oci.apigateway.models.AccessLogPolicy |
Configures the logging policies for the access logs of an API Deployment. |
oci.apigateway.models.AdditionalValidationPolicy |
Additional JWT validation checks. |
oci.apigateway.models.AnonymousRouteAuthorizationPolicy |
For a type of ANONYMOUS, an authenticated API must have the “isAnonymousAccessAllowed” property set to “true” in the authentication policy. |
oci.apigateway.models.AnyOfRouteAuthorizationPolicy |
If authentication has been performed, validate whether the request scope (if any) applies to this route. |
oci.apigateway.models.AnyOfSelectionKey |
When dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests, the route or authentication server associated with a set of selection keys is used if the context variable in an incoming request exactly matches one of the keys in the set. |
oci.apigateway.models.Api |
An API is simple container for an API Specification. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiCollection |
Collection of API summaries. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecification |
The logical configuration of the API exposed by a deployment. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationLoggingPolicies |
Policies controlling the pushing of logs to OCI Public Logging. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRequestPolicies |
Global behavior applied to all requests received by the API. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRoute |
A single route that forwards requests to a particular backend and may contain some additional policies. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRouteBackend |
The backend to forward requests to. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRouteRequestPolicies |
Behavior applied to any requests received by the API on this route. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSpecificationRouteResponsePolicies |
Behavior applied to any responses sent by the API for requests on this route. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiSummary |
A summary of the API. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiValidationDetail |
Detail of a single error or warning. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiValidationDetails |
Detail of an error or warning. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiValidationResult |
The result of single validation. |
oci.apigateway.models.ApiValidations |
The result of validations conducted on the API. |
oci.apigateway.models.AuthenticationOnlyRouteAuthorizationPolicy |
Only authentication is performed for the request and authorization is skipped. |
oci.apigateway.models.AuthenticationPolicy |
Information on how to authenticate incoming requests. |
oci.apigateway.models.AuthenticationServerPolicy |
Policy for the details regarding each authentication server under dynamic authentication. |
oci.apigateway.models.BodyValidationRequestPolicy |
Validate the payload body of the incoming API requests on a specific route. |
oci.apigateway.models.CaBundle |
Reference to the CA bundle that should be used on the gateway |
oci.apigateway.models.Certificate |
A certificate contains information to be installed on a gateway to secure the traffic going through it. |
oci.apigateway.models.CertificateCollection |
Collection of certificate summaries. |
oci.apigateway.models.CertificateSummary |
A summary of the certificate. |
oci.apigateway.models.CertificatesCaBundle |
CA bundle from Certificates Service that should be used on the gateway for TLS validation |
oci.apigateway.models.CertificatesCertificateAuthority |
Certificate Authority from Certificates Service that should be used on the gateway for TLS validation |
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeApiCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment details for the API. |
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeCertificateCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment details for the certificate. |
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeDeploymentCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment details for the deployment. |
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeGatewayCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment details for the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeSubscriberCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment details for the subscriber. |
oci.apigateway.models.ChangeUsagePlanCompartmentDetails |
The new compartment details for the usage plan. |
oci.apigateway.models.Client |
A Client. |
oci.apigateway.models.ClientAppDetails |
Client App Credential details. |
oci.apigateway.models.ClientSummary |
A summary of a client. |
oci.apigateway.models.ContentValidation |
Content validation properties. |
oci.apigateway.models.CorsPolicy |
Enable CORS (Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing) request handling. |
oci.apigateway.models.CreateApiDetails |
Information about the new API. |
oci.apigateway.models.CreateCertificateDetails |
Information about a new certificate. |
oci.apigateway.models.CreateDeploymentDetails |
Information about a new deployment. |
oci.apigateway.models.CreateGatewayDetails |
Information about the new gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.CreateSdkDetails |
Information about the new SDK. |
oci.apigateway.models.CreateSubscriberDetails |
Information about a new subscriber. |
oci.apigateway.models.CreateUsagePlanDetails |
Information about a new usage plan. |
oci.apigateway.models.CustomAuthenticationPolicy |
Use a function to validate a custom header or query parameter sent with the request authentication. |
oci.apigateway.models.CustomClientAppDetails |
Client App Credentials to be provided again. |
oci.apigateway.models.Deployment |
A deployment deploys an API on a gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.DeploymentCollection |
Collection of deployment summaries. |
oci.apigateway.models.DeploymentSummary |
A summary of the deployment. |
oci.apigateway.models.DiscoveryUriSourceUriDetails |
Discovery Uri information. |
oci.apigateway.models.DynamicAuthenticationPolicy |
Policy on how to authenticate requests when multiple authentication options are configured for a deployment. |
oci.apigateway.models.DynamicRoutingBackend |
Send the request to the backend dynamically selected based on the incoming request’s context. |
oci.apigateway.models.DynamicRoutingTypeRoutingBackend |
Policy for the details regarding each routing backend under dynamic routing. |
oci.apigateway.models.DynamicSelectionKey |
Base policy for defining how to match the context variable in an incoming request with selection keys when dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests. |
oci.apigateway.models.Entitlement |
A usage plan entitlement, comprising of rate limits, quotas and the deployments they are applied to. |
oci.apigateway.models.EntitlementSummary |
A summary of an entitlement included in a usage plan. |
oci.apigateway.models.EntitlementTarget |
An entitlement target, describing which deployment the entitlement should be applied to. |
oci.apigateway.models.ExecutionLogPolicy |
Configures the logging policies for the execution logs of an API Deployment. |
oci.apigateway.models.ExternalRespCache |
Connection details for an external RESP based cache store for Response Caching. |
oci.apigateway.models.FilterHeaderPolicy |
Filter HTTP headers as they pass through the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.FilterHeaderPolicyItem |
A header to drop (with BLOCK) or pass through (with ALLOW). |
oci.apigateway.models.FilterQueryParameterPolicy |
Filter parameters from the query string as they pass through the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.FilterQueryParameterPolicyItem |
A query parameter to drop (with BLOCK) or pass through (with ALLOW). |
oci.apigateway.models.FixedTTLResponseCacheStorePolicy |
How a response from a backend is cached in the Response Cache. |
oci.apigateway.models.Gateway |
A gateway is a virtual network appliance in a regional subnet. |
oci.apigateway.models.GatewayCollection |
Collection of gateway summaries. |
oci.apigateway.models.GatewaySummary |
A summary of the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.HTTPBackend |
Send the request to an HTTP backend. |
oci.apigateway.models.HeaderFieldSpecification |
Header in key/value pair. |
oci.apigateway.models.HeaderTransformationPolicy |
A set of transformations to apply to HTTP headers that pass through the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.HeaderValidationItem |
Header validation properties. |
oci.apigateway.models.HeaderValidationRequestPolicy |
Validate the HTTP headers on the incoming API requests on a specific route. |
oci.apigateway.models.IpAddress |
IP address associated with the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.JsonWebKey |
A JSON Web Key that represents the public key used for verifying the JWT signature. |
oci.apigateway.models.JsonWebTokenClaim |
An individual JWT claim. |
oci.apigateway.models.JwtAuthenticationPolicy |
Validate a JWT token present in the header or query parameter. |
oci.apigateway.models.ModifyResponseValidationFailurePolicy |
Policy to specify how to modify the response code, body and headers. |
oci.apigateway.models.MutualTlsDetails |
Properties used to configure client mTLS verification when API Consumer makes connection to the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.NoCache |
Configures the gateway with no caching. |
oci.apigateway.models.NoContentValidation |
No content validation properties. |
oci.apigateway.models.OAuth2LogoutBackend |
Backend which when called triggers OAuth2 logout. |
oci.apigateway.models.OAuth2ResponseValidationFailurePolicy |
Policy to specify OAuth2 flow configuration. |
oci.apigateway.models.OracleFunctionBackend |
Send the request to an Oracle Functions function. |
oci.apigateway.models.PemEncodedPublicKey |
A PEM-encoded public key used for verifying the JWT signature. |
oci.apigateway.models.PublicKeySet |
A set of Public Keys that will be used to verify the JWT signature. |
oci.apigateway.models.QueryParameterTransformationPolicy |
A set of transformations to apply to query parameters that pass through the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.QueryParameterValidationItem |
Query parameter validation properties. |
oci.apigateway.models.QueryParameterValidationRequestPolicy |
Validate the URL query parameters on the incoming API requests on a specific route. |
oci.apigateway.models.Quota |
Quota policy for a usage plan. |
oci.apigateway.models.RateLimit |
Rate-limiting policy for a usage plan. |
oci.apigateway.models.RateLimitingPolicy |
Limit the number of requests that should be handled for the specified window using a specfic key. |
oci.apigateway.models.RemoteJsonWebKeySet |
A set of public keys that is retrieved at run-time from a remote location to verify the JWT signature. |
oci.apigateway.models.RenameHeaderPolicy |
Rename HTTP headers as they pass through the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.RenameHeaderPolicyItem |
The value will be a copy of the original value of the source header and will not be affected by any other transformation policies applied to that header. |
oci.apigateway.models.RenameQueryParameterPolicy |
Rename parameters on the query string as they pass through the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.RenameQueryParameterPolicyItem |
The value will be a copy of the original value of the source parameter and will not be affected by any other transformation policies applied to that parameter. |
oci.apigateway.models.RequestParameterValidation |
Common parameter validation properties. |
oci.apigateway.models.ResponseCacheDetails |
Base Gateway response cache. |
oci.apigateway.models.ResponseCacheLookupPolicy |
Base policy for Response Cache lookup. |
oci.apigateway.models.ResponseCacheRespServer |
Details of a RESP based cache store server |
oci.apigateway.models.ResponseCacheStorePolicy |
Base policy for how a response from a backend is cached in the Response Cache. |
oci.apigateway.models.RouteAuthorizationPolicy |
If authentication has been performed, validate whether the request scope (if any) applies to this route. |
oci.apigateway.models.Sdk |
Information about the SDK. |
oci.apigateway.models.SdkCollection |
Collection of the existing SDKs. |
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageOptionalParameters |
List of additional applicable parameters for any given target language. |
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageOptionalParametersAllowedValue |
Allowed value object. |
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageTypeCollection |
Collection of available SDK target languages. |
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageTypeSummary |
SDK target language details. |
oci.apigateway.models.SdkLanguageTypes |
SDK target language details. |
oci.apigateway.models.SdkSummary |
A summary of the SDK. |
oci.apigateway.models.SelectionSourcePolicy |
The type of selector to use when dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests. |
oci.apigateway.models.SetHeaderPolicy |
Set HTTP headers as they pass through the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.SetHeaderPolicyItem |
Set will add a new header if it was not in the original request. |
oci.apigateway.models.SetQueryParameterPolicy |
Set parameters on the query string as they pass through the gateway. |
oci.apigateway.models.SetQueryParameterPolicyItem |
Set will add a new query parameter if it was not in the original request. |
oci.apigateway.models.SimpleLookupPolicy |
Provides ability to vary the cache key using context expressions. |
oci.apigateway.models.SingleSelectionSourcePolicy |
The single context variable in an incoming request to match against specified selection keys when dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests. |
oci.apigateway.models.SourceUriDetails |
Auth endpoint details. |
oci.apigateway.models.StaticPublicKey |
A static public key which is used to verify the JWT signature. |
oci.apigateway.models.StaticPublicKeySet |
A set of static public keys that will be used to verify the JWT signature. |
oci.apigateway.models.StockResponseBackend |
Send the request to a mock backend. |
oci.apigateway.models.Subscriber |
A subscriber, which encapsulates a number of clients and usage plans that they are subscribed to. |
oci.apigateway.models.SubscriberCollection |
Collection of subscriber summaries. |
oci.apigateway.models.SubscriberSummary |
A summary of a subscriber. |
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationPolicy |
Validate a token present in the header or query parameter. |
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationRemoteDiscoveryValidationPolicy |
Instrospect Url based validation retrieved at run-time from a remote location to verify the provided token. |
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationRemoteJWKSValidationPolicy |
A set of public keys that is retrieved at run-time from a remote location to verify the JWT signature. |
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationStaticKeysValidationPolicy |
A set of static public keys that will be used to verify the JWT signature. |
oci.apigateway.models.TokenAuthenticationValidationPolicy |
Authentication Policies for the Token Authentication types. |
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateApiDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateCertificateDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateDeploymentDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateGatewayDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateSdkDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateSubscriberDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.apigateway.models.UpdateUsagePlanDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.apigateway.models.UsagePlan |
A usage plan controls access of subscribers to deployments, controlling rate limits and quotas for usage. |
oci.apigateway.models.UsagePlanCollection |
Collection of usage plan summaries. |
oci.apigateway.models.UsagePlanSummary |
A summary of the usage plan. |
oci.apigateway.models.UsagePlansPolicy |
Usage plan policies for this deployment |
oci.apigateway.models.ValidationBlockClientAppDetails |
Client App Credentials to be used from validation block. |
oci.apigateway.models.ValidationBlockSourceUriDetails |
Source Uri information to be used from validation block. |
oci.apigateway.models.ValidationFailurePolicy |
Policy for defining behaviour on validation failure. |
oci.apigateway.models.ValidationRequestPolicy |
Top-level validation policy mixin (not directly used). |
oci.apigateway.models.WildcardSelectionKey |
When dynamically routing and dynamically authenticating requests, the route or authentication server associated with a selection key containing a wildcard is used if the context variable in an incoming request matches that key. |
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequest |
A description of the work request status. |
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestCollection |
Collection of work request summaries. |
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestError |
An error encountered while executing a work request. |
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection |
Collection of work request errors. |
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestLog |
A log message from the execution of a work request. |
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestLogCollection |
Collection of work request logs. |
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestResource |
A resource created or operated on by a work request. |
oci.apigateway.models.WorkRequestSummary |
A summary of the work request. |