oci.data_integration.models.AbstractCallAttribute |
The abstract write attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.AbstractDataOperationConfig |
The information about the data operation. |
oci.data_integration.models.AbstractField |
The type representing the abstract field concept. |
oci.data_integration.models.AbstractFormatAttribute |
The abstract format attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.AbstractFormattedText |
The type of the formatted text. |
oci.data_integration.models.AbstractFrequencyDetails |
The model that holds the frequency details. |
oci.data_integration.models.AbstractReadAttribute |
The abstract read attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.AbstractWriteAttribute |
The abstract write attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.Aggregator |
The information about the aggregator operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.AggregatorSummary |
A summary type containing information about the object’s aggregator including its type, key, name and description. |
oci.data_integration.models.Application |
The application type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the application. |
oci.data_integration.models.ApplicationDetails |
The information about the application. |
oci.data_integration.models.ApplicationSummary |
The application summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the application. |
oci.data_integration.models.ApplicationSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of application summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.ArrayType |
Array type object. |
oci.data_integration.models.AuthConfig |
Authentication configuration for Generic REST invocation. |
oci.data_integration.models.AuthDetails |
Authentication type to be used for Generic REST invocation. |
oci.data_integration.models.AvroFormatAttribute |
The AVRO format attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.BaseType |
Base type for the type system. |
oci.data_integration.models.BiccReadAttributes |
Properties to configure reading from BICC. |
oci.data_integration.models.BipCallAttribute |
Properties to configure reading from a FUSION_APP BIP data asset / connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.BipReadAttributes |
Properties to configure reading from a FUSION_APP BIP data asset / connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.BipReportParameterValue |
Report parameter name and value to be passed for BIP Report extraction. |
oci.data_integration.models.CancelRestCallConfig |
The REST API configuration for cancelling the task. |
oci.data_integration.models.ChangeCompartmentDetails |
The information needed to change the workspace compartment. |
oci.data_integration.models.ChangeDisApplicationCompartmentDetails |
The information needed to change the DIS Application compartment. |
oci.data_integration.models.ChildReference |
Child reference contains application configuration information. |
oci.data_integration.models.ChildReferenceDetail |
References used in an application. |
oci.data_integration.models.CompositeFieldMap |
A composite field map. |
oci.data_integration.models.CompositeState |
The composite state object provides information on the state of a task or schedule. |
oci.data_integration.models.CompositeType |
A CompositeType represents a type that is composed of a list of sub-types, for example an Address type. |
oci.data_integration.models.Compression |
The optional compression configuration. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConditionalCompositeFieldMap |
A conditional composite field map. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConditionalInputLink |
The information about the conditional input link. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConditionalOutputPort |
The conditional output port details, used in operators such as split. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConfigDefinition |
The configuration details of a configurable object. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConfigParameterDefinition |
The configurable properties of an object type. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConfigParameterValue |
Contains the parameter configuration values. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConfigProvider |
The information about the configuration provider. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConfigValues |
Configuration values can be string, objects, or parameters. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConfigurationDetails |
A key map. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConfiguredType |
A ConfiguredType represents a type that has built-in configuration to the type itself. |
oci.data_integration.models.Connection |
The connection for a data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionDetails |
The connection details for a data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromAdwc |
The connection details for an Autonomous Data Warehouse data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromAdwcDetails |
The connection details for an Autonomous Data Warehouse data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromAmazonS3 |
The connection details for Amazon s3 data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromAmazonS3Details |
The connection details for an Oracle Database data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromAtp |
The connection details for an Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromAtpDetails |
The connection details for an Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromBICC |
The connection details for a FUSION_APP BICC Connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromBICCDetails |
The connection details for a FUSION_APP BICC connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromBIP |
The connection details for a Fusion applications BIP connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromBipDetails |
The connection details for a Fusion applications BIP connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromHdfs |
The connection details for the HDFS data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromHdfsDetails |
The connection details for the HDFS data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromJdbc |
The connection details for a generic JDBC data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromJdbcDetails |
The connection details for a generic JDBC data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromLake |
The connection details for a Lake connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromLakeDetails |
The connection details for a Lake connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromMySQL |
The connection details for a MYSQL data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromMySQLDetails |
The connection details for a MYSQL data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromMySqlHeatWave |
The connection details for a MYSQL HeatWave data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromMySqlHeatWaveDetails |
The connection details for a MYSQL HeatWave data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOAuth2 |
The connection details for a OAuth connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOAuth2Details |
The connection details for a OAuth connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromObjectStorage |
The connection details for an Oracle Object Storage data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromObjectStorageDetails |
The connection summary details for an Oracle Object Storage data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOracle |
The connection details for an Oracle Database data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOracleDetails |
The connection details for an Oracle Database data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOracleEbs |
The connection details for E-Business Suite data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOracleEbsDetails |
The connection details for an E-Business Suite data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOraclePeopleSoft |
The connection details for an Oracle PeopleSoft data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOraclePeopleSoftDetails |
The connection details for an Oracle PeopleSoft data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOracleSiebel |
The connection details for an Oracle Siebel data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromOracleSiebelDetails |
The connection details for an Oracle Siebel data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromRestBasicAuth |
The connection details for a basic auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromRestBasicAuthDetails |
The connection details for a basic auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromRestNoAuth |
The connection details for a no auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionFromRestNoAuthDetails |
The connection details for a no auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionProperty |
The connection name/value pair. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummary |
The connection summary object. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of connection summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromAdwc |
The connection summary details for an Autonomous Data Warehouse data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromAmazonS3 |
The connection summary details for Amazons3 data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromAtp |
The connection details for an Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromBICC |
The connection summary details for a FUSION_APP BICC connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromBIP |
The connection summary details for a Fusion applications BIP connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromHdfs |
The connection summary details for the HDFS data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromJdbc |
The connection details for a generic JDBC data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromLake |
The connection summary details for a Lake connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromMySQL |
The connection details for a MYSQL data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromMySqlHeatWave |
The connection details for a MYSQL HeatWave data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromOAuth2 |
The connection summary for a OAuth connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromObjectStorage |
The connection details for an Oracle Object Storage data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromOracle |
The connection summary details for an Oracle Database data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromOracleEbs |
The connection summary details for E-Business Suite data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromOraclePeopleSoft |
The connection summary details for an Oracle PeopleSoft data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromOracleSiebel |
The connection summary details for an Oracle Siebel data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromRestBasicAuth |
The connection summary for a basic auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionSummaryFromRestNoAuth |
The connection summary for a no auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionValidation |
The information about connection validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionValidationSummary |
The information about connection validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectionValidationSummaryCollection |
A list of connection validation summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.ConnectorAttribute |
Marker class for connector attributes. |
oci.data_integration.models.CopyConflictResolution |
Copy Object Conflict resolution. |
oci.data_integration.models.CopyObjectMetadataSummary |
Details of copied objects. |
oci.data_integration.models.CopyObjectRequest |
Copy metadata object request. |
oci.data_integration.models.CopyObjectRequestSummary |
Copy metadata object response summary. |
oci.data_integration.models.CopyObjectRequestSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of copy object requests. |
oci.data_integration.models.CountStatistic |
A count statistics. |
oci.data_integration.models.CountStatisticSummary |
Details of the count statistic summary object. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateApplicationDetails |
Properties used in application create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConfigProvider |
The type to create a config provider. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionDetails |
Properties used in connection create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromAdwc |
The details to create an Autonomous Data Warehouse data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromAmazonS3 |
The details to create a Amazon S3 connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromAtp |
The details to create an Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromBICC |
The connection summary details for a FUSION_APP BICC connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromBIP |
The details to create a Fusion applications BIP connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromHdfs |
The details to create the HDFS data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromJdbc |
The details to create a generic JDBC data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromLake |
The details to create a Lake connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromMySQL |
The details to create a MYSQL data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromMySqlHeatWave |
The details to create a MYSQL HeatWave data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromOAuth2 |
The details to create a OAuth2 connection |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromObjectStorage |
The details to create an Oracle Object Storage data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromOracle |
The details to create an Oracle Database data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromOracleEbs |
The details to create E-Business Suite data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromOraclePeopleSoft |
The details to create an Oracle PeopleSoft data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromOracleSiebel |
The details to create an Oracle Siebel data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromRestBasicAuth |
The details to create a basic auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionFromRestNoAuth |
The details to create a no auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateConnectionValidationDetails |
The properties used in create connection validation operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateCopyObjectRequestDetails |
Details of copy object. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetDetails |
Properties used in data asset update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromAdwc |
Details for the Autonomous Data Warehouse data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromAmazonS3 |
Details for the Amazons3 data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromAtp |
Details for the Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromFusionApp |
Details for the FUSION_APP data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromHdfs |
Details for the HDFS data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromJdbc |
Details for the generic JDBC data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromLake |
Details for the Lake data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromMySQL |
Details for the MYSQL data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromMySqlHeatWave |
Details for the MYSQL HeatWave data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromObjectStorage |
Details for the Oracle Object storage data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromOracle |
Details for the Oracle Database data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromOracleEbs |
Details for the E-Business Suite data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromOraclePeopleSoft |
Details for the Oracle PeopleSoft data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromOracleSiebel |
Details for the Oracle Siebel data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataAssetFromRest |
Details to create Rest data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataFlowDetails |
Properties used in data flow create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDataFlowValidationDetails |
The properties used in create dataflow validation operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDetailedDescriptionDetails |
Properties used in detailed description create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateDisApplicationDetails |
Properties used in application create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateEntityShapeDetails |
The data entity shape object. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateEntityShapeFromFile |
The file data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateEntityShapeFromObject |
The application object entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateEntityShapeFromSQL |
The SQL entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateExportRequestDetails |
Details of export request. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateExternalPublicationDetails |
Properties used to publish an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Flow object. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateExternalPublicationValidationDetails |
The task type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the task that is published externally. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateFolderDetails |
The properties used in folder create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateFunctionLibraryDetails |
The properties used in FunctionLibrary create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateImportRequestDetails |
Details of import object. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreatePatchDetails |
Properties used in patch create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreatePipelineDetails |
Properties used in pipeline create operations |
oci.data_integration.models.CreatePipelineValidationDetails |
The properties used in create pipeline validation operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateProjectDetails |
The properties used in project create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateScheduleDetails |
The details for creating a schedule. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateSourceApplicationInfo |
The information about the application. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskDetails |
Properties used in task create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskFromDataLoaderTask |
The information about a data flow task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskFromIntegrationTask |
The information about the integration task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskFromOCIDataflowTask |
The information about the OCI Dataflow task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskFromPipelineTask |
The information about the pipeline task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskFromRestTask |
The information about the Generic REST task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskFromSQLTask |
The information about the SQL task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskRunDetails |
The properties used in task run create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskScheduleDetails |
The create task details. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskValidationDetails |
The task type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskValidationFromDataLoaderTask |
The information about a data flow task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskValidationFromIntegrationTask |
The information about the integration task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateTaskValidationFromPipelineTask |
The information about a pipeline task. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateUserDefinedFunctionDetails |
Properties used in user defined function create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateUserDefinedFunctionValidationDetails |
The properties used in create UserDefinedFunction validation operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.CreateWorkspaceDetails |
The information needed to create a new workspace. |
oci.data_integration.models.CsvFormatAttribute |
The CSV format attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.CustomFrequencyDetails |
Frequency details model to set cron-based frequency |
oci.data_integration.models.DailyFrequencyDetails |
Frequency details model to set daily frequency |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAsset |
Represents a data source in the Data Integration service. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromAdwcDetails |
Details for the Autonomous Data Warehouse data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromAmazonS3 |
Details for the MYSQL data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromAtpDetails |
Details for the Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromFusionApp |
Details for the FUSION_APP data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromHdfsDetails |
Details for the HDFS data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromJdbc |
Details for the generic JDBC data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromLakeDetails |
Details for the Lake data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromMySQL |
Details for the MYSQL data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromMySqlHeatWave |
Details for the MYSQL HeatWave data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromObjectStorageDetails |
Details for the Oracle Object storage data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromOracleDetails |
Details for the Oracle Database data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromOracleEbsDetails |
Details for the E-Business Suite data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromOraclePeopleSoftDetails |
Details for the Oracle PeopleSoft data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromOracleSiebelDetails |
Details for the Oracle Siebel data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetFromRestDetails |
Details for the Rest data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummary |
The summary object for data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of data asset summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromAdwc |
Summary details for the Autonomous Data Warehouse data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromAmazonS3 |
Summary details for the Amazon s3 data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromAtp |
Summary details for the Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromFusionApp |
Summary details for the FUSION_APP data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromHdfs |
Summary details for the HDFS data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromJdbc |
Summary details for the generic JDBC data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromLake |
Summary details for the Lake data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromMySQL |
Summary details for the MYSQL data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromMySqlHeatWave |
Summary details for the MYSQL HeatWave data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromObjectStorage |
Summary details for the Oracle Object storage data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromOracle |
Summary details for the Oracle Database data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromOracleEbs |
Summary details for E-Business Suite data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromOraclePeopleSoft |
Summary details for the Oracle PeopleSoft data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromOracleSiebel |
Summary details for the Oracle Siebel data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataAssetSummaryFromRest |
Rest data asset summary. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntity |
The data entity object. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityDetails |
The data entity details object. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromDataStore |
The view entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromDataStoreEntityDetails |
The view entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromFile |
The file data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromFileEntityDetails |
The file data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromObject |
The Application Object entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromObjectEntityDetails |
The application object entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromSql |
The sql entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromSqlEntityDetails |
The sql entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromTable |
The table entity data entity. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromTableEntityDetails |
The table entity data entity. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromView |
The view entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntityFromViewEntityDetails |
The view entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntitySummary |
The data entity summary object. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntitySummaryCollection |
This is the collection of data entity summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntitySummaryFromDataStore |
The view entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntitySummaryFromFile |
The file data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntitySummaryFromObject |
The application object entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntitySummaryFromSql |
The sql entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntitySummaryFromTable |
The table entity data entity. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataEntitySummaryFromView |
The view entity data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataFlow |
The data flow type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the data flow. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataFlowDetails |
The information about a data flow. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataFlowSummary |
The data flow summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the data flow. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataFlowSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of data flow summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataFlowValidation |
The information about a data flow validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataFlowValidationSummary |
The information about a data flow validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataFlowValidationSummaryCollection |
A list of data flow validation summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataFormat |
The data format object. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataType |
A DataType object is a simple primitive type that describes the type of a single atomic unit of data. |
oci.data_integration.models.DataflowApplication |
Minimum information required to recognize a Dataflow Application object. |
oci.data_integration.models.DecisionOperator |
An operator for chosing pipeline path using a condition |
oci.data_integration.models.DecisionOutputPort |
The conditional output port details, used in operators such as decision operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.DependentObject |
The information about a dependent object. |
oci.data_integration.models.DependentObjectSummary |
Details of the dependent object. |
oci.data_integration.models.DependentObjectSummaryCollection |
A list of dependent object summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.DerivedEntity |
The Derive entity object |
oci.data_integration.models.DerivedField |
The type representing the derived field concept. |
oci.data_integration.models.DerivedType |
A DerivedType object represents a more complex type that is derived from a set of simple types, for example an Address or SSN data type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DetailedDescription |
The detailed description of an object. |
oci.data_integration.models.DirectFieldMap |
The information about a field map. |
oci.data_integration.models.DirectNamedFieldMap |
A named field map. |
oci.data_integration.models.DisApplication |
DIS Application is container for runtime objects. |
oci.data_integration.models.DisApplicationSummary |
The application summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the application. |
oci.data_integration.models.DisApplicationSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of application summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.Distinct |
The information about the distinct operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.DynamicInputField |
The type representing the dynamic field concept. |
oci.data_integration.models.DynamicProxyField |
The type representing the dynamic proxy field concept. |
oci.data_integration.models.DynamicType |
The dynamic type. |
oci.data_integration.models.DynamicTypeHandler |
This type defines how to derived fields for the dynamic type itself. |
oci.data_integration.models.EndOperator |
Represents end of a pipeline |
oci.data_integration.models.EnrichedEntity |
This is used to specify runtime parameters for data entities such as files that need both the data entity and the format. |
oci.data_integration.models.EntityShape |
The data entity shape object. |
oci.data_integration.models.EntityShapeFromFile |
The file data entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.EntityShapeFromObject |
The application object entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.EntityShapeFromSQL |
The SQL entity details. |
oci.data_integration.models.ErrorDetails |
The details of an error that occured. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExecuteRestCallConfig |
The REST API configuration for execution. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExportObjectMetadataSummary |
Details of the exported object |
oci.data_integration.models.ExportRequest |
Export metadata object response. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExportRequestSummary |
Export metadata object response summary. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExportRequestSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of export object requests. |
oci.data_integration.models.Expression |
An expression node. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExpressionOperator |
An operator for expressions |
oci.data_integration.models.ExternalPublication |
The external published object contains the audit summary information and the definition of the task. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExternalPublicationSummary |
The external publication summary contains the audit summary information and the definition of the external object. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExternalPublicationSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of external publication summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExternalPublicationValidation |
The information about external published task validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExternalPublicationValidationSummary |
The external publication validation summary contains the validation summary information and the definition of the external object. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExternalPublicationValidationSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of external publication validation summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.ExternalStorage |
BICC Connector Attribute.Object Storage as External storage where the BICC extracted files are written |
oci.data_integration.models.FieldMap |
A field map is a way to map a source row shape to a target row shape that may be different. |
oci.data_integration.models.FieldMapWrapper |
A wrapper for a field map. |
oci.data_integration.models.Filter |
The information about the filter object. |
oci.data_integration.models.FilterPush |
The information about a filter operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.Flatten |
The information about a flatten object. |
oci.data_integration.models.FlattenDetails |
Details for the flatten operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.FlattenProjectionPreferences |
The preferences for the flatten operation. |
oci.data_integration.models.FlattenTypeHandler |
The flatten type handler. |
oci.data_integration.models.FlowNode |
The flow node can be connected to other nodes in a data flow with input and output links and is bound to an opertor which defines the semantics of the node. |
oci.data_integration.models.FlowPort |
Each operator owns a set of InputPort and OutputPort objects (can scale to zero), which represent the ports that can be connected to/from the operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.FlowPortLink |
Details about the link between two data flow operators. |
oci.data_integration.models.Folder |
The folder type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the folder. |
oci.data_integration.models.FolderDetails |
The details including name, description for the folder, which is a container of other folders, tasks and dataflows. |
oci.data_integration.models.FolderSummary |
The folder summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the folder. |
oci.data_integration.models.FolderSummaryCollection |
A collection of folder summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.ForeignKey |
The foreign key object. |
oci.data_integration.models.Function |
The Function operator supports users adding a custom OCI Function into the data flow. |
oci.data_integration.models.FunctionConfigurationDefinition |
The configuration details of a configurable object. |
oci.data_integration.models.FunctionLibrary |
The FunctionLibrary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the FunctionLibrary. |
oci.data_integration.models.FunctionLibraryDetails |
The details including name, description for the function library, which is a container for user defined functions. |
oci.data_integration.models.FunctionLibrarySummary |
The FunctionLibrary summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the Function Library. |
oci.data_integration.models.FunctionLibrarySummaryCollection |
A collection of FunctionLibrary summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.FunctionSignature |
The function signature can specify function paramaters and/or function return type. |
oci.data_integration.models.GenericRestApiAttributes |
Generic rest api specific attributes. |
oci.data_integration.models.GenericRestCallAttribute |
Properties to configure reading from a REST data asset / connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.GroupedNamePatternRule |
This rule projects fields as a group recognised as name pattern. |
oci.data_integration.models.HourlyFrequencyDetails |
Frequency details model to set hourly frequency |
oci.data_integration.models.ImportConflictResolution |
Import Objects Conflict resolution. |
oci.data_integration.models.ImportObjectMetadataSummary |
Details of the objects to imported. |
oci.data_integration.models.ImportRequest |
Import metadata object response. |
oci.data_integration.models.ImportRequestSummary |
Import metadata object response summary. |
oci.data_integration.models.ImportRequestSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of import object requests. |
oci.data_integration.models.IncrementalDataEntityClause |
Data Entity clause for Incremental Read operation. |
oci.data_integration.models.IncrementalFieldClause |
Field clause for incremental read operation. |
oci.data_integration.models.IncrementalReadConfig |
Config for incremental read operation. |
oci.data_integration.models.InputField |
The input field for an operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.InputLink |
Details about the incoming data to an operator in a data flow design. |
oci.data_integration.models.InputPort |
The input port details. |
oci.data_integration.models.InputProxyField |
A proxy field to be used as an input field. |
oci.data_integration.models.Intersect |
The information about a intersect object. |
oci.data_integration.models.JavaType |
A java type object. |
oci.data_integration.models.Join |
The information about the join operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.Joiner |
The information about a joiner object. |
oci.data_integration.models.JsonFormatAttribute |
The JSON file format attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.JsonText |
The JSON type of the formatted text. |
oci.data_integration.models.Key |
The key object. |
oci.data_integration.models.KeyAttribute |
An attribute within a key, the attribute property is being deprecated. |
oci.data_integration.models.KeyRange |
The information about key range. |
oci.data_integration.models.KeyRangePartitionConfig |
The information about key range. |
oci.data_integration.models.LastRunDetails |
The last run details for the task run. |
oci.data_integration.models.Lookup |
The information about the lookup operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.MacroField |
The type representing the macro field concept. |
oci.data_integration.models.MacroPivotField |
MacroPivotField is used for the PivotField with macro expressions. |
oci.data_integration.models.MapType |
Map type object. |
oci.data_integration.models.MaterializedCompositeType |
A MaterializedCompositeType represents a type that is composed of a list of sub-types, for example an Address type. |
oci.data_integration.models.MaterializedDynamicField |
A materialized dynamic field, rules have been applied and all fields are concrete. |
oci.data_integration.models.MergeOperator |
Represents the start of a pipeline. |
oci.data_integration.models.Message |
The details of a message. |
oci.data_integration.models.Minus |
The information about a minus object. |
oci.data_integration.models.MonthlyFrequencyDetails |
Frequency Details model for monthly frequency. |
oci.data_integration.models.MonthlyRuleFrequencyDetails |
Frequency Details model for monthly frequency based on week of month and day of week. |
oci.data_integration.models.NameListRule |
The name list rule which defines how fields are projected. |
oci.data_integration.models.NamePatternRule |
This rule projects fields by a name pattern, for example it may start with STR_ or end with _DATE. |
oci.data_integration.models.NamedEntityMap |
A named field map. |
oci.data_integration.models.NativeShapeField |
The native shape field object. |
oci.data_integration.models.ObjectMetadata |
A summary type containing information about the object including its key, name and when/who created/updated it. |
oci.data_integration.models.ObjectStorageWriteAttribute |
Properties to configure writing to Object Storage. |
oci.data_integration.models.ObjectStorageWriteAttributes |
Properties to configure writing to Object Storage. |
oci.data_integration.models.OciFunction |
The information about the OCI Function. |
oci.data_integration.models.OciVaultSecretConfig |
Properties used for specifying OCI vault configuration |
oci.data_integration.models.Operation |
The operation object. |
oci.data_integration.models.OperationFromApi |
The API operation object. |
oci.data_integration.models.OperationFromProcedure |
The operation object. |
oci.data_integration.models.Operator |
An operator defines some data integration semantics in a data flow. |
oci.data_integration.models.OracleAdwcWriteAttribute |
Properties to configure writing to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud. |
oci.data_integration.models.OracleAdwcWriteAttributes |
Properties to configure when writing to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud. |
oci.data_integration.models.OracleAtpWriteAttribute |
Properties to configure writing to Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing. |
oci.data_integration.models.OracleAtpWriteAttributes |
Properties to configure when writing to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud. |
oci.data_integration.models.OracleReadAttribute |
The Oracle read attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.OracleReadAttributes |
Properties to configure reading from an Oracle Database. |
oci.data_integration.models.OracleWriteAttribute |
The Oracle write attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.OracleWriteAttributes |
Properties to configure when writing to an Oracle Database. |
oci.data_integration.models.OutputField |
Output fields of an operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.OutputLink |
Details about the outgoing data of an operator in a data flow design. |
oci.data_integration.models.OutputPort |
The output port details. |
oci.data_integration.models.Parameter |
Parameters are created and assigned values that can be configured for each integration task. |
oci.data_integration.models.ParameterValue |
User defined value for a parameter. |
oci.data_integration.models.ParentReference |
A reference to the object’s parent. |
oci.data_integration.models.ParquetFormatAttribute |
The PARQUET format attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.PartitionConfig |
The information about partition configuration. |
oci.data_integration.models.Patch |
The patch object contains the audit summary information and the definition of the patch. |
oci.data_integration.models.PatchChangeSummary |
This is the patch report summary information. |
oci.data_integration.models.PatchChangeSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of patch report summaries,. |
oci.data_integration.models.PatchObjectMetadata |
A summary type containing information about the object including its key, name and when/who created/updated it. |
oci.data_integration.models.PatchSummary |
The patch summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the patch. |
oci.data_integration.models.PatchSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of patch summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.Pipeline |
A pipeline is a logical grouping of tasks that together perform a higher level operation. |
oci.data_integration.models.PipelineSummary |
The pipeline summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the pipeline. |
oci.data_integration.models.PipelineSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of pipeline summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.PipelineValidation |
The information about a pipeline validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.PipelineValidationSummary |
The information about a pipeline validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.PipelineValidationSummaryCollection |
A list of pipeline validation summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.Pivot |
Pivot operator has one input and one output. |
oci.data_integration.models.PivotField |
The type representing the pivot field. |
oci.data_integration.models.PivotKeys |
The type representing the pivot key and pivot value details. |
oci.data_integration.models.PollRestCallConfig |
The REST API configuration for polling. |
oci.data_integration.models.PrimaryKey |
The primary key object. |
oci.data_integration.models.Project |
The project type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the project. |
oci.data_integration.models.ProjectDetails |
The details including name and description for the project, which is a container of folders, tasks, and dataflows. |
oci.data_integration.models.ProjectSummary |
The project summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the project. |
oci.data_integration.models.ProjectSummaryCollection |
A collection of project summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.Projection |
The information about the projection object. |
oci.data_integration.models.ProjectionRule |
Base type for how fields are projected. |
oci.data_integration.models.ProxyField |
A proxy field. |
oci.data_integration.models.PublishedObject |
The information about the published object. |
oci.data_integration.models.PublishedObjectFromDataLoaderTask |
The data loader task published object. |
oci.data_integration.models.PublishedObjectFromIntegrationTask |
The integration task published object. |
oci.data_integration.models.PublishedObjectFromPipelineTask |
The pipeline task published object. |
oci.data_integration.models.PublishedObjectFromPipelineTaskSummary |
The pipeline task published object summary. |
oci.data_integration.models.PublishedObjectSummary |
The published obect summary. |
oci.data_integration.models.PublishedObjectSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of published object summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.PublishedObjectSummaryFromDataLoaderTask |
The data loader task published object summary. |
oci.data_integration.models.PublishedObjectSummaryFromIntegrationTask |
The integration task published object summary. |
oci.data_integration.models.PushDownOperation |
The information about a push down operation. |
oci.data_integration.models.Query |
A query object. |
oci.data_integration.models.ReadOperationConfig |
The information about the read operation. |
oci.data_integration.models.Reference |
Reference contains application configuration information. |
oci.data_integration.models.ReferenceSummary |
This is the reference summary information. |
oci.data_integration.models.ReferenceSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of references. |
oci.data_integration.models.ReferenceUsedBy |
Referenced object information. |
oci.data_integration.models.ReferencedDataObject |
The input Operation for which derived entity is to be formed. |
oci.data_integration.models.ReferencedDataObjectFromAPI |
The input procedure object. |
oci.data_integration.models.ReferencedDataObjectFromProcedure |
The input procedure object. |
oci.data_integration.models.RegistryMetadata |
Information about the object and its parent. |
oci.data_integration.models.RenameRule |
Lets you rename an attribute. |
oci.data_integration.models.ResourceConfiguration |
Properties related to a resource. |
oci.data_integration.models.ResourcePrincipalAuthConfig |
Authentication configuration that uses OCI Resource Principal Auth for Generic REST invocation. |
oci.data_integration.models.RestCallConfig |
The REST API configuration. |
oci.data_integration.models.RootObject |
A base class for all model types, including First Class and its contained objects. |
oci.data_integration.models.RuleBasedEntityMap |
A map of rule patterns. |
oci.data_integration.models.RuleBasedFieldMap |
A map of rule patterns. |
oci.data_integration.models.RuleTypeConfig |
The rule type config. |
oci.data_integration.models.RuntimeOperator |
Runtime operator model which holds the runtime metadata of the task operator executed. |
oci.data_integration.models.RuntimeOperatorSummary |
The information about RuntimeOperator. |
oci.data_integration.models.RuntimeOperatorSummaryCollection |
List of runtimeOperator summaries |
oci.data_integration.models.RuntimePipeline |
Runtime pipeline model which holds the runtime metadata of the task executed. |
oci.data_integration.models.RuntimePipelineSummary |
The information about RuntimePipeline. |
oci.data_integration.models.RuntimePipelineSummaryCollection |
List of runtimePipeline summaries |
oci.data_integration.models.Schedule |
The schedule object |
oci.data_integration.models.ScheduleSummary |
The schedule summary information. |
oci.data_integration.models.ScheduleSummaryCollection |
A collection of schedule summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.Schema |
The schema object. |
oci.data_integration.models.SchemaDriftConfig |
The configuration for handling schema drift in a Source or Target operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.SchemaSummary |
The schema summary object. |
oci.data_integration.models.SchemaSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of schema summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.ScopeReference |
The ScopeReference class is a base class for any model object that wraps a scope reference to a TypedObject. |
oci.data_integration.models.Script |
The script object. |
oci.data_integration.models.SecretConfig |
Secret configuration if used for storing sensitive info |
oci.data_integration.models.Select |
The information about the select object. |
oci.data_integration.models.SensitiveAttribute |
The sensitive attribute to be used for sensitive content (for password/wallet). |
oci.data_integration.models.Shape |
The shape object. |
oci.data_integration.models.ShapeDetails |
OCI DataFlow Shape configuration. |
oci.data_integration.models.ShapeField |
The shape field object. |
oci.data_integration.models.Sort |
The information about the sort object. |
oci.data_integration.models.SortClause |
The information about the sort object. |
oci.data_integration.models.SortKey |
Sort key contains a set of sort key rules defining sorting algorithm. |
oci.data_integration.models.SortKeyRule |
A rule to define the set of fields to sort by, and whether to sort by ascending or descending values. |
oci.data_integration.models.SortOper |
The information about the sort operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.Source |
The information about the source object. |
oci.data_integration.models.SourceApplicationInfo |
The information about the application. |
oci.data_integration.models.Split |
The information about the split operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.StartOperator |
Represents the start of a pipeline. |
oci.data_integration.models.State |
State stored in All States Map of Composite State |
oci.data_integration.models.StructuredType |
A StructuredType object represents a data type that exists in a physical data asset object such as a table column, but is more complex. |
oci.data_integration.models.Target |
The information about the target operator. |
oci.data_integration.models.Task |
The task type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskFromDataLoaderTaskDetails |
The information about a data flow task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskFromIntegrationTaskDetails |
The information about the integration task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskFromOCIDataflowTaskDetails |
The information about the OCI Dataflow task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskFromPipelineTaskDetails |
The information about the pipeline task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskFromRestTaskDetails |
The information about the Generic REST task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskFromSQLTaskDetails |
The information about the SQL task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskOperator |
An operator for task |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskRun |
The information about a task run. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskRunDetails |
The task run object provides information on the execution of a task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskRunLineageDetails |
The task lineage object provides information on the lineage information of a task after execution. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskRunLineageSummary |
The information about TaskRunLineage. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskRunLineageSummaryCollection |
List of lineage flows |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskRunLogSummary |
A log message from the execution of a task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskRunSummary |
The information about a task run. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskRunSummaryCollection |
A list of task run summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskSchedule |
A model that holds Schedule and other information required for scheduling a task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskScheduleSummary |
The tsk schedule summary information. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskScheduleSummaryCollection |
A collection of TaskSchedule summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskSummary |
The task summary object type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the task summary object. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of task summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskSummaryFromDataLoaderTask |
The information about a data flow task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskSummaryFromIntegrationTask |
The information about the integration task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskSummaryFromOCIDataflowTask |
The information about the OCI Dataflow task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskSummaryFromPipelineTask |
The information about the pipeline task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskSummaryFromRestTask |
The information about the Generic REST task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskSummaryFromSQLTask |
The information about the SQL task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskValidation |
The information about task validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskValidationSummary |
The information about task validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.TaskValidationSummaryCollection |
A list of task validation summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.Template |
Template application. |
oci.data_integration.models.TemplateSummary |
The application template summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the application template. |
oci.data_integration.models.TemplateSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of application template summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.Time |
A model to hold time in hour:minute:second format. |
oci.data_integration.models.TypeLibrary |
The Data Integration type library container type. |
oci.data_integration.models.TypeListRule |
The type list rule that defines how fields are projected. |
oci.data_integration.models.TypeSystem |
The type system maps from and to a type. |
oci.data_integration.models.TypedExpression |
The expression that can be created, using the execute stage output in REST Task. |
oci.data_integration.models.TypedNamePatternRule |
The typed name rule for field projection. |
oci.data_integration.models.TypedObject |
The TypedObject class is a base class for any model object that has a type. |
oci.data_integration.models.TypedObjectWrapper |
A wrapper for a typed object. |
oci.data_integration.models.UIProperties |
The UI properties of the object. |
oci.data_integration.models.Union |
The information about a union object. |
oci.data_integration.models.UniqueDataKey |
The unique key object. |
oci.data_integration.models.UniqueKey |
The unqique key object. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateApplicationDetails |
Properties used in application create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionDetails |
Properties used in connection update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromAdwc |
The details to update an Autonomous Data Warehouse data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromAmazonS3 |
The details to update an Amazon s3 connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromAtp |
The details to update an Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromBICC |
The details to update a FUSION_APP BICC connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromBIP |
The details to update a Fusion applications BIP connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromHdfs |
The details to update the HDFS data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromJdbc |
The details to update a generic JDBC data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromLake |
The details to update a Lake connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromMySQL |
The details to update a MYSQL data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromMySqlHeatWave |
The details to update a MYSQL HeatWave data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromOAuth2 |
The details to update a OAuth connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromObjectStorage |
The details to update an Oracle Object Storage data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromOracle |
The details to update an Oracle Database data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromOracleEbs |
The details to update E-Business Suite data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromOraclePeopleSoft |
The details to update an Oracle PeopleSoft data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromOracleSiebel |
The details to update an Oracle Siebel data asset connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromRestBasicAuth |
The details to update a basic auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateConnectionFromRestNoAuth |
The details to update a no auth rest connection. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateCopyObjectRequestDetails |
Properties used in copy object request update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetDetails |
Properties used in data asset update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromAdwc |
Details for the Autonomous Data Warehouse data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromAmazonS3 |
Details for the Amazon s3 data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromAtp |
Details for the Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromFusionApp |
Details for the Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromHdfs |
Details for the HDFS data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromJdbc |
Details for the Autonomous Transaction Processing data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromLake |
Details for the Lake data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromMySQL |
Details for the MYSQL data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromMySqlHeatWave |
Details for the MYSQL HeatWave data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromObjectStorage |
Details for the Oracle Object storage data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromOracle |
Details for the Oracle Database data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromOracleEbs |
Details for the E-Business Suite data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromOraclePeopleSoft |
Details for the Oracle PeopleSoft data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromOracleSiebel |
Details for the Oracle Siebel data asset type. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataAssetFromRest |
Details to update the Rest data asset. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDataFlowDetails |
Properties used in data flow update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDetailedDescriptionDetails |
Properties used in detailed description update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateDisApplicationDetails |
Properties used in DIS Application create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateExportRequestDetails |
Properties used in export object request update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateExternalPublicationDetails |
Properties used to update a published Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Flow object. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateFolderDetails |
The properties used in folder update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateFunctionLibraryDetails |
The properties used in FunctionLibrary update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateImportRequestDetails |
Properties used in import object request update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdatePipelineDetails |
Properties used in pipeline update operations |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateProjectDetails |
The properties used in project update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateReferenceDetails |
Application references that need to be updated. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateScheduleDetails |
The details for updating a schedule. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateTaskDetails |
Properties used in task create operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateTaskFromDataLoaderTask |
The information about the data loader task. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateTaskFromIntegrationTask |
The information about the integration task. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateTaskFromOCIDataflowTask |
The information about the OCI Dataflow task. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateTaskFromPipelineTask |
The information about the pipeline task. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateTaskFromRestTask |
The information about the Generic REST task. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateTaskFromSQLTask |
The information about the SQL task. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateTaskRunDetails |
Properties used in task run update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateTaskScheduleDetails |
The update task details. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateUserDefinedFunctionDetails |
Properties used in user defined function update operations. |
oci.data_integration.models.UpdateWorkspaceDetails |
The information to be updated, the private network can be enabled and VCN and subnet set only when initially it is has been created with it off. |
oci.data_integration.models.UserDefinedFunction |
The user defined function type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the user defined function. |
oci.data_integration.models.UserDefinedFunctionDetails |
The information about a user defined function. |
oci.data_integration.models.UserDefinedFunctionSummary |
The user defined function summary type contains the audit summary information and the definition of the user defined function. |
oci.data_integration.models.UserDefinedFunctionSummaryCollection |
This is the collection of user defined function summaries, it may be a collection of lightweight details or full definitions. |
oci.data_integration.models.UserDefinedFunctionValidation |
The information about a UserDefinedFunction validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.UserDefinedFunctionValidationSummary |
The information about a UserDefinedFunction validation. |
oci.data_integration.models.UserDefinedFunctionValidationSummaryCollection |
A list of UserDefinedFunction validation summaries. |
oci.data_integration.models.ValidationMessage |
The level, message key, and validation message. |
oci.data_integration.models.Variable |
Variable definitions in the pipeline. |
oci.data_integration.models.WeeklyFrequencyDetails |
Frequency Details model for weekly frequency based on day of week. |
oci.data_integration.models.WorkRequest |
The API operations used to create and configure Data Integration resources do not take effect immediately. |
oci.data_integration.models.WorkRequestError |
The error that occured while executing an operation that is tracked by a work request. |
oci.data_integration.models.WorkRequestLogEntry |
The log message from executing an operation that is tracked by a work request. |
oci.data_integration.models.WorkRequestResource |
The resource that is created or operated on by a work request. |
oci.data_integration.models.WorkRequestSummary |
A work request summary object. |
oci.data_integration.models.Workspace |
A workspace is an organizational construct to keep multiple data integration solutions and their resources (data assets, data flows, tasks, and so on) separate from each other, helping you to stay organized. |
oci.data_integration.models.WorkspaceSummary |
Summary details of a workspace. |
oci.data_integration.models.WriteOperationConfig |
The information about the write operation. |