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Namespace ListTemplatesRequest


Click here to see how to use ListTemplatesRequest.


Optional compartmentId

compartmentId: undefined | string

A filter to return only resources that exist in the compartment, identified by OCID.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

A filter to return only resources that match the given display name exactly. Use this filter to list a resource by name. Requires {@code sortBy} set to {@code DISPLAYNAME}. Alternatively, when you know the resource OCID, use the related Get operation.

Optional limit

limit: undefined | number

The number of items returned in a paginated {@code List} call. For information about pagination, see List Pagination.

Optional opcRequestId

opcRequestId: undefined | string

Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.

Optional page

page: undefined | string

The value of the {@code opc-next-page} response header from the preceding {@code List} call. For information about pagination, see List Pagination.

Optional retryConfiguration

retryConfiguration: RetryConfiguration

RetryConfiguration to be used for the request NOTE : Retries are not supported for requests that have binary or stream bodies this also affects UploadManager operations For all requests with binary/stream bodies, retry attempts are not made

Optional sortBy

sortBy: SortBy

The field to use when sorting returned resources. By default, {@code TIMECREATED} is ordered descending. By default, {@code DISPLAYNAME} is ordered ascending. Note that you can sort only on one field.

Optional sortOrder

sortOrder: SortOrder

The sort order to use when sorting returned resources. Ascending ({@code ASC}) or descending ({@code DESC}).

Optional templateCategoryId

templateCategoryId: undefined | string

Unique identifier for the template category. Possible values are {@code 0} (Quickstarts), {@code 1} (Service), {@code 2} (Architecture), and {@code 3} (Private). Template category labels are displayed in the Console page listing templates. Quickstarts, Service, and Architecture templates (categories 0, 1, and 2) are available in all compartments. Each private template (category 3) is available in the compartment where it was created.

Optional templateId

templateId: undefined | string

The OCID of the template.