  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Namespace ClientOptions

NFS export options applied to a specified set of clients. Only governs access through the associated export. Access to the same file system through a different export (on the same or different mount target) will be governed by that export's export options.


Optional access

access: Access

Type of access to grant clients using the file system through this export. If unspecified defaults to {@code READ_WRITE}.

Optional allowedAuth

allowedAuth: Array<AllowedAuth>

Array of allowed NFS authentication types.

Optional anonymousGid

anonymousGid: undefined | number

GID value to remap to when squashing a client GID (see identitySquash for more details.) If unspecified defaults to {@code 65534}. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional anonymousUid

anonymousUid: undefined | number

UID value to remap to when squashing a client UID (see identitySquash for more details.) If unspecified, defaults to {@code 65534}. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional identitySquash

identitySquash: IdentitySquash

Used when clients accessing the file system through this export have their UID and GID remapped to 'anonymousUid' and 'anonymousGid'. If {@code ALL}, all users and groups are remapped; if {@code ROOT}, only the root user and group (UID/GID 0) are remapped; if {@code NONE}, no remapping is done. If unspecified, defaults to {@code ROOT}.

Optional isAnonymousAccessAllowed

isAnonymousAccessAllowed: undefined | false | true

Whether or not to enable anonymous access to the file system through this export in cases where a user isn't found in the LDAP server used for ID mapping. If true, and the user is not found in the LDAP directory, the operation uses the Squash UID and Squash GID.

Optional requirePrivilegedSourcePort

requirePrivilegedSourcePort: undefined | false | true

If {@code true}, clients accessing the file system through this export must connect from a privileged source port. If unspecified, defaults to {@code true}.


source: string

Clients these options should apply to. Must be a either single IPv4 address or single IPv4 CIDR block.

*Note:** Access will also be limited by any applicable VCN security rules and the ability to route IP packets to the mount target. Mount targets do not have Internet-routable IP addresses.


