
class oci.optimizer.models.RecommendationSummary(**kwargs)

Bases: object

The metadata associated with the recommendation summary.


IMPORTANCE_CRITICAL A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary.
IMPORTANCE_HIGH A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary.
IMPORTANCE_LOW A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary.
IMPORTANCE_MINOR A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary.
IMPORTANCE_MODERATE A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_ACTIVE A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_ATTACHING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_CREATING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETED A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_DETACHING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_FAILED A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_INACTIVE A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_UPDATING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary.
STATUS_DISMISSED A constant which can be used with the status property of a RecommendationSummary.
STATUS_IMPLEMENTED A constant which can be used with the status property of a RecommendationSummary.
STATUS_PENDING A constant which can be used with the status property of a RecommendationSummary.
STATUS_POSTPONED A constant which can be used with the status property of a RecommendationSummary.
category_id [Required] Gets the category_id of this RecommendationSummary.
compartment_id [Required] Gets the compartment_id of this RecommendationSummary.
description [Required] Gets the description of this RecommendationSummary.
estimated_cost_saving [Required] Gets the estimated_cost_saving of this RecommendationSummary.
extended_metadata Gets the extended_metadata of this RecommendationSummary.
id [Required] Gets the id of this RecommendationSummary.
importance [Required] Gets the importance of this RecommendationSummary.
lifecycle_state [Required] Gets the lifecycle_state of this RecommendationSummary.
name [Required] Gets the name of this RecommendationSummary.
resource_counts [Required] Gets the resource_counts of this RecommendationSummary.
status [Required] Gets the status of this RecommendationSummary.
supported_levels Gets the supported_levels of this RecommendationSummary.
time_created Gets the time_created of this RecommendationSummary.
time_status_begin [Required] Gets the time_status_begin of this RecommendationSummary.
time_status_end Gets the time_status_end of this RecommendationSummary.
time_updated Gets the time_updated of this RecommendationSummary.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new RecommendationSummary object with values from keyword arguments.

A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “CRITICAL”


A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “HIGH”


A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “LOW”


A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “MINOR”


A constant which can be used with the importance property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “MODERATE”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “ACTIVE”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “ATTACHING”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “CREATING”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “DELETED”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “DELETING”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “DETACHING”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “FAILED”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “INACTIVE”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “UPDATING”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “DISMISSED”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “IMPLEMENTED”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “PENDING”


A constant which can be used with the status property of a RecommendationSummary. This constant has a value of “POSTPONED”


Initializes a new RecommendationSummary object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • id (str) – The value to assign to the id property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • compartment_id (str) – The value to assign to the compartment_id property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • category_id (str) – The value to assign to the category_id property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • name (str) – The value to assign to the name property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • description (str) – The value to assign to the description property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • importance (str) – The value to assign to the importance property of this RecommendationSummary. Allowed values for this property are: “CRITICAL”, “HIGH”, “MODERATE”, “LOW”, “MINOR”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • resource_counts (list[oci.optimizer.models.ResourceCount]) – The value to assign to the resource_counts property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • lifecycle_state (str) – The value to assign to the lifecycle_state property of this RecommendationSummary. Allowed values for this property are: “ACTIVE”, “FAILED”, “INACTIVE”, “ATTACHING”, “DETACHING”, “DELETING”, “DELETED”, “UPDATING”, “CREATING”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • estimated_cost_saving (float) – The value to assign to the estimated_cost_saving property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • status (str) – The value to assign to the status property of this RecommendationSummary. Allowed values for this property are: “PENDING”, “DISMISSED”, “POSTPONED”, “IMPLEMENTED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • time_status_begin (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_status_begin property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • time_status_end (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_status_end property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • time_created (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_created property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • time_updated (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_updated property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • supported_levels (oci.optimizer.models.SupportedLevels) – The value to assign to the supported_levels property of this RecommendationSummary.
  • extended_metadata (dict(str, str)) – The value to assign to the extended_metadata property of this RecommendationSummary.

[Required] Gets the category_id of this RecommendationSummary. The unique OCID associated with the category.

Returns:The category_id of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the compartment_id of this RecommendationSummary. The OCID of the tenancy. The tenancy is the root compartment.

Returns:The compartment_id of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the description of this RecommendationSummary. Text describing the recommendation.

Returns:The description of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the estimated_cost_saving of this RecommendationSummary. The estimated cost savings, in dollars, for the recommendation.

Returns:The estimated_cost_saving of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:float

Gets the extended_metadata of this RecommendationSummary. Additional metadata key/value pairs for the recommendation summary.

For example:

{“EstimatedSaving”: “200”}

Returns:The extended_metadata of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:dict(str, str)

[Required] Gets the id of this RecommendationSummary. The unique OCID associated with the recommendation.

Returns:The id of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the importance of this RecommendationSummary. The level of importance assigned to the recommendation.

Allowed values for this property are: “CRITICAL”, “HIGH”, “MODERATE”, “LOW”, “MINOR”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The importance of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the lifecycle_state of this RecommendationSummary. The recommendation’s current state.

Allowed values for this property are: “ACTIVE”, “FAILED”, “INACTIVE”, “ATTACHING”, “DETACHING”, “DELETING”, “DELETED”, “UPDATING”, “CREATING”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The lifecycle_state of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the name of this RecommendationSummary. The name assigned to the recommendation.

Returns:The name of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the resource_counts of this RecommendationSummary. An array of ResourceCount objects grouped by the status of the resource actions.

Returns:The resource_counts of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:list[oci.optimizer.models.ResourceCount]

[Required] Gets the status of this RecommendationSummary. The current status of the recommendation.

Allowed values for this property are: “PENDING”, “DISMISSED”, “POSTPONED”, “IMPLEMENTED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The status of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the supported_levels of this RecommendationSummary.

Returns:The supported_levels of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:oci.optimizer.models.SupportedLevels

Gets the time_created of this RecommendationSummary. The date and time the recommendation details were created, in the format defined by RFC3339.

Returns:The time_created of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:datetime

[Required] Gets the time_status_begin of this RecommendationSummary. The date and time that the recommendation entered its current status. The format is defined by RFC3339.

For example, “The status of the recommendation changed from pending to current(ignored) on this date and time.”

Returns:The time_status_begin of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:datetime

Gets the time_status_end of this RecommendationSummary. The date and time the current status will change. The format is defined by RFC3339.

For example, “The current postponed status of the recommendation will end and change to pending on this date and time.”

Returns:The time_status_end of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:datetime

Gets the time_updated of this RecommendationSummary. The date and time the recommendation details were last updated, in the format defined by RFC3339.

Returns:The time_updated of this RecommendationSummary.
Return type:datetime