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Namespace HttpRedirectTarget



host: string

The host portion of the redirect.


path: string

The path component of the target URL (e.g., "/path/to/resource" in "https://target.example.com/path/to/resource?redirected\"), which can be empty, static, or request-copying, or request-prefixing. Use of \ is not permitted except to escape a following \, {, or }. An empty value is treated the same as static "/". A static value must begin with a leading "/", optionally followed by other path characters. A request-copying value must exactly match "{path}", and will be replaced with the path component of the request URL (including its initial "/"). A request-prefixing value must start with "/" and end with a non-escaped "{path}", which will be replaced with the path component of the request URL (including its initial "/"). Only one such replacement token is allowed.

Optional port

port: undefined | number

Port number of the target destination of the redirect, default to match protocol Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


protocol: Protocol

The protocol used for the target, http or https.


query: string

The query component of the target URL (e.g., "?redirected" in "https://target.example.com/path/to/resource?redirected\"), which can be empty, static, or request-copying. Use of \ is not permitted except to escape a following \, {, or }. An empty value results in a redirection target URL with no query component. A static value must begin with a leading "?", optionally followed by other query characters. A request-copying value must exactly match "{query}", and will be replaced with the query component of the request URL (including a leading "?" if and only if the request URL includes a query component).


