
type ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestsRequest
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListWorkRequestsResponse
    func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) String() string
type ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type LocationDetails
type LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum
    func GetLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnumValues() []LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum
    func GetMappingLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum(val string) (LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum, bool)
type MelConcept
    func (m MelConcept) String() string
    func (m MelConcept) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type MelConceptDetails
    func (m MelConceptDetails) String() string
    func (m MelConceptDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Model
    func (m Model) String() string
    func (m *Model) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m Model) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ModelCollection
    func (m ModelCollection) String() string
    func (m ModelCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ModelDetails
type ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum
    func GetMappingModelDetailsModelTypeEnum(val string) (ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetModelDetailsModelTypeEnumValues() []ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum
type ModelLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingModelLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (ModelLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
    func GetModelLifecycleStateEnumValues() []ModelLifecycleStateEnum
type ModelMetadataDetails
    func (m ModelMetadataDetails) String() string
    func (m ModelMetadataDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ModelSummary
    func (m ModelSummary) String() string
    func (m *ModelSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m ModelSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ModelTypeInfo
    func (m ModelTypeInfo) String() string
    func (m ModelTypeInfo) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) GetDefinedTags() map[string]map[string]interface{}
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) GetFreeformTags() map[string]string
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) String() string
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults) String() string
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) String() string
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics) String() string
    func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type NerModelVersionEnum
    func GetMappingNerModelVersionEnum(val string) (NerModelVersionEnum, bool)
    func GetNerModelVersionEnumValues() []NerModelVersionEnum
type ObjectListDataset
    func (m ObjectListDataset) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ObjectListDataset) String() string
    func (m ObjectListDataset) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ObjectPrefixOutputLocation
    func (m ObjectPrefixOutputLocation) String() string
    func (m ObjectPrefixOutputLocation) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ObjectStorageDataset
    func (m ObjectStorageDataset) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ObjectStorageDataset) String() string
    func (m *ObjectStorageDataset) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m ObjectStorageDataset) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ObjectStorageFileNameLocation
    func (m ObjectStorageFileNameLocation) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ObjectStorageFileNameLocation) String() string
    func (m ObjectStorageFileNameLocation) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ObjectStoragePrefixLocation
    func (m ObjectStoragePrefixLocation) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m ObjectStoragePrefixLocation) String() string
    func (m ObjectStoragePrefixLocation) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type OperationStatusEnum
    func GetMappingOperationStatusEnum(val string) (OperationStatusEnum, bool)
    func GetOperationStatusEnumValues() []OperationStatusEnum
type OperationTypeEnum
    func GetMappingOperationTypeEnum(val string) (OperationTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetOperationTypeEnumValues() []OperationTypeEnum
type PiiEntity
    func (m PiiEntity) String() string
    func (m PiiEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PiiEntityDocumentResult
    func (m PiiEntityDocumentResult) String() string
    func (m PiiEntityDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PiiEntityMask
    func (m PiiEntityMask) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PiiEntityMask) String() string
    func (m PiiEntityMask) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PiiEntityMasking
type PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum
    func GetMappingPiiEntityMaskingModeEnum(val string) (PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum, bool)
    func GetPiiEntityMaskingModeEnumValues() []PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum
type PiiEntityRemove
    func (m PiiEntityRemove) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PiiEntityRemove) String() string
    func (m PiiEntityRemove) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PiiEntityReplace
    func (m PiiEntityReplace) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PiiEntityReplace) String() string
    func (m PiiEntityReplace) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PiiModelDetails
    func (m PiiModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PiiModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PiiModelDetails) String() string
    func (m PiiModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreDeployedLanguageModels
    func (m PreDeployedLanguageModels) String() string
    func (m PreDeployedLanguageModels) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails
    func (m PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) String() string
    func (m PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails
    func (m PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) String() string
    func (m PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails
    func (m PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) String() string
    func (m PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails
    func (m PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) String() string
    func (m PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreTrainedPiiModelDetails
    func (m PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) String() string
    func (m PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails
    func (m PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) String() string
    func (m PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreTrainedSummarization
    func (m PreTrainedSummarization) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PreTrainedSummarization) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PreTrainedSummarization) String() string
    func (m PreTrainedSummarization) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails
    func (m PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) String() string
    func (m PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type PreTrainedUniversalModel
    func (m PreTrainedUniversalModel) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m PreTrainedUniversalModel) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m PreTrainedUniversalModel) String() string
    func (m PreTrainedUniversalModel) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Profile
    func (m Profile) String() string
    func (m Profile) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type Project
    func (m Project) String() string
    func (m Project) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ProjectCollection
    func (m ProjectCollection) String() string
    func (m ProjectCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ProjectLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingProjectLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (ProjectLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
    func GetProjectLifecycleStateEnumValues() []ProjectLifecycleStateEnum
type ProjectSummary
    func (m ProjectSummary) String() string
    func (m ProjectSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type RelationEntity
    func (m RelationEntity) String() string
    func (m RelationEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ResolvedEntities
    func (m ResolvedEntities) String() string
    func (m ResolvedEntities) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ResolvedEntity
    func (m ResolvedEntity) String() string
    func (m ResolvedEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SentimentAspect
    func (m SentimentAspect) String() string
    func (m SentimentAspect) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SentimentDocumentResult
    func (m SentimentDocumentResult) String() string
    func (m SentimentDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SentimentSentence
    func (m SentimentSentence) String() string
    func (m SentimentSentence) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingSortOrderEnum(val string) (SortOrderEnum, bool)
    func GetSortOrderEnumValues() []SortOrderEnum
type TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy
    func (m TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) String() string
    func (m *TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TestStrategy
type TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum
    func GetMappingTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum(val string) (TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnumValues() []TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum
type TextClassification
    func (m TextClassification) String() string
    func (m TextClassification) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TextClassificationDocumentResult
    func (m TextClassificationDocumentResult) String() string
    func (m TextClassificationDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TextClassificationEvaluationResults
    func (m TextClassificationEvaluationResults) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m TextClassificationEvaluationResults) String() string
    func (m TextClassificationEvaluationResults) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TextClassificationModelDetails
    func (m TextClassificationModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string
    func (m TextClassificationModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m TextClassificationModelDetails) String() string
    func (m *TextClassificationModelDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)
    func (m TextClassificationModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult
    func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) GetDefinedTags() map[string]map[string]interface{}
    func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) GetFreeformTags() map[string]string
    func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)
    func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) String() string
    func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TextClassificationModelMetrics
    func (m TextClassificationModelMetrics) String() string
    func (m TextClassificationModelMetrics) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TextDocument
    func (m TextDocument) String() string
    func (m TextDocument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type TranslationDocumentResult
    func (m TranslationDocumentResult) String() string
    func (m TranslationDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateEndpointDetails
    func (m UpdateEndpointDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateEndpointDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateEndpointRequest
    func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateEndpointResponse
    func (response UpdateEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateEndpointResponse) String() string
type UpdateJobDetails
    func (m UpdateJobDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateJobDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateJobRequest
    func (request UpdateJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateJobRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateJobResponse
    func (response UpdateJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateJobResponse) String() string
type UpdateModelDetails
    func (m UpdateModelDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateModelRequest
    func (request UpdateModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateModelRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateModelRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateModelRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateModelResponse
    func (response UpdateModelResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateModelResponse) String() string
type UpdateProjectDetails
    func (m UpdateProjectDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateProjectDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateProjectRequest
    func (request UpdateProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateProjectRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateProjectRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateProjectRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateProjectResponse
    func (response UpdateProjectResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateProjectResponse) String() string
type WorkRequest
    func (m WorkRequest) String() string
    func (m WorkRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestError
    func (m WorkRequestError) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestError) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestErrorCollection
    func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestLog
    func (m WorkRequestLog) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestLog) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestLogCollection
    func (m WorkRequestLogCollection) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestLogCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestResource
    func (m WorkRequestResource) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestSummary
    func (m WorkRequestSummary) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestSummaryCollection
    func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

Package files

action_type.go ailanguage_aiservicelanguage_client.go assertion_details.go batch_detect_dominant_language_details.go batch_detect_dominant_language_request_response.go batch_detect_dominant_language_result.go batch_detect_health_entity_details.go batch_detect_health_entity_request_response.go batch_detect_health_entity_result.go batch_detect_language_entities_details.go batch_detect_language_entities_request_response.go batch_detect_language_entities_result.go batch_detect_language_key_phrases_details.go batch_detect_language_key_phrases_request_response.go batch_detect_language_key_phrases_result.go batch_detect_language_pii_entities_details.go batch_detect_language_pii_entities_request_response.go batch_detect_language_pii_entities_result.go batch_detect_language_sentiments_details.go batch_detect_language_sentiments_request_response.go batch_detect_language_sentiments_result.go batch_detect_language_text_classification_details.go batch_detect_language_text_classification_request_response.go batch_detect_language_text_classification_result.go batch_language_translation_details.go batch_language_translation_request_response.go batch_language_translation_result.go cancel_job_request_response.go capabilities.go capability.go change_endpoint_compartment_details.go change_endpoint_compartment_request_response.go change_job_compartment_details.go change_job_compartment_request_response.go change_model_compartment_details.go change_model_compartment_request_response.go change_project_compartment_details.go change_project_compartment_request_response.go class_metrics.go classification_multi_class_mode_details.go classification_multi_label_mode_details.go classification_type.go configuration_details.go confusion_matrix_details.go create_endpoint_details.go create_endpoint_request_response.go create_job_details.go create_job_request_response.go create_model_details.go create_model_request_response.go create_project_details.go create_project_request_response.go data_science_labeling_dataset.go dataset_details.go delete_endpoint_request_response.go delete_job_request_response.go delete_model_request_response.go delete_project_request_response.go detect_dominant_language_details.go detect_dominant_language_request_response.go detect_dominant_language_result.go detect_language_entities_details.go detect_language_entities_request_response.go detect_language_entities_result.go detect_language_key_phrases_details.go detect_language_key_phrases_request_response.go detect_language_key_phrases_result.go detect_language_sentiments_details.go detect_language_sentiments_request_response.go detect_language_sentiments_result.go detect_language_text_classification_details.go detect_language_text_classification_request_response.go detect_language_text_classification_result.go detected_language.go document_error.go documents_configuration.go dominant_language_document.go dominant_language_document_result.go endpoint.go endpoint_collection.go endpoint_summary.go entity.go entity_document_result.go entity_label_error_analysis.go entity_metrics.go error_details.go evaluation_result_collection.go evaluation_result_summary.go evaluation_results.go get_endpoint_request_response.go get_job_request_response.go get_model_request_response.go get_model_type_request_response.go get_project_request_response.go get_work_request_request_response.go health_entity.go health_entity_document_result.go hierarchical_entity.go input_configuration.go input_location.go job.go job_collection.go job_summary.go key_phrase.go key_phrase_document_result.go list_endpoints_request_response.go list_evaluation_results_request_response.go list_jobs_request_response.go list_models_request_response.go list_projects_request_response.go list_work_request_errors_request_response.go list_work_request_logs_request_response.go list_work_requests_request_response.go location_details.go mel_concept.go mel_concept_details.go model.go model_collection.go model_details.go model_metadata_details.go model_summary.go model_type_info.go named_entity_recognition_evaluation_result.go named_entity_recognition_evaluation_results.go named_entity_recognition_model_details.go named_entity_recognition_model_metrics.go ner_model_version.go object_list_dataset.go object_prefix_output_location.go object_storage_dataset.go object_storage_file_name_location.go object_storage_prefix_location.go operation_status.go operation_type.go pii_entity.go pii_entity_document_result.go pii_entity_mask.go pii_entity_masking.go pii_entity_remove.go pii_entity_replace.go pii_model_details.go pre_deployed_language_models.go pre_trained_health_nlu_model_details.go pre_trained_key_phrase_extraction_model_details.go pre_trained_language_detection_model_details.go pre_trained_named_entity_recognition_model_details.go pre_trained_pii_model_details.go pre_trained_sentiment_analysis_model_details.go pre_trained_summarization.go pre_trained_text_classification_model_details.go pre_trained_universal_model.go profile.go project.go project_collection.go project_summary.go relation_entity.go resolved_entities.go resolved_entity.go sentiment_aspect.go sentiment_document_result.go sentiment_sentence.go sort_order.go test_and_validation_dataset_strategy.go test_strategy.go text_classification.go text_classification_document_result.go text_classification_evaluation_results.go text_classification_model_details.go text_classification_model_evaluation_result.go text_classification_model_metrics.go text_document.go translation_document_result.go update_endpoint_details.go update_endpoint_request_response.go update_job_details.go update_job_request_response.go update_model_details.go update_model_request_response.go update_project_details.go update_project_request_response.go work_request.go work_request_error.go work_request_error_collection.go work_request_log.go work_request_log_collection.go work_request_resource.go work_request_summary.go work_request_summary_collection.go

func GetActionTypeEnumStringValues

func GetActionTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetActionTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ActionTypeEnum

func GetBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnumStringValues

func GetBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnumStringValues() []string

GetBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum

func GetClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnumStringValues

func GetClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnumStringValues() []string

GetClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum

func GetDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnumStringValues

func GetDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum

func GetDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnumStringValues

func GetDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnumStringValues() []string

GetDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum

func GetEndpointLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetEndpointLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetEndpointLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for EndpointLifecycleStateEnum

func GetInputLocationLocationTypeEnumStringValues

func GetInputLocationLocationTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetInputLocationLocationTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for InputLocationLocationTypeEnum

func GetJobLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetJobLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetJobLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for JobLifecycleStateEnum

func GetListEndpointsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListEndpointsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListEndpointsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListEndpointsSortByEnum

func GetListEndpointsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListEndpointsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListEndpointsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum

func GetListJobsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListJobsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListJobsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListJobsSortByEnum

func GetListJobsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListJobsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListJobsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListJobsSortOrderEnum

func GetListModelsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListModelsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListModelsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListModelsSortByEnum

func GetListModelsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListModelsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListModelsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListModelsSortOrderEnum

func GetListProjectsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListProjectsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListProjectsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListProjectsSortByEnum

func GetListProjectsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListProjectsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListProjectsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListProjectsSortOrderEnum

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

func GetLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnumStringValues

func GetLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum

func GetModelDetailsModelTypeEnumStringValues

func GetModelDetailsModelTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetModelDetailsModelTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum

func GetModelLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetModelLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetModelLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ModelLifecycleStateEnum

func GetNerModelVersionEnumStringValues

func GetNerModelVersionEnumStringValues() []string

GetNerModelVersionEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for NerModelVersionEnum

func GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues

func GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for OperationStatusEnum

func GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues

func GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for OperationTypeEnum

func GetPiiEntityMaskingModeEnumStringValues

func GetPiiEntityMaskingModeEnumStringValues() []string

GetPiiEntityMaskingModeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum

func GetProjectLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetProjectLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetProjectLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ProjectLifecycleStateEnum

func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SortOrderEnum

func GetTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnumStringValues

func GetTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum

type AIServiceLanguageClient

AIServiceLanguageClient a client for AIServiceLanguage

type AIServiceLanguageClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAIServiceLanguageClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewAIServiceLanguageClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client AIServiceLanguageClient, err error)

NewAIServiceLanguageClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default AIServiceLanguage client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewAIServiceLanguageClientWithOboToken

func NewAIServiceLanguageClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client AIServiceLanguageClient, err error)

NewAIServiceLanguageClientWithOboToken Creates a new default AIServiceLanguage client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectDominantLanguage

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectDominantLanguage(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) (response BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse, err error)

BatchDetectDominantLanguage The API returns the detected language and a related confidence score (between 0 and 1). It supports passing a batch of records. List of supported languages. (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/language/using/pretrain-models.htm#lang-detect) Limitations: - A batch may have up to 100 records. - A record may be up to 5000 characters long. - The total of characters to process in a request can be up to 20,000 characters.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectDominantLanguage.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectDominantLanguage API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectHealthEntity

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectHealthEntity(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) (response BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse, err error)

BatchDetectHealthEntity The API extracts health entities in text records. For each entity, its type and confidence score (between 0 and 1) is returned. It supports passing a batch of records. Limitations: - A batch may have up to 100 records. - A record may be up to 5000 characters long. - The total of characters to process in a request can be up to 20,000 characters.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectHealthEntity.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectHealthEntity API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageEntities

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageEntities(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse, err error)

BatchDetectLanguageEntities The API extracts entities in text records. For each entity, its type/subtype and confidence score (between 0 and 1) is returned. It supports passing a batch of records. List of supported entities. (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/language/using/pretrain-models.htm#ner__sup-ner-entity) Limitations: - A batch may have up to 100 records. - A record may be up to 5000 characters long. - The total of characters to process in a request can be up to 20,000 characters.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguageEntities.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguageEntities API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse, err error)

BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases The API extracts key-phrases in text records. For each key-phrase, a score (between 0 and 1) is returned that highlights the importance of the key-phrase in the context of the text. It supports passing a batch of records. Limitations: - A batch may have up to 100 records. - A record may be up to 5000 characters long. - The total of characters to process in a request can be up to 20,000 characters.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntities

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntities(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse, err error)

BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntities The API extracts pii entities in text records. For each entity, its type and confidence score (between 0 and 1) is returned. It supports passing a batch of records. Limitations: - A batch may have up to 100 records. - A record may be up to 5000 characters long. - The total of characters to process in a request can be up to 20,000 characters.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntities.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntities API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageSentiments

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageSentiments(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse, err error)

BatchDetectLanguageSentiments The API extracts aspect-based and sentence level sentiment in text records. For aspect-based sentiment analysis, a set of aspects and their respective sentiment is returned for each record. Similarly, for sentence-level sentiment analysis, the sentiment is returned at the sentence level. For sentiment analysis, confidence scores are provided for each of the classes (positive, negative, neutral and mixed). Learn more about sentiment analysis here (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/language/using/pretrain-models.htm#sentiment). Limitations:

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguageSentiments.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguageSentiments API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification(ctx context.Context, request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) (response BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse, err error)

BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification The API automatically classifies text into a set of pre-determined classes and sub-classes. A single class/subclass is returned for each record classified. It supports passing a batch of records. Learn more about text classification here (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/language/using/pretrain-models.htm#text-class). Limitations: - A batch may have up to 100 records. - A record may be up to 5000 characters long. - The total of characters to process in a request can be up to 20,000 characters.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchLanguageTranslation

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) BatchLanguageTranslation(ctx context.Context, request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) (response BatchLanguageTranslationResponse, err error)

BatchLanguageTranslation Translates a batch of text documents from source to target language. A batch can contain:

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchLanguageTranslation.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchLanguageTranslation API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) CancelJob

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CancelJob(ctx context.Context, request CancelJobRequest) (response CancelJobResponse, err error)

CancelJob Canceling the job cancels all the tasks under it.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CancelJob.go.html to see an example of how to use CancelJob API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CancelJob()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeEndpointCompartment

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeEndpointCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse, err error)

ChangeEndpointCompartment Moves a Endpoint into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ChangeEndpointCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeEndpointCompartment API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ChangeEndpointCompartment()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeJobCompartment

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeJobCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeJobCompartmentResponse, err error)

ChangeJobCompartment Moves a Job into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ChangeJobCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeJobCompartment API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ChangeJobCompartment()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeModelCompartment

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeModelCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeModelCompartmentResponse, err error)

ChangeModelCompartment Moves a Model into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ChangeModelCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeModelCompartment API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ChangeModelCompartment()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeProjectCompartment

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ChangeProjectCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse, err error)

ChangeProjectCompartment Moves a Project into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ChangeProjectCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeProjectCompartment API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ChangeProjectCompartment()

func (*AIServiceLanguageClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *AIServiceLanguageClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateEndpoint

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request CreateEndpointRequest) (response CreateEndpointResponse, err error)

CreateEndpoint Creates a new endpoint and deploy the trained model

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CreateEndpoint.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateEndpoint API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateEndpoint()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateJob

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateJob(ctx context.Context, request CreateJobRequest) (response CreateJobResponse, err error)

CreateJob Creates a new language service async job.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CreateJob.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateJob API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateJob()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateModel

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateModel(ctx context.Context, request CreateModelRequest) (response CreateModelResponse, err error)

CreateModel Creates a new model for training and train the model with date provided.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CreateModel.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateModel API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateModel()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateProject

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) CreateProject(ctx context.Context, request CreateProjectRequest) (response CreateProjectResponse, err error)

CreateProject Creates a new Project.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CreateProject.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateProject API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation CreateProject()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteEndpoint

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request DeleteEndpointRequest) (response DeleteEndpointResponse, err error)

DeleteEndpoint Deletes a provisioned endpoint resource by identifier. This operation fails with a 409 error unless all associated resources are in a DELETED state. You must delete all associated resources before deleting a model.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DeleteEndpoint.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteEndpoint API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteEndpoint()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteJob

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteJob(ctx context.Context, request DeleteJobRequest) (response DeleteJobResponse, err error)

DeleteJob Deletes the language service async Job

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DeleteJob.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteJob API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteJob()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteModel

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteModel(ctx context.Context, request DeleteModelRequest) (response DeleteModelResponse, err error)

DeleteModel Deletes a provisioned model resource by identifier. This operation fails with a 409 error unless all associated resources are in a DELETED state. You must delete all associated resources before deleting a model.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DeleteModel.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteModel API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteModel()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteProject

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DeleteProject(ctx context.Context, request DeleteProjectRequest) (response DeleteProjectResponse, err error)

DeleteProject Deletes a Project resource by identifier. This operation fails with a 409 error unless all associated resources (models deployments or data assets) are in a DELETED state. You must delete all associated resources before deleting a project.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DeleteProject.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteProject API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation DeleteProject()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectDominantLanguage

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectDominantLanguage(ctx context.Context, request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) (response DetectDominantLanguageResponse, err error)

DetectDominantLanguage **Deprecated**: This API will be retired Tuesday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT. We recommend you replace this API with the batch API, BatchDetectDominantLanguage (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/language/20221001/BatchDetectDominantLanguage/BatchDetectDominantLanguage). The DetectDominantLanguage API returns the detected language and a related confidence score (between 0 and 1). List of supported languages (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/language/using/pretrain-models.htm#lang-detect) Limitations: - A record may be up to 1000 characters long.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectDominantLanguage.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectDominantLanguage API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageEntities

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageEntities(ctx context.Context, request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) (response DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse, err error)

DetectLanguageEntities **Deprecated**: This API will be retired Tuesday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT. We recommend you replace this API with the batch API, BatchDetectLanguageEntities (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/language/20221001/BatchDetectLanguageEntities/BatchDetectLanguageEntities). The DetectLanguageEntities API extracts entities in text records. For each entity, its type and confidence score (between 0 and 1) is returned. Limitations: - A text may be up to 1000 characters long.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectLanguageEntities.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectLanguageEntities API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageKeyPhrases

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageKeyPhrases(ctx context.Context, request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) (response DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse, err error)

DetectLanguageKeyPhrases **Deprecated**: This API will be retired Tuesday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT.

We recommend you replace this API with the batch API, BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/language/20221001/BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases/BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases).
The DetectLanguageKeyPhrases API extracts key-phrases in text records. For each key-phrase, a score (between 0 and 1) is returned that highlights the importance of the key-phrase in the context of the text.

Limitations: - A record may be up to 1000 characters long.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectLanguageKeyPhrases.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectLanguageKeyPhrases API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageSentiments

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageSentiments(ctx context.Context, request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) (response DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse, err error)

DetectLanguageSentiments **Deprecated**: This API will be retired Tuesday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT. We recommend you replace this API with the batch API, BatchDetectLanguageSentiments (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/language/20221001/BatchDetectLanguageSentiments/BatchDetectLanguageSentiments). The DetectLanguageSentiments API extracts aspect-based in text records. For aspect-based sentiment analysis, a set of aspects and their respective sentiment is returned. For sentiment analysis, confidence scores are provided for each of the classes (positive, negative, neutral). Learn more about sentiment analysis here (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/language/using/pretrain-models.htm#sentiment). Limitations:

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectLanguageSentiments.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectLanguageSentiments API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageTextClassification

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) DetectLanguageTextClassification(ctx context.Context, request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) (response DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse, err error)

DetectLanguageTextClassification **Deprecated**: This API will be retired Tuesday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT. We recommend you replace this API with the batch API, BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/language/20221001/BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification/BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification). The DetectLanguageTextClassification API automatically classifies text into a set of pre-determined classes and sub-classes. A single class/subclass is returned for each record classified. Learn more about text classification here (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/language/using/pretrain-models.htm#text-class). Limitations: - A record may be up to 1000 characters long.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectLanguageTextClassification.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectLanguageTextClassification API.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) GetEndpoint

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request GetEndpointRequest) (response GetEndpointResponse, err error)

GetEndpoint Gets an endpoint by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetEndpoint.go.html to see an example of how to use GetEndpoint API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetEndpoint()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) GetJob

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetJob(ctx context.Context, request GetJobRequest) (response GetJobResponse, err error)

GetJob Gets a language service async job

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetJob.go.html to see an example of how to use GetJob API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetJob()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) GetModel

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetModel(ctx context.Context, request GetModelRequest) (response GetModelResponse, err error)

GetModel Gets a model by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetModel.go.html to see an example of how to use GetModel API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetModel()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) GetModelType

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetModelType(ctx context.Context, request GetModelTypeRequest) (response GetModelTypeResponse, err error)

GetModelType Gets model capabilities

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetModelType.go.html to see an example of how to use GetModelType API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetModelType()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) GetProject

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetProject(ctx context.Context, request GetProjectRequest) (response GetProjectResponse, err error)

GetProject Gets a Project by identifier

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetProject.go.html to see an example of how to use GetProject API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetProject()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) GetWorkRequest

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) GetWorkRequest(ctx context.Context, request GetWorkRequestRequest) (response GetWorkRequestResponse, err error)

GetWorkRequest Gets the status of the work request with the given ID.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetWorkRequest.go.html to see an example of how to use GetWorkRequest API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation GetWorkRequest()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ListEndpoints

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListEndpoints(ctx context.Context, request ListEndpointsRequest) (response ListEndpointsResponse, err error)

ListEndpoints Returns a list of Endpoints.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListEndpoints.go.html to see an example of how to use ListEndpoints API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListEndpoints()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ListEvaluationResults

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListEvaluationResults(ctx context.Context, request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) (response ListEvaluationResultsResponse, err error)

ListEvaluationResults Get a (paginated) list of evaluation results for a given model.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListEvaluationResults.go.html to see an example of how to use ListEvaluationResults API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListEvaluationResults()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ListJobs

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListJobs(ctx context.Context, request ListJobsRequest) (response ListJobsResponse, err error)

ListJobs Returns a list of language service async Jobs.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListJobs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListJobs API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListJobs()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ListModels

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListModels(ctx context.Context, request ListModelsRequest) (response ListModelsResponse, err error)

ListModels Returns a list of models.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListModels.go.html to see an example of how to use ListModels API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListModels()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ListProjects

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListProjects(ctx context.Context, request ListProjectsRequest) (response ListProjectsResponse, err error)

ListProjects Returns a list of Projects.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListProjects.go.html to see an example of how to use ListProjects API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListProjects()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ListWorkRequestErrors

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListWorkRequestErrors(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse, err error)

ListWorkRequestErrors Return a (paginated) list of errors for a given work request.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListWorkRequestErrors.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestErrors API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListWorkRequestErrors()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ListWorkRequestLogs

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListWorkRequestLogs(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse, err error)

ListWorkRequestLogs Return a (paginated) list of logs for a given work request.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListWorkRequestLogs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestLogs API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListWorkRequestLogs()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) ListWorkRequests

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) ListWorkRequests(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestsResponse, err error)

ListWorkRequests Lists the work requests in a compartment.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListWorkRequests.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequests API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation ListWorkRequests()

func (*AIServiceLanguageClient) SetRegion

func (client *AIServiceLanguageClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateEndpoint

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request UpdateEndpointRequest) (response UpdateEndpointResponse, err error)

UpdateEndpoint Update the Endpoint identified by the id

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/UpdateEndpoint.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateEndpoint API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateEndpoint()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateJob

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateJob(ctx context.Context, request UpdateJobRequest) (response UpdateJobResponse, err error)

UpdateJob Updates the language service async Job

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/UpdateJob.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateJob API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateJob()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateModel

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateModel(ctx context.Context, request UpdateModelRequest) (response UpdateModelResponse, err error)

UpdateModel Updates the model

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/UpdateModel.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateModel API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateModel()

func (AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateProject

func (client AIServiceLanguageClient) UpdateProject(ctx context.Context, request UpdateProjectRequest) (response UpdateProjectResponse, err error)

UpdateProject Updates the Project

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/UpdateProject.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateProject API. A default retry strategy applies to this operation UpdateProject()

type ActionTypeEnum

ActionTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ActionTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ActionTypeEnum

const (
    ActionTypeCreated    ActionTypeEnum = "CREATED"
    ActionTypeUpdated    ActionTypeEnum = "UPDATED"
    ActionTypeDeleted    ActionTypeEnum = "DELETED"
    ActionTypeInProgress ActionTypeEnum = "IN_PROGRESS"
    ActionTypeRelated    ActionTypeEnum = "RELATED"

func GetActionTypeEnumValues

func GetActionTypeEnumValues() []ActionTypeEnum

GetActionTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ActionTypeEnum

func GetMappingActionTypeEnum

func GetMappingActionTypeEnum(val string) (ActionTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingActionTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type AssertionDetails

AssertionDetails The assertion details for health ner.

type AssertionDetails struct {

    // id of the relation
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // type of assertion ex, Status, Certainty, Temporality, Actor, etc.
    Type *string `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Possible value for assertion type
    Value *string `mandatory:"true" json:"value"`

    // Score or confidence for health detected entity.
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"true" json:"score"`

func (AssertionDetails) String

func (m AssertionDetails) String() string

func (AssertionDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m AssertionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails

BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails The documents details for language detect call.

type BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails struct {

    // List of Documents for detect language.
    Documents []DominantLanguageDocument `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // Specifies whether to consider or ignore transliteration. For example "hi, aap kaise ho? sab kuch teek hai? I will call you tomorrow." would be detected as English when ignore transliteration=true, Hindi when ignoreTransliteration=false.
    ShouldIgnoreTransliteration *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"shouldIgnoreTransliteration"`

    // default value is None.
    // Specifies maximum number of characters to consider for determining the dominant language.
    // If unspecified, then optimum number characters will be considered.
    // If 0 is specified then all the characters are used to determine the language.
    // If the value is greater than 0, then specified number of characters will be considered from the beginning of the text.
    CharsToConsider *int `mandatory:"false" json:"charsToConsider"`

    // The endpoint which have to be used for inferencing. If endpointId and compartmentId is provided, then inference will be served from custom model which is mapped to this Endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"endpointId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that calls the API, inference will be served from pre trained model
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails) String

func (m BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails) String() string

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest

BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest wrapper for the BatchDetectDominantLanguage operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectDominantLanguage.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest.

type BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest struct {

    // The details to make a language detection detect call.
    BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) String

func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) String() string

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse

BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse wrapper for the BatchDetectDominantLanguage operation

type BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult instance
    BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse) String

func (response BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse) String() string

type BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult

BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult Result of language detect call.

type BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult struct {

    // List of succeeded document response.
    Documents []DominantLanguageDocumentResult `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // List of failed document response.
    Errors []DocumentError `mandatory:"false" json:"errors"`

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult) String

func (m BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult) String() string

func (BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails

BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails The documents details for health entities detect call.

type BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails struct {

    // The endpoint which have to be used for inferencing.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"endpointId"`

    // List of Documents for detect health entities.
    Documents []TextDocument `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // List of NLP health ontologies to be linked
    LinkOntologies []string `mandatory:"false" json:"linkOntologies"`

    // is assertion on input text required. default value true.
    IsDetectAssertions *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isDetectAssertions"`

    // is relationship on input text required. default value true.
    IsDetectRelationships *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isDetectRelationships"`

    Profile *Profile `mandatory:"false" json:"profile"`

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails) String

func (m BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails) String() string

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest

BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest wrapper for the BatchDetectHealthEntity operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectHealthEntity.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest.

type BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest struct {

    // The details to make a health entity detect call.
    BatchDetectHealthEntityDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) String

func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) String() string

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request BatchDetectHealthEntityRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse

BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse wrapper for the BatchDetectHealthEntity operation

type BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The BatchDetectHealthEntityResult instance
    BatchDetectHealthEntityResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse) String

func (response BatchDetectHealthEntityResponse) String() string

type BatchDetectHealthEntityResult

BatchDetectHealthEntityResult Result of health entity detect call.

type BatchDetectHealthEntityResult struct {

    // List of succeeded document response.
    Documents []HealthEntityDocumentResult `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // List of failed document response.
    Errors []DocumentError `mandatory:"false" json:"errors"`

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityResult) String

func (m BatchDetectHealthEntityResult) String() string

func (BatchDetectHealthEntityResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectHealthEntityResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails

BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails The documents details for entities detect call.

type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails struct {

    // List of Documents for detect entities.
    Documents []TextDocument `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that calls the API, inference will be served from pre trained model
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The endpoint which have to be used for inferencing. If endpointId and compartmentId is provided, then inference will be served from custom model which is mapped to this Endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"endpointId"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest

BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguageEntities operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguageEntities.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest.

type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest struct {

    // The details to make a Entity detect call.
    BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) String

func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse

BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguageEntities operation

type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult instance
    BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) String

func (response BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) String() string

type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult

BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult Result of entities detect call.

type BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult struct {

    // List of succeeded document response.
    Documents []EntityDocumentResult `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // List of failed document response.
    Errors []DocumentError `mandatory:"false" json:"errors"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguageEntitiesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails

BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails The documents details for keyPhrases call.

type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails struct {

    // List of Documents for detect keyPhrases.
    Documents []TextDocument `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // The endpoint which have to be used for inferencing. If endpointId and compartmentId is provided, then inference will be served from custom model which is mapped to this Endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"endpointId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that calls the API, inference will be served from pre trained model
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest

BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest.

type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest struct {

    // The details to make keyPhrase detect call.
    BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) String

func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse

BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrases operation

type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult instance
    BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) String

func (response BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) String() string

type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult

BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult Result of keyPhrases detect call.

type BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult struct {

    // List of succeeded document response.
    Documents []KeyPhraseDocumentResult `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // List of failed document response.
    Errors []DocumentError `mandatory:"false" json:"errors"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails

BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails The documents details to detect personal identification information.

type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails struct {

    // List of documents to detect personal identification information.
    Documents []TextDocument `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // The endpoint which have to be used for inferencing. If endpointId and compartmentId is provided, then inference will be served from custom model which is mapped to this Endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"endpointId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that calls the API, inference will be served from pre trained model
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Mask recognized PII entities with different modes.
    Masking map[string]PiiEntityMasking `mandatory:"false" json:"masking"`

    Profile *Profile `mandatory:"false" json:"profile"`

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails) String() string

func (*BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest

BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntities operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntities.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest.

type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest struct {

    // The details to make a PII entity detect call.
    BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) String

func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse

BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntities operation

type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult instance
    BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse) String

func (response BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResponse) String() string

type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult

BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult Result of batch detect personal identification.

type BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult struct {

    // List of succeeded document response.
    Documents []PiiEntityDocumentResult `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // List of failed document response.
    Errors []DocumentError `mandatory:"false" json:"errors"`

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguagePiiEntitiesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails

BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails The documents details for sentiment call.

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails struct {

    // List of Documents for detect sentiments.
    Documents []TextDocument `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // The endpoint which have to be used for inferencing. If endpointId and compartmentId is provided, then inference will be served from custom model which is mapped to this Endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"endpointId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that calls the API, inference will be served from pre trained model
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum

BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum

const (
    BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelAspect   BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum = "ASPECT"
    BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelSentence BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum = "SENTENCE"

func GetBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnumValues

func GetBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnumValues() []BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum

GetBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum

func GetMappingBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum

func GetMappingBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum(val string) (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum, bool)

GetMappingBatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest

BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguageSentiments operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguageSentiments.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest.

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest struct {

    // The details to make sentiment detect call.
    BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Set this parameter for sentence and aspect level sentiment analysis.
    // Allowed values are:
    //    - ASPECT
    //    - SENTENCE
    Level []BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsLevelEnum `contributesTo:"query" name:"level" omitEmpty:"true" collectionFormat:"multi"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) String

func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse

BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguageSentiments operation

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult instance
    BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) String

func (response BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) String() string

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult

BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult Result of sentiments detect call.

type BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult struct {

    // List of succeeded document response.
    Documents []SentimentDocumentResult `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // List of failed document response.
    Errors []DocumentError `mandatory:"false" json:"errors"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguageSentimentsResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails

BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails The documents details for text classification call.

type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails struct {

    // List of Documents for detect text classification.
    Documents []TextDocument `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that calls the API, inference will be served from pre trained model
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The endpoint which have to be used for inferencing. If endpointId and compartmentId is provided, then inference will be served from custom model which is mapped to this Endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"endpointId"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest

BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest.

type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest struct {

    // The details to make text classification detect call.
    BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) String

func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse

BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse wrapper for the BatchDetectLanguageTextClassification operation

type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult instance
    BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) String

func (response BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) String() string

type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult

BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult Result of text classification detect call.

type BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult struct {

    // List of succeeded document response.
    Documents []TextClassificationDocumentResult `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // List of failed document response.
    Errors []DocumentError `mandatory:"false" json:"errors"`

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) String

func (m BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) String() string

func (BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchDetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchLanguageTranslationDetails

BatchLanguageTranslationDetails The documents details for translation call.

type BatchLanguageTranslationDetails struct {

    // List of documents for translation.
    Documents []TextDocument `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that calls the API, inference will be served from pre trained model
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Language code supported
    // Arabic - ar
    // Brazilian Portuguese -  pt-BR
    // Canadian French - fr-CA
    // Croatian - hr
    // Czech - cs
    // Danish - da
    // Dutch - nl
    // English - en
    // Finnish - fi
    // French - fr
    // German - de
    // Greek - el
    // Hebrew - he
    // Hungarian - hu
    // Italian - it
    // Japanese - ja
    // Korean - ko
    // Norwegian - no
    // Polish - pl
    // Portuguese - pt
    // Romanian - ro
    // Russian - ru
    // Simplified Chinese - zh-CN
    // Slovak - sk
    // Slovenian - sl
    // Spanish - es
    // Swedish - sv
    // Thai - th
    // Traditional Chinese - zh-TW
    // Turkish - tr
    // Vietnamese - vi
    TargetLanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"targetLanguageCode"`

func (BatchLanguageTranslationDetails) String

func (m BatchLanguageTranslationDetails) String() string

func (BatchLanguageTranslationDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchLanguageTranslationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchLanguageTranslationRequest

BatchLanguageTranslationRequest wrapper for the BatchLanguageTranslation operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/BatchLanguageTranslation.go.html to see an example of how to use BatchLanguageTranslationRequest.

type BatchLanguageTranslationRequest struct {

    // The details to make language translation call.
    BatchLanguageTranslationDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) String

func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) String() string

func (BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request BatchLanguageTranslationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type BatchLanguageTranslationResponse

BatchLanguageTranslationResponse wrapper for the BatchLanguageTranslation operation

type BatchLanguageTranslationResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The BatchLanguageTranslationResult instance
    BatchLanguageTranslationResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (BatchLanguageTranslationResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response BatchLanguageTranslationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (BatchLanguageTranslationResponse) String

func (response BatchLanguageTranslationResponse) String() string

type BatchLanguageTranslationResult

BatchLanguageTranslationResult Result of translation call.

type BatchLanguageTranslationResult struct {

    // List of succeeded document response.
    Documents []TranslationDocumentResult `mandatory:"true" json:"documents"`

    // List of failed document response.
    Errors []DocumentError `mandatory:"false" json:"errors"`

func (BatchLanguageTranslationResult) String

func (m BatchLanguageTranslationResult) String() string

func (BatchLanguageTranslationResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m BatchLanguageTranslationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CancelJobRequest

CancelJobRequest wrapper for the CancelJob operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CancelJob.go.html to see an example of how to use CancelJobRequest.

type CancelJobRequest struct {

    // Unique Transcription Job identifier.
    JobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"jobId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CancelJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CancelJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CancelJobRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CancelJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CancelJobRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CancelJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CancelJobRequest) String

func (request CancelJobRequest) String() string

func (CancelJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CancelJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CancelJobResponse

CancelJobResponse wrapper for the CancelJob operation

type CancelJobResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CancelJobResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CancelJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CancelJobResponse) String

func (response CancelJobResponse) String() string

type Capabilities

Capabilities Capabilities supported

type Capabilities struct {

    // Model information capabilities related to version
    Capability map[string]Capability `mandatory:"false" json:"capability"`

func (Capabilities) String

func (m Capabilities) String() string

func (Capabilities) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Capabilities) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Capability

Capability Capability supported

type Capability struct {

    // values
    Details []string `mandatory:"false" json:"details"`

func (Capability) String

func (m Capability) String() string

func (Capability) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Capability) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails

ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails Details for changing the compartment of an Endpoint.

type ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment into which the resource should be moved.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

func (ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails) String

func (m ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails) String() string

func (ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest

ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest wrapper for the ChangeEndpointCompartment operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ChangeEndpointCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest.

type ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest struct {

    // The OCID of the endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"endpointId"`

    ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Unique identifier for the request.
    // If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // may be rejected).
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) String

func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) String() string

func (ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ChangeEndpointCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse

ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse wrapper for the ChangeEndpointCompartment operation

type ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse) String

func (response ChangeEndpointCompartmentResponse) String() string

type ChangeJobCompartmentDetails

ChangeJobCompartmentDetails Details for changing the compartment of a language job.

type ChangeJobCompartmentDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment
    // where the resource should be moved.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

func (ChangeJobCompartmentDetails) String

func (m ChangeJobCompartmentDetails) String() string

func (ChangeJobCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ChangeJobCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeJobCompartmentRequest

ChangeJobCompartmentRequest wrapper for the ChangeJobCompartment operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ChangeJobCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeJobCompartmentRequest.

type ChangeJobCompartmentRequest struct {

    // unique job OCID.
    JobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"jobId"`

    ChangeJobCompartmentDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Unique identifier for the request.
    // If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // may be rejected).
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) String

func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) String() string

func (ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ChangeJobCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeJobCompartmentResponse

ChangeJobCompartmentResponse wrapper for the ChangeJobCompartment operation

type ChangeJobCompartmentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ChangeJobCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ChangeJobCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ChangeJobCompartmentResponse) String

func (response ChangeJobCompartmentResponse) String() string

type ChangeModelCompartmentDetails

ChangeModelCompartmentDetails Details for changing the compartment of an Model.

type ChangeModelCompartmentDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment into which the resource should be moved.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

func (ChangeModelCompartmentDetails) String

func (m ChangeModelCompartmentDetails) String() string

func (ChangeModelCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ChangeModelCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeModelCompartmentRequest

ChangeModelCompartmentRequest wrapper for the ChangeModelCompartment operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ChangeModelCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeModelCompartmentRequest.

type ChangeModelCompartmentRequest struct {

    // unique model OCID.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"modelId"`

    ChangeModelCompartmentDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Unique identifier for the request.
    // If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // may be rejected).
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) String

func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) String() string

func (ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ChangeModelCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeModelCompartmentResponse

ChangeModelCompartmentResponse wrapper for the ChangeModelCompartment operation

type ChangeModelCompartmentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ChangeModelCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ChangeModelCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ChangeModelCompartmentResponse) String

func (response ChangeModelCompartmentResponse) String() string

type ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails

ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails Details for changing the compartment of a Project.

type ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment into which the resource should be moved.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

func (ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails) String

func (m ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails) String() string

func (ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest

ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest wrapper for the ChangeProjectCompartment operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ChangeProjectCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest.

type ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest struct {

    // The OCID of the project.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"projectId"`

    ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Unique identifier for the request.
    // If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // may be rejected).
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) String

func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) String() string

func (ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ChangeProjectCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse

ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse wrapper for the ChangeProjectCompartment operation

type ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse) String

func (response ChangeProjectCompartmentResponse) String() string

type ClassMetrics

ClassMetrics class level Text Classification model metrics

type ClassMetrics struct {

    // Text classification label
    Label *string `mandatory:"true" json:"label"`

    // F1-score, is a measure of a model’s accuracy on a dataset
    F1 *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"f1"`

    // Precision refers to the number of true positives divided by the total number of positive predictions (i.e., the number of true positives plus the number of false positives)
    Precision *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"precision"`

    // Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive classes. It is the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually tagged. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted classes are correct.
    Recall *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"recall"`

    // number of samples in the test set
    Support *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"support"`

func (ClassMetrics) String

func (m ClassMetrics) String() string

func (ClassMetrics) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ClassMetrics) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails

ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails Possible text classification multi class mode details

type ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails struct {

    // Optional if nothing specified latest base model will be used for training. Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails) String

func (m ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails) String() string

func (ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ClassificationMultiClassModeDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails

ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails Possible text classification multi label mode details

type ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails struct {

    // Optional if nothing specified latest base model will be used for training. Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails) String

func (m ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails) String() string

func (ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ClassificationMultiLabelModeDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ClassificationType

ClassificationType possible text classification modes

type ClassificationType interface {

type ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum

ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum

const (
    ClassificationTypeClassificationModeClass ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum = "MULTI_CLASS"
    ClassificationTypeClassificationModeLabel ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum = "MULTI_LABEL"

func GetClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnumValues

func GetClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnumValues() []ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum

GetClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum

func GetMappingClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum

func GetMappingClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum(val string) (ClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum, bool)

GetMappingClassificationTypeClassificationModeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ConfigurationDetails

ConfigurationDetails training model details

type ConfigurationDetails struct {

    // model configuration details
    // For PII : ConfigurationDetails will be PiiEntityMasking can be anyone of the following
    // ex.{ "mode" : "MASK","maskingCharacter" : "&","leaveCharactersUnmasked": 3,"isUnmaskedFromEnd" : true  }
    //    { "mode" : "MASK","replaceWith" : "&"  }
    //    { "mode" : "REPLACE" }
    // For language translation :  { "languageCodes" : ["cs", "ar"]}
    // Language code supported
    //           Automatically detect language - auto
    //           Arabic - ar
    //           Brazilian Portuguese -  pt-BR
    //           Czech - cs
    //           Danish - da
    //           Dutch - nl
    //           English - en
    //           Finnish - fi
    //           French - fr
    //           Canadian French - fr-CA
    //           German - de
    //           Italian - it
    //           Japanese - ja
    //           Korean - ko
    //           Norwegian - no
    //           Polish - pl
    //           Romanian - ro
    //           Simplified Chinese - zh-CN
    //           Spanish - es
    //           Swedish - sv
    //           Traditional Chinese - zh-TW
    //           Turkish - tr
    //           Greek - el
    //           Hebrew - he
    ConfigurationMap map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"configurationMap"`

func (ConfigurationDetails) String

func (m ConfigurationDetails) String() string

func (ConfigurationDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ConfigurationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ConfusionMatrixDetails

ConfusionMatrixDetails confusion matrix details

type ConfusionMatrixDetails struct {

    // confusion matrix data
    Matrix map[string]float64 `mandatory:"false" json:"matrix"`

func (ConfusionMatrixDetails) String

func (m ConfusionMatrixDetails) String() string

func (ConfusionMatrixDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ConfusionMatrixDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateEndpointDetails

CreateEndpointDetails The information needed to create a new endpoint and expose to end users.

type CreateEndpointDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) compartment identifier for the endpoint
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the model to associate with the endpoint.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"modelId"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It should be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A short description of the an endpoint.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Number of replicas required for this endpoint. This will be optional parameter. Default will be 1.
    InferenceUnits *int `mandatory:"false" json:"inferenceUnits"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateEndpointDetails) String

func (m CreateEndpointDetails) String() string

func (CreateEndpointDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateEndpointDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateEndpointRequest

CreateEndpointRequest wrapper for the CreateEndpoint operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CreateEndpoint.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateEndpointRequest.

type CreateEndpointRequest struct {

    // Details for the new endpoint.
    CreateEndpointDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateEndpointRequest) String

func (request CreateEndpointRequest) String() string

func (CreateEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateEndpointResponse

CreateEndpointResponse wrapper for the CreateEndpoint operation

type CreateEndpointResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Endpoint instance
    Endpoint `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // The URI that identifies the entity described in the response body.
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateEndpointResponse) String

func (response CreateEndpointResponse) String() string

type CreateJobDetails

CreateJobDetails Job creation detail which will have documents on which language services need to run prediction along with output folder

type CreateJobDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment where you want to create the job.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    InputLocation InputLocation `mandatory:"true" json:"inputLocation"`

    // training model details
    // For this release only one model is allowed to be input here.
    // One of the three modelType, ModelId, endpointId should be given other wise error will be thrown from API
    ModelMetadataDetails []ModelMetadataDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"modelMetadataDetails"`

    OutputLocation *ObjectPrefixOutputLocation `mandatory:"true" json:"outputLocation"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the job.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A short description of the job.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    InputConfiguration *InputConfiguration `mandatory:"false" json:"inputConfiguration"`

func (CreateJobDetails) String

func (m CreateJobDetails) String() string

func (*CreateJobDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *CreateJobDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (CreateJobDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateJobDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateJobRequest

CreateJobRequest wrapper for the CreateJob operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CreateJob.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateJobRequest.

type CreateJobRequest struct {

    // Details for the new job.
    CreateJobDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateJobRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateJobRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateJobRequest) String

func (request CreateJobRequest) String() string

func (CreateJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateJobResponse

CreateJobResponse wrapper for the CreateJob operation

type CreateJobResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Job instance
    Job `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

func (CreateJobResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateJobResponse) String

func (response CreateJobResponse) String() string

type CreateModelDetails

CreateModelDetails The information needed to train a new model

type CreateModelDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm)  for the models compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the project to associate with the model.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"projectId"`

    ModelDetails ModelDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"modelDetails"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It does not have to be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A short description of the a model.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    TrainingDataset DatasetDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"trainingDataset"`

    TestStrategy TestStrategy `mandatory:"false" json:"testStrategy"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateModelDetails) String

func (m CreateModelDetails) String() string

func (*CreateModelDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *CreateModelDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (CreateModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateModelRequest

CreateModelRequest wrapper for the CreateModel operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CreateModel.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateModelRequest.

type CreateModelRequest struct {

    // Details for the new model.
    CreateModelDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateModelRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateModelRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateModelRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateModelRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateModelRequest) String

func (request CreateModelRequest) String() string

func (CreateModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateModelResponse

CreateModelResponse wrapper for the CreateModel operation

type CreateModelResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Model instance
    Model `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // The URI that identifies the entity described in the response body.
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateModelResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateModelResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateModelResponse) String

func (response CreateModelResponse) String() string

type CreateProjectDetails

CreateProjectDetails Parameters needed to create a new project. Projects enable users to organise their language work.

type CreateProjectDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) for the project's compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It does not have to be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A short description of the project.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateProjectDetails) String

func (m CreateProjectDetails) String() string

func (CreateProjectDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateProjectDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateProjectRequest

CreateProjectRequest wrapper for the CreateProject operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/CreateProject.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateProjectRequest.

type CreateProjectRequest struct {

    // Details for the new Project.
    CreateProjectDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateProjectRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateProjectRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateProjectRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateProjectRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateProjectRequest) String

func (request CreateProjectRequest) String() string

func (CreateProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateProjectResponse

CreateProjectResponse wrapper for the CreateProject operation

type CreateProjectResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Project instance
    Project `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

func (CreateProjectResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateProjectResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateProjectResponse) String

func (response CreateProjectResponse) String() string

type DataScienceLabelingDataset

DataScienceLabelingDataset Dataset that uses data science labelling service as underlying data source.

type DataScienceLabelingDataset struct {

    // Data Science Labelling Service OCID
    DatasetId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"datasetId"`

func (DataScienceLabelingDataset) MarshalJSON

func (m DataScienceLabelingDataset) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (DataScienceLabelingDataset) String

func (m DataScienceLabelingDataset) String() string

func (DataScienceLabelingDataset) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DataScienceLabelingDataset) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DatasetDetails

DatasetDetails Possible data set type

type DatasetDetails interface {

type DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum

DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum

const (
    DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeObjectStorage       DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum = "OBJECT_STORAGE"
    DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeDataScienceLabeling DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum = "DATA_SCIENCE_LABELING"

func GetDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnumValues

func GetDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnumValues() []DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum

GetDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum

func GetMappingDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum

func GetMappingDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum(val string) (DatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingDatasetDetailsDatasetTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type DeleteEndpointRequest

DeleteEndpointRequest wrapper for the DeleteEndpoint operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DeleteEndpoint.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteEndpointRequest.

type DeleteEndpointRequest struct {

    // The OCID of the endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"endpointId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteEndpointRequest) String

func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) String() string

func (DeleteEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteEndpointResponse

DeleteEndpointResponse wrapper for the DeleteEndpoint operation

type DeleteEndpointResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteEndpointResponse) String

func (response DeleteEndpointResponse) String() string

type DeleteJobRequest

DeleteJobRequest wrapper for the DeleteJob operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DeleteJob.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteJobRequest.

type DeleteJobRequest struct {

    // Unique Transcription Job identifier.
    JobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"jobId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteJobRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteJobRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteJobRequest) String

func (request DeleteJobRequest) String() string

func (DeleteJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteJobResponse

DeleteJobResponse wrapper for the DeleteJob operation

type DeleteJobResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteJobResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteJobResponse) String

func (response DeleteJobResponse) String() string

type DeleteModelRequest

DeleteModelRequest wrapper for the DeleteModel operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DeleteModel.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteModelRequest.

type DeleteModelRequest struct {

    // unique model OCID.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"modelId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteModelRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteModelRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteModelRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteModelRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteModelRequest) String

func (request DeleteModelRequest) String() string

func (DeleteModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteModelResponse

DeleteModelResponse wrapper for the DeleteModel operation

type DeleteModelResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteModelResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteModelResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteModelResponse) String

func (response DeleteModelResponse) String() string

type DeleteProjectRequest

DeleteProjectRequest wrapper for the DeleteProject operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DeleteProject.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteProjectRequest.

type DeleteProjectRequest struct {

    // The OCID of the project.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"projectId"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteProjectRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteProjectRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteProjectRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteProjectRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteProjectRequest) String

func (request DeleteProjectRequest) String() string

func (DeleteProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteProjectResponse

DeleteProjectResponse wrapper for the DeleteProject operation

type DeleteProjectResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteProjectResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteProjectResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteProjectResponse) String

func (response DeleteProjectResponse) String() string

type DetectDominantLanguageDetails

DetectDominantLanguageDetails The document details for language detect call.

type DetectDominantLanguageDetails struct {

    // Document text for detect language.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

func (DetectDominantLanguageDetails) String

func (m DetectDominantLanguageDetails) String() string

func (DetectDominantLanguageDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectDominantLanguageDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectDominantLanguageRequest

DetectDominantLanguageRequest wrapper for the DetectDominantLanguage operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectDominantLanguage.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectDominantLanguageRequest.

type DetectDominantLanguageRequest struct {

    // The details to make a language detection detect call.
    DetectDominantLanguageDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DetectDominantLanguageRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectDominantLanguageRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectDominantLanguageRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DetectDominantLanguageRequest) String

func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) String() string

func (DetectDominantLanguageRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DetectDominantLanguageRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectDominantLanguageResponse

DetectDominantLanguageResponse wrapper for the DetectDominantLanguage operation

type DetectDominantLanguageResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The DetectDominantLanguageResult instance
    DetectDominantLanguageResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // This API will be retired on Monday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT
    Sunset *string `presentIn:"header" name:"sunset"`

func (DetectDominantLanguageResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DetectDominantLanguageResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DetectDominantLanguageResponse) String

func (response DetectDominantLanguageResponse) String() string

type DetectDominantLanguageResult

DetectDominantLanguageResult Result of language detect call.

type DetectDominantLanguageResult struct {

    // List of detected languages with results sorted in descending order of the scores. Most likely language is on top.
    Languages []DetectedLanguage `mandatory:"true" json:"languages"`

func (DetectDominantLanguageResult) String

func (m DetectDominantLanguageResult) String() string

func (DetectDominantLanguageResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectDominantLanguageResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails

DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails The document details for entities detect call.

type DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails struct {

    // Document text for detect entities.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) String

func (m DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) String() string

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum

DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum

const (
    DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionV21 DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum = "V2_1"
    DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionV11 DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum = "V1_1"

func GetDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnumValues

func GetDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnumValues() []DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum

GetDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum

func GetMappingDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum

func GetMappingDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum(val string) (DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum, bool)

GetMappingDetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest

DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest wrapper for the DetectLanguageEntities operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectLanguageEntities.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest.

type DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest struct {

    // The details to make a Entity detect call.
    DetectLanguageEntitiesDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Named Entity Recognition model versions. By default user will get output from V2.1 implementation.
    ModelVersion DetectLanguageEntitiesModelVersionEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"modelVersion" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // If this parameter is set to true, you only get PII (Personally identifiable information) entities
    // like PhoneNumber, Email, Person, and so on. Default value is false.
    IsPii *bool `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"isPii"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) String

func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) String() string

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DetectLanguageEntitiesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse

DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse wrapper for the DetectLanguageEntities operation

type DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The DetectLanguageEntitiesResult instance
    DetectLanguageEntitiesResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // This API will be retired on Monday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT
    Sunset *string `presentIn:"header" name:"sunset"`

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) String

func (response DetectLanguageEntitiesResponse) String() string

type DetectLanguageEntitiesResult

DetectLanguageEntitiesResult Result of entities detect call.

type DetectLanguageEntitiesResult struct {

    // List of detected entities.
    Entities []Entity `mandatory:"true" json:"entities"`

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesResult) String

func (m DetectLanguageEntitiesResult) String() string

func (DetectLanguageEntitiesResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectLanguageEntitiesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails

DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails The document details for a keyPhrases detect call.

type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails struct {

    // Document text for detect keyPhrases.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) String

func (m DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) String() string

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest

DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest wrapper for the DetectLanguageKeyPhrases operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectLanguageKeyPhrases.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest.

type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest struct {

    // The details to make keyPhrase detect call.
    DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) String

func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) String() string

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse

DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse wrapper for the DetectLanguageKeyPhrases operation

type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult instance
    DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // This API will be retired on Monday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT
    Sunset *string `presentIn:"header" name:"sunset"`

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) String

func (response DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResponse) String() string

type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult

DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult Result of a language keyPhrases detect call.

type DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult struct {

    // List of detected keyPhrases.
    KeyPhrases []KeyPhrase `mandatory:"true" json:"keyPhrases"`

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) String

func (m DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) String() string

func (DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectLanguageKeyPhrasesResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails

DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails The document details for sentiments detect call.

type DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails struct {

    // Document text for detect sentiments.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) String

func (m DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) String() string

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest

DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest wrapper for the DetectLanguageSentiments operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectLanguageSentiments.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest.

type DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest struct {

    // The details to make sentiment detect call.
    DetectLanguageSentimentsDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) String

func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) String() string

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DetectLanguageSentimentsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse

DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse wrapper for the DetectLanguageSentiments operation

type DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The DetectLanguageSentimentsResult instance
    DetectLanguageSentimentsResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // This API will be retired on Monday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT
    Sunset *string `presentIn:"header" name:"sunset"`

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) String

func (response DetectLanguageSentimentsResponse) String() string

type DetectLanguageSentimentsResult

DetectLanguageSentimentsResult Result of sentiments detect call.

type DetectLanguageSentimentsResult struct {

    // List of detected aspects.
    Aspects []SentimentAspect `mandatory:"true" json:"aspects"`

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsResult) String

func (m DetectLanguageSentimentsResult) String() string

func (DetectLanguageSentimentsResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectLanguageSentimentsResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails

DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails The document details for text classification detect call.

type DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails struct {

    // Document text for detect text classes.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) String

func (m DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) String() string

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest

DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest wrapper for the DetectLanguageTextClassification operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/DetectLanguageTextClassification.go.html to see an example of how to use DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest.

type DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest struct {

    // The details to make text classification detect call.
    DetectLanguageTextClassificationDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) String

func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) String() string

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DetectLanguageTextClassificationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse

DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse wrapper for the DetectLanguageTextClassification operation

type DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult instance
    DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // This API will be retired on Monday, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT
    Sunset *string `presentIn:"header" name:"sunset"`

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) String

func (response DetectLanguageTextClassificationResponse) String() string

type DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult

DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult Result of text classification detect call.

type DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult struct {

    // List of detected text classes.
    TextClassification []TextClassification `mandatory:"true" json:"textClassification"`

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) String

func (m DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) String() string

func (DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectLanguageTextClassificationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DetectedLanguage

DetectedLanguage Attributes to the detected language. Contains Language Name , Code, and Confidence Score.

type DetectedLanguage struct {

    // Full language name.
    // Example: `English, Hindi, and so on`
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // Detected language code as per ISO 639-1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) standard.
    // Example: `en, fr, hi etc`.
    Code *string `mandatory:"true" json:"code"`

    // Score or confidence of detected language code.
    // Example: `0.9999856066867399`
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"true" json:"score"`

func (DetectedLanguage) String

func (m DetectedLanguage) String() string

func (DetectedLanguage) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DetectedLanguage) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DocumentError

DocumentError Error response for document.

type DocumentError struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    Error *ErrorDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"error"`

func (DocumentError) String

func (m DocumentError) String() string

func (DocumentError) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DocumentError) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DocumentsConfiguration

DocumentsConfiguration Input documents configuration

type DocumentsConfiguration struct {

    // meta data about documents
    //  For CSV valid JSON format is {"CSV" :{inputColumn: "reviewDetails", rowId: "reviewId", copyColumnsToOutput: ["reviewId" "userId"] , delimiter: ","}
    // Note: In future if new file types added we will update here in documentation about input file meta data
    Config map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"config"`

func (DocumentsConfiguration) String

func (m DocumentsConfiguration) String() string

func (DocumentsConfiguration) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DocumentsConfiguration) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DominantLanguageDocument

DominantLanguageDocument The document details for language detect call.

type DominantLanguageDocument struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // Document text for detect language.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

func (DominantLanguageDocument) String

func (m DominantLanguageDocument) String() string

func (DominantLanguageDocument) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DominantLanguageDocument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DominantLanguageDocumentResult

DominantLanguageDocumentResult The document response for language detect call.

type DominantLanguageDocumentResult struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // List of detected languages with results sorted in descending order of the scores. Most likely language is on top.
    Languages []DetectedLanguage `mandatory:"true" json:"languages"`

func (DominantLanguageDocumentResult) String

func (m DominantLanguageDocumentResult) String() string

func (DominantLanguageDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DominantLanguageDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Endpoint

Endpoint Description of the endpoint.

type Endpoint struct {

    // Unique identifier endpoint OCID of an endpoint that is immutable on creation.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It should be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) for the endpoint compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the project to associate with the Endpoint.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"projectId"`

    // The time the the endpoint was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The state of the endpoint.
    LifecycleState EndpointLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the model to associate with the endpoint.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"modelId"`

    // A short description of the endpoint.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time the endpoint was updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Number of replicas required for this endpoint.
    InferenceUnits *int `mandatory:"false" json:"inferenceUnits"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{ "orcl-cloud": { "free-tier-retained": "true" } }`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Endpoint) String

func (m Endpoint) String() string

func (Endpoint) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Endpoint) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EndpointCollection

EndpointCollection Results of an endpoint list. Contains EndpointSummary items.

type EndpointCollection struct {

    // List of endpoints
    Items []EndpointSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (EndpointCollection) String

func (m EndpointCollection) String() string

func (EndpointCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EndpointCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EndpointLifecycleStateEnum

EndpointLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type EndpointLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for EndpointLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    EndpointLifecycleStateDeleting EndpointLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    EndpointLifecycleStateDeleted  EndpointLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    EndpointLifecycleStateFailed   EndpointLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    EndpointLifecycleStateCreating EndpointLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    EndpointLifecycleStateActive   EndpointLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    EndpointLifecycleStateUpdating EndpointLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"

func GetEndpointLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetEndpointLifecycleStateEnumValues() []EndpointLifecycleStateEnum

GetEndpointLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for EndpointLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingEndpointLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingEndpointLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (EndpointLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingEndpointLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type EndpointSummary

EndpointSummary Summary of the language endpoint.

type EndpointSummary struct {

    // Unique identifier endpoint OCID of an endpoint that is immutable on creation.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It should be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm)  for the Endpoint compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the project to associate with the endpoint.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"projectId"`

    // The time the the endpoint was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The state of the endpoint.
    LifecycleState EndpointLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the model to associate with the endpoint.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"modelId"`

    // A short description of the endpoint.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Number of replicas required for this endpoint. This will be optional parameter. Default will be 1.
    InferenceUnits *int `mandatory:"false" json:"inferenceUnits"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{ "orcl-cloud": { "free-tier-retained": "true" } }`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (EndpointSummary) String

func (m EndpointSummary) String() string

func (EndpointSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EndpointSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Entity

Entity entity object

type Entity struct {

    // The number of Unicode code points preceding this entity in the submitted text.
    Offset *int `mandatory:"false" json:"offset"`

    // Length of entity text
    Length *int `mandatory:"false" json:"length"`

    // Entity text like name of person, location, and so on.
    Text *string `mandatory:"false" json:"text"`

    // Type of entity text like PER, LOC, GPE and NOPE.
    Type *string `mandatory:"false" json:"type"`

    // This flag is to indicate if it is PII entity or not.
    IsPii *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isPii"`

    // Score or confidence of extracted entity type.
    // Example: `0.9999856066867399`
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"false" json:"score"`

func (Entity) String

func (m Entity) String() string

func (Entity) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Entity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EntityDocumentResult

EntityDocumentResult The document response for entities detect call.

type EntityDocumentResult struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // List of detected entities.
    Entities []HierarchicalEntity `mandatory:"true" json:"entities"`

    // Language code supported
    // - auto : Automatically detect language
    // - ar : Arabic
    // - pt-BR : Brazilian Portuguese
    // - cs : Czech
    // - da : Danish
    // - nl : Dutch
    // - en : English
    // - fi : Finnish
    // - fr : French
    // - fr-CA : Canadian French
    // - de : German
    // - it : Italian
    // - ja : Japanese
    // - ko : Korean
    // - no : Norwegian
    // - pl : Polish
    // - ro : Romanian
    // - zh-CN : Simplified Chinese
    // - es : Spanish
    // - sv : Swedish
    // - zh-TW : Traditional Chinese
    // - tr : Turkish
    // - el : Greek
    // - he : Hebrew
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"languageCode"`

func (EntityDocumentResult) String

func (m EntityDocumentResult) String() string

func (EntityDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EntityDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EntityLabelErrorAnalysis

EntityLabelErrorAnalysis Possible entity error label error details

type EntityLabelErrorAnalysis struct {

    // Type of entity text like PER, LOC, GPE, NOPE etc.
    Type *string `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Starting index on text.
    Offset *int `mandatory:"true" json:"offset"`

    // Length of text
    Length *int `mandatory:"true" json:"length"`

func (EntityLabelErrorAnalysis) String

func (m EntityLabelErrorAnalysis) String() string

func (EntityLabelErrorAnalysis) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EntityLabelErrorAnalysis) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EntityMetrics

EntityMetrics Entity level named entity recognition model metrics

type EntityMetrics struct {

    // Entity label
    Label *string `mandatory:"true" json:"label"`

    // F1-score, is a measure of a model’s accuracy on a dataset
    F1 *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"f1"`

    // Precision refers to the number of true positives divided by the total number of positive predictions (i.e., the number of true positives plus the number of false positives)
    Precision *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"precision"`

    // Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive classes. It is the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually tagged. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted classes are correct.
    Recall *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"recall"`

func (EntityMetrics) String

func (m EntityMetrics) String() string

func (EntityMetrics) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EntityMetrics) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ErrorDetails

ErrorDetails Error Information.

type ErrorDetails struct {

    // A short error code that defines the error, meant for programmatic parsing.
    Code *string `mandatory:"true" json:"code"`

    // A human-readable error string.
    Message *string `mandatory:"true" json:"message"`

func (ErrorDetails) String

func (m ErrorDetails) String() string

func (ErrorDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ErrorDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EvaluationResultCollection

EvaluationResultCollection Results of a model evaluation analysis search. Contains EvaluationResultSummary items.

type EvaluationResultCollection struct {

    // List of model evaluation analysis
    Items []EvaluationResultSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (EvaluationResultCollection) String

func (m EvaluationResultCollection) String() string

func (*EvaluationResultCollection) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *EvaluationResultCollection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (EvaluationResultCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EvaluationResultCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EvaluationResultSummary

EvaluationResultSummary model evaluation analysis of different models

type EvaluationResultSummary interface {

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    GetFreeformTags() map[string]string

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    GetDefinedTags() map[string]map[string]interface{}

type EvaluationResults

EvaluationResults model training results of different models

type EvaluationResults interface {

type GetEndpointRequest

GetEndpointRequest wrapper for the GetEndpoint operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetEndpoint.go.html to see an example of how to use GetEndpointRequest.

type GetEndpointRequest struct {

    // The OCID of the endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"endpointId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetEndpointRequest) String

func (request GetEndpointRequest) String() string

func (GetEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetEndpointResponse

GetEndpointResponse wrapper for the GetEndpoint operation

type GetEndpointResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Endpoint instance
    Endpoint `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetEndpointResponse) String

func (response GetEndpointResponse) String() string

type GetJobRequest

GetJobRequest wrapper for the GetJob operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetJob.go.html to see an example of how to use GetJobRequest.

type GetJobRequest struct {

    // Unique Transcription Job identifier.
    JobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"jobId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetJobRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetJobRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetJobRequest) String

func (request GetJobRequest) String() string

func (GetJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetJobResponse

GetJobResponse wrapper for the GetJob operation

type GetJobResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Job instance
    Job `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetJobResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetJobResponse) String

func (response GetJobResponse) String() string

type GetModelRequest

GetModelRequest wrapper for the GetModel operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetModel.go.html to see an example of how to use GetModelRequest.

type GetModelRequest struct {

    // unique model OCID.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"modelId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetModelRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetModelRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetModelRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetModelRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetModelRequest) String

func (request GetModelRequest) String() string

func (GetModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetModelResponse

GetModelResponse wrapper for the GetModel operation

type GetModelResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Model instance
    Model `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetModelResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetModelResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetModelResponse) String

func (response GetModelResponse) String() string

type GetModelTypeRequest

GetModelTypeRequest wrapper for the GetModelType operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetModelType.go.html to see an example of how to use GetModelTypeRequest.

type GetModelTypeRequest struct {

    // Results like version and model supported info by specifying model type
    ModelType *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"modelType"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetModelTypeRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetModelTypeRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetModelTypeRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetModelTypeRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetModelTypeRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetModelTypeRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetModelTypeRequest) String

func (request GetModelTypeRequest) String() string

func (GetModelTypeRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetModelTypeRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetModelTypeResponse

GetModelTypeResponse wrapper for the GetModelType operation

type GetModelTypeResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The ModelTypeInfo instance
    ModelTypeInfo `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetModelTypeResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetModelTypeResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetModelTypeResponse) String

func (response GetModelTypeResponse) String() string

type GetProjectRequest

GetProjectRequest wrapper for the GetProject operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetProject.go.html to see an example of how to use GetProjectRequest.

type GetProjectRequest struct {

    // The OCID of the project.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"projectId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetProjectRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetProjectRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetProjectRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetProjectRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetProjectRequest) String

func (request GetProjectRequest) String() string

func (GetProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetProjectResponse

GetProjectResponse wrapper for the GetProject operation

type GetProjectResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Project instance
    Project `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetProjectResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetProjectResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetProjectResponse) String

func (response GetProjectResponse) String() string

type GetWorkRequestRequest

GetWorkRequestRequest wrapper for the GetWorkRequest operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/GetWorkRequest.go.html to see an example of how to use GetWorkRequestRequest.

type GetWorkRequestRequest struct {

    // The ID of the asynchronous request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) String

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) String() string

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetWorkRequestResponse

GetWorkRequestResponse wrapper for the GetWorkRequest operation

type GetWorkRequestResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The WorkRequest instance
    WorkRequest `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetWorkRequestResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetWorkRequestResponse) String

func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) String() string

type HealthEntity

HealthEntity Health entity object

type HealthEntity struct {

    // The number of Unicode code points preceding this entity in the submitted text.
    Offset *int `mandatory:"true" json:"offset"`

    // Length of entity text
    Length *int `mandatory:"true" json:"length"`

    // Entity text like name of person, location, and so on.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

    // Type of entity text like PER, LOC.
    Type *string `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Score or confidence for detected entity.
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"true" json:"score"`

    // Unique id of the entity
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Sub-type of entity text like GPE for LOCATION type
    SubType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"subType"`

    Category *string `mandatory:"false" json:"category"`

    // list of all assertions associated with this entity.
    Assertions []AssertionDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"assertions"`

    // This contains the list of matched concepts which are ranked by the relevant score with the input text
    MatchedConcepts []MelConcept `mandatory:"false" json:"matchedConcepts"`

func (HealthEntity) String

func (m HealthEntity) String() string

func (HealthEntity) ValidateEnumValue

func (m HealthEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type HealthEntityDocumentResult

HealthEntityDocumentResult The document response for health entity detect call.

type HealthEntityDocumentResult struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // List of detected entities.
    Entities []HealthEntity `mandatory:"true" json:"entities"`

    // Map of resolved entities by entity type
    ResolvedEntities map[string]ResolvedEntities `mandatory:"true" json:"resolvedEntities"`

    // Language code of the document. Please refer to respective model API documentation (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/language/using/overview.htm) for supported languages.
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"languageCode"`

    // List of succeeded document response.
    Relations []RelationEntity `mandatory:"false" json:"relations"`

func (HealthEntityDocumentResult) String

func (m HealthEntityDocumentResult) String() string

func (HealthEntityDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m HealthEntityDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type HierarchicalEntity

HierarchicalEntity Hierarchical entity object

type HierarchicalEntity struct {

    // The number of Unicode code points preceding this entity in the submitted text.
    Offset *int `mandatory:"false" json:"offset"`

    // Length of entity text
    Length *int `mandatory:"false" json:"length"`

    // Entity text like name of person, location, and so on.
    Text *string `mandatory:"false" json:"text"`

    // Type of entity text like PER, LOC.
    Type *string `mandatory:"false" json:"type"`

    // Sub-type of entity text like GPE for LOCATION type
    SubType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"subType"`

    // Score or confidence for detected entity.
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"false" json:"score"`

func (HierarchicalEntity) String

func (m HierarchicalEntity) String() string

func (HierarchicalEntity) ValidateEnumValue

func (m HierarchicalEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type InputConfiguration

InputConfiguration input documents configuration by default TXT files will be processed and this behaviour will not change in future after adding new types

type InputConfiguration struct {

    // Type of documents supported
    // for this release only TXT,CSV  and one element is allowed here.
    // for future scope this is marked as list
    DocumentTypes []string `mandatory:"false" json:"documentTypes"`

    // meta data about documents
    //  For CSV valid JSON format is {"CSV" :{inputColumn: "reviewDetails", rowId: "reviewId", copyColumnsToOutput: ["reviewId" "userId"] , delimiter: ","}
    // Note: In future if new file types added we will update here in documentation about input file meta data
    Configuration map[string]DocumentsConfiguration `mandatory:"false" json:"configuration"`

func (InputConfiguration) String

func (m InputConfiguration) String() string

func (InputConfiguration) ValidateEnumValue

func (m InputConfiguration) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type InputLocation

InputLocation document location and other meta data about documents For TXT only ObjectStoragePrefixLocation supported For CSV only ObjectStorageFileNameLocation is supported For this release only one file is supported for ObjectStorageFileNameLocation i.e CSV file type

type InputLocation interface {

type InputLocationLocationTypeEnum

InputLocationLocationTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type InputLocationLocationTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for InputLocationLocationTypeEnum

const (
    InputLocationLocationTypePrefix   InputLocationLocationTypeEnum = "OBJECT_STORAGE_PREFIX"
    InputLocationLocationTypeFileList InputLocationLocationTypeEnum = "OBJECT_STORAGE_FILE_LIST"

func GetInputLocationLocationTypeEnumValues

func GetInputLocationLocationTypeEnumValues() []InputLocationLocationTypeEnum

GetInputLocationLocationTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for InputLocationLocationTypeEnum

func GetMappingInputLocationLocationTypeEnum

func GetMappingInputLocationLocationTypeEnum(val string) (InputLocationLocationTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingInputLocationLocationTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type Job

Job Job details which contain input document details on which prediction need to run, features (which and all language services ) need to run and where to store results

type Job struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the job.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    InputLocation InputLocation `mandatory:"true" json:"inputLocation"`

    // training model details
    // For this release only one model is allowed to be input here.
    // One of the three modelType, ModelId, endpointId should be given other wise error will be thrown from API
    ModelMetadataDetails []ModelMetadataDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"modelMetadataDetails"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment where you want to create the job.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    OutputLocation *ObjectPrefixOutputLocation `mandatory:"true" json:"outputLocation"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the job.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A short description of the job.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    InputConfiguration *InputConfiguration `mandatory:"false" json:"inputConfiguration"`

    // The current state of the Job.
    LifecycleState JobLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // How much progress the operation has made, vs the total amount of work that must be performed.
    PercentComplete *int `mandatory:"false" json:"percentComplete"`

    // Total number of documents given as input for prediction. For CSV this signifies number of rows and for TXT this signifies number of files.
    TotalDocuments *int `mandatory:"false" json:"totalDocuments"`

    // Number of documents still to process. For CSV this signifies number of rows and for TXT this signifies number of files.
    PendingDocuments *int `mandatory:"false" json:"pendingDocuments"`

    // Number of documents processed for prediction. For CSV this signifies number of rows and for TXT this signifies number of files.
    CompletedDocuments *int `mandatory:"false" json:"completedDocuments"`

    // Number of documents failed for prediction. For CSV this signifies number of rows and for TXT this signifies number of files.
    FailedDocuments *int `mandatory:"false" json:"failedDocuments"`

    // warnings count
    WarningsCount *int `mandatory:"false" json:"warningsCount"`

    // Time to live duration in days for Job. Job will be available till max 90 days.
    TtlInDays *int `mandatory:"false" json:"ttlInDays"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the user who created the job.
    CreatedBy *string `mandatory:"false" json:"createdBy"`

    // Job accepted time.
    TimeAccepted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeAccepted"`

    // Job started time.
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // Job finished time.
    TimeCompleted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCompleted"`

func (Job) String

func (m Job) String() string

func (*Job) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Job) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (Job) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Job) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type JobCollection

JobCollection list of Jobs created in the compartment and/or after applying filters based on filters provided by user

type JobCollection struct {

    // List of jobs.
    Items []JobSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (JobCollection) String

func (m JobCollection) String() string

func (JobCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m JobCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type JobLifecycleStateEnum

JobLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type JobLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for JobLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    JobLifecycleStateAccepted   JobLifecycleStateEnum = "ACCEPTED"
    JobLifecycleStateInProgress JobLifecycleStateEnum = "IN_PROGRESS"
    JobLifecycleStateSucceeded  JobLifecycleStateEnum = "SUCCEEDED"
    JobLifecycleStateFailed     JobLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    JobLifecycleStateCanceling  JobLifecycleStateEnum = "CANCELING"
    JobLifecycleStateCanceled   JobLifecycleStateEnum = "CANCELED"
    JobLifecycleStateDeleting   JobLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    JobLifecycleStateDeleted    JobLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"

func GetJobLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetJobLifecycleStateEnumValues() []JobLifecycleStateEnum

GetJobLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for JobLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingJobLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingJobLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (JobLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingJobLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type JobSummary

JobSummary sub set of Job details data which need returns in list API

type JobSummary struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the job.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the job.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment where you want to create the job.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // A short description of the job.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The current state of the Speech Job.
    LifecycleState JobLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // How much progress the operation has made, vs the total amount of work that must be performed.
    PercentComplete *int `mandatory:"false" json:"percentComplete"`

    // Total number of documents given as input for prediction. For CSV this signifies number of rows and for TXT this signifies number of files.
    TotalDocuments *int `mandatory:"false" json:"totalDocuments"`

    // Number of documents still to process. For CSV this signifies number of rows and for TXT this signifies number of files.
    PendingDocuments *int `mandatory:"false" json:"pendingDocuments"`

    // Number of documents processed for prediction. For CSV this signifies number of rows and for TXT this signifies number of files.
    CompletedDocuments *int `mandatory:"false" json:"completedDocuments"`

    // Number of documents failed for prediction. For CSV this signifies number of rows and for TXT this signifies number of files.
    FailedDocuments *int `mandatory:"false" json:"failedDocuments"`

    // warnings count
    WarningsCount *int `mandatory:"false" json:"warningsCount"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the user who created the job.
    CreatedBy *string `mandatory:"false" json:"createdBy"`

    // Job accepted time.
    TimeAccepted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeAccepted"`

    // Job started time.
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // Job finished time.
    TimeCompleted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCompleted"`

func (JobSummary) String

func (m JobSummary) String() string

func (JobSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m JobSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type KeyPhrase

KeyPhrase Key phrase for the given text.

type KeyPhrase struct {

    // Key phrase exreacted from given text.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

    // Score or confidence of the key phrase.
    // Example: `0.9999856066867399`
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"true" json:"score"`

func (KeyPhrase) String

func (m KeyPhrase) String() string

func (KeyPhrase) ValidateEnumValue

func (m KeyPhrase) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type KeyPhraseDocumentResult

KeyPhraseDocumentResult The document response for keyPhrases detect call.

type KeyPhraseDocumentResult struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // List of detected keyPhrases.
    KeyPhrases []KeyPhrase `mandatory:"true" json:"keyPhrases"`

    // Language code supported
    // - auto : Automatically detect language
    // - ar : Arabic
    // - pt-BR : Brazilian Portuguese
    // - cs : Czech
    // - da : Danish
    // - nl : Dutch
    // - en : English
    // - fi : Finnish
    // - fr : French
    // - fr-CA : Canadian French
    // - de : German
    // - it : Italian
    // - ja : Japanese
    // - ko : Korean
    // - no : Norwegian
    // - pl : Polish
    // - ro : Romanian
    // - zh-CN : Simplified Chinese
    // - es : Spanish
    // - sv : Swedish
    // - zh-TW : Traditional Chinese
    // - tr : Turkish
    // - el : Greek
    // - he : Hebrew
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"languageCode"`

func (KeyPhraseDocumentResult) String

func (m KeyPhraseDocumentResult) String() string

func (KeyPhraseDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m KeyPhraseDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListEndpointsRequest

ListEndpointsRequest wrapper for the ListEndpoints operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListEndpoints.go.html to see an example of how to use ListEndpointsRequest.

type ListEndpointsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The OCID of the endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"endpointId"`

    // The ID of the project for which to list the objects.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"projectId"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // The ID of the trained model for which to list the endpoints.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"modelId"`

    // <b>Filter</b> results by the specified lifecycle state. Must be a valid
    // state for the resource type.
    LifecycleState EndpointLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'asc' or 'desc'.
    SortOrder ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field.
    // By default, when you sort by `timeCreated`, the results are shown
    // in descending order. When you sort by `displayName`, the results are
    // shown in ascending order. Sort order for the `displayName` field is case sensitive.
    SortBy ListEndpointsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListEndpointsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListEndpointsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListEndpointsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListEndpointsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListEndpointsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListEndpointsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListEndpointsRequest) String

func (request ListEndpointsRequest) String() string

func (ListEndpointsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListEndpointsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListEndpointsResponse

ListEndpointsResponse wrapper for the ListEndpoints operation

type ListEndpointsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of EndpointCollection instances
    EndpointCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListEndpointsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListEndpointsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListEndpointsResponse) String

func (response ListEndpointsResponse) String() string

type ListEndpointsSortByEnum

ListEndpointsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListEndpointsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListEndpointsSortByEnum

const (
    ListEndpointsSortByTimecreated ListEndpointsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListEndpointsSortByDisplayname ListEndpointsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListEndpointsSortByEnumValues

func GetListEndpointsSortByEnumValues() []ListEndpointsSortByEnum

GetListEndpointsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListEndpointsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListEndpointsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListEndpointsSortByEnum(val string) (ListEndpointsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListEndpointsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum

ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListEndpointsSortOrderAsc  ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListEndpointsSortOrderDesc ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListEndpointsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListEndpointsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum

GetListEndpointsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListEndpointsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListEndpointsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListEndpointsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListEndpointsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListEvaluationResultsRequest

ListEvaluationResultsRequest wrapper for the ListEvaluationResults operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListEvaluationResults.go.html to see an example of how to use ListEvaluationResultsRequest.

type ListEvaluationResultsRequest struct {

    // unique model OCID.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"modelId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListEvaluationResultsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListEvaluationResultsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListEvaluationResultsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListEvaluationResultsRequest) String

func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) String() string

func (ListEvaluationResultsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListEvaluationResultsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListEvaluationResultsResponse

ListEvaluationResultsResponse wrapper for the ListEvaluationResults operation

type ListEvaluationResultsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of EvaluationResultCollection instances
    EvaluationResultCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListEvaluationResultsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListEvaluationResultsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListEvaluationResultsResponse) String

func (response ListEvaluationResultsResponse) String() string

type ListJobsRequest

ListJobsRequest wrapper for the ListJobs operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListJobs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListJobsRequest.

type ListJobsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // A filter to return only resources whose lifecycleState matches the given lifecycleState.
    LifecycleState JobLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // Unique identifier(OCID).
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'asc' or 'desc'.
    SortOrder ListJobsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending.
    SortBy ListJobsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListJobsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListJobsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListJobsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListJobsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListJobsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListJobsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListJobsRequest) String

func (request ListJobsRequest) String() string

func (ListJobsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListJobsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListJobsResponse

ListJobsResponse wrapper for the ListJobs operation

type ListJobsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of JobCollection instances
    JobCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListJobsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListJobsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListJobsResponse) String

func (response ListJobsResponse) String() string

type ListJobsSortByEnum

ListJobsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListJobsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListJobsSortByEnum

const (
    ListJobsSortByTimecreated ListJobsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListJobsSortByDisplayname ListJobsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListJobsSortByEnumValues

func GetListJobsSortByEnumValues() []ListJobsSortByEnum

GetListJobsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListJobsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListJobsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListJobsSortByEnum(val string) (ListJobsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListJobsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListJobsSortOrderEnum

ListJobsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListJobsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListJobsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListJobsSortOrderAsc  ListJobsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListJobsSortOrderDesc ListJobsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListJobsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListJobsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListJobsSortOrderEnum

GetListJobsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListJobsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListJobsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListJobsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListJobsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListJobsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListModelsRequest

ListModelsRequest wrapper for the ListModels operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListModels.go.html to see an example of how to use ListModelsRequest.

type ListModelsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // unique model OCID.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"modelId"`

    // The ID of the project for which to list the objects.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"projectId"`

    // <b>Filter</b> results by the specified lifecycle state. Must be a valid
    // state for the resource type.
    LifecycleState ModelLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'asc' or 'desc'.
    SortOrder ListModelsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field.
    // By default, when you sort by `timeCreated`, the results are shown
    // in descending order. When you sort by `displayName`, the results are
    // shown in ascending order. Sort order for the `displayName` field is case sensitive.
    SortBy ListModelsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListModelsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListModelsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListModelsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListModelsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListModelsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListModelsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListModelsRequest) String

func (request ListModelsRequest) String() string

func (ListModelsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListModelsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListModelsResponse

ListModelsResponse wrapper for the ListModels operation

type ListModelsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of ModelCollection instances
    ModelCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListModelsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListModelsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListModelsResponse) String

func (response ListModelsResponse) String() string

type ListModelsSortByEnum

ListModelsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListModelsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListModelsSortByEnum

const (
    ListModelsSortByTimecreated ListModelsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListModelsSortByDisplayname ListModelsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListModelsSortByEnumValues

func GetListModelsSortByEnumValues() []ListModelsSortByEnum

GetListModelsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListModelsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListModelsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListModelsSortByEnum(val string) (ListModelsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListModelsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListModelsSortOrderEnum

ListModelsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListModelsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListModelsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListModelsSortOrderAsc  ListModelsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListModelsSortOrderDesc ListModelsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListModelsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListModelsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListModelsSortOrderEnum

GetListModelsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListModelsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListModelsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListModelsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListModelsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListModelsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListProjectsRequest

ListProjectsRequest wrapper for the ListProjects operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListProjects.go.html to see an example of how to use ListProjectsRequest.

type ListProjectsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // <b>Filter</b> results by the specified lifecycle state. Must be a valid
    // state for the resource type.
    LifecycleState ProjectLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to return only resources that match the entire display name given.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"displayName"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The ID of the project for which to list the objects.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"projectId"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'asc' or 'desc'.
    SortOrder ListProjectsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field.
    // By default, when you sort by `timeCreated`, the results are shown
    // in descending order. When you sort by `displayName`, the results are
    // shown in ascending order. Sort order for the `displayName` field is case sensitive.
    SortBy ListProjectsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListProjectsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListProjectsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListProjectsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListProjectsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListProjectsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListProjectsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListProjectsRequest) String

func (request ListProjectsRequest) String() string

func (ListProjectsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListProjectsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListProjectsResponse

ListProjectsResponse wrapper for the ListProjects operation

type ListProjectsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of ProjectCollection instances
    ProjectCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListProjectsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListProjectsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListProjectsResponse) String

func (response ListProjectsResponse) String() string

type ListProjectsSortByEnum

ListProjectsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListProjectsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListProjectsSortByEnum

const (
    ListProjectsSortByTimecreated ListProjectsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListProjectsSortByDisplayname ListProjectsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListProjectsSortByEnumValues

func GetListProjectsSortByEnumValues() []ListProjectsSortByEnum

GetListProjectsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListProjectsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListProjectsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListProjectsSortByEnum(val string) (ListProjectsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListProjectsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListProjectsSortOrderEnum

ListProjectsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListProjectsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListProjectsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListProjectsSortOrderAsc  ListProjectsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListProjectsSortOrderDesc ListProjectsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListProjectsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListProjectsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListProjectsSortOrderEnum

GetListProjectsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListProjectsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListProjectsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListProjectsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListProjectsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListProjectsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest

ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest wrapper for the ListWorkRequestErrors operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListWorkRequestErrors.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest.

type ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the asynchronous request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'asc' or 'desc'.
    SortOrder ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.
    SortBy ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) String

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) String() string

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse

ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse wrapper for the ListWorkRequestErrors operation

type ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of WorkRequestErrorCollection instances
    WorkRequestErrorCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) String

func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) String() string

type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByTimecreated ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByDisplayname ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderAsc  ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderDesc ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

GetListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestErrorsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestLogsRequest

ListWorkRequestLogsRequest wrapper for the ListWorkRequestLogs operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListWorkRequestLogs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestLogsRequest.

type ListWorkRequestLogsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the asynchronous request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'asc' or 'desc'.
    SortOrder ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.
    SortBy ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) String

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) String() string

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListWorkRequestLogsResponse

ListWorkRequestLogsResponse wrapper for the ListWorkRequestLogs operation

type ListWorkRequestLogsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of WorkRequestLogCollection instances
    WorkRequestLogCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) String

func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) String() string

type ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestLogsSortByTimecreated ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListWorkRequestLogsSortByDisplayname ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

GetListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderAsc  ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderDesc ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

GetListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestLogsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestsRequest

ListWorkRequestsRequest wrapper for the ListWorkRequests operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/ListWorkRequests.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestsRequest.

type ListWorkRequestsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The ID of the asynchronous work request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The maximum number of items to return.
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The ID of the resource for which list workrequests.
    ResourceId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"resourceId"`

    // The sort order to use, either 'asc' or 'desc'.
    SortOrder ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.
    SortBy ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) String

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) String() string

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListWorkRequestsResponse

ListWorkRequestsResponse wrapper for the ListWorkRequests operation

type ListWorkRequestsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of WorkRequestSummaryCollection instances
    WorkRequestSummaryCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For pagination of a list of items. When paging through a list, if this header appears in the response,
    // then a partial list might have been returned. Include this value as the `page` parameter for the
    // subsequent GET request to get the next batch of items.
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListWorkRequestsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListWorkRequestsResponse) String

func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) String() string

type ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestsSortByTimecreated ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum = "timeCreated"
    ListWorkRequestsSortByDisplayname ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum = "displayName"

func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

GetListWorkRequestsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortByEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListWorkRequestsSortOrderAsc  ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListWorkRequestsSortOrderDesc ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

GetListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListWorkRequestsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type LocationDetails

LocationDetails Possible object storage location types

type LocationDetails interface {

type LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum

LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum

const (
    LocationDetailsLocationTypeObjectList LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum = "OBJECT_LIST"

func GetLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnumValues

func GetLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnumValues() []LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum

GetLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum

func GetMappingLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum

func GetMappingLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum(val string) (LocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingLocationDetailsLocationTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type MelConcept

MelConcept The MEL concepts details for health ner.

type MelConcept struct {

    // Name of the ontology to which the Entity is mapped
    OntologyName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"ontologyName"`

    // This contains the list of matched concepts which are ranked by the relevant score with the input text
    Concepts []MelConceptDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"concepts"`

func (MelConcept) String

func (m MelConcept) String() string

func (MelConcept) ValidateEnumValue

func (m MelConcept) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type MelConceptDetails

MelConceptDetails The MEL concepts details for health ner.

type MelConceptDetails struct {

    // id of the relation
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The matched concept name/description on the ontology
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The relevant score between the concept and the input text
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"true" json:"score"`

    // additional attribute values specific to ontology for ex. for SNOMED semantic_type and for for ICD-10 default_charge_code etc.
    Attributes map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"attributes"`

func (MelConceptDetails) String

func (m MelConceptDetails) String() string

func (MelConceptDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m MelConceptDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Model

Model Description of the a Model.

type Model struct {

    // Unique identifier model OCID of a model that is immutable on creation
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It does not have to be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm)  for the model's compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the project to associate with the model.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"projectId"`

    ModelDetails ModelDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"modelDetails"`

    // The time the the model was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The state of the model.
    LifecycleState ModelLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // A short description of the Model.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time the model was updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    TrainingDataset DatasetDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"trainingDataset"`

    EvaluationResults EvaluationResults `mandatory:"false" json:"evaluationResults"`

    TestStrategy TestStrategy `mandatory:"false" json:"testStrategy"`

    // For pre trained models this will identify model type version used for model creation
    // For custom this will identify model type version used for model creation and custom model on which training has to be done
    // <<service>>::<<service-name>>_<<model-type-version>>::<<custom model on which this training has to be done>>
    // ex: ai-lang::NER_V1::CUSTOM-V0
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{ "orcl-cloud": { "free-tier-retained": "true" } }`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Model) String

func (m Model) String() string

func (*Model) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Model) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (Model) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Model) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ModelCollection

ModelCollection Results of a model search. Contains ModelSummary items.

type ModelCollection struct {

    // List of models
    Items []ModelSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (ModelCollection) String

func (m ModelCollection) String() string

func (ModelCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ModelCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ModelDetails

ModelDetails Possible model types

type ModelDetails interface {

    // supported language default value is en
    GetLanguageCode() *string

type ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum

ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum

const (
    ModelDetailsModelTypeNamedEntityRecognition           ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "NAMED_ENTITY_RECOGNITION"
    ModelDetailsModelTypeTextClassification               ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "TEXT_CLASSIFICATION"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedNamedEntityRecognition ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_NAMED_ENTITY_RECOGNITION"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedTextClassification     ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_TEXT_CLASSIFICATION"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedSentimentAnalysis      ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_SENTIMENT_ANALYSIS"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedKeyphraseExtraction    ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_KEYPHRASE_EXTRACTION"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedLanguageDetection      ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_LANGUAGE_DETECTION"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedPii                    ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_PII"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedTranslation            ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_TRANSLATION"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedHealthNlu              ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_HEALTH_NLU"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedSummarization          ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_SUMMARIZATION"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePreTrainedUniversal              ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PRE_TRAINED_UNIVERSAL"
    ModelDetailsModelTypePii                              ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum = "PII"

func GetMappingModelDetailsModelTypeEnum

func GetMappingModelDetailsModelTypeEnum(val string) (ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingModelDetailsModelTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetModelDetailsModelTypeEnumValues

func GetModelDetailsModelTypeEnumValues() []ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum

GetModelDetailsModelTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ModelDetailsModelTypeEnum

type ModelLifecycleStateEnum

ModelLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ModelLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ModelLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    ModelLifecycleStateDeleting ModelLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    ModelLifecycleStateDeleted  ModelLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    ModelLifecycleStateFailed   ModelLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    ModelLifecycleStateCreating ModelLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    ModelLifecycleStateActive   ModelLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    ModelLifecycleStateUpdating ModelLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"

func GetMappingModelLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingModelLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (ModelLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingModelLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetModelLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetModelLifecycleStateEnumValues() []ModelLifecycleStateEnum

GetModelLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ModelLifecycleStateEnum

type ModelMetadataDetails

ModelMetadataDetails training model details For this release only one model is allowed to be input here. One of the three modelType, ModelId, endpointId should be given other wise error will be thrown from API

type ModelMetadataDetails struct {

    // model type to used for inference allowed values are
    ModelType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"modelType"`

    // Unique identifier model OCID that should be used for inference
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"modelId"`

    // Unique identifier endpoint OCID that should be used for inference
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"endpointId"`

    // Language code supported
    // - auto : Automatically detect language
    // - ar : Arabic
    // - pt-BR : Brazilian Portuguese
    // - cs : Czech
    // - da : Danish
    // - nl : Dutch
    // - en : English
    // - fi : Finnish
    // - fr : French
    // - fr-CA : Canadian French
    // - de : German
    // - it : Italian
    // - ja : Japanese
    // - ko : Korean
    // - no : Norwegian
    // - pl : Polish
    // - ro : Romanian
    // - zh-CN : Simplified Chinese
    // - es : Spanish
    // - sv : Swedish
    // - zh-TW : Traditional Chinese
    // - tr : Turkish
    // - el : Greek
    // - he : Hebrew
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // model configuration details
    // For PII :  < ENTITY_TYPE , ConfigurationDetails>
    // ex."ORACLE":{ "mode" : "MASK","maskingCharacter" : "&","leaveCharactersUnmasked": 3,"isUnmaskedFromEnd" : true  }
    // For language translation : { "targetLanguageCodes" : ConfigurationDetails}
    Configuration map[string]ConfigurationDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"configuration"`

func (ModelMetadataDetails) String

func (m ModelMetadataDetails) String() string

func (ModelMetadataDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ModelMetadataDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ModelSummary

ModelSummary Summary of the language Model.

type ModelSummary struct {

    // Unique identifier model OCID of a model that is immutable on creation
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It does not have to be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm)  for the model's compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    ModelDetails ModelDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"modelDetails"`

    // The time the the Model was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The state of the model.
    LifecycleState ModelLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the project to associate with the model.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"projectId"`

    // A short description of the Model.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in failed state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // For pre trained models this will identify model type version used for model creation
    // For custom this will identify model type version used for model creation and custom model on which training has to be done
    // <<service>>::<<service-name>>_<<model-type-version>>::<<custom model on which this training has to be done>>
    // ex: ai-lang::NER_V1::CUSTOM-V0
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{ "orcl-cloud": { "free-tier-retained": "true" } }`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (ModelSummary) String

func (m ModelSummary) String() string

func (*ModelSummary) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *ModelSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (ModelSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ModelSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ModelTypeInfo

ModelTypeInfo Model information like versions and capabilities

type ModelTypeInfo struct {

    // Model information capabilities related to version
    Capabilities map[string]Capabilities `mandatory:"true" json:"capabilities"`

    // Model versions available for this model type
    Versions []string `mandatory:"false" json:"versions"`

func (ModelTypeInfo) String

func (m ModelTypeInfo) String() string

func (ModelTypeInfo) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ModelTypeInfo) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult

NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult Possible NER model error analysis

type NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult struct {

    // For CSV format location is rowId(1 is header) and for JSONL location is jsonL line sequence(1 is metadata)
    Record *string `mandatory:"true" json:"record"`

    // List of true(actual) entities in test data for NER model
    TrueEntities []EntityLabelErrorAnalysis `mandatory:"true" json:"trueEntities"`

    // List of true(actual) entities in test data for NER model
    PredictedEntities []EntityLabelErrorAnalysis `mandatory:"true" json:"predictedEntities"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) GetDefinedTags

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) GetDefinedTags() map[string]map[string]interface{}

GetDefinedTags returns DefinedTags

func (NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) GetFreeformTags

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) GetFreeformTags() map[string]string

GetFreeformTags returns FreeformTags

func (NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) MarshalJSON

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) String

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) String() string

func (NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults

NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults Named entity recognition model testing and evaluation results

type NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults struct {
    Metrics *NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics `mandatory:"false" json:"metrics"`

    // List of entity metrics
    EntityMetrics []EntityMetrics `mandatory:"false" json:"entityMetrics"`

    // class level confusion matrix
    ConfusionMatrix map[string]ConfusionMatrixDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"confusionMatrix"`

    // labels
    Labels []string `mandatory:"false" json:"labels"`

func (NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults) MarshalJSON

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults) String

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults) String() string

func (NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults) ValidateEnumValue

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionEvaluationResults) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails

NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails Possible NER model information

type NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional if nothing specified latest base model will be used for training. Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) String

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) String() string

func (NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics

NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics Model level named entity recognition metrics

type NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics struct {

    // F1-score, is a measure of a model’s accuracy on a dataset
    MicroF1 *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"microF1"`

    // Precision refers to the number of true positives divided by the total number of positive predictions (i.e., the number of true positives plus the number of false positives)
    MicroPrecision *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"microPrecision"`

    // Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive classes. It is the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually tagged. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted classes are correct.
    MicroRecall *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"microRecall"`

    // F1-score, is a measure of a model’s accuracy on a dataset
    MacroF1 *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"macroF1"`

    // Precision refers to the number of true positives divided by the total number of positive predictions (i.e., the number of true positives plus the number of false positives)
    MacroPrecision *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"macroPrecision"`

    // Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive classes. It is the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually tagged. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted classes are correct.
    MacroRecall *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"macroRecall"`

    // F1-score, is a measure of a model’s accuracy on a dataset
    WeightedF1 *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"weightedF1"`

    // Precision refers to the number of true positives divided by the total number of positive predictions (i.e., the number of true positives plus the number of false positives)
    WeightedPrecision *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"weightedPrecision"`

    // Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive classes. It is the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually tagged. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted classes are correct.
    WeightedRecall *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"weightedRecall"`

func (NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics) String

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics) String() string

func (NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics) ValidateEnumValue

func (m NamedEntityRecognitionModelMetrics) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type NerModelVersionEnum

NerModelVersionEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type NerModelVersionEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for NerModelVersionEnum

const (
    NerModelVersionV21 NerModelVersionEnum = "V2_1"
    NerModelVersionV11 NerModelVersionEnum = "V1_1"

func GetMappingNerModelVersionEnum

func GetMappingNerModelVersionEnum(val string) (NerModelVersionEnum, bool)

GetMappingNerModelVersionEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetNerModelVersionEnumValues

func GetNerModelVersionEnumValues() []NerModelVersionEnum

GetNerModelVersionEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for NerModelVersionEnum

type ObjectListDataset

ObjectListDataset Data source details for object storage

type ObjectListDataset struct {

    // Object storage namespace
    NamespaceName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"namespaceName"`

    // Object storage bucket name
    BucketName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"bucketName"`

    // Array of files which need to be processed in the bucket
    ObjectNames []string `mandatory:"true" json:"objectNames"`

func (ObjectListDataset) MarshalJSON

func (m ObjectListDataset) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ObjectListDataset) String

func (m ObjectListDataset) String() string

func (ObjectListDataset) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ObjectListDataset) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ObjectPrefixOutputLocation

ObjectPrefixOutputLocation Object storage output location to write inference results

type ObjectPrefixOutputLocation struct {

    // Object Storage namespace name.
    NamespaceName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"namespaceName"`

    // Object Storage bucket name.
    BucketName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"bucketName"`

    // The prefix (directory) in an Object Storage bucket.
    Prefix *string `mandatory:"false" json:"prefix"`

func (ObjectPrefixOutputLocation) String

func (m ObjectPrefixOutputLocation) String() string

func (ObjectPrefixOutputLocation) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ObjectPrefixOutputLocation) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ObjectStorageDataset

ObjectStorageDataset Different type of location types supported for object storage

type ObjectStorageDataset struct {
    LocationDetails LocationDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"locationDetails"`

func (ObjectStorageDataset) MarshalJSON

func (m ObjectStorageDataset) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ObjectStorageDataset) String

func (m ObjectStorageDataset) String() string

func (*ObjectStorageDataset) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *ObjectStorageDataset) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (ObjectStorageDataset) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ObjectStorageDataset) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ObjectStorageFileNameLocation

ObjectStorageFileNameLocation list of text files need to be used for prediction

type ObjectStorageFileNameLocation struct {

    // Object Storage namespace name.
    NamespaceName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"namespaceName"`

    // Object Storage bucket name.
    BucketName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"bucketName"`

    // List of objects to be processed
    ObjectNames []string `mandatory:"true" json:"objectNames"`

func (ObjectStorageFileNameLocation) MarshalJSON

func (m ObjectStorageFileNameLocation) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ObjectStorageFileNameLocation) String

func (m ObjectStorageFileNameLocation) String() string

func (ObjectStorageFileNameLocation) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ObjectStorageFileNameLocation) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ObjectStoragePrefixLocation

ObjectStoragePrefixLocation Properties specific to object storage prefix location

type ObjectStoragePrefixLocation struct {

    // Object Storage namespace name.
    NamespaceName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"namespaceName"`

    // Object Storage bucket name.
    BucketName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"bucketName"`

    // The prefix (directory) in an Object Storage bucket.
    Prefix *string `mandatory:"false" json:"prefix"`

func (ObjectStoragePrefixLocation) MarshalJSON

func (m ObjectStoragePrefixLocation) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (ObjectStoragePrefixLocation) String

func (m ObjectStoragePrefixLocation) String() string

func (ObjectStoragePrefixLocation) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ObjectStoragePrefixLocation) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type OperationStatusEnum

OperationStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type OperationStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for OperationStatusEnum

const (
    OperationStatusAccepted       OperationStatusEnum = "ACCEPTED"
    OperationStatusInProgress     OperationStatusEnum = "IN_PROGRESS"
    OperationStatusFailed         OperationStatusEnum = "FAILED"
    OperationStatusWaiting        OperationStatusEnum = "WAITING"
    OperationStatusSucceeded      OperationStatusEnum = "SUCCEEDED"
    OperationStatusCanceling      OperationStatusEnum = "CANCELING"
    OperationStatusCanceled       OperationStatusEnum = "CANCELED"
    OperationStatusNeedsAttention OperationStatusEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"

func GetMappingOperationStatusEnum

func GetMappingOperationStatusEnum(val string) (OperationStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingOperationStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetOperationStatusEnumValues

func GetOperationStatusEnumValues() []OperationStatusEnum

GetOperationStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for OperationStatusEnum

type OperationTypeEnum

OperationTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type OperationTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for OperationTypeEnum

const (
    OperationTypeCreateModel    OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_MODEL"
    OperationTypeUpdateModel    OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_MODEL"
    OperationTypeDeleteModel    OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_MODEL"
    OperationTypeCreateProject  OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_PROJECT"
    OperationTypeUpdateProject  OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_PROJECT"
    OperationTypeDeleteProject  OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_PROJECT"
    OperationTypeCreateEndpoint OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_ENDPOINT"
    OperationTypeUpdateEndpoint OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_ENDPOINT"
    OperationTypeDeleteEndpoint OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_ENDPOINT"

func GetMappingOperationTypeEnum

func GetMappingOperationTypeEnum(val string) (OperationTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingOperationTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetOperationTypeEnumValues

func GetOperationTypeEnumValues() []OperationTypeEnum

GetOperationTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for OperationTypeEnum

type PiiEntity

PiiEntity PII entity object.

type PiiEntity struct {

    // The number of Unicode code points preceding this entity in the submitted text.
    Offset *int `mandatory:"true" json:"offset"`

    // Length of PII entity text.
    Length *int `mandatory:"true" json:"length"`

    // Entity text like name of person, Organization and so on.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

    // Entity type supported
    // PERSON
    // ADDRESS
    // AGE
    // DATE_TIME
    // EMAIL
    // COOKIE
    // URL
    // FIN
    // GUIDs
    Type *string `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Score or confidence for detected PII entity.
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"true" json:"score"`

    // Unique id of the entity.
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" json:"id"`

func (PiiEntity) String

func (m PiiEntity) String() string

func (PiiEntity) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PiiEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PiiEntityDocumentResult

PiiEntityDocumentResult The document response for batch detect personal identification.

type PiiEntityDocumentResult struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // List of batch detect personal identification.
    Entities []PiiEntity `mandatory:"true" json:"entities"`

    // Masked text per given mask mode.
    MaskedText *string `mandatory:"true" json:"maskedText"`

    // Language code supported
    // - auto : Automatically detect language
    // - ar : Arabic
    // - pt-BR : Brazilian Portuguese
    // - cs : Czech
    // - da : Danish
    // - nl : Dutch
    // - en : English
    // - fi : Finnish
    // - fr : French
    // - fr-CA : Canadian French
    // - de : German
    // - it : Italian
    // - ja : Japanese
    // - ko : Korean
    // - no : Norwegian
    // - pl : Polish
    // - ro : Romanian
    // - zh-CN : Simplified Chinese
    // - es : Spanish
    // - sv : Swedish
    // - zh-TW : Traditional Chinese
    // - tr : Turkish
    // - el : Greek
    // - he : Hebrew
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"languageCode"`

func (PiiEntityDocumentResult) String

func (m PiiEntityDocumentResult) String() string

func (PiiEntityDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PiiEntityDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PiiEntityMask

PiiEntityMask Mask PII entities with the given masking character.

type PiiEntityMask struct {

    // Masking character. By default, the character is an asterisk (*)
    MaskingCharacter *string `mandatory:"false" json:"maskingCharacter"`

    // Number of characters to leave unmasked. By default, the whole entity is masked.
    LeaveCharactersUnmasked *int `mandatory:"false" json:"leaveCharactersUnmasked"`

    // Unmask from the end. By default, the whole entity is masked. This field works in concert with
    // leaveCharactersUnmasked. For example, leaveCharactersUnmasked is 3 and isUnmaskedFromEnd is true,
    // then if the entity is India the masked entity/result is **dia.
    IsUnmaskedFromEnd *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isUnmaskedFromEnd"`

func (PiiEntityMask) MarshalJSON

func (m PiiEntityMask) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PiiEntityMask) String

func (m PiiEntityMask) String() string

func (PiiEntityMask) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PiiEntityMask) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PiiEntityMasking

PiiEntityMasking Mask recognized PII entities with different modes.

type PiiEntityMasking interface {

type PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum

PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum

const (
    PiiEntityMaskingModeReplace PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum = "REPLACE"
    PiiEntityMaskingModeMask    PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum = "MASK"
    PiiEntityMaskingModeRemove  PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum = "REMOVE"

func GetMappingPiiEntityMaskingModeEnum

func GetMappingPiiEntityMaskingModeEnum(val string) (PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum, bool)

GetMappingPiiEntityMaskingModeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetPiiEntityMaskingModeEnumValues

func GetPiiEntityMaskingModeEnumValues() []PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum

GetPiiEntityMaskingModeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for PiiEntityMaskingModeEnum

type PiiEntityRemove

PiiEntityRemove Remove PII entities from output.

type PiiEntityRemove struct {

func (PiiEntityRemove) MarshalJSON

func (m PiiEntityRemove) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PiiEntityRemove) String

func (m PiiEntityRemove) String() string

func (PiiEntityRemove) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PiiEntityRemove) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PiiEntityReplace

PiiEntityReplace Replace PII entities with a given sequence of characters.

type PiiEntityReplace struct {

    // Replace entities with given sequence of characters. By default PII entity will be replaced with <ENTITY_TYPE>.
    ReplaceWith *string `mandatory:"false" json:"replaceWith"`

func (PiiEntityReplace) MarshalJSON

func (m PiiEntityReplace) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PiiEntityReplace) String

func (m PiiEntityReplace) String() string

func (PiiEntityReplace) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PiiEntityReplace) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PiiModelDetails

PiiModelDetails Possible Custom PII model information

type PiiModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PiiModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m PiiModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PiiModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m PiiModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PiiModelDetails) String

func (m PiiModelDetails) String() string

func (PiiModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PiiModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreDeployedLanguageModels

PreDeployedLanguageModels Description of Language Entities.

type PreDeployedLanguageModels struct {

    // Unique identifier that is immutable on creation
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) Compartment Identifier
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Language Entities Description
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

func (PreDeployedLanguageModels) String

func (m PreDeployedLanguageModels) String() string

func (PreDeployedLanguageModels) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreDeployedLanguageModels) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails

PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails Possible pre trained health NLU model information

type PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) String

func (m PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) String() string

func (PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreTrainedHealthNluModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails

PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails Possible pre trained TXT model information

type PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) String

func (m PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) String() string

func (PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreTrainedKeyPhraseExtractionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails

PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails Possible pre trained TXT model information

type PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) String

func (m PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) String() string

func (PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreTrainedLanguageDetectionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails

PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails Possible pre trained NER model information

type PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) String

func (m PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) String() string

func (PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreTrainedNamedEntityRecognitionModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreTrainedPiiModelDetails

PreTrainedPiiModelDetails Possible pre trained PII model information

type PreTrainedPiiModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) String

func (m PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) String() string

func (PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreTrainedPiiModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails

PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails Possible pre trained TXT model information

type PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) String

func (m PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) String() string

func (PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreTrainedSentimentAnalysisModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreTrainedSummarization

PreTrainedSummarization Possible pre trained summarization information

type PreTrainedSummarization struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PreTrainedSummarization) GetLanguageCode

func (m PreTrainedSummarization) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PreTrainedSummarization) MarshalJSON

func (m PreTrainedSummarization) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PreTrainedSummarization) String

func (m PreTrainedSummarization) String() string

func (PreTrainedSummarization) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreTrainedSummarization) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails

PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails Possible pre trained TXT model information

type PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) String

func (m PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) String() string

func (PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreTrainedTextClassificationModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type PreTrainedUniversalModel

PreTrainedUniversalModel Possible pre trained universal model information

type PreTrainedUniversalModel struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    // Optional pre trained model version. if nothing specified latest pre trained model will be used.
    // Supported versions can be found at /modelTypes/{modelType}
    Version *string `mandatory:"false" json:"version"`

func (PreTrainedUniversalModel) GetLanguageCode

func (m PreTrainedUniversalModel) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (PreTrainedUniversalModel) MarshalJSON

func (m PreTrainedUniversalModel) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (PreTrainedUniversalModel) String

func (m PreTrainedUniversalModel) String() string

func (PreTrainedUniversalModel) ValidateEnumValue

func (m PreTrainedUniversalModel) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Profile

Profile Documents profile

type Profile struct {

    // For PHI API this field can be PII/PHI/ALL and by default PII will be used. For other APIs Healthcare or Financial etc.
    Domain *string `mandatory:"false" json:"domain"`

    // Document type EHR Or Utterance
    DocumentType *string `mandatory:"false" json:"documentType"`

    // Document speciality like paediatrics, internal medicine etc.
    Speciality *string `mandatory:"false" json:"speciality"`

func (Profile) String

func (m Profile) String() string

func (Profile) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Profile) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type Project

Project Project enable users to organize their project resources.

type Project struct {

    // Unique identifier OCID of the project
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It does not have to be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm)  for the project's compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The date and time the resource was created in the timestamp format defined by RFC3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The state of the project.
    LifecycleState ProjectLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // A short description of a project.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The date and time the resource was updated in the timestamp format defined by RFC3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{ "orcl-cloud": { "free-tier-retained": "true" } }`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Project) String

func (m Project) String() string

func (Project) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Project) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ProjectCollection

ProjectCollection Results of a Project List. Contains ProjectSummary items.

type ProjectCollection struct {

    // List of projects
    Items []ProjectSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (ProjectCollection) String

func (m ProjectCollection) String() string

func (ProjectCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ProjectCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ProjectLifecycleStateEnum

ProjectLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ProjectLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ProjectLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    ProjectLifecycleStateDeleting ProjectLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    ProjectLifecycleStateDeleted  ProjectLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    ProjectLifecycleStateFailed   ProjectLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    ProjectLifecycleStateCreating ProjectLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    ProjectLifecycleStateActive   ProjectLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    ProjectLifecycleStateUpdating ProjectLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"

func GetMappingProjectLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingProjectLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (ProjectLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingProjectLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetProjectLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetProjectLifecycleStateEnumValues() []ProjectLifecycleStateEnum

GetProjectLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ProjectLifecycleStateEnum

type ProjectSummary

ProjectSummary Summary of the project.

type ProjectSummary struct {

    // Unique identifier OCID of a project
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It does not have to be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"true" json:"displayName"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm)  for the project's compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The date and time the resource was created in the timestamp format defined by RFC3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The state of the project.
    LifecycleState ProjectLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"lifecycleState"`

    // A short description of the project.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The date and time the resource was updated in the timestamp format defined by RFC3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{ "orcl-cloud": { "free-tier-retained": "true" } }`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (ProjectSummary) String

func (m ProjectSummary) String() string

func (ProjectSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ProjectSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type RelationEntity

RelationEntity The relation entities details for health ner.

type RelationEntity struct {

    // id of the relation
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Subject entity of the relation. eg,MEDICINE_NAME, EXAMINATION
    SubjectId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"subjectId"`

    // Object entity of the relation. eg, MEDICINE_DOSAGE, MEDICINE_DURATION, MEASUREMENT
    ObjectId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"objectId"`

    // Type of relation between subject entity and object entity. eg,EXAMINATION_MEASUREMENT, FREQUENCY, DOSAGE
    Type *string `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // Score or confidence for detected entity.
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"true" json:"score"`

func (RelationEntity) String

func (m RelationEntity) String() string

func (RelationEntity) ValidateEnumValue

func (m RelationEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ResolvedEntities

ResolvedEntities Resolved entities.

type ResolvedEntities struct {

    // List of resolved entities
    Details []ResolvedEntity `mandatory:"true" json:"details"`

func (ResolvedEntities) String

func (m ResolvedEntities) String() string

func (ResolvedEntities) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ResolvedEntities) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ResolvedEntity

ResolvedEntity Resolved entity.

type ResolvedEntity struct {

    // id of the resolved entity in input
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // offset of resolved entity in input
    Offset *int `mandatory:"true" json:"offset"`

    // length of resolved entity in input
    Length *int `mandatory:"true" json:"length"`

    // Entity text like name of person, location, and so on.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

    // Type of entity text like PER, LOC.
    Type *string `mandatory:"true" json:"type"`

    // key and value pair for resolved entities. keys can be specific for each type of resolved entity. Values can be instances of resolvedEntity, arrays of resolvedEntities, primitives, or custom JSON.
    Value map[string]string `mandatory:"true" json:"value"`

func (ResolvedEntity) String

func (m ResolvedEntity) String() string

func (ResolvedEntity) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ResolvedEntity) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SentimentAspect

SentimentAspect Sentiment aspect object.

type SentimentAspect struct {

    // The number of Unicode code points preceding this entity in the submitted text.
    Offset *int `mandatory:"false" json:"offset"`

    // Length of aspect text.
    Length *int `mandatory:"false" json:"length"`

    // Aspect text.
    Text *string `mandatory:"false" json:"text"`

    // The highest-score sentiment for the aspect text.
    Sentiment *string `mandatory:"false" json:"sentiment"`

    // Scores or confidences for each sentiment.
    // Example: `{"positive": 1.0, "negative": 0.0}`
    Scores map[string]float64 `mandatory:"false" json:"scores"`

func (SentimentAspect) String

func (m SentimentAspect) String() string

func (SentimentAspect) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SentimentAspect) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SentimentDocumentResult

SentimentDocumentResult The document response for sentiment detect call.

type SentimentDocumentResult struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // List of detected aspects sentiment.
    Aspects []SentimentAspect `mandatory:"true" json:"aspects"`

    // Language code supported
    // - auto : Automatically detect language
    // - ar : Arabic
    // - pt-BR : Brazilian Portuguese
    // - cs : Czech
    // - da : Danish
    // - nl : Dutch
    // - en : English
    // - fi : Finnish
    // - fr : French
    // - fr-CA : Canadian French
    // - de : German
    // - it : Italian
    // - ja : Japanese
    // - ko : Korean
    // - no : Norwegian
    // - pl : Polish
    // - ro : Romanian
    // - zh-CN : Simplified Chinese
    // - es : Spanish
    // - sv : Swedish
    // - zh-TW : Traditional Chinese
    // - tr : Turkish
    // - el : Greek
    // - he : Hebrew
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"languageCode"`

    // Document level sentiment.
    DocumentSentiment *string `mandatory:"false" json:"documentSentiment"`

    // Scores for each sentiment.
    // Example: {"positive": 1.0, "negative": 0.0}
    DocumentScores map[string]float64 `mandatory:"false" json:"documentScores"`

    // List of detected sentences sentiment.
    Sentences []SentimentSentence `mandatory:"false" json:"sentences"`

func (SentimentDocumentResult) String

func (m SentimentDocumentResult) String() string

func (SentimentDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SentimentDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SentimentSentence

SentimentSentence Sentiment sentence object.

type SentimentSentence struct {

    // The number of Unicode code points preceding this entity in the submitted text.
    Offset *int `mandatory:"false" json:"offset"`

    // Length of sentence text.
    Length *int `mandatory:"false" json:"length"`

    // Sentence text.
    Text *string `mandatory:"false" json:"text"`

    // The highest-score sentiment for the sentence text.
    Sentiment *string `mandatory:"false" json:"sentiment"`

    // Scores or confidences for each sentiment.
    // Example: `{"positive": 1.0, "negative": 0.0}`
    Scores map[string]float64 `mandatory:"false" json:"scores"`

func (SentimentSentence) String

func (m SentimentSentence) String() string

func (SentimentSentence) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SentimentSentence) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SortOrderEnum

SortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SortOrderEnum

const (
    SortOrderAsc  SortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    SortOrderDesc SortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetMappingSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingSortOrderEnum(val string) (SortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSortOrderEnumValues

func GetSortOrderEnumValues() []SortOrderEnum

GetSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SortOrderEnum

type TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy

TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy This information will be used capture training, testing and validation dataset.

type TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy struct {
    TestingDataset DatasetDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"testingDataset"`

    ValidationDataset DatasetDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"validationDataset"`

func (TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) MarshalJSON

func (m TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) String

func (m TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) String() string

func (*TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TestAndValidationDatasetStrategy) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TestStrategy

TestStrategy Possible strategy as testing and validation(optional) dataset.

type TestStrategy interface {

type TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum

TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum

const (
    TestStrategyStrategyTypeTestAndValidationDataset TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum = "TEST_AND_VALIDATION_DATASET"

func GetMappingTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum

func GetMappingTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum(val string) (TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnumValues

func GetTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnumValues() []TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum

GetTestStrategyStrategyTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for TestStrategyStrategyTypeEnum

type TextClassification

TextClassification Text label and score for the given text.

type TextClassification struct {

    // Label of the the given text.
    Label *string `mandatory:"true" json:"label"`

    // Score or confidence of extracted text label.
    // Example: `0.9999856066867399`
    Score *float64 `mandatory:"true" json:"score"`

func (TextClassification) String

func (m TextClassification) String() string

func (TextClassification) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TextClassification) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TextClassificationDocumentResult

TextClassificationDocumentResult The document response for test classification detect call.

type TextClassificationDocumentResult struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // List of detected text classes.
    TextClassification []TextClassification `mandatory:"true" json:"textClassification"`

    // Language code supported
    // - auto : Automatically detect language
    // - ar : Arabic
    // - pt-BR : Brazilian Portuguese
    // - cs : Czech
    // - da : Danish
    // - nl : Dutch
    // - en : English
    // - fi : Finnish
    // - fr : French
    // - fr-CA : Canadian French
    // - de : German
    // - it : Italian
    // - ja : Japanese
    // - ko : Korean
    // - no : Norwegian
    // - pl : Polish
    // - ro : Romanian
    // - zh-CN : Simplified Chinese
    // - es : Spanish
    // - sv : Swedish
    // - zh-TW : Traditional Chinese
    // - tr : Turkish
    // - el : Greek
    // - he : Hebrew
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"languageCode"`

func (TextClassificationDocumentResult) String

func (m TextClassificationDocumentResult) String() string

func (TextClassificationDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TextClassificationDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TextClassificationEvaluationResults

TextClassificationEvaluationResults Text Classification model testing and evaluation results

type TextClassificationEvaluationResults struct {
    Metrics *TextClassificationModelMetrics `mandatory:"false" json:"metrics"`

    // List of text classification metrics
    ClassMetrics []ClassMetrics `mandatory:"false" json:"classMetrics"`

    // class level confusion matrix
    ConfusionMatrix map[string]ConfusionMatrixDetails `mandatory:"false" json:"confusionMatrix"`

    // labels
    Labels []string `mandatory:"false" json:"labels"`

func (TextClassificationEvaluationResults) MarshalJSON

func (m TextClassificationEvaluationResults) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (TextClassificationEvaluationResults) String

func (m TextClassificationEvaluationResults) String() string

func (TextClassificationEvaluationResults) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TextClassificationEvaluationResults) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TextClassificationModelDetails

TextClassificationModelDetails Possible TextClassificationModelDetails

type TextClassificationModelDetails struct {

    // supported language default value is en
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

    ClassificationMode ClassificationType `mandatory:"false" json:"classificationMode"`

func (TextClassificationModelDetails) GetLanguageCode

func (m TextClassificationModelDetails) GetLanguageCode() *string

GetLanguageCode returns LanguageCode

func (TextClassificationModelDetails) MarshalJSON

func (m TextClassificationModelDetails) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (TextClassificationModelDetails) String

func (m TextClassificationModelDetails) String() string

func (*TextClassificationModelDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *TextClassificationModelDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (e error)

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from json

func (TextClassificationModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TextClassificationModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult

TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult Possible TXTC model error analysis

type TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult struct {

    // For CSV format location is rowId(1 is header) and for JSONL location is jsonL line sequence(1 is metadata)
    Location *string `mandatory:"true" json:"location"`

    // List of true(actual) labels in test data for multi class or multi label TextClassification
    TrueLabels []string `mandatory:"true" json:"trueLabels"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // List of predicted labels by custom multi class or multi label TextClassification model
    PredictedLabels []string `mandatory:"false" json:"predictedLabels"`

func (TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) GetDefinedTags

func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) GetDefinedTags() map[string]map[string]interface{}

GetDefinedTags returns DefinedTags

func (TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) GetFreeformTags

func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) GetFreeformTags() map[string]string

GetFreeformTags returns FreeformTags

func (TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) MarshalJSON

func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) MarshalJSON() (buff []byte, e error)

MarshalJSON marshals to json representation

func (TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) String

func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) String() string

func (TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TextClassificationModelEvaluationResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TextClassificationModelMetrics

TextClassificationModelMetrics Model level text classification metrics

type TextClassificationModelMetrics struct {

    // F1-score, is a measure of a model’s accuracy on a dataset
    MicroF1 *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"microF1"`

    // Precision refers to the number of true positives divided by the total number of positive predictions (i.e., the number of true positives plus the number of false positives)
    MicroPrecision *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"microPrecision"`

    // Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive classes. It is the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually tagged. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted classes are correct.
    MicroRecall *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"microRecall"`

    // F1-score, is a measure of a model’s accuracy on a dataset
    MacroF1 *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"macroF1"`

    // Precision refers to the number of true positives divided by the total number of positive predictions (i.e., the number of true positives plus the number of false positives)
    MacroPrecision *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"macroPrecision"`

    // Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive classes. It is the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually tagged. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted classes are correct.
    MacroRecall *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"macroRecall"`

    // The fraction of the labels that were correctly recognised .
    Accuracy *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"accuracy"`

    // F1-score, is a measure of a model’s accuracy on a dataset
    WeightedF1 *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"weightedF1"`

    // Precision refers to the number of true positives divided by the total number of positive predictions (i.e., the number of true positives plus the number of false positives)
    WeightedPrecision *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"weightedPrecision"`

    // Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive classes. It is the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually tagged. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted classes are correct.
    WeightedRecall *float32 `mandatory:"false" json:"weightedRecall"`

func (TextClassificationModelMetrics) String

func (m TextClassificationModelMetrics) String() string

func (TextClassificationModelMetrics) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TextClassificationModelMetrics) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TextDocument

TextDocument The document details for language service call.

type TextDocument struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // Document text for language service call.
    Text *string `mandatory:"true" json:"text"`

    // Language code of the document. Please refer to respective model API documentation (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/language/using/overview.htm) for supported languages.
    LanguageCode *string `mandatory:"false" json:"languageCode"`

func (TextDocument) String

func (m TextDocument) String() string

func (TextDocument) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TextDocument) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type TranslationDocumentResult

TranslationDocumentResult The document response for translation call.

type TranslationDocumentResult struct {

    // Document unique identifier defined by the user.
    Key *string `mandatory:"true" json:"key"`

    // Translated text in selected target language.
    TranslatedText *string `mandatory:"true" json:"translatedText"`

    // Language code supported
    // Automatically detect language - auto
    // Arabic - ar
    // Brazilian Portuguese -  pt-BR
    // Canadian French - fr-CA
    // Croatian - hr
    // Czech - cs
    // Danish - da
    // Dutch - nl
    // English - en
    // Finnish - fi
    // French - fr
    // German - de
    // Greek - el
    // Hebrew - he
    // Hungarian - hu
    // Italian - it
    // Japanese - ja
    // Korean - ko
    // Norwegian - no
    // Polish - pl
    // Portuguese - pt
    // Romanian - ro
    // Russian - ru
    // Simplified Chinese - zh-CN
    // Slovak - sk
    // Slovenian - sl
    // Spanish - es
    // Swedish - sv
    // Thai - th
    // Traditional Chinese - zh-TW
    // Turkish - tr
    // Vietnamese - vi
    SourceLanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"sourceLanguageCode"`

    // Language code supported
    // Arabic - ar
    // Brazilian Portuguese -  pt-BR
    // Canadian French - fr-CA
    // Croatian - hr
    // Czech - cs
    // Danish - da
    // Dutch - nl
    // English - en
    // Finnish - fi
    // French - fr
    // German - de
    // Greek - el
    // Hebrew - he
    // Hungarian - hu
    // Italian - it
    // Japanese - ja
    // Korean - ko
    // Norwegian - no
    // Polish - pl
    // Portuguese - pt
    // Romanian - ro
    // Russian - ru
    // Simplified Chinese - zh-CN
    // Slovak - sk
    // Slovenian - sl
    // Spanish - es
    // Swedish - sv
    // Thai - th
    // Traditional Chinese - zh-TW
    // Turkish - tr
    // Vietnamese - vi
    TargetLanguageCode *string `mandatory:"true" json:"targetLanguageCode"`

func (TranslationDocumentResult) String

func (m TranslationDocumentResult) String() string

func (TranslationDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue

func (m TranslationDocumentResult) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateEndpointDetails

UpdateEndpointDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdateEndpointDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It should be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A short description of the endpoint.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the model to associate with the endpoint.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"modelId"`

    // Number of replicas required for this endpoint. This will be optional parameter.
    InferenceUnits *int `mandatory:"false" json:"inferenceUnits"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateEndpointDetails) String

func (m UpdateEndpointDetails) String() string

func (UpdateEndpointDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateEndpointDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateEndpointRequest

UpdateEndpointRequest wrapper for the UpdateEndpoint operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/UpdateEndpoint.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateEndpointRequest.

type UpdateEndpointRequest struct {

    // The OCID of the endpoint.
    EndpointId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"endpointId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateEndpointDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateEndpointRequest) String

func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) String() string

func (UpdateEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateEndpointRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateEndpointResponse

UpdateEndpointResponse wrapper for the UpdateEndpoint operation

type UpdateEndpointResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

func (UpdateEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateEndpointResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateEndpointResponse) String

func (response UpdateEndpointResponse) String() string

type UpdateJobDetails

UpdateJobDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdateJobDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly display name for the job.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A short description of the job.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

func (UpdateJobDetails) String

func (m UpdateJobDetails) String() string

func (UpdateJobDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateJobDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateJobRequest

UpdateJobRequest wrapper for the UpdateJob operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/UpdateJob.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateJobRequest.

type UpdateJobRequest struct {

    // Unique Transcription Job identifier.
    JobId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"jobId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateJobDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateJobRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateJobRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateJobRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateJobRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateJobRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateJobRequest) String

func (request UpdateJobRequest) String() string

func (UpdateJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateJobRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateJobResponse

UpdateJobResponse wrapper for the UpdateJob operation

type UpdateJobResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Job instance
    Job `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

func (UpdateJobResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateJobResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateJobResponse) String

func (response UpdateJobResponse) String() string

type UpdateModelDetails

UpdateModelDetails The information to be updated.

type UpdateModelDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It does not have to be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A short description of the a model.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateModelDetails) String

func (m UpdateModelDetails) String() string

func (UpdateModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateModelDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateModelRequest

UpdateModelRequest wrapper for the UpdateModel operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/UpdateModel.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateModelRequest.

type UpdateModelRequest struct {

    // unique model OCID.
    ModelId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"modelId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateModelDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateModelRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateModelRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateModelRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateModelRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateModelRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateModelRequest) String

func (request UpdateModelRequest) String() string

func (UpdateModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateModelRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateModelResponse

UpdateModelResponse wrapper for the UpdateModel operation

type UpdateModelResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

func (UpdateModelResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateModelResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateModelResponse) String

func (response UpdateModelResponse) String() string

type UpdateProjectDetails

UpdateProjectDetails The information to be updated for the project.

type UpdateProjectDetails struct {

    // A user-friendly display name for the resource. It does not have to be unique and can be modified. Avoid entering confidential information.
    DisplayName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"displayName"`

    // A short description of the project.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.
    // Example: `{"bar-key": "value"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // Example: `{"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateProjectDetails) String

func (m UpdateProjectDetails) String() string

func (UpdateProjectDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateProjectDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateProjectRequest

UpdateProjectRequest wrapper for the UpdateProject operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/ailanguage/UpdateProject.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateProjectRequest.

type UpdateProjectRequest struct {

    // The OCID of the project.
    ProjectId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"projectId"`

    // The information to be updated.
    UpdateProjectDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call
    // for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the
    // etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
    // The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you
    // provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The client request ID for tracing.
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateProjectRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateProjectRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateProjectRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateProjectRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateProjectRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateProjectRequest) String

func (request UpdateProjectRequest) String() string

func (UpdateProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateProjectRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateProjectResponse

UpdateProjectResponse wrapper for the UpdateProject operation

type UpdateProjectResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

func (UpdateProjectResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateProjectResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateProjectResponse) String

func (response UpdateProjectResponse) String() string

type WorkRequest

WorkRequest A description of workrequest status

type WorkRequest struct {

    // Type of the work request.
    OperationType OperationTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"operationType"`

    // Status of current work request.
    Status OperationStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // Unique identifier work request OCID of work request that is immutable on creation
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm)  of the compartment that contains the work request. Work requests should be scoped to
    // the same compartment as the resource the work request affects. If the work request affects multiple resources,
    // and those resources are not in the same compartment, it is up to the service team to pick the primary
    // resource whose compartment should be used
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Percentage of the request completed.
    PercentComplete *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"percentComplete"`

    // The date and time the request was created, as described in
    // RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339), section 14.29.
    TimeAccepted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeAccepted"`

    // The resources affected by this work request.
    Resources []WorkRequestResource `mandatory:"false" json:"resources"`

    // The date and time the request was started, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339),
    // section 14.29.
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The date and time the object was finished, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339).
    TimeFinished *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeFinished"`

func (WorkRequest) String

func (m WorkRequest) String() string

func (WorkRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestError

WorkRequestError An error encountered while executing a work request.

type WorkRequestError struct {

    // A machine-usable code for the error that occured. Error codes are listed on
    // (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/API/References/apierrors.htm)
    Code *string `mandatory:"true" json:"code"`

    // A human readable description of the issue encountered.
    Message *string `mandatory:"true" json:"message"`

    // The time the error occured. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    Timestamp *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timestamp"`

func (WorkRequestError) String

func (m WorkRequestError) String() string

func (WorkRequestError) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestError) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestErrorCollection

WorkRequestErrorCollection Results of a workRequestError search. Contains both WorkRequestError items and other information, such as metadata.

type WorkRequestErrorCollection struct {

    // List of workRequestError objects.
    Items []WorkRequestError `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (WorkRequestErrorCollection) String

func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) String() string

func (WorkRequestErrorCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestLog

WorkRequestLog A log message from the execution of a work request.

type WorkRequestLog struct {

    // Human-readable log message.
    Message *string `mandatory:"true" json:"message"`

    // The time the log message was written. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    Timestamp *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timestamp"`

func (WorkRequestLog) String

func (m WorkRequestLog) String() string

func (WorkRequestLog) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestLog) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestLogCollection

WorkRequestLogCollection Results of a workRequestLog search. Contains both workRequestLog items and other information, such as metadata.

type WorkRequestLogCollection struct {

    // List of workRequestLogEntries.
    Items []WorkRequestLog `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (WorkRequestLogCollection) String

func (m WorkRequestLogCollection) String() string

func (WorkRequestLogCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestLogCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestResource

WorkRequestResource A resource created or operated on by a work request.

type WorkRequestResource struct {

    // The resource type the work request affects.
    EntityType *string `mandatory:"true" json:"entityType"`

    // The way in which this resource is affected by the work tracked in the work request.
    // A resource being created, updated, or deleted will remain in the IN_PROGRESS state until
    // work is complete for that resource at which point it will transition to CREATED, UPDATED,
    // or DELETED, respectively.
    ActionType ActionTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"actionType"`

    // The identifier of the resource the work request affects.
    Identifier *string `mandatory:"true" json:"identifier"`

    // The URI path that the user can do a GET on to access the resource metadata
    EntityUri *string `mandatory:"false" json:"entityUri"`

func (WorkRequestResource) String

func (m WorkRequestResource) String() string

func (WorkRequestResource) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestSummary

WorkRequestSummary A summary of the status of a work request.

type WorkRequestSummary struct {

    // Type of the work request.
    OperationType OperationTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"operationType"`

    // Status of current work request.
    Status OperationStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // Unique identifier work request OCID of work request that is immutable on creation
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm)  of the compartment that contains the work request. Work requests should be scoped to
    // the same compartment as the resource the work request affects. If the work request affects multiple resources,
    // and those resources are not in the same compartment, it is up to the service team to pick the primary
    // resource whose compartment should be used
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Percentage of the request completed.
    PercentComplete *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"percentComplete"`

    // The date and time the request was created, as described in
    // RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339), section 14.29.
    TimeAccepted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeAccepted"`

    // The resources affected by this work request.
    Resources []WorkRequestResource `mandatory:"false" json:"resources"`

    // The date and time the request was started, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339),
    // section 14.29.
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The date and time the object was finished, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339).
    TimeFinished *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeFinished"`

func (WorkRequestSummary) String

func (m WorkRequestSummary) String() string

func (WorkRequestSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestSummaryCollection

WorkRequestSummaryCollection Results of a workRequest search. Contains both WorkRequest items and other information, such as metadata.

type WorkRequestSummaryCollection struct {

    // List of workRequestSummary objects.
    Items []WorkRequestSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (WorkRequestSummaryCollection) String

func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) String() string

func (WorkRequestSummaryCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly