
Package email

import "github.com/oracle/oci-go-sdk/email"

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func GetActionTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetDkimLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListDkimsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListDkimsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListEmailDomainsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSendersSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSendersSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSuppressionsSortByEnumStringValues() []string
func GetListSuppressionsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues() []string
func GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSenderLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string
func GetSuppressionReasonEnumStringValues() []string
type ActionTypeEnum
    func GetActionTypeEnumValues() []ActionTypeEnum
    func GetMappingActionTypeEnum(val string) (ActionTypeEnum, bool)
type ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails
    func (m ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails) String() string
    func (m ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest
    func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) String() string
    func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse
    func (response ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse) String() string
type ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails
    func (m ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails) String() string
    func (m ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest
    func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) String() string
    func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse
    func (response ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse) String() string
type Configuration
    func (m Configuration) String() string
    func (m Configuration) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateDkimDetails
    func (m CreateDkimDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateDkimDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateDkimRequest
    func (request CreateDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateDkimRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateDkimRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateDkimRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateDkimResponse
    func (response CreateDkimResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateDkimResponse) String() string
type CreateEmailDomainDetails
    func (m CreateEmailDomainDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateEmailDomainDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateEmailDomainRequest
    func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateEmailDomainResponse
    func (response CreateEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateEmailDomainResponse) String() string
type CreateEmailReturnPathDetails
    func (m CreateEmailReturnPathDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateEmailReturnPathDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateEmailReturnPathRequest
    func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateEmailReturnPathResponse
    func (response CreateEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateEmailReturnPathResponse) String() string
type CreateSenderDetails
    func (m CreateSenderDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateSenderDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateSenderRequest
    func (request CreateSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateSenderRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateSenderRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateSenderRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateSenderResponse
    func (response CreateSenderResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateSenderResponse) String() string
type CreateSuppressionDetails
    func (m CreateSuppressionDetails) String() string
    func (m CreateSuppressionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateSuppressionRequest
    func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) String() string
    func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type CreateSuppressionResponse
    func (response CreateSuppressionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response CreateSuppressionResponse) String() string
type DeleteDkimRequest
    func (request DeleteDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteDkimRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteDkimRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteDkimRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteDkimResponse
    func (response DeleteDkimResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteDkimResponse) String() string
type DeleteEmailDomainRequest
    func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteEmailDomainResponse
    func (response DeleteEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteEmailDomainResponse) String() string
type DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest
    func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse
    func (response DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse) String() string
type DeleteSenderRequest
    func (request DeleteSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteSenderRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteSenderRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteSenderRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteSenderResponse
    func (response DeleteSenderResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteSenderResponse) String() string
type DeleteSuppressionRequest
    func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) String() string
    func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DeleteSuppressionResponse
    func (response DeleteSuppressionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response DeleteSuppressionResponse) String() string
type Dkim
    func (m Dkim) String() string
    func (m Dkim) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DkimCollection
    func (m DkimCollection) String() string
    func (m DkimCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DkimLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetDkimLifecycleStateEnumValues() []DkimLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingDkimLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (DkimLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type DkimSummary
    func (m DkimSummary) String() string
    func (m DkimSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum
    func GetDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnumValues() []DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum
    func GetMappingDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum(val string) (DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum, bool)
type EmailClient
    func NewEmailClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client EmailClient, err error)
    func NewEmailClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client EmailClient, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ChangeEmailDomainCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ChangeSenderCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse, err error)
    func (client *EmailClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider
    func (client EmailClient) CreateDkim(ctx context.Context, request CreateDkimRequest) (response CreateDkimResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) CreateEmailDomain(ctx context.Context, request CreateEmailDomainRequest) (response CreateEmailDomainResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) CreateEmailReturnPath(ctx context.Context, request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) (response CreateEmailReturnPathResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) CreateSender(ctx context.Context, request CreateSenderRequest) (response CreateSenderResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) CreateSuppression(ctx context.Context, request CreateSuppressionRequest) (response CreateSuppressionResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) DeleteDkim(ctx context.Context, request DeleteDkimRequest) (response DeleteDkimResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) DeleteEmailDomain(ctx context.Context, request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) (response DeleteEmailDomainResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) DeleteEmailReturnPath(ctx context.Context, request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) (response DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) DeleteSender(ctx context.Context, request DeleteSenderRequest) (response DeleteSenderResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) DeleteSuppression(ctx context.Context, request DeleteSuppressionRequest) (response DeleteSuppressionResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) GetDkim(ctx context.Context, request GetDkimRequest) (response GetDkimResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) GetEmailConfiguration(ctx context.Context, request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) (response GetEmailConfigurationResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) GetEmailDomain(ctx context.Context, request GetEmailDomainRequest) (response GetEmailDomainResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) GetEmailReturnPath(ctx context.Context, request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) (response GetEmailReturnPathResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) GetSender(ctx context.Context, request GetSenderRequest) (response GetSenderResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) GetSuppression(ctx context.Context, request GetSuppressionRequest) (response GetSuppressionResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) GetWorkRequest(ctx context.Context, request GetWorkRequestRequest) (response GetWorkRequestResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ListDkims(ctx context.Context, request ListDkimsRequest) (response ListDkimsResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ListEmailDomains(ctx context.Context, request ListEmailDomainsRequest) (response ListEmailDomainsResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ListEmailReturnPaths(ctx context.Context, request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) (response ListEmailReturnPathsResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ListSenders(ctx context.Context, request ListSendersRequest) (response ListSendersResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ListSuppressions(ctx context.Context, request ListSuppressionsRequest) (response ListSuppressionsResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ListWorkRequestErrors(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ListWorkRequestLogs(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) ListWorkRequests(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestsResponse, err error)
    func (client *EmailClient) SetRegion(region string)
    func (client EmailClient) UpdateDkim(ctx context.Context, request UpdateDkimRequest) (response UpdateDkimResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) UpdateEmailDomain(ctx context.Context, request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) (response UpdateEmailDomainResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) UpdateEmailReturnPath(ctx context.Context, request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) (response UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse, err error)
    func (client EmailClient) UpdateSender(ctx context.Context, request UpdateSenderRequest) (response UpdateSenderResponse, err error)
type EmailDomain
    func (m EmailDomain) String() string
    func (m EmailDomain) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EmailDomainCollection
    func (m EmailDomainCollection) String() string
    func (m EmailDomainCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnumValues() []EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type EmailDomainSummary
    func (m EmailDomainSummary) String() string
    func (m EmailDomainSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EmailReturnPath
    func (m EmailReturnPath) String() string
    func (m EmailReturnPath) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EmailReturnPathCollection
    func (m EmailReturnPathCollection) String() string
    func (m EmailReturnPathCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnumValues() []EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
type EmailReturnPathSummary
    func (m EmailReturnPathSummary) String() string
    func (m EmailReturnPathSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetDkimRequest
    func (request GetDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetDkimRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetDkimRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetDkimRequest) String() string
    func (request GetDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetDkimResponse
    func (response GetDkimResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetDkimResponse) String() string
type GetEmailConfigurationRequest
    func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) String() string
    func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetEmailConfigurationResponse
    func (response GetEmailConfigurationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetEmailConfigurationResponse) String() string
type GetEmailDomainRequest
    func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) String() string
    func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetEmailDomainResponse
    func (response GetEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetEmailDomainResponse) String() string
type GetEmailReturnPathRequest
    func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) String() string
    func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetEmailReturnPathResponse
    func (response GetEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetEmailReturnPathResponse) String() string
type GetSenderRequest
    func (request GetSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetSenderRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetSenderRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetSenderRequest) String() string
    func (request GetSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetSenderResponse
    func (response GetSenderResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetSenderResponse) String() string
type GetSuppressionRequest
    func (request GetSuppressionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetSuppressionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetSuppressionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetSuppressionRequest) String() string
    func (request GetSuppressionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetSuppressionResponse
    func (response GetSuppressionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetSuppressionResponse) String() string
type GetWorkRequestRequest
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) String() string
    func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type GetWorkRequestResponse
    func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) String() string
type ListDkimsRequest
    func (request ListDkimsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListDkimsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListDkimsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListDkimsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListDkimsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListDkimsResponse
    func (response ListDkimsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListDkimsResponse) String() string
type ListDkimsSortByEnum
    func GetListDkimsSortByEnumValues() []ListDkimsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListDkimsSortByEnum(val string) (ListDkimsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListDkimsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListDkimsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListDkimsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListDkimsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListDkimsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListEmailDomainsRequest
    func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListEmailDomainsResponse
    func (response ListEmailDomainsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListEmailDomainsResponse) String() string
type ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum
    func GetListEmailDomainsSortByEnumValues() []ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListEmailDomainsSortByEnum(val string) (ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListEmailReturnPathsRequest
    func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListEmailReturnPathsResponse
    func (response ListEmailReturnPathsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListEmailReturnPathsResponse) String() string
type ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum
    func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnumValues() []ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum(val string) (ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListSendersRequest
    func (request ListSendersRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListSendersRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListSendersRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListSendersRequest) String() string
    func (request ListSendersRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListSendersResponse
    func (response ListSendersResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListSendersResponse) String() string
type ListSendersSortByEnum
    func GetListSendersSortByEnumValues() []ListSendersSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListSendersSortByEnum(val string) (ListSendersSortByEnum, bool)
type ListSendersSortOrderEnum
    func GetListSendersSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSendersSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListSendersSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSendersSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListSuppressionsRequest
    func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListSuppressionsResponse
    func (response ListSuppressionsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListSuppressionsResponse) String() string
type ListSuppressionsSortByEnum
    func GetListSuppressionsSortByEnumValues() []ListSuppressionsSortByEnum
    func GetMappingListSuppressionsSortByEnum(val string) (ListSuppressionsSortByEnum, bool)
type ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum
    func GetListSuppressionsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum, bool)
type ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse
    func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) String() string
type ListWorkRequestLogsRequest
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListWorkRequestLogsResponse
    func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) String() string
type ListWorkRequestsRequest
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) String() string
    func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type ListWorkRequestsResponse
    func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) String() string
type OperationStatusEnum
    func GetMappingOperationStatusEnum(val string) (OperationStatusEnum, bool)
    func GetOperationStatusEnumValues() []OperationStatusEnum
type OperationTypeEnum
    func GetMappingOperationTypeEnum(val string) (OperationTypeEnum, bool)
    func GetOperationTypeEnumValues() []OperationTypeEnum
type Sender
    func (m Sender) String() string
    func (m Sender) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SenderLifecycleStateEnum
    func GetMappingSenderLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (SenderLifecycleStateEnum, bool)
    func GetSenderLifecycleStateEnumValues() []SenderLifecycleStateEnum
type SenderSummary
    func (m SenderSummary) String() string
    func (m SenderSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SortOrderEnum
    func GetMappingSortOrderEnum(val string) (SortOrderEnum, bool)
    func GetSortOrderEnumValues() []SortOrderEnum
type Suppression
    func (m Suppression) String() string
    func (m Suppression) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type SuppressionReasonEnum
    func GetMappingSuppressionReasonEnum(val string) (SuppressionReasonEnum, bool)
    func GetSuppressionReasonEnumValues() []SuppressionReasonEnum
type SuppressionSummary
    func (m SuppressionSummary) String() string
    func (m SuppressionSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateDkimDetails
    func (m UpdateDkimDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateDkimDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateDkimRequest
    func (request UpdateDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateDkimRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateDkimRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateDkimRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateDkimResponse
    func (response UpdateDkimResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateDkimResponse) String() string
type UpdateEmailDomainDetails
    func (m UpdateEmailDomainDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateEmailDomainDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateEmailDomainRequest
    func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateEmailDomainResponse
    func (response UpdateEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateEmailDomainResponse) String() string
type UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails
    func (m UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest
    func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse
    func (response UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse) String() string
type UpdateSenderDetails
    func (m UpdateSenderDetails) String() string
    func (m UpdateSenderDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateSenderRequest
    func (request UpdateSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)
    func (request UpdateSenderRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)
    func (request UpdateSenderRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy
    func (request UpdateSenderRequest) String() string
    func (request UpdateSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type UpdateSenderResponse
    func (response UpdateSenderResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response
    func (response UpdateSenderResponse) String() string
type WorkRequest
    func (m WorkRequest) String() string
    func (m WorkRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestError
    func (m WorkRequestError) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestError) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestErrorCollection
    func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestLogEntry
    func (m WorkRequestLogEntry) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestLogEntry) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestLogEntryCollection
    func (m WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestResource
    func (m WorkRequestResource) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestSummary
    func (m WorkRequestSummary) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)
type WorkRequestSummaryCollection
    func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) String() string
    func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

Package files

action_type.go change_email_domain_compartment_details.go change_email_domain_compartment_request_response.go change_sender_compartment_details.go change_sender_compartment_request_response.go configuration.go create_dkim_details.go create_dkim_request_response.go create_email_domain_details.go create_email_domain_request_response.go create_email_return_path_details.go create_email_return_path_request_response.go create_sender_details.go create_sender_request_response.go create_suppression_details.go create_suppression_request_response.go delete_dkim_request_response.go delete_email_domain_request_response.go delete_email_return_path_request_response.go delete_sender_request_response.go delete_suppression_request_response.go dkim.go dkim_collection.go dkim_summary.go domain_verification_status_type.go email_client.go email_domain.go email_domain_collection.go email_domain_summary.go email_return_path.go email_return_path_collection.go email_return_path_summary.go get_dkim_request_response.go get_email_configuration_request_response.go get_email_domain_request_response.go get_email_return_path_request_response.go get_sender_request_response.go get_suppression_request_response.go get_work_request_request_response.go list_dkims_request_response.go list_email_domains_request_response.go list_email_return_paths_request_response.go list_senders_request_response.go list_suppressions_request_response.go list_work_request_errors_request_response.go list_work_request_logs_request_response.go list_work_requests_request_response.go operation_status.go operation_type.go sender.go sender_summary.go sort_order.go suppression.go suppression_reason.go suppression_summary.go update_dkim_details.go update_dkim_request_response.go update_email_domain_details.go update_email_domain_request_response.go update_email_return_path_details.go update_email_return_path_request_response.go update_sender_details.go update_sender_request_response.go work_request.go work_request_error.go work_request_error_collection.go work_request_log_entry.go work_request_log_entry_collection.go work_request_resource.go work_request_summary.go work_request_summary_collection.go

func GetActionTypeEnumStringValues

func GetActionTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetActionTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ActionTypeEnum

func GetDkimLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetDkimLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetDkimLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for DkimLifecycleStateEnum

func GetDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnumStringValues

func GetDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum

func GetEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum

func GetEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum

func GetListDkimsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListDkimsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListDkimsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListDkimsSortByEnum

func GetListDkimsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListDkimsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListDkimsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListDkimsSortOrderEnum

func GetListEmailDomainsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListEmailDomainsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListEmailDomainsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum

func GetListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum

func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum

func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum

func GetListSendersSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListSendersSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSendersSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSendersSortByEnum

func GetListSendersSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListSendersSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSendersSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSendersSortOrderEnum

func GetListSuppressionsSortByEnumStringValues

func GetListSuppressionsSortByEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSuppressionsSortByEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSuppressionsSortByEnum

func GetListSuppressionsSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetListSuppressionsSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetListSuppressionsSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum

func GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues

func GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues() []string

GetOperationStatusEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for OperationStatusEnum

func GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues

func GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues() []string

GetOperationTypeEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for OperationTypeEnum

func GetSenderLifecycleStateEnumStringValues

func GetSenderLifecycleStateEnumStringValues() []string

GetSenderLifecycleStateEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SenderLifecycleStateEnum

func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues

func GetSortOrderEnumStringValues() []string

GetSortOrderEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SortOrderEnum

func GetSuppressionReasonEnumStringValues

func GetSuppressionReasonEnumStringValues() []string

GetSuppressionReasonEnumStringValues Enumerates the set of values in String for SuppressionReasonEnum

type ActionTypeEnum

ActionTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ActionTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ActionTypeEnum

const (
    ActionTypeCreated    ActionTypeEnum = "CREATED"
    ActionTypeUpdated    ActionTypeEnum = "UPDATED"
    ActionTypeDeleted    ActionTypeEnum = "DELETED"
    ActionTypeInProgress ActionTypeEnum = "IN_PROGRESS"
    ActionTypeRelated    ActionTypeEnum = "RELATED"
    ActionTypeFailed     ActionTypeEnum = "FAILED"

func GetActionTypeEnumValues

func GetActionTypeEnumValues() []ActionTypeEnum

GetActionTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ActionTypeEnum

func GetMappingActionTypeEnum

func GetMappingActionTypeEnum(val string) (ActionTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingActionTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails

ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails The configuration details for the move operation.

type ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment to move the specified
    // resource to.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

func (ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails) String

func (m ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails) String() string

func (ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest

ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest wrapper for the ChangeEmailDomainCompartment operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ChangeEmailDomainCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest.

type ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this email domain.
    EmailDomainId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"emailDomainId"`

    // The configuration details for the move operation.
    ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) String

func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) String() string

func (ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse

ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse wrapper for the ChangeEmailDomainCompartment operation

type ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse) String

func (response ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse) String() string

type ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails

ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment into which the resource should be moved.

type ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment
    // into which the sender should be moved.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

func (ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails) String

func (m ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails) String() string

func (ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest

ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest wrapper for the ChangeSenderCompartment operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ChangeSenderCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest.

type ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest struct {

    // The unique OCID of the sender.
    SenderId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"senderId"`

    // Details for moving a sender into a different compartment.
    ChangeSenderCompartmentDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) String

func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) String() string

func (ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse

ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse wrapper for the ChangeSenderCompartment operation

type ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse) String

func (response ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse) String() string

type Configuration

Configuration Tenancy level customer email configuration details.

type Configuration struct {

    // The root compartment OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) (same as the tenancy OCID)
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Endpoint used to submit emails via the HTTP email submission API
    HttpSubmitEndpoint *string `mandatory:"true" json:"httpSubmitEndpoint"`

    // Endpoint used to submit emails via the standard SMTP submission protocol. Note that TLS 1.2 and standard SMTP authentication is required for submission.
    SmtpSubmitEndpoint *string `mandatory:"true" json:"smtpSubmitEndpoint"`

func (Configuration) String

func (m Configuration) String() string

func (Configuration) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Configuration) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateDkimDetails

CreateDkimDetails Properties to create a new DKIM. The new object will be created in the same compartment as the EmailDomain.

type CreateDkimDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the EmailDomain for this DKIM.
    EmailDomainId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"emailDomainId"`

    // The DKIM selector. This selector is required to be globally unique for this email domain.
    // If you do not provide the selector, we will generate one for you.
    // If you do provide the selector, we suggest adding a short region indicator
    // to differentiate from your signing of emails in other regions you might be subscribed to.
    // Selectors limited to ASCII characters can use alphanumeric, dash ("-"), and dot (".") characters.
    // Non-ASCII selector names should adopt IDNA2008 normalization (RFC 5891-5892).
    // Avoid entering confidential information.
    // Example: `mydomain-phx-20210228`
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // A string that describes the details about the DKIM. It does not have to be unique,
    // and you can change it. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateDkimDetails) String

func (m CreateDkimDetails) String() string

func (CreateDkimDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateDkimDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateDkimRequest

CreateDkimRequest wrapper for the CreateDkim operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateDkim.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateDkimRequest.

type CreateDkimRequest struct {

    // The DKIM details.
    CreateDkimDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateDkimRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateDkimRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateDkimRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateDkimRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateDkimRequest) String

func (request CreateDkimRequest) String() string

func (CreateDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateDkimResponse

CreateDkimResponse wrapper for the CreateDkim operation

type CreateDkimResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Dkim instance
    Dkim `presentIn:"body"`

    // The full URI of the resource related to the request
    ContentLocation *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-location"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // The full URI of the resource related to the request
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

func (CreateDkimResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateDkimResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateDkimResponse) String

func (response CreateDkimResponse) String() string

type CreateEmailDomainDetails

CreateEmailDomainDetails The configuration details for creating a new email domain.

type CreateEmailDomainDetails struct {

    // The name of the email domain in the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).
    // The email domain name must be unique in the region for this tenancy.
    // Domain names limited to ASCII characters use alphanumeric, dash ("-"), and dot (".") characters.
    // The dash and dot are only allowed between alphanumeric characters.
    // For details, see RFC 5321, section 4.1.2 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321#section-4.1.2)
    // Non-ASCII domain names should adopt IDNA2008 normalization (RFC 5891-5892).
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment for this email domain.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Id for Domain in Domain Management (under governance) if DOMAINID verification method used.
    DomainVerificationId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"domainVerificationId"`

    // A string that describes the details about the domain. It does not have to be unique,
    // and you can change it. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateEmailDomainDetails) String

func (m CreateEmailDomainDetails) String() string

func (CreateEmailDomainDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateEmailDomainDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateEmailDomainRequest

CreateEmailDomainRequest wrapper for the CreateEmailDomain operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateEmailDomain.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateEmailDomainRequest.

type CreateEmailDomainRequest struct {

    // The email domain to create.
    CreateEmailDomainDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateEmailDomainRequest) String

func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) String() string

func (CreateEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateEmailDomainResponse

CreateEmailDomainResponse wrapper for the CreateEmailDomain operation

type CreateEmailDomainResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The EmailDomain instance
    EmailDomain `presentIn:"body"`

    // The full URI of the resource related to the request
    ContentLocation *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-location"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // The full URI of the resource related to the request
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

func (CreateEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateEmailDomainResponse) String

func (response CreateEmailDomainResponse) String() string

type CreateEmailReturnPathDetails

CreateEmailReturnPathDetails Properties to create a new email return path. The new object will be created in the same compartment as the parent resource.

type CreateEmailReturnPathDetails struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the EmailDomain for this email return path.
    ParentResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"parentResourceId"`

    // The name of the email return path domain in the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).
    // The name must be a subdomain of the email domain used to send emails.
    // The email return path name must be globally unique for this tenancy.
    // If you do not provide the email return path name, we will generate one for you.
    // If you do provide the email return path name, we suggest adding a short region indicator to
    // allow using the same parent domain in other regions you might be subscribed to.
    // Domain names limited to ASCII characters use alphanumeric, dash ("-"), and dot (".") characters.
    // The dash and dot are only allowed between alphanumeric characters.
    // Non-ASCII domain names should adopt IDNA2008 normalization (RFC 5891-5892).
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" json:"name"`

    // A string that describes the details about the email return path. It does not have to be unique,
    // and you can change it. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateEmailReturnPathDetails) String

func (m CreateEmailReturnPathDetails) String() string

func (CreateEmailReturnPathDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateEmailReturnPathDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateEmailReturnPathRequest

CreateEmailReturnPathRequest wrapper for the CreateEmailReturnPath operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateEmailReturnPath.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateEmailReturnPathRequest.

type CreateEmailReturnPathRequest struct {

    // The email return path to create.
    CreateEmailReturnPathDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or
    // server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24
    // hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource
    // has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request
    // might be rejected.
    OpcRetryToken *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-retry-token"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) String

func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) String() string

func (CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateEmailReturnPathResponse

CreateEmailReturnPathResponse wrapper for the CreateEmailReturnPath operation

type CreateEmailReturnPathResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The EmailReturnPath instance
    EmailReturnPath `presentIn:"body"`

    // The full URI of the resource related to the request
    ContentLocation *string `presentIn:"header" name:"content-location"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // The full URI of the resource related to the request
    Location *string `presentIn:"header" name:"location"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

func (CreateEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateEmailReturnPathResponse) String

func (response CreateEmailReturnPathResponse) String() string

type CreateSenderDetails

CreateSenderDetails The details needed for creating a sender.

type CreateSenderDetails struct {

    // The OCID of the compartment that contains the sender.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The email address of the sender.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"true" json:"emailAddress"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (CreateSenderDetails) String

func (m CreateSenderDetails) String() string

func (CreateSenderDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateSenderDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateSenderRequest

CreateSenderRequest wrapper for the CreateSender operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateSender.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateSenderRequest.

type CreateSenderRequest struct {

    // Create a sender.
    CreateSenderDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateSenderRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateSenderRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateSenderRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateSenderRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateSenderRequest) String

func (request CreateSenderRequest) String() string

func (CreateSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateSenderResponse

CreateSenderResponse wrapper for the CreateSender operation

type CreateSenderResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Sender instance
    Sender `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

func (CreateSenderResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateSenderResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateSenderResponse) String

func (response CreateSenderResponse) String() string

type CreateSuppressionDetails

CreateSuppressionDetails The details needed for creating a single suppression.

type CreateSuppressionDetails struct {

    // The OCID of the compartment to contain the suppression. Since
    // suppressions are at the customer level, this must be the tenancy
    // OCID.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The recipient email address of the suppression.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"true" json:"emailAddress"`

func (CreateSuppressionDetails) String

func (m CreateSuppressionDetails) String() string

func (CreateSuppressionDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m CreateSuppressionDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateSuppressionRequest

CreateSuppressionRequest wrapper for the CreateSuppression operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateSuppression.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateSuppressionRequest.

type CreateSuppressionRequest struct {

    // Adds a single email address to the suppression list for a compartment's tenancy.
    CreateSuppressionDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (CreateSuppressionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateSuppressionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (CreateSuppressionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (CreateSuppressionRequest) String

func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) String() string

func (CreateSuppressionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request CreateSuppressionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type CreateSuppressionResponse

CreateSuppressionResponse wrapper for the CreateSuppression operation

type CreateSuppressionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Suppression instance
    Suppression `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (CreateSuppressionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response CreateSuppressionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (CreateSuppressionResponse) String

func (response CreateSuppressionResponse) String() string

type DeleteDkimRequest

DeleteDkimRequest wrapper for the DeleteDkim operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteDkim.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteDkimRequest.

type DeleteDkimRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this DKIM.
    DkimId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"dkimId"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteDkimRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteDkimRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteDkimRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteDkimRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteDkimRequest) String

func (request DeleteDkimRequest) String() string

func (DeleteDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteDkimResponse

DeleteDkimResponse wrapper for the DeleteDkim operation

type DeleteDkimResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

func (DeleteDkimResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteDkimResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteDkimResponse) String

func (response DeleteDkimResponse) String() string

type DeleteEmailDomainRequest

DeleteEmailDomainRequest wrapper for the DeleteEmailDomain operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteEmailDomain.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteEmailDomainRequest.

type DeleteEmailDomainRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this email domain.
    EmailDomainId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"emailDomainId"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteEmailDomainRequest) String

func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) String() string

func (DeleteEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteEmailDomainResponse

DeleteEmailDomainResponse wrapper for the DeleteEmailDomain operation

type DeleteEmailDomainResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteEmailDomainResponse) String

func (response DeleteEmailDomainResponse) String() string

type DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest

DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest wrapper for the DeleteEmailReturnPath operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteEmailReturnPath.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest.

type DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this email return path.
    EmailReturnPathId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"emailReturnPathId"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) String

func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) String() string

func (DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse

DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse wrapper for the DeleteEmailReturnPath operation

type DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse) String

func (response DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse) String() string

type DeleteSenderRequest

DeleteSenderRequest wrapper for the DeleteSender operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteSender.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteSenderRequest.

type DeleteSenderRequest struct {

    // The unique OCID of the sender.
    SenderId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"senderId"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteSenderRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteSenderRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteSenderRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteSenderRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteSenderRequest) String

func (request DeleteSenderRequest) String() string

func (DeleteSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteSenderResponse

DeleteSenderResponse wrapper for the DeleteSender operation

type DeleteSenderResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteSenderResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteSenderResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteSenderResponse) String

func (response DeleteSenderResponse) String() string

type DeleteSuppressionRequest

DeleteSuppressionRequest wrapper for the DeleteSuppression operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteSuppression.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteSuppressionRequest.

type DeleteSuppressionRequest struct {

    // The unique OCID of the suppression.
    SuppressionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"suppressionId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (DeleteSuppressionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteSuppressionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (DeleteSuppressionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (DeleteSuppressionRequest) String

func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) String() string

func (DeleteSuppressionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request DeleteSuppressionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DeleteSuppressionResponse

DeleteSuppressionResponse wrapper for the DeleteSuppression operation

type DeleteSuppressionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (DeleteSuppressionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response DeleteSuppressionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (DeleteSuppressionResponse) String

func (response DeleteSuppressionResponse) String() string

type Dkim

Dkim The properties that define a DKIM.

type Dkim struct {

    // The DKIM selector.
    // If the same domain is managed in more than one region, each region must use different selectors.
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the DKIM.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the email domain
    // that this DKIM belongs to.
    EmailDomainId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"emailDomainId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that contains this DKIM.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The current state of the DKIM.
    LifecycleState DkimLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail.
    // For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // The description of the DKIM. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time the DKIM was created.
    // Times are expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    // Example: `2021-02-12T22:47:12.613Z`
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time of the last change to the DKIM configuration, due to a state change or
    // an update operation.
    // Times are expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // The name of the DNS subdomain that must be provisioned to enable email recipients to verify DKIM signatures.
    // It is usually created with a CNAME record set to the cnameRecordValue.
    DnsSubdomainName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"dnsSubdomainName"`

    // The DNS CNAME record value to provision to the DKIM DNS subdomain, when using the CNAME method for DKIM setup (preferred).
    CnameRecordValue *string `mandatory:"false" json:"cnameRecordValue"`

    // The DNS TXT record value to provision to the DKIM DNS subdomain in place of using a CNAME record.
    // This is used in cases where a CNAME cannot be used, such as when the cnameRecordValue would exceed the maximum length for a DNS entry.
    // You can also use this if you have an existing procedure to directly provision TXT records for DKIM.
    // Many DNS APIs require you to break this string into segments of fewer than 255 characters.
    TxtRecordValue *string `mandatory:"false" json:"txtRecordValue"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Dkim) String

func (m Dkim) String() string

func (Dkim) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Dkim) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DkimCollection

DkimCollection Results of a search. Contains both DkimSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type DkimCollection struct {

    // List of dkims.
    Items []DkimSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (DkimCollection) String

func (m DkimCollection) String() string

func (DkimCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DkimCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DkimLifecycleStateEnum

DkimLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type DkimLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for DkimLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    DkimLifecycleStateActive         DkimLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    DkimLifecycleStateCreating       DkimLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    DkimLifecycleStateDeleting       DkimLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    DkimLifecycleStateDeleted        DkimLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    DkimLifecycleStateFailed         DkimLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    DkimLifecycleStateInactive       DkimLifecycleStateEnum = "INACTIVE"
    DkimLifecycleStateNeedsAttention DkimLifecycleStateEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"
    DkimLifecycleStateUpdating       DkimLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"

func GetDkimLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetDkimLifecycleStateEnumValues() []DkimLifecycleStateEnum

GetDkimLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for DkimLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingDkimLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingDkimLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (DkimLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingDkimLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type DkimSummary

DkimSummary The properties that define a DKIM.

type DkimSummary struct {

    // The DKIM selector. This selector is required to be globally unique for this email domain.
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the DKIM.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the email domain
    // that this DKIM belongs to.
    EmailDomainId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"emailDomainId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that contains this DKIM.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The current state of the DKIM.
    LifecycleState DkimLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // The description of a DKIM. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time the DKIM was created.
    // Times are expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    // Example: `2021-02-12T22:47:12.613Z`
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time of the last change to the DKIM configuration, due to a state change or
    // an update operation.
    // Times are expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (DkimSummary) String

func (m DkimSummary) String() string

func (DkimSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m DkimSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum

DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum

const (
    DomainVerificationStatusTypeNone     DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum = "NONE"
    DomainVerificationStatusTypeDomainid DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum = "DOMAINID"
    DomainVerificationStatusTypeOther    DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum = "OTHER"

func GetDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnumValues

func GetDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnumValues() []DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum

GetDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum

func GetMappingDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum

func GetMappingDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum(val string) (DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingDomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type EmailClient

EmailClient a client for Email

type EmailClient struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEmailClientWithConfigurationProvider

func NewEmailClientWithConfigurationProvider(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider) (client EmailClient, err error)

NewEmailClientWithConfigurationProvider Creates a new default Email client with the given configuration provider. the configuration provider will be used for the default signer as well as reading the region

func NewEmailClientWithOboToken

func NewEmailClientWithOboToken(configProvider common.ConfigurationProvider, oboToken string) (client EmailClient, err error)

NewEmailClientWithOboToken Creates a new default Email client with the given configuration provider. The obotoken will be added to default headers and signed; the configuration provider will be used for the signer

as well as reading the region

func (EmailClient) ChangeEmailDomainCompartment

func (client EmailClient) ChangeEmailDomainCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeEmailDomainCompartmentResponse, err error)

ChangeEmailDomainCompartment Moves an email domain into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag value of the resource. For information about moving resources between compartments, see Moving Resources to a Different Compartment (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Identity/Tasks/managingcompartments.htm#moveRes). **Note:** All DKIM objects associated with this email domain will also be moved into the provided compartment.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ChangeEmailDomainCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeEmailDomainCompartment API.

func (EmailClient) ChangeSenderCompartment

func (client EmailClient) ChangeSenderCompartment(ctx context.Context, request ChangeSenderCompartmentRequest) (response ChangeSenderCompartmentResponse, err error)

ChangeSenderCompartment Moves a sender into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ChangeSenderCompartment.go.html to see an example of how to use ChangeSenderCompartment API.

func (*EmailClient) ConfigurationProvider

func (client *EmailClient) ConfigurationProvider() *common.ConfigurationProvider

ConfigurationProvider the ConfigurationProvider used in this client, or null if none set

func (EmailClient) CreateDkim

func (client EmailClient) CreateDkim(ctx context.Context, request CreateDkimRequest) (response CreateDkimResponse, err error)

CreateDkim Creates a new DKIM for an email domain. This DKIM signs all approved senders in the tenancy that are in this email domain. Best security practices indicate to periodically rotate the DKIM that is doing the signing. When a second DKIM is applied, all senders seamlessly pick up the new key without interruption in signing.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateDkim.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateDkim API.

func (EmailClient) CreateEmailDomain

func (client EmailClient) CreateEmailDomain(ctx context.Context, request CreateEmailDomainRequest) (response CreateEmailDomainResponse, err error)

CreateEmailDomain Creates a new email domain. Avoid entering confidential information.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateEmailDomain.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateEmailDomain API.

func (EmailClient) CreateEmailReturnPath

func (client EmailClient) CreateEmailReturnPath(ctx context.Context, request CreateEmailReturnPathRequest) (response CreateEmailReturnPathResponse, err error)

CreateEmailReturnPath Creates a new email return path. Avoid entering confidential information.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateEmailReturnPath.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateEmailReturnPath API.

func (EmailClient) CreateSender

func (client EmailClient) CreateSender(ctx context.Context, request CreateSenderRequest) (response CreateSenderResponse, err error)

CreateSender Creates a sender for a tenancy in a given compartment.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateSender.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateSender API.

func (EmailClient) CreateSuppression

func (client EmailClient) CreateSuppression(ctx context.Context, request CreateSuppressionRequest) (response CreateSuppressionResponse, err error)

CreateSuppression Adds recipient email addresses to the suppression list for a tenancy. Addresses added to the suppression list via the API are denoted as "MANUAL" in the `reason` field. *Note:* All email addresses added to the suppression list are normalized to include only lowercase letters.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/CreateSuppression.go.html to see an example of how to use CreateSuppression API.

func (EmailClient) DeleteDkim

func (client EmailClient) DeleteDkim(ctx context.Context, request DeleteDkimRequest) (response DeleteDkimResponse, err error)

DeleteDkim Deletes a DKIM. If this key is currently the active key for the email domain, deleting the key will stop signing the domain's outgoing mail. DKIM keys are left in DELETING state for about a day to allow DKIM signatures on in-transit mail to be validated. Consider creating a new DKIM for this domain so the signing can be rotated to it instead of deletion.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteDkim.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteDkim API.

func (EmailClient) DeleteEmailDomain

func (client EmailClient) DeleteEmailDomain(ctx context.Context, request DeleteEmailDomainRequest) (response DeleteEmailDomainResponse, err error)

DeleteEmailDomain Deletes an email domain.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteEmailDomain.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteEmailDomain API.

func (EmailClient) DeleteEmailReturnPath

func (client EmailClient) DeleteEmailReturnPath(ctx context.Context, request DeleteEmailReturnPathRequest) (response DeleteEmailReturnPathResponse, err error)

DeleteEmailReturnPath Deletes an email return path.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteEmailReturnPath.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteEmailReturnPath API.

func (EmailClient) DeleteSender

func (client EmailClient) DeleteSender(ctx context.Context, request DeleteSenderRequest) (response DeleteSenderResponse, err error)

DeleteSender Deletes an approved sender for a tenancy in a given compartment for a provided `senderId`.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteSender.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteSender API.

func (EmailClient) DeleteSuppression

func (client EmailClient) DeleteSuppression(ctx context.Context, request DeleteSuppressionRequest) (response DeleteSuppressionResponse, err error)

DeleteSuppression Removes a suppressed recipient email address from the suppression list for a tenancy in a given compartment for a provided `suppressionId`.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/DeleteSuppression.go.html to see an example of how to use DeleteSuppression API.

func (EmailClient) GetDkim

func (client EmailClient) GetDkim(ctx context.Context, request GetDkimRequest) (response GetDkimResponse, err error)

GetDkim Retrieves the specified DKIM.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetDkim.go.html to see an example of how to use GetDkim API.

func (EmailClient) GetEmailConfiguration

func (client EmailClient) GetEmailConfiguration(ctx context.Context, request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) (response GetEmailConfigurationResponse, err error)

GetEmailConfiguration Returns email configuration associated with the specified compartment.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetEmailConfiguration.go.html to see an example of how to use GetEmailConfiguration API.

func (EmailClient) GetEmailDomain

func (client EmailClient) GetEmailDomain(ctx context.Context, request GetEmailDomainRequest) (response GetEmailDomainResponse, err error)

GetEmailDomain Retrieves the specified email domain.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetEmailDomain.go.html to see an example of how to use GetEmailDomain API.

func (EmailClient) GetEmailReturnPath

func (client EmailClient) GetEmailReturnPath(ctx context.Context, request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) (response GetEmailReturnPathResponse, err error)

GetEmailReturnPath Retrieves the specified email return path.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetEmailReturnPath.go.html to see an example of how to use GetEmailReturnPath API.

func (EmailClient) GetSender

func (client EmailClient) GetSender(ctx context.Context, request GetSenderRequest) (response GetSenderResponse, err error)

GetSender Gets an approved sender for a given `senderId`.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetSender.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSender API.

func (EmailClient) GetSuppression

func (client EmailClient) GetSuppression(ctx context.Context, request GetSuppressionRequest) (response GetSuppressionResponse, err error)

GetSuppression Gets the details of a suppressed recipient email address for a given `suppressionId`. Each suppression is given a unique OCID.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetSuppression.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSuppression API.

func (EmailClient) GetWorkRequest

func (client EmailClient) GetWorkRequest(ctx context.Context, request GetWorkRequestRequest) (response GetWorkRequestResponse, err error)

GetWorkRequest Gets the status of the work request with the given ID.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetWorkRequest.go.html to see an example of how to use GetWorkRequest API.

func (EmailClient) ListDkims

func (client EmailClient) ListDkims(ctx context.Context, request ListDkimsRequest) (response ListDkimsResponse, err error)

ListDkims Lists DKIMs for an email domain.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListDkims.go.html to see an example of how to use ListDkims API.

func (EmailClient) ListEmailDomains

func (client EmailClient) ListEmailDomains(ctx context.Context, request ListEmailDomainsRequest) (response ListEmailDomainsResponse, err error)

ListEmailDomains Lists email domains in the specified compartment.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListEmailDomains.go.html to see an example of how to use ListEmailDomains API.

func (EmailClient) ListEmailReturnPaths

func (client EmailClient) ListEmailReturnPaths(ctx context.Context, request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) (response ListEmailReturnPathsResponse, err error)

ListEmailReturnPaths Lists email return paths in the specified compartment or emaildomain.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListEmailReturnPaths.go.html to see an example of how to use ListEmailReturnPaths API.

func (EmailClient) ListSenders

func (client EmailClient) ListSenders(ctx context.Context, request ListSendersRequest) (response ListSendersResponse, err error)

ListSenders Gets a collection of approved sender email addresses and sender IDs.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListSenders.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSenders API.

func (EmailClient) ListSuppressions

func (client EmailClient) ListSuppressions(ctx context.Context, request ListSuppressionsRequest) (response ListSuppressionsResponse, err error)

ListSuppressions Gets a list of suppressed recipient email addresses for a user. The `compartmentId` for suppressions must be a tenancy OCID. The returned list is sorted by creation time in descending order.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListSuppressions.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSuppressions API.

func (EmailClient) ListWorkRequestErrors

func (client EmailClient) ListWorkRequestErrors(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse, err error)

ListWorkRequestErrors Return a (paginated) list of errors for a given work request.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListWorkRequestErrors.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestErrors API.

func (EmailClient) ListWorkRequestLogs

func (client EmailClient) ListWorkRequestLogs(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse, err error)

ListWorkRequestLogs Return a (paginated) list of logs for a given work request.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListWorkRequestLogs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestLogs API.

func (EmailClient) ListWorkRequests

func (client EmailClient) ListWorkRequests(ctx context.Context, request ListWorkRequestsRequest) (response ListWorkRequestsResponse, err error)

ListWorkRequests Lists the work requests in a compartment.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListWorkRequests.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequests API.

func (*EmailClient) SetRegion

func (client *EmailClient) SetRegion(region string)

SetRegion overrides the region of this client.

func (EmailClient) UpdateDkim

func (client EmailClient) UpdateDkim(ctx context.Context, request UpdateDkimRequest) (response UpdateDkimResponse, err error)

UpdateDkim Modifies a DKIM.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/UpdateDkim.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateDkim API.

func (EmailClient) UpdateEmailDomain

func (client EmailClient) UpdateEmailDomain(ctx context.Context, request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) (response UpdateEmailDomainResponse, err error)

UpdateEmailDomain Modifies an email domain.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/UpdateEmailDomain.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateEmailDomain API.

func (EmailClient) UpdateEmailReturnPath

func (client EmailClient) UpdateEmailReturnPath(ctx context.Context, request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) (response UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse, err error)

UpdateEmailReturnPath Modifies an email return path.

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/UpdateEmailReturnPath.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateEmailReturnPath API.

func (EmailClient) UpdateSender

func (client EmailClient) UpdateSender(ctx context.Context, request UpdateSenderRequest) (response UpdateSenderResponse, err error)

UpdateSender Replaces the set of tags for a sender with the tags provided. If either freeform or defined tags are omitted, the tags for that set remain the same. Each set must include the full set of tags for the sender, partial updates are not permitted. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/UpdateSender.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateSender API.

type EmailDomain

EmailDomain The properties that define an email domain. An email domain contains configuration used to assert responsibility for emails sent from that domain.

type EmailDomain struct {

    // The name of the email domain in the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).
    // Example: `mydomain.example.com`
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the email domain.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that contains this email domain.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The current state of the email domain.
    LifecycleState EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the DKIM key
    // that will be used to sign mail sent from this email domain.
    ActiveDkimId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"activeDkimId"`

    // Value of the SPF field. For more information about SPF, please see
    // SPF Authentication (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Email/Concepts/overview.htm#components).
    IsSpf *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isSpf"`

    // The current domain verification status.
    DomainVerificationStatus DomainVerificationStatusTypeEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"domainVerificationStatus,omitempty"`

    // Id for Domain in Domain Management (under governance) if DOMAINID verification method used.
    DomainVerificationId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"domainVerificationId"`

    // The description of an email domain.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time the email domain was created, expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    // Example: `2021-02-12T22:47:12.613Z`
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (EmailDomain) String

func (m EmailDomain) String() string

func (EmailDomain) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EmailDomain) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EmailDomainCollection

EmailDomainCollection Results of an EmailDomain search. Contains both EmailDomainSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type EmailDomainCollection struct {

    // List of email domains.
    Items []EmailDomainSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (EmailDomainCollection) String

func (m EmailDomainCollection) String() string

func (EmailDomainCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EmailDomainCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum

EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    EmailDomainLifecycleStateActive   EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    EmailDomainLifecycleStateCreating EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    EmailDomainLifecycleStateDeleting EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    EmailDomainLifecycleStateDeleted  EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    EmailDomainLifecycleStateFailed   EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    EmailDomainLifecycleStateUpdating EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"

func GetEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnumValues() []EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum

GetEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingEmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type EmailDomainSummary

EmailDomainSummary The properties that define an email domain. An email domain contains configuration used to assert responsibility for emails sent from that domain.

type EmailDomainSummary struct {

    // The name of the email domain in the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).
    // Example: `mydomain.example.com`
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the email domain.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that contains this email domain.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The current state of the email domain.
    LifecycleState EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the DKIM key
    // that is adding the DKIM signature for this email domain.
    ActiveDkimId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"activeDkimId"`

    // The description of an email domain.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time the email domain was created, expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    // Example: `2021-02-12T22:47:12.613Z`
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (EmailDomainSummary) String

func (m EmailDomainSummary) String() string

func (EmailDomainSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EmailDomainSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EmailReturnPath

EmailReturnPath The properties that define a Email Return Path

type EmailReturnPath struct {

    // The email return path domain in the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).
    // Example: `iad1.rp.example.com`
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the email return path.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the EmailDomain
    // that this email return path belongs to.
    ParentResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"parentResourceId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that contains this email return path.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The current state of the email return path.
    LifecycleState EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a
    // resource in 'Failed' state.
    LifecycleDetails *string `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleDetails"`

    // The description of the email return path. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The name of the DNS subdomain that must be provisioned to enable email recipients to verify Email Return Path.
    // It is usually created with a CNAME record set to the cnameRecordValue.
    DnsSubdomainName *string `mandatory:"false" json:"dnsSubdomainName"`

    // The DNS CNAME record value to provision to the Return Patn DNS subdomain, when using the CNAME method for Email Return Path setup (preferred).
    CnameRecordValue *string `mandatory:"false" json:"cnameRecordValue"`

    // The time the email return path was created.
    // Times are expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    // Example: `2021-02-12T22:47:12.613Z`
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time of the last change to the Email Return Path configuration, due to a state change or
    // an update operation.
    // Times are expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (EmailReturnPath) String

func (m EmailReturnPath) String() string

func (EmailReturnPath) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EmailReturnPath) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EmailReturnPathCollection

EmailReturnPathCollection Results of a ReturnPath search. Contains both ReturnPathSummary items and other information, such as metadata.

type EmailReturnPathCollection struct {

    // List of email return paths.
    Items []EmailReturnPathSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (EmailReturnPathCollection) String

func (m EmailReturnPathCollection) String() string

func (EmailReturnPathCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EmailReturnPathCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum

EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateActive         EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateCreating       EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateDeleting       EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateDeleted        EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"
    EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateFailed         EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateNeedsAttention EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"
    EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateUpdating       EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum = "UPDATING"

func GetEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnumValues() []EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum

GetEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingEmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type EmailReturnPathSummary

EmailReturnPathSummary The properties that define a Email Return Path.

type EmailReturnPathSummary struct {

    // The email return path domain in the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).
    // Example: `iad1.rp.example.com`
    Name *string `mandatory:"true" json:"name"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the email return path.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the EmailDomain
    // that this email return path belongs to.
    ParentResourceId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"parentResourceId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the compartment that contains this email return path.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The current state of the email return path.
    LifecycleState EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // The description of the email return path. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // The time the email return path was created.
    // Times are expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    // Example: `2021-02-12T22:47:12.613Z`
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The time of the last change to the Email Return Path configuration, due to a state change or
    // an update operation.
    // Times are expressed in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339)
    // timestamp format, "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ".
    TimeUpdated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeUpdated"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (EmailReturnPathSummary) String

func (m EmailReturnPathSummary) String() string

func (EmailReturnPathSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m EmailReturnPathSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetDkimRequest

GetDkimRequest wrapper for the GetDkim operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetDkim.go.html to see an example of how to use GetDkimRequest.

type GetDkimRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this DKIM.
    DkimId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"dkimId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetDkimRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetDkimRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetDkimRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetDkimRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetDkimRequest) String

func (request GetDkimRequest) String() string

func (GetDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetDkimResponse

GetDkimResponse wrapper for the GetDkim operation

type GetDkimResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Dkim instance
    Dkim `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetDkimResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetDkimResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetDkimResponse) String

func (response GetDkimResponse) String() string

type GetEmailConfigurationRequest

GetEmailConfigurationRequest wrapper for the GetEmailConfiguration operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetEmailConfiguration.go.html to see an example of how to use GetEmailConfigurationRequest.

type GetEmailConfigurationRequest struct {

    // The OCID for the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetEmailConfigurationRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetEmailConfigurationRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetEmailConfigurationRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetEmailConfigurationRequest) String

func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) String() string

func (GetEmailConfigurationRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetEmailConfigurationRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetEmailConfigurationResponse

GetEmailConfigurationResponse wrapper for the GetEmailConfiguration operation

type GetEmailConfigurationResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Configuration instance
    Configuration `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetEmailConfigurationResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetEmailConfigurationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetEmailConfigurationResponse) String

func (response GetEmailConfigurationResponse) String() string

type GetEmailDomainRequest

GetEmailDomainRequest wrapper for the GetEmailDomain operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetEmailDomain.go.html to see an example of how to use GetEmailDomainRequest.

type GetEmailDomainRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this email domain.
    EmailDomainId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"emailDomainId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetEmailDomainRequest) String

func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) String() string

func (GetEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetEmailDomainResponse

GetEmailDomainResponse wrapper for the GetEmailDomain operation

type GetEmailDomainResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The EmailDomain instance
    EmailDomain `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetEmailDomainResponse) String

func (response GetEmailDomainResponse) String() string

type GetEmailReturnPathRequest

GetEmailReturnPathRequest wrapper for the GetEmailReturnPath operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetEmailReturnPath.go.html to see an example of how to use GetEmailReturnPathRequest.

type GetEmailReturnPathRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this email return path.
    EmailReturnPathId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"emailReturnPathId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetEmailReturnPathRequest) String

func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) String() string

func (GetEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetEmailReturnPathResponse

GetEmailReturnPathResponse wrapper for the GetEmailReturnPath operation

type GetEmailReturnPathResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The EmailReturnPath instance
    EmailReturnPath `presentIn:"body"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetEmailReturnPathResponse) String

func (response GetEmailReturnPathResponse) String() string

type GetSenderRequest

GetSenderRequest wrapper for the GetSender operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetSender.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSenderRequest.

type GetSenderRequest struct {

    // The unique OCID of the sender.
    SenderId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"senderId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSenderRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetSenderRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSenderRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetSenderRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetSenderRequest) String

func (request GetSenderRequest) String() string

func (GetSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetSenderResponse

GetSenderResponse wrapper for the GetSender operation

type GetSenderResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Sender instance
    Sender `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

func (GetSenderResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetSenderResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetSenderResponse) String

func (response GetSenderResponse) String() string

type GetSuppressionRequest

GetSuppressionRequest wrapper for the GetSuppression operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetSuppression.go.html to see an example of how to use GetSuppressionRequest.

type GetSuppressionRequest struct {

    // The unique OCID of the suppression.
    SuppressionId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"suppressionId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetSuppressionRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetSuppressionRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSuppressionRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetSuppressionRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetSuppressionRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetSuppressionRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetSuppressionRequest) String

func (request GetSuppressionRequest) String() string

func (GetSuppressionRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetSuppressionRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetSuppressionResponse

GetSuppressionResponse wrapper for the GetSuppression operation

type GetSuppressionResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Suppression instance
    Suppression `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (GetSuppressionResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetSuppressionResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetSuppressionResponse) String

func (response GetSuppressionResponse) String() string

type GetWorkRequestRequest

GetWorkRequestRequest wrapper for the GetWorkRequest operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/GetWorkRequest.go.html to see an example of how to use GetWorkRequestRequest.

type GetWorkRequestRequest struct {

    // The ID of the asynchronous request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) String

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) String() string

func (GetWorkRequestRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request GetWorkRequestRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type GetWorkRequestResponse

GetWorkRequestResponse wrapper for the GetWorkRequest operation

type GetWorkRequestResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The WorkRequest instance
    WorkRequest `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A decimal number representing the number of seconds the client should wait before polling this endpoint again.
    RetryAfter *int `presentIn:"header" name:"retry-after"`

func (GetWorkRequestResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (GetWorkRequestResponse) String

func (response GetWorkRequestResponse) String() string

type ListDkimsRequest

ListDkimsRequest wrapper for the ListDkims operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListDkims.go.html to see an example of how to use ListDkimsRequest.

type ListDkimsRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the email domain to which this DKIM belongs.
    EmailDomainId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"emailDomainId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match the given id exactly.
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match the given name exactly.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"name"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a
    // paginated "List" call. `1` is the minimum, `1000` is the maximum. For important details about
    // how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    // For important details about how pagination works,
    // see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either ascending or descending order.
    SortOrder ListDkimsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Filter returned list by specified lifecycle state. This parameter is case-insensitive.
    LifecycleState DkimLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Specifies the attribute with which to sort the DKIMs.
    // Default: `TIMECREATED`
    // * **TIMECREATED:** Sorts by timeCreated.
    // * **NAME:** Sorts by name.
    // * **ID:** Sorts by id.
    SortBy ListDkimsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListDkimsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListDkimsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListDkimsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListDkimsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListDkimsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListDkimsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListDkimsRequest) String

func (request ListDkimsRequest) String() string

func (ListDkimsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListDkimsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListDkimsResponse

ListDkimsResponse wrapper for the ListDkims operation

type ListDkimsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of DkimCollection instances
    DkimCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ListDkimsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListDkimsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListDkimsResponse) String

func (response ListDkimsResponse) String() string

type ListDkimsSortByEnum

ListDkimsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListDkimsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListDkimsSortByEnum

const (
    ListDkimsSortByTimecreated ListDkimsSortByEnum = "TIMECREATED"
    ListDkimsSortById          ListDkimsSortByEnum = "ID"
    ListDkimsSortByName        ListDkimsSortByEnum = "NAME"

func GetListDkimsSortByEnumValues

func GetListDkimsSortByEnumValues() []ListDkimsSortByEnum

GetListDkimsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListDkimsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListDkimsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListDkimsSortByEnum(val string) (ListDkimsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListDkimsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListDkimsSortOrderEnum

ListDkimsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListDkimsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListDkimsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListDkimsSortOrderAsc  ListDkimsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListDkimsSortOrderDesc ListDkimsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListDkimsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListDkimsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListDkimsSortOrderEnum

GetListDkimsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListDkimsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListDkimsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListDkimsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListDkimsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListDkimsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListEmailDomainsRequest

ListEmailDomainsRequest wrapper for the ListEmailDomains operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListEmailDomains.go.html to see an example of how to use ListEmailDomainsRequest.

type ListEmailDomainsRequest struct {

    // The OCID for the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match the given id exactly.
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match the given name exactly.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"name"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a
    // paginated "List" call. `1` is the minimum, `1000` is the maximum. For important details about
    // how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    // For important details about how pagination works,
    // see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either ascending or descending order.
    SortOrder ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Filter returned list by specified lifecycle state. This parameter is case-insensitive.
    LifecycleState EmailDomainLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Specifies the attribute with which to sort the email domains.
    // Default: `TIMECREATED`
    // * **TIMECREATED:** Sorts by timeCreated.
    // * **NAME:** Sorts by name.
    // * **ID:** Sorts by id.
    SortBy ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListEmailDomainsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListEmailDomainsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListEmailDomainsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListEmailDomainsRequest) String

func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) String() string

func (ListEmailDomainsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListEmailDomainsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListEmailDomainsResponse

ListEmailDomainsResponse wrapper for the ListEmailDomains operation

type ListEmailDomainsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of EmailDomainCollection instances
    EmailDomainCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ListEmailDomainsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListEmailDomainsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListEmailDomainsResponse) String

func (response ListEmailDomainsResponse) String() string

type ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum

ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum

const (
    ListEmailDomainsSortByTimecreated ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum = "TIMECREATED"
    ListEmailDomainsSortById          ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum = "ID"
    ListEmailDomainsSortByName        ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum = "NAME"

func GetListEmailDomainsSortByEnumValues

func GetListEmailDomainsSortByEnumValues() []ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum

GetListEmailDomainsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListEmailDomainsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListEmailDomainsSortByEnum(val string) (ListEmailDomainsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListEmailDomainsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum

ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListEmailDomainsSortOrderAsc  ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListEmailDomainsSortOrderDesc ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum

GetListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListEmailDomainsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListEmailReturnPathsRequest

ListEmailReturnPathsRequest wrapper for the ListEmailReturnPaths operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListEmailReturnPaths.go.html to see an example of how to use ListEmailReturnPathsRequest.

type ListEmailReturnPathsRequest struct {

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The OCID for the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the Email Domain to which this Email Return Path belongs.
    ParentResourceId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"parentResourceId"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match the given id exactly.
    Id *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"id"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match the given name exactly.
    Name *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"name"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a
    // paginated "List" call. `1` is the minimum, `1000` is the maximum. For important details about
    // how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    // For important details about how pagination works,
    // see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // The sort order to use, either ascending or descending order.
    SortOrder ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Filter returned list by specified lifecycle state. This parameter is case-insensitive.
    LifecycleState EmailReturnPathLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Specifies the attribute with which to sort the return paths.
    // Default: `TIMECREATED`
    // * **TIMECREATED:** Sorts by timeCreated.
    // * **NAME:** Sorts by name.
    // * **ID:** Sorts by id.
    SortBy ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) String

func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) String() string

func (ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListEmailReturnPathsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListEmailReturnPathsResponse

ListEmailReturnPathsResponse wrapper for the ListEmailReturnPaths operation

type ListEmailReturnPathsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of EmailReturnPathCollection instances
    EmailReturnPathCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ListEmailReturnPathsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListEmailReturnPathsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListEmailReturnPathsResponse) String

func (response ListEmailReturnPathsResponse) String() string

type ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum

ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum

const (
    ListEmailReturnPathsSortByTimecreated ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum = "TIMECREATED"
    ListEmailReturnPathsSortById          ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum = "ID"
    ListEmailReturnPathsSortByName        ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum = "NAME"

func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnumValues

func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnumValues() []ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum

GetListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum(val string) (ListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListEmailReturnPathsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum

ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderAsc  ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderDesc ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum

GetListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListEmailReturnPathsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSendersRequest

ListSendersRequest wrapper for the ListSenders operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListSenders.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSendersRequest.

type ListSendersRequest struct {

    // The OCID for the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The current state of a sender.
    LifecycleState SenderLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"lifecycleState" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // A filter to only return resources that match the given domain exactly.
    Domain *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"domain"`

    // The email address of the approved sender.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"emailAddress"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    // For important details about how pagination works,
    // see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a
    // paginated "List" call. `1` is the minimum, `1000` is the maximum. For important details about
    // how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The field to sort by. The `TIMECREATED` value returns the list in in
    // descending order by default. The `EMAILADDRESS` value returns the list in
    // ascending order by default. Use the `SortOrderQueryParam` to change the
    // direction of the returned list of items.
    SortBy ListSendersSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The sort order to use, either ascending or descending order.
    SortOrder ListSendersSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListSendersRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListSendersRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSendersRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListSendersRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSendersRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListSendersRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListSendersRequest) String

func (request ListSendersRequest) String() string

func (ListSendersRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListSendersRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListSendersResponse

ListSendersResponse wrapper for the ListSenders operation

type ListSendersResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of []SenderSummary instances
    Items []SenderSummary `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, previous pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcPrevPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-prev-page"`

    // The total number of items returned from the request.
    OpcTotalItems *int `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-total-items"`

func (ListSendersResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListSendersResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListSendersResponse) String

func (response ListSendersResponse) String() string

type ListSendersSortByEnum

ListSendersSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSendersSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSendersSortByEnum

const (
    ListSendersSortByTimecreated  ListSendersSortByEnum = "TIMECREATED"
    ListSendersSortByEmailaddress ListSendersSortByEnum = "EMAILADDRESS"

func GetListSendersSortByEnumValues

func GetListSendersSortByEnumValues() []ListSendersSortByEnum

GetListSendersSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSendersSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSendersSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSendersSortByEnum(val string) (ListSendersSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSendersSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSendersSortOrderEnum

ListSendersSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSendersSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSendersSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListSendersSortOrderAsc  ListSendersSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListSendersSortOrderDesc ListSendersSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListSendersSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListSendersSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSendersSortOrderEnum

GetListSendersSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSendersSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSendersSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSendersSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSendersSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSendersSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSuppressionsRequest

ListSuppressionsRequest wrapper for the ListSuppressions operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListSuppressions.go.html to see an example of how to use ListSuppressionsRequest.

type ListSuppressionsRequest struct {

    // The OCID for the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // The email address of the suppression.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"emailAddress"`

    // Search for suppressions that were created within a specific date range,
    // using this parameter to specify the earliest creation date for the
    // returned list (inclusive). Specifying this parameter without the
    // corresponding `timeCreatedLessThan` parameter will retrieve suppressions created from the
    // given `timeCreatedGreaterThanOrEqualTo` to the current time, in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ" format with a
    // Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    // **Example:** 2016-12-19T16:39:57.600Z
    TimeCreatedGreaterThanOrEqualTo *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"timeCreatedGreaterThanOrEqualTo"`

    // Search for suppressions that were created within a specific date range,
    // using this parameter to specify the latest creation date for the returned
    // list (exclusive). Specifying this parameter without the corresponding
    // `timeCreatedGreaterThanOrEqualTo` parameter will retrieve all suppressions created before the
    // specified end date, in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ" format with a Z offset, as
    // defined by RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    // **Example:** 2016-12-19T16:39:57.600Z
    TimeCreatedLessThan *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"timeCreatedLessThan"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    // For important details about how pagination works,
    // see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a
    // paginated "List" call. `1` is the minimum, `1000` is the maximum. For important details about
    // how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // The field to sort by. The `TIMECREATED` value returns the list in in
    // descending order by default. The `EMAILADDRESS` value returns the list in
    // ascending order by default. Use the `SortOrderQueryParam` to change the
    // direction of the returned list of items.
    SortBy ListSuppressionsSortByEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortBy" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // The sort order to use, either ascending or descending order.
    SortOrder ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"sortOrder" omitEmpty:"true"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListSuppressionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSuppressionsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListSuppressionsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListSuppressionsRequest) String

func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) String() string

func (ListSuppressionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListSuppressionsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListSuppressionsResponse

ListSuppressionsResponse wrapper for the ListSuppressions operation

type ListSuppressionsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of []SuppressionSummary instances
    Items []SuppressionSummary `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, previous pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcPrevPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-prev-page"`

func (ListSuppressionsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListSuppressionsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListSuppressionsResponse) String

func (response ListSuppressionsResponse) String() string

type ListSuppressionsSortByEnum

ListSuppressionsSortByEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSuppressionsSortByEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSuppressionsSortByEnum

const (
    ListSuppressionsSortByTimecreated  ListSuppressionsSortByEnum = "TIMECREATED"
    ListSuppressionsSortByEmailaddress ListSuppressionsSortByEnum = "EMAILADDRESS"

func GetListSuppressionsSortByEnumValues

func GetListSuppressionsSortByEnumValues() []ListSuppressionsSortByEnum

GetListSuppressionsSortByEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSuppressionsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSuppressionsSortByEnum

func GetMappingListSuppressionsSortByEnum(val string) (ListSuppressionsSortByEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSuppressionsSortByEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum

ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum

const (
    ListSuppressionsSortOrderAsc  ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    ListSuppressionsSortOrderDesc ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetListSuppressionsSortOrderEnumValues

func GetListSuppressionsSortOrderEnumValues() []ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum

GetListSuppressionsSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum(val string) (ListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingListSuppressionsSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

type ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest

ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest wrapper for the ListWorkRequestErrors operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListWorkRequestErrors.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest.

type ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the asynchronous request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    // For important details about how pagination works,
    // see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a
    // paginated "List" call. `1` is the minimum, `1000` is the maximum. For important details about
    // how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) String

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) String() string

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse

ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse wrapper for the ListWorkRequestErrors operation

type ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of WorkRequestErrorCollection instances
    WorkRequestErrorCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) String

func (response ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse) String() string

type ListWorkRequestLogsRequest

ListWorkRequestLogsRequest wrapper for the ListWorkRequestLogs operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListWorkRequestLogs.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestLogsRequest.

type ListWorkRequestLogsRequest struct {

    // The ID of the asynchronous request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    // For important details about how pagination works,
    // see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a
    // paginated "List" call. `1` is the minimum, `1000` is the maximum. For important details about
    // how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) String

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) String() string

func (ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListWorkRequestLogsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListWorkRequestLogsResponse

ListWorkRequestLogsResponse wrapper for the ListWorkRequestLogs operation

type ListWorkRequestLogsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of WorkRequestLogEntryCollection instances
    WorkRequestLogEntryCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) String

func (response ListWorkRequestLogsResponse) String() string

type ListWorkRequestsRequest

ListWorkRequestsRequest wrapper for the ListWorkRequests operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/ListWorkRequests.go.html to see an example of how to use ListWorkRequestsRequest.

type ListWorkRequestsRequest struct {

    // The OCID for the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"query" name:"compartmentId"`

    // The ID of the asynchronous work request.
    WorkRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"workRequestId"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. The value of the opc-next-page response header from the previous "List" call.
    // For important details about how pagination works,
    // see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Page *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"page"`

    // For list pagination. The maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a
    // paginated "List" call. `1` is the minimum, `1000` is the maximum. For important details about
    // how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    Limit *int `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"query" name:"limit"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) String

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) String() string

func (ListWorkRequestsRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request ListWorkRequestsRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type ListWorkRequestsResponse

ListWorkRequestsResponse wrapper for the ListWorkRequests operation

type ListWorkRequestsResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // A list of WorkRequestSummaryCollection instances
    WorkRequestSummaryCollection `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For list pagination. When this header appears in the response, additional pages of results remain.
    // For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/usingapi.htm#nine).
    OpcNextPage *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-next-page"`

func (ListWorkRequestsResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (ListWorkRequestsResponse) String

func (response ListWorkRequestsResponse) String() string

type OperationStatusEnum

OperationStatusEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type OperationStatusEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for OperationStatusEnum

const (
    OperationStatusAccepted       OperationStatusEnum = "ACCEPTED"
    OperationStatusInProgress     OperationStatusEnum = "IN_PROGRESS"
    OperationStatusWaiting        OperationStatusEnum = "WAITING"
    OperationStatusNeedsAttention OperationStatusEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"
    OperationStatusFailed         OperationStatusEnum = "FAILED"
    OperationStatusSucceeded      OperationStatusEnum = "SUCCEEDED"
    OperationStatusCanceling      OperationStatusEnum = "CANCELING"
    OperationStatusCanceled       OperationStatusEnum = "CANCELED"

func GetMappingOperationStatusEnum

func GetMappingOperationStatusEnum(val string) (OperationStatusEnum, bool)

GetMappingOperationStatusEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetOperationStatusEnumValues

func GetOperationStatusEnumValues() []OperationStatusEnum

GetOperationStatusEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for OperationStatusEnum

type OperationTypeEnum

OperationTypeEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type OperationTypeEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for OperationTypeEnum

const (
    OperationTypeCreateDkim        OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_DKIM"
    OperationTypeDeleteDkim        OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_DKIM"
    OperationTypeMoveDkim          OperationTypeEnum = "MOVE_DKIM"
    OperationTypeUpdateDkim        OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_DKIM"
    OperationTypeCreateEmailDomain OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_EMAIL_DOMAIN"
    OperationTypeDeleteEmailDomain OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_EMAIL_DOMAIN"
    OperationTypeMoveEmailDomain   OperationTypeEnum = "MOVE_EMAIL_DOMAIN"
    OperationTypeUpdateEmailDomain OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_EMAIL_DOMAIN"
    OperationTypeCreateReturnPath  OperationTypeEnum = "CREATE_RETURN_PATH"
    OperationTypeDeleteReturnPath  OperationTypeEnum = "DELETE_RETURN_PATH"
    OperationTypeUpdateReturnPath  OperationTypeEnum = "UPDATE_RETURN_PATH"

func GetMappingOperationTypeEnum

func GetMappingOperationTypeEnum(val string) (OperationTypeEnum, bool)

GetMappingOperationTypeEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetOperationTypeEnumValues

func GetOperationTypeEnumValues() []OperationTypeEnum

GetOperationTypeEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for OperationTypeEnum

type Sender

Sender The full information representing an approved sender.

type Sender struct {

    // The OCID for the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Email address of the sender.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"true" json:"emailAddress"`

    // The unique OCID of the sender.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // Value of the SPF field. For more information about SPF, please see
    // SPF Authentication (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/Email/Concepts/overview.htm#components).
    IsSpf *bool `mandatory:"false" json:"isSpf"`

    // The sender's current lifecycle state.
    LifecycleState SenderLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // The date and time the approved sender was added in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ"
    // format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The email domain used to assert responsibility for emails sent from this sender.
    EmailDomainId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"emailDomainId"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (Sender) String

func (m Sender) String() string

func (Sender) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Sender) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SenderLifecycleStateEnum

SenderLifecycleStateEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SenderLifecycleStateEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SenderLifecycleStateEnum

const (
    SenderLifecycleStateCreating       SenderLifecycleStateEnum = "CREATING"
    SenderLifecycleStateActive         SenderLifecycleStateEnum = "ACTIVE"
    SenderLifecycleStateNeedsAttention SenderLifecycleStateEnum = "NEEDS_ATTENTION"
    SenderLifecycleStateInactive       SenderLifecycleStateEnum = "INACTIVE"
    SenderLifecycleStateFailed         SenderLifecycleStateEnum = "FAILED"
    SenderLifecycleStateDeleting       SenderLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETING"
    SenderLifecycleStateDeleted        SenderLifecycleStateEnum = "DELETED"

func GetMappingSenderLifecycleStateEnum

func GetMappingSenderLifecycleStateEnum(val string) (SenderLifecycleStateEnum, bool)

GetMappingSenderLifecycleStateEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSenderLifecycleStateEnumValues

func GetSenderLifecycleStateEnumValues() []SenderLifecycleStateEnum

GetSenderLifecycleStateEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SenderLifecycleStateEnum

type SenderSummary

SenderSummary The email addresses and `senderId` representing an approved sender.

type SenderSummary struct {

    // The OCID for the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The email address of the sender.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"true" json:"emailAddress"`

    // The unique ID of the sender.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The current status of the approved sender.
    LifecycleState SenderLifecycleStateEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"lifecycleState,omitempty"`

    // Date time the approved sender was added, in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ"
    // format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

    // Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces.
    // Example: `{"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}`
    SystemTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"systemTags"`

func (SenderSummary) String

func (m SenderSummary) String() string

func (SenderSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SenderSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SortOrderEnum

SortOrderEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SortOrderEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SortOrderEnum

const (
    SortOrderAsc  SortOrderEnum = "ASC"
    SortOrderDesc SortOrderEnum = "DESC"

func GetMappingSortOrderEnum

func GetMappingSortOrderEnum(val string) (SortOrderEnum, bool)

GetMappingSortOrderEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSortOrderEnumValues

func GetSortOrderEnumValues() []SortOrderEnum

GetSortOrderEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SortOrderEnum

type Suppression

Suppression The full information representing an email suppression.

type Suppression struct {

    // The OCID of the compartment to contain the suppression. Since
    // suppressions are at the customer level, this must be the tenancy
    // OCID.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // Email address of the suppression.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"true" json:"emailAddress"`

    // The unique ID of the suppression.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The reason that the email address was suppressed. For more information on the types of bounces, see Suppression List (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/Email/Concepts/overview.htm#components).
    Reason SuppressionReasonEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"reason,omitempty"`

    // The date and time the suppression was added in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ"
    // format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

    // The last date and time the suppression prevented submission
    // in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ"
    // format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    TimeLastSuppressed *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeLastSuppressed"`

    // The value of the Message-ID header from the email that triggered a suppression.
    // This value is as defined in RFC 5322 section 3.6.4, excluding angle-brackets.
    // Not provided for all types of suppressions.
    MessageId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"messageId"`

    // The specific error message returned by a system that resulted in the suppression.
    // This message is usually an SMTP error code with additional descriptive text.
    // Not provided for all types of suppressions.
    ErrorDetail *string `mandatory:"false" json:"errorDetail"`

    // DNS name of the source of the error that caused the suppression.
    // Will be set to either the remote-mta or reporting-mta field from a delivery status notification (RFC 3464) when available.
    // Not provided for all types of suppressions, and not always known.
    // Note: Most SMTP errors that cause suppressions come from software run by email receiving systems rather than from OCI email delivery itself.
    ErrorSource *string `mandatory:"false" json:"errorSource"`

func (Suppression) String

func (m Suppression) String() string

func (Suppression) ValidateEnumValue

func (m Suppression) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type SuppressionReasonEnum

SuppressionReasonEnum Enum with underlying type: string

type SuppressionReasonEnum string

Set of constants representing the allowable values for SuppressionReasonEnum

const (
    SuppressionReasonUnknown     SuppressionReasonEnum = "UNKNOWN"
    SuppressionReasonHardbounce  SuppressionReasonEnum = "HARDBOUNCE"
    SuppressionReasonComplaint   SuppressionReasonEnum = "COMPLAINT"
    SuppressionReasonManual      SuppressionReasonEnum = "MANUAL"
    SuppressionReasonSoftbounce  SuppressionReasonEnum = "SOFTBOUNCE"
    SuppressionReasonUnsubscribe SuppressionReasonEnum = "UNSUBSCRIBE"

func GetMappingSuppressionReasonEnum

func GetMappingSuppressionReasonEnum(val string) (SuppressionReasonEnum, bool)

GetMappingSuppressionReasonEnum performs case Insensitive comparison on enum value and return the desired enum

func GetSuppressionReasonEnumValues

func GetSuppressionReasonEnumValues() []SuppressionReasonEnum

GetSuppressionReasonEnumValues Enumerates the set of values for SuppressionReasonEnum

type SuppressionSummary

SuppressionSummary The full information representing a suppression.

type SuppressionSummary struct {

    // The OCID for the compartment.
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The email address of the suppression.
    EmailAddress *string `mandatory:"true" json:"emailAddress"`

    // The unique OCID of the suppression.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The reason that the email address was suppressed.
    Reason SuppressionReasonEnum `mandatory:"false" json:"reason,omitempty"`

    // The date and time a recipient's email address was added to the
    // suppression list, in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ" format with a Z offset, as
    // defined by RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
    TimeCreated *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeCreated"`

func (SuppressionSummary) String

func (m SuppressionSummary) String() string

func (SuppressionSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m SuppressionSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateDkimDetails

UpdateDkimDetails The attributes to update in the DKIM.

type UpdateDkimDetails struct {

    // A string that describes the details about the DKIM. It does not have to be unique,
    // and you can change it. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateDkimDetails) String

func (m UpdateDkimDetails) String() string

func (UpdateDkimDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateDkimDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateDkimRequest

UpdateDkimRequest wrapper for the UpdateDkim operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/UpdateDkim.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateDkimRequest.

type UpdateDkimRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this DKIM.
    DkimId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"dkimId"`

    // The new DKIM attributes to apply.
    UpdateDkimDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateDkimRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateDkimRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateDkimRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateDkimRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateDkimRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateDkimRequest) String

func (request UpdateDkimRequest) String() string

func (UpdateDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateDkimRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateDkimResponse

UpdateDkimResponse wrapper for the UpdateDkim operation

type UpdateDkimResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateDkimResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateDkimResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateDkimResponse) String

func (response UpdateDkimResponse) String() string

type UpdateEmailDomainDetails

UpdateEmailDomainDetails The attributes to update in the email domain.

type UpdateEmailDomainDetails struct {

    // Id for Domain in Domain Management (under governance) if DOMAINID verification method used.
    DomainVerificationId *string `mandatory:"false" json:"domainVerificationId"`

    // A string that describes the details about the domain. It does not have to be unique,
    // and you can change it. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateEmailDomainDetails) String

func (m UpdateEmailDomainDetails) String() string

func (UpdateEmailDomainDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateEmailDomainDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateEmailDomainRequest

UpdateEmailDomainRequest wrapper for the UpdateEmailDomain operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/UpdateEmailDomain.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateEmailDomainRequest.

type UpdateEmailDomainRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this email domain.
    EmailDomainId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"emailDomainId"`

    // The new email domain attributes to apply.
    UpdateEmailDomainDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateEmailDomainRequest) String

func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) String() string

func (UpdateEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateEmailDomainRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateEmailDomainResponse

UpdateEmailDomainResponse wrapper for the UpdateEmailDomain operation

type UpdateEmailDomainResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateEmailDomainResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateEmailDomainResponse) String

func (response UpdateEmailDomainResponse) String() string

type UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails

UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails The attributes to update in the email return path.

type UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails struct {

    // A string that describes the details about the email return path. It does not have to be unique,
    // and you can change it. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Description *string `mandatory:"false" json:"description"`

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails) String

func (m UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails) String() string

func (UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest

UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest wrapper for the UpdateEmailReturnPath operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/UpdateEmailReturnPath.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest.

type UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest struct {

    // The OCID (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of this email return path.
    EmailReturnPathId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"emailReturnPathId"`

    // The new email return path attributes to apply.
    UpdateEmailReturnPathDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) String

func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) String() string

func (UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateEmailReturnPathRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse

UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse wrapper for the UpdateEmailReturnPath operation

type UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the asynchronous request. You can use this to query status of the asynchronous operation.
    OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

func (UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse) String

func (response UpdateEmailReturnPathResponse) String() string

type UpdateSenderDetails

UpdateSenderDetails The details allowed for updating a sender.

type UpdateSenderDetails struct {

    // Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}`
    FreeformTags map[string]string `mandatory:"false" json:"freeformTags"`

    // Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    // For more information, see Resource Tags (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm).
    // Example: `{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}`
    DefinedTags map[string]map[string]interface{} `mandatory:"false" json:"definedTags"`

func (UpdateSenderDetails) String

func (m UpdateSenderDetails) String() string

func (UpdateSenderDetails) ValidateEnumValue

func (m UpdateSenderDetails) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateSenderRequest

UpdateSenderRequest wrapper for the UpdateSender operation

See also

Click https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/go-sdk-examples/65.75.0/email/UpdateSender.go.html to see an example of how to use UpdateSenderRequest.

type UpdateSenderRequest struct {

    // The unique OCID of the sender.
    SenderId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"senderId"`

    // update details for sender.
    UpdateSenderDetails `contributesTo:"body"`

    // Used for optimistic concurrency control. In the update or delete call for a resource, set the `if-match`
    // parameter to the value of the etag from a previous get, create, or update response for that resource.  The resource
    // will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"`

    // The request ID for tracing from the system
    OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // Metadata about the request. This information will not be transmitted to the service, but
    // represents information that the SDK will consume to drive retry behavior.
    RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata

func (UpdateSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody

func (request UpdateSenderRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool)

BinaryRequestBody implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateSenderRequest) HTTPRequest

func (request UpdateSenderRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error)

HTTPRequest implements the OCIRequest interface

func (UpdateSenderRequest) RetryPolicy

func (request UpdateSenderRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy implements the OCIRetryableRequest interface. This retrieves the specified retry policy.

func (UpdateSenderRequest) String

func (request UpdateSenderRequest) String() string

func (UpdateSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (request UpdateSenderRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type UpdateSenderResponse

UpdateSenderResponse wrapper for the UpdateSender operation

type UpdateSenderResponse struct {

    // The underlying http response
    RawResponse *http.Response

    // The Sender instance
    Sender `presentIn:"body"`

    // Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact
    // Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
    OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"`

    // For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.
    Etag *string `presentIn:"header" name:"etag"`

func (UpdateSenderResponse) HTTPResponse

func (response UpdateSenderResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response

HTTPResponse implements the OCIResponse interface

func (UpdateSenderResponse) String

func (response UpdateSenderResponse) String() string

type WorkRequest

WorkRequest A description of workrequest status

type WorkRequest struct {

    // Type of the work request
    OperationType OperationTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"operationType"`

    // Status of current work request.
    Status OperationStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // The id of the work request.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID of the compartment that contains the work request. Work requests should be scoped to
    // the same compartment as the resource the work request affects. If the work request affects multiple resources,
    // and those resources are not in the same compartment, it is up to the service team to pick the primary
    // resource whose compartment should be used
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The resources affected by this work request.
    Resources []WorkRequestResource `mandatory:"true" json:"resources"`

    // Percentage of the request completed.
    PercentComplete *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"percentComplete"`

    // The date and time the request was created, as described in
    // RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339), section 14.29.
    TimeAccepted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeAccepted"`

    // The date and time the request was started, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339),
    // section 14.29.
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The date and time the object was finished, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339).
    TimeFinished *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeFinished"`

func (WorkRequest) String

func (m WorkRequest) String() string

func (WorkRequest) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequest) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestError

WorkRequestError An error encountered while executing a work request.

type WorkRequestError struct {

    // A machine-usable code for the error that occurred. Refer to API Errors (https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/API/References/apierrors.htm) for a list of error codes.
    Code *string `mandatory:"true" json:"code"`

    // A human readable description of the issue encountered.
    Message *string `mandatory:"true" json:"message"`

    // The time the error occurred. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string.
    Timestamp *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timestamp"`

func (WorkRequestError) String

func (m WorkRequestError) String() string

func (WorkRequestError) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestError) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestErrorCollection

WorkRequestErrorCollection Results of a workRequestError search. Contains both WorkRequestError items and other information, such as metadata.

type WorkRequestErrorCollection struct {

    // List of workRequestError objects.
    Items []WorkRequestError `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (WorkRequestErrorCollection) String

func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) String() string

func (WorkRequestErrorCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestErrorCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestLogEntry

WorkRequestLogEntry A log message from the execution of a work request.

type WorkRequestLogEntry struct {

    // Human-readable log message.
    Message *string `mandatory:"true" json:"message"`

    // The time the log message was written. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string
    Timestamp *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timestamp"`

func (WorkRequestLogEntry) String

func (m WorkRequestLogEntry) String() string

func (WorkRequestLogEntry) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestLogEntry) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestLogEntryCollection

WorkRequestLogEntryCollection Results of a workRequestLog search. Contains both workRequestLog items and other information, such as metadata.

type WorkRequestLogEntryCollection struct {

    // List of workRequestLogEntries.
    Items []WorkRequestLogEntry `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) String

func (m WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) String() string

func (WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestLogEntryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestResource

WorkRequestResource A resource created or operated on by a work request.

type WorkRequestResource struct {

    // The resource type the work request affects.
    EntityType *string `mandatory:"true" json:"entityType"`

    // The way in which this resource is affected by the work tracked in the work request.
    // A resource being created, updated, or deleted will remain in the IN_PROGRESS state until
    // work is complete for that resource at which point it will transition to CREATED, UPDATED,
    // or DELETED, respectively.
    ActionType ActionTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"actionType"`

    // The identifier of the resource the work request affects.
    Identifier *string `mandatory:"true" json:"identifier"`

    // The URI path that the user can do a GET on to access the resource metadata
    EntityUri *string `mandatory:"false" json:"entityUri"`

func (WorkRequestResource) String

func (m WorkRequestResource) String() string

func (WorkRequestResource) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestResource) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestSummary

WorkRequestSummary A summary of the status of a work request.

type WorkRequestSummary struct {

    // Type of the work request
    OperationType OperationTypeEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"operationType"`

    // Status of current work request.
    Status OperationStatusEnum `mandatory:"true" json:"status"`

    // The id of the work request.
    Id *string `mandatory:"true" json:"id"`

    // The OCID of the compartment that contains the work request. Work requests should be scoped to
    // the same compartment as the resource the work request affects. If the work request affects multiple resources,
    // and those resources are not in the same compartment, it is up to the service team to pick the primary
    // resource whose compartment should be used
    CompartmentId *string `mandatory:"true" json:"compartmentId"`

    // The resources affected by this work request.
    Resources []WorkRequestResource `mandatory:"true" json:"resources"`

    // Percentage of the request completed.
    PercentComplete *float32 `mandatory:"true" json:"percentComplete"`

    // The date and time the request was created, as described in
    // RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339), section 14.29.
    TimeAccepted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"true" json:"timeAccepted"`

    // The date and time the request was started, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339),
    // section 14.29.
    TimeStarted *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeStarted"`

    // The date and time the object was finished, as described in RFC 3339 (https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339).
    TimeFinished *common.SDKTime `mandatory:"false" json:"timeFinished"`

func (WorkRequestSummary) String

func (m WorkRequestSummary) String() string

func (WorkRequestSummary) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestSummary) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly

type WorkRequestSummaryCollection

WorkRequestSummaryCollection Results of a workRequest search. Contains both WorkRequest items and other information, such as metadata.

type WorkRequestSummaryCollection struct {

    // List of workRequestSummary objects.
    Items []WorkRequestSummary `mandatory:"true" json:"items"`

func (WorkRequestSummaryCollection) String

func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) String() string

func (WorkRequestSummaryCollection) ValidateEnumValue

func (m WorkRequestSummaryCollection) ValidateEnumValue() (bool, error)

ValidateEnumValue returns an error when providing an unsupported enum value This function is being called during constructing API request process Not recommended for calling this function directly